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S.B. 2






Sponsor: Beverly Ann Evans

             17      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             18      AMENDS:
             19          21-1-5, as last amended by Chapter 171, Laws of Utah 1998
             20          63B-7-501, as enacted by Chapter 67, Laws of Utah 1998
             21      ENACTS:
             22          63B-8-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             23          63B-8-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             24          63B-8-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             25          63B-8-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             26          63B-8-105, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             27          63B-8-106, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             28          63B-8-107, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             29          63B-8-108, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             30          63B-8-109, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             31          63B-8-110, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             32          63B-8-111, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             33          63B-8-112, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             34          63B-8-113, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35          63B-8-114, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36          63B-8-115, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37          63B-8-116, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             38          63B-8-117, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             39          63B-8-401, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             40          63B-8-402, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             41          63B-8-403, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             42          63B-8-404, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             43          63B-8-405, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44          63B-8-406, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             45          63B-8-407, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             46          63B-8-408, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             47          63B-8-409, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             48          63B-8-410, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             49          63B-8-411, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             50          63B-8-412, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             51          63B-8-413, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             52          63B-8-414, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             53          63B-8-415, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             54          63B-8-416, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             55          63B-8-417, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             56          63B-8-501, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             57          63B-8-502, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             58      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

             59          Section 1. Section 21-1-5 is amended to read:
             60           21-1-5. Civil fees of the courts of record -- Courts complex design.
             61          (1) (a) The fee for filing any civil complaint or petition invoking the jurisdiction of a court
             62      of record not governed by another subsection is $120.
             63          (b) The fee for filing a complaint or petition is:
             64          (i) $37 if the claim for damages or amount in interpleader exclusive of court costs, interest,
             65      and attorney fees is $2,000 or less;
             66          (ii) $80 if the claim for damages or amount in interpleader exclusive of court costs,
             67      interest, and attorney fees is greater than $2,000 and less than $10,000;
             68          (iii) $120 if the claim for damages or amount in interpleader is $10,000 or more; and
             69          (iv) $80 if the petition is filed under Title 30, Chapter 3, Divorce, or Title 30, Chapter 4,
             70      Separate Maintenance.
             71          (c) The fee for filing a small claims affidavit is:
             72          (i) $37 if the claim for damages or amount in interpleader exclusive of court costs, interest,
             73      and attorney fees is $2,000 or less; and
             74          (ii) $60 if the claim for damages or amount in interpleader exclusive of court costs,
             75      interest, and attorney fees is greater than $2,000.
             76          (d) The fee for filing a counter claim, cross claim, complaint in intervention, third party
             77      complaint, or other claim for relief against an existing or joined party other than the original
             78      complaint or petition is:
             79          (i) $45 if the claim for relief exclusive of court costs, interest, and attorney fees is $2,000
             80      or less;
             81          (ii) $60 if the claim for relief exclusive of court costs, interest, and attorney fees is greater
             82      than $2,000 and less than $10,000;
             83          (iii) $90 if the original petition is filed under Subsection (1)(a) or when the claim for relief
             84      is $10,000 or more; and
             85          (iv) $60 if the original petition is filed under Title 30, Chapter 3, Divorce, or Title 30,
             86      Chapter 4, Separate Maintenance.
             87          (e) The fee for filing a small claims counter affidavit is:
             88          (i) $35 if the claim for relief exclusive of court costs, interest, and attorney fees is $2,000
             89      or less; and

             90          (ii) $50 if the claim for relief exclusive of court costs, interest, and attorney fees is greater
             91      than $2,000.
             92          (f) The fee for depositing funds under Section 57-1-29 when not associated with an action
             93      already before the court is determined under Subsection (1)(b) based on the amount deposited.
             94          (g) The fee for filing a petition for trial de novo of an adjudication of the justice court or
             95      of the small claims department is $70.
             96          (h) The fee for filing a notice of appeal, petition for appeal of an interlocutory order, or
             97      petition for writ of certiorari is $190.
             98          (i) (i) Except for a petition filed under Subsection 77-18-10 (2), the fee for filing a petition
             99      for expungement is $50.
             100          (ii) There is no fee for a petition filed under Subsection 77-18-10 (2).
             101          (j) (i) Fifteen dollars of the fees established by Subsections (1)(a) through (i) shall be
             102      allocated to the Judges' Retirement Trust Fund, as provided in Title 49, Chapter 6, Judges'
             103      Retirement Act.
             104          (ii) Two dollars of the fees established by Subsections (1)(a) through (i) shall be allocated
             105      by the state treasurer to be deposited in the restricted account, Children's Legal Defense Account,
             106      as provided in Section 63-63a-8 .
             107          (iii) One dollar of the fees established under Subsections (1)(a) through (e), (1)(g), and
             108      (1)(r) shall be allocated to and deposited with the Dispute Resolution Fund as provided in Section
             109      78-31b-9 .
             110          (k) The fee for filing a judgment, order, or decree of a court of another state or of the
             111      United States is $25.
             112          (l) The fee for filing probate or child custody documents from another state is $25.
             113          (m) (i) The fee for filing an abstract or transcript of judgment, order, or decree of the Utah
             114      State Tax Commission is $30.
             115          (ii) The fee for filing an abstract or transcript of judgment of a court of law of this state
             116      or a judgment, order, or decree of an administrative agency, commission, board, council, or hearing
             117      officer of this state or of its political subdivisions other than the Utah State Tax Commission, is
             118      $40.
             119          (n) The fee for filing a judgment by confession without action under Section 78-22-3 is
             120      $25.

             121          (o) The fee for filing an award of arbitration for confirmation, modification, or vacation
             122      under Title 78, Chapter 31a, Utah Arbitration Act, that is not part of an action before the court is
             123      $25.
             124          (p) The fee for filing a petition or counter-petition to modify a decree of divorce is $30.
             125          (q) The fee for filing any accounting required by law is:
             126          (i) $10 for an estate valued at $50,000 or less;
             127          (ii) $20 for an estate valued at $75,000 or less but more than $50,000;
             128          (iii) $40 for an estate valued at $112,000 or less but more than $75,000;
             129          (iv) $80 for an estate valued at $168,000 or less but more than $112,000; and
             130          (v) $150 for an estate valued at more than $168,000.
             131          (r) The fee for filing a demand for a civil jury is $50.
             132          (s) The fee for filing a notice of deposition in this state concerning an action pending in
             133      another state under Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 26 is $25.
             134          (t) The fee for filing documents that require judicial approval but are not part of an action
             135      before the court is $25.
             136          (u) The fee for a petition to open a sealed record is $25.
             137          (v) The fee for a writ of replevin, attachment, execution, or garnishment is $20 in addition
             138      to any fee for a complaint or petition.
             139          (w) The fee for a petition for authorization for a minor to marry required by Section 30-1-9
             140      is $5.
             141          (x) The fee for a certificate issued under Section 26-2-25 is $2.
             142          (y) The fee for a certified copy of a document is $2 per document plus 50 cents per page.
             143          (z) The fee for an exemplified copy of a document is $4 per document plus 50 cents per
             144      page.
             145          (aa) The Judicial Council shall by rule establish a schedule of fees for copies of documents
             146      and forms and for the search and retrieval of records under Title 63, Chapter 2, Government
             147      Records Access and Management Act. Fees under this subsection shall be credited to the court
             148      as a reimbursement of expenditures.
             149          (bb) There is no fee for services or the filing of documents not listed in this section or
             150      otherwise provided by law.
             151          (cc) Except as provided in this section, all fees collected under this section are paid to the

             152      General Fund. Except as provided in this section, all fees shall be paid at the time the clerk accepts
             153      the pleading for filing or performs the requested service.
             154          (dd) The filing fees under this section may not be charged to the state, its agencies, or
             155      political subdivisions filing or defending any action. In judgments awarded in favor of the state,
             156      its agencies, or political subdivisions, except the Office of Recovery Services, the court shall order
             157      the filing fees and collection costs to be paid by the judgment debtor. The sums collected under
             158      this subsection shall be applied to the fees after credit to the judgment, order, fine, tax, lien, or
             159      other penalty and costs permitted by law.
             160          (2) (a) (i) From March 17, 1994 until June 30, 1998, the administrator of the courts shall
             161      transfer all revenues representing the difference between the fees in effect after May 2, 1994, and
             162      the fees in effect before February 1, 1994, as dedicated credits to the Division of Facilities
             163      Construction and Management Capital Projects Fund.
             164          (ii) (A) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(ii)(B), the Division of Facilities
             165      Construction and Management shall use up to $3,750,000 of the revenue deposited in the Capital
             166      Projects Fund under this Subsection (2)(a) to design and take other actions necessary to initiate the
             167      development of a courts complex in Salt Lake City.
             168          (B) If the Legislature approves funding for construction of a courts complex in Salt Lake
             169      City in the 1995 Annual General Session, the Division of Facilities Construction and Management
             170      shall use the revenue deposited in the Capital Projects Fund under Subsection (2)(a)(ii) to construct
             171      a courts complex in Salt Lake City.
             172          (C) After the courts complex is completed and all bills connected with its construction
             173      have been paid, the Division of Facilities Construction and Management shall use any monies
             174      remaining in the Capital Projects Fund under Subsection (2)(a)(ii) to fund the Vernal District Court
             175      building.
             176          (iii) The Division of Facilities Construction and Management may enter into agreements
             177      and make expenditures related to this project before the receipt of revenues provided for under this
             178      subsection.
             179          (iv) The Division of Facilities Construction and Management shall:
             180          (A) make those expenditures from unexpended and unencumbered building funds already
             181      appropriated to the Capital Projects Fund; and
             182          (B) reimburse the Capital Projects Fund upon receipt of the revenues provided for under

             183      this Subsection (2).
             184          (b) After June 30, 1998, the administrator of the courts shall ensure that all revenues
             185      representing the difference between the fees in effect after May 2, 1994, and the fees in effect
             186      before February 1, 1994, are transferred to the Division of Finance for deposit in the restricted
             187      account.
             188          (c) The Division of Finance shall deposit all revenues received from the court
             189      administrator into the restricted account created by this section.
             190          (d) (i) From May 1, 1995 until June 30, 1998, the administrator of the courts shall transfer
             191      $7 of the amount of a fine or bail forfeiture paid for a violation of Title 41, Motor Vehicles, in a
             192      court of record to the Division of Facilities Construction and Management Capital Projects Fund.
             193      The division of money pursuant to Section 78-3-14.5 shall be calculated on the balance of the fine
             194      or bail forfeiture paid.
             195          (ii) After June 30, 1998, the administrator of the courts shall transfer $7 of the amount of
             196      a fine or bail forfeiture paid for a violation of Title 41, Motor Vehicles, in a court of record to the
             197      Division of Finance for deposit in the restricted account created by this section. The division of
             198      money pursuant to Section 78-3-14.5 shall be calculated on the balance of the fine or bail forfeiture
             199      paid.
             200          (3) (a) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the State
             201      Courts Complex Account.
             202          (b) The Legislature may appropriate monies from the restricted account to the
             203      administrator of the courts for the following purposes only:
             204          (i) to repay costs associated with the construction of the court complex that were funded
             205      from sources other than revenues provided for under this subsection; and
             206          (ii) to cover operations and maintenance costs on the court complex.
             207          Section 2. Section 63B-7-501 is amended to read:
             208           63B-7-501. Revenue bond authorizations.
             209          (1) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority, under
             210      the authority of Title 63, Chapter 9a, State Building Ownership Act, may issue or execute
             211      obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests
             212      may be created, to provide up to $1,568,600 for the construction of a Utah Correctional Industries
             213      Facility at the Central Utah Correctional Facility at Gunnison, together with additional amounts

             214      necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service requirements.
             215          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with the Department
             216      of Corrections to seek out the most cost effective and prudent lease purchase plan available.
             217          (c) It is the intent of the Legislature that program revenues be used as the primary revenue
             218      source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this subsection.
             219          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             220          (a) the State Board of Regents, on behalf of the University of Utah, issue, sell, and deliver
             221      revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of the University of Utah to borrow money on
             222      the credit, income, and revenues of the University of Utah, other than appropriations of the
             223      Legislature, to finance the cost of constructing, furnishing, and equipping student housing;
             224          (b) University funds and housing rental revenues be used as the primary revenue source
             225      for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (2); and
             226          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this Subsection (2) may
             227      provide up to $86,000,000 together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
             228      capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
             229          (3) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             230          (a) the State Board of Regents on behalf of the University of Utah issue, sell, and deliver
             231      revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of the University of Utah to borrow money on
             232      the credit, income, and revenues of the University of Utah, other than appropriations of the
             233      Legislature, to finance the cost of constructing, furnishing, and equipping a Health Sciences
             234      Parking Structure;
             235          (b) University funds and parking revenues be used as the primary revenue source for
             236      repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (3); and
             237          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this Subsection (3) may
             238      provide up to $12,000,000, together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
             239      capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
             240          (4) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             241          (a) the State Board of Regents, on behalf of the University of Utah, issue, sell, and deliver
             242      revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of the University of Utah to borrow money on
             243      the credit and income and revenues of the University of Utah, other than appropriations of the
             244      Legislature, to finance the cost of constructing, furnishing, and equipping a Southwest Campus

             245      Parking Structure;
             246          (b) University funds and parking revenues be used as the primary revenue source for
             247      repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (4); and
             248          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this Subsection (4) may
             249      provide up to [$6,500,000] $7,200,000, together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of
             250      issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
             251          (5) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             252          (a) the State Board of Regents, on behalf of the University of Utah, issue, sell, and deliver
             253      revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of the University of Utah to borrow money on
             254      the credit and income and revenues of the University of Utah, other than appropriations of the
             255      Legislature, to finance the cost of constructing, furnishing, and equipping an expansion of the
             256      Eccles Broadcast Center;
             257          (b) University funds and service revenues be used as the primary revenue source for
             258      repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (5); and
             259          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this Subsection (5) may
             260      provide up to $5,100,000, together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
             261      capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
             262          (6) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             263          (a) the State Board of Regents, on behalf of the University of Utah, issue, sell, and deliver
             264      revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of the University of Utah to borrow money on
             265      the credit and income and revenues of the University of Utah, other than appropriations of the
             266      Legislature, to finance the cost of constructing, furnishing, equipping, and remodeling facilities
             267      for perinatal services, adult critical care services, clinical training and support, and upgrade of the
             268      University Hospital Rehabilitation Unit, and for purchase of the University Neuropsychiatric
             269      Institute and Summit Health Center in Park West;
             270          (b) University Hospital revenues be used as the primary revenue source for repayment of
             271      any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (6); and
             272          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this Subsection (6) may
             273      provide up to $23,300,000 together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
             274      capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
             275          (7) It is the intent of the Legislature that:

             276          (a) the State Board of Regents, on behalf of Weber State University, issue, sell, and deliver
             277      revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of Weber State University to borrow money on
             278      the credit and income and revenues of Weber State University, other than appropriations of the
             279      Legislature, to finance the cost of constructing, furnishing, and equipping student housing;
             280          (b) University funds and housing rental revenues be used as the primary revenue source
             281      for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (7); and
             282          (c) the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness authorized by this Subsection (7) may
             283      provide up to $19,000,000 together with other amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay
             284      capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
             285          (8) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority, under
             286      the authority of Title 63, Chapter 9a, State Building Ownership Act, may issue or execute
             287      obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests
             288      may be created, to provide up to $1,100,000 for the construction of surplus property facilities for
             289      the Division of Fleet Operations, together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of
             290      issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
             291          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority shall work cooperatively with the Department
             292      of Administrative Services to seek out the most cost effective and prudent lease purchase plan
             293      available.
             294          (c) It is the intent of the Legislature that Internal Service Fund revenues be used as the
             295      primary revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection
             296      (8).
             297          (9) (a) Contingent upon the state of Utah receiving a perfected security interest in
             298      accordance with Senate Joint Resolution 14, 1998 annual general session, the State Building
             299      Ownership Authority, under authority of Title 63, Chapter 9a, State Building Ownership Authority
             300      Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in
             301      which participation interests may be created, to provide up to $25,000,000 for the cost of
             302      constructing, furnishing, and equipping housing facilities at the University of Utah, together with
             303      additional amounts necessary to:
             304          (i) pay costs of issuance;
             305          (ii) pay capitalized interest; and
             306          (iii) fund any debt service reserve requirements.

             307          (b) The State Building Ownership Authority and the University of Utah may enter into real
             308      estate arrangements and security arrangements that are:
             309          (i) necessary to accomplish the purposes of this subsection; and
             310          (ii) not inconsistent with the requirements of Senate Joint Resolution 14, 1998 annual
             311      general session.
             312          (10) In order to achieve a debt service savings, it is the intent of the Legislature that the
             313      State Building Ownership Authority, under authority of Title 63, Chapter 9a, State Building
             314      Ownership Authority Act, may issue or execute obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease
             315      purchase agreement in which participation interests may be created, to provide sufficient funding
             316      to exercise the state's option to purchase the Youth Corrections Facility in Salt Lake County
             317      currently financed by Salt Lake County.
             318          Section 3. Section 63B-8-101 is enacted to read:

Part 1. Capital Facilities General Obligation Bond

             321          63B-8-101. State Bonding Commission authorized to issue general obligation bonds.
             322          The commission created under Section 63B-1-201 may issue and sell general obligation
             323      bonds of the state pledging the full faith, credit, and resources of the state for the payment of the
             324      principal of and interest on the bonds to provide funds to the division.
             325          Section 4. Section 63B-8-102 is enacted to read:
             326          63B-8-102. Maximum amount -- Projects authorized.
             327          (1) The total amount of bonds issued under this part may not exceed $48,500,000.
             328          (2) (a) Proceeds from the issuance of bonds shall be provided to the division to provide
             329      funds to pay all or part of the cost of acquiring and constructing the projects listed in this
             330      Subsection (2).
             331          (b) These costs may include the cost of acquiring land, interests in land, easements and
             332      rights-of-way, improving sites, and acquiring, constructing, equipping, and furnishing facilities and
             333      all structures, roads, parking facilities, utilities, and improvements necessary, incidental, or
             334      convenient to the facilities, interest estimated to accrue on these bonds during the period to be
             335      covered by construction of the projects plus a period of six months after the end of the construction
             336      period, and all related engineering, architectural, and legal fees.
             337          (c) For the division, proceeds shall be provided for the following:

             338          PROJECT                    AMOUNT        ESTIMATED
             339          DESCRIPTION                FUNDED        OPERATIONS AND
             340                                              MAINTENANCE
             341          Southern Utah University -            $2,493,200            $447,744
             342              Physical Education Building
             343          Utah Valley State College -            $29,000,000            $721,875
             344              Information Sciences Building
             345          University of Utah -                 $7,268,500            $140,217
             346              Cowles Building Renovation
             347          Vernal District Court                $4,539,500            $149,989
             348          Salt Lake Community College -        $4,200,000            $281,784
             349              Applied Education Center
             350          TOTAL CAPITAL AND            $47,501,200
             351          ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
             352          (d) For purposes of this section, operations and maintenance costs:
             353          (i) are estimates only;
             354          (ii) may include any operations and maintenance costs already funded in existing agency
             355      budgets; and
             356          (iii) are not commitments by this Legislature or future Legislatures to fund those
             357      operations and maintenance costs.
             358          (3) (a) The amounts funded as listed in Subsection (2) are estimates only and do not
             359      constitute a limitation on the amount that may be expended for any project.
             360          (b) The board may revise these estimates and redistribute the amount estimated for a
             361      project among the projects authorized.
             362          (c) The commission, by resolution and in consultation with the board, may delete one or
             363      more projects from this list if the inclusion of that project or those projects in the list could be
             364      construed to violate state law or federal law or regulation.
             365          (4) (a) The division may enter into agreements related to these projects before the receipt
             366      of proceeds of bonds issued under this chapter.
             367          (b) The division shall make those expenditures from unexpended and unencumbered
             368      building funds already appropriated to the Capital Projects Fund.

             369          (c) The division shall reimburse the Capital Projects Fund upon receipt of the proceeds of
             370      bonds issued under this chapter.
             371          (d) The commission may, by resolution, make any statement of intent relating to that
             372      reimbursement that is necessary or desirable to comply with federal tax law.
             373          (5) (a) For those projects for which only partial funding is provided in Subsection (2), it
             374      is the intent of the Legislature that the balance necessary to complete the projects be addressed by
             375      future Legislatures, either through appropriations or through the issuance or sale of bonds.
             376          (b) For those phased projects, the division may enter into contracts for amounts not to
             377      exceed the anticipated full project funding but may not allow work to be performed on those
             378      contracts in excess of the funding already authorized by the Legislature.
             379          (c) Those contracts shall contain a provision for termination of the contract for the
             380      convenience of the state as required by Section 63-56-40 .
             381          (d) It is also the intent of the Legislature that this authorization to the division does not
             382      bind future Legislatures to fund projects initiated from this authorization.
             383          Section 5. Section 63B-8-103 is enacted to read:
             384          63B-8-103. Use of bond proceeds for issuance and other costs.
             385          The proceeds of bonds issued under this chapter shall be used for the purposes described
             386      in Section 63B-8-102 and to pay all or part of any cost incident to the issuance and sale of the
             387      bonds including, without limitation, printing, registration and transfer costs, legal fees, trustees'
             388      fees, financial advisors' fees, and underwriters' discounts.
             389          Section 6. Section 63B-8-104 is enacted to read:
             390          63B-8-104. Manner of issuance -- Amounts, interest, and maturity.
             391          (1) Bonds issued under this chapter may be authorized, sold, and issued at times and in a
             392      manner determined by the commission by resolution.
             393          (2) Bonds may be issued in one or more series, in amounts, and shall bear dates, interest
             394      rate or rates, including a variable rate, and maturity dates as the commission determines by
             395      resolution.
             396          (3) A bond issued may not mature later than 20 years after the date of final passage of this
             397      chapter.
             398          Section 7. Section 63B-8-105 is enacted to read:
             399          63B-8-105. Terms and conditions of sale -- Plan of financing -- Signatures --

             400      Replacement -- Registration -- Federal rebate.
             401          (1) In the issuance of bonds, the commission may determine by resolution:
             402          (a) the manner of sale, including public or private sale;
             403          (b) the terms and conditions of sale, including price, whether at, below, or above face
             404      value;
             405          (c) denominations;
             406          (d) form;
             407          (e) manner of execution;
             408          (f) manner of authentication;
             409          (g) place and medium of purchase;
             410          (h) redemption terms; and
             411          (i) other provisions and details it considers appropriate.
             412          (2) The commission may by resolution adopt a plan of financing, which may include terms
             413      and conditions of arrangements entered into by the commission on behalf of the state with financial
             414      and other institutions for letters of credit, standby letters of credit, reimbursement agreements, and
             415      remarketing, indexing, and tender agent agreements to secure the bonds, including payment from
             416      any legally available source of fees, charges, or other amounts coming due under the agreements
             417      entered into by the commission.
             418          (3) (a) Any signature of a public official authorized by resolution of the commission to
             419      sign the bonds may be a facsimile signature of that official imprinted, engraved, stamped, or
             420      otherwise placed on the bonds.
             421          (b) If all signatures of public officials on the bonds are facsimile signatures, provision shall
             422      be made for a manual authenticating signature on the bonds by or on behalf of a designated
             423      authentication agent.
             424          (c) If an official ceases to hold office before delivery of the bonds signed by that official,
             425      the signature or facsimile signature of the official is nevertheless valid for all purposes.
             426          (d) A facsimile of the state seal may be imprinted, engraved, stamped, or otherwise placed
             427      on the bonds.
             428          (4) (a) The commission may enact resolutions providing for the replacement of lost,
             429      destroyed, or mutilated bonds, or for the exchange of bonds after issuance for bonds of smaller or
             430      larger denominations.

             431          (b) Bonds in changed denominations shall:
             432          (i) be exchanged for the original bonds in like aggregate principal amounts and in a
             433      manner that prevents the duplication of interest; and
             434          (ii) bear interest at the same rate, mature on the same date, and be as nearly as practicable
             435      in the form of the original bonds.
             436          (5) (a) Bonds may be registered as to both principal and interest or may be in a book entry
             437      form under which the right to principal and interest may be transferred only through a book entry.
             438          (b) The commission may provide for the services and payment for the services of one or
             439      more financial institutions or other entities or persons, or nominees, within or outside the state, for
             440      the authentication, registration, transfer, including record, bookkeeping, or book entry functions,
             441      exchange, and payment of the bonds.
             442          (c) The records of ownership, registration, transfer, and exchange of the bonds, and of
             443      persons to whom payment with respect to the obligations are made, are private records as provided
             444      in Section 63-2-302 or protected records as provided in Section 63-2-304 .
             445          (d) The bonds and any evidences of participation interest in the bonds may be issued,
             446      executed, authenticated, registered, transferred, exchanged, and otherwise made to comply with
             447      Title 15, Chapter 7, Registered Public Obligations Act, or any other act of the Legislature relating
             448      to the registration of obligations enacted to meet the requirements of Section 149 of the Internal
             449      Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any successor to it, and applicable regulations.
             450          (6) The commission may:
             451          (a) by resolution, provide for payment to the United States of whatever amounts are
             452      necessary to comply with Section 148 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; and
             453          (b) enter into agreements with financial and other institutions and attorneys to provide for:
             454          (i) the calculation, holding, and payment of those amounts; and
             455          (ii) payment from any legally available source of fees, charges, or other amounts coming
             456      due under any agreements entered into by the commission.
             457          Section 8. Section 63B-8-106 is enacted to read:
             458          63B-8-106. Constitutional debt limitation.
             459          (1) The commission may not issue bonds under this chapter in an amount that violates the
             460      limitation described in Utah Constitution Article XIV, Section 1.
             461          (2) For purposes of applying the debt limitation contained in Utah Constitution Article

             462      XIV, Section 1, the value of the taxable property in Utah is considered to be 100% of the fair
             463      market value of the taxable property of the state, as computed from the last assessment for state
             464      purposes previous to the issuance of the bonds.
             465          Section 9. Section 63B-8-107 is enacted to read:
             466          63B-8-107. Tax levy -- Abatement of tax.
             467          (1) Each year after issuance of the bonds and until all outstanding bonds are retired, there
             468      is levied a direct annual tax on all real and personal property within the state subject to state
             469      taxation, sufficient to pay:
             470          (a) applicable bond redemption premiums, if any;
             471          (b) interest on the bonds as it becomes due; and
             472          (c) principal of the bonds as it becomes due.
             473          (2) (a) The State Tax Commission shall fix the rate of the direct annual tax levy each year.
             474          (b) The tax shall be collected and the proceeds applied as provided in this chapter.
             475          (3) The direct annual tax imposed under this section is abated to the extent money is
             476      available from sources, other than ad valorem taxes in the sinking fund, for the payment of bond
             477      interest, principal, and redemption premiums.
             478          Section 10. Section 63B-8-108 is enacted to read:
             479          63B-8-108. Creation of sinking fund.
             480          (1) There is created a sinking fund, to be administered by the state treasurer, entitled the
             481      "1999 General Obligation Bonds Sinking Fund."
             482          (2) All monies deposited in the sinking fund, from whatever source, shall be used to pay
             483      debt service on the bonds.
             484          (3) The proceeds of all taxes levied under this chapter are appropriated to this fund.
             485          (4) The state treasurer may create separate accounts within the sinking fund for each series
             486      of bonds issued.
             487          Section 11. Section 63B-8-109 is enacted to read:
             488          63B-8-109. Payment of interest, principal, and redemption premiums.
             489          (1) The Division of Finance shall draw warrants on the state treasury before any interest,
             490      principal, or redemption premiums become due on the bonds.
             491          (2) After receipt of the warrants, the state treasurer shall:
             492          (a) promptly pay the warrants from funds within the sinking fund; and

             493          (b) immediately transmit the amount paid to the paying agent for the bonds.
             494          Section 12. Section 63B-8-110 is enacted to read:
             495          63B-8-110. Investment of sinking fund money.
             496          (1) The state treasurer may, by following the procedures and requirements of Title 51,
             497      Chapter 7, State Money Management Act, invest any money contained in the sinking fund until
             498      it is needed for the purposes for which the fund is created.
             499          (2) Unless otherwise provided in the resolution of the commission authorizing the issuance
             500      of bonds under this chapter, the treasurer shall retain all income from the investment of any money
             501      contained in the sinking fund in the sinking fund and use it for the payment of debt service on the
             502      bonds.
             503          Section 13. Section 63B-8-111 is enacted to read:
             504          63B-8-111. Bond proceeds -- Deposits -- Investment -- Disposition of investment
             505      income and unexpended proceeds.
             506          (1) (a) Proceeds from the sale of bonds issued under this chapter shall be deposited within
             507      one or more accounts as determined by resolution of the commission.
             508          (b) The state treasurer shall administer and maintain these accounts unless otherwise
             509      provided by the commission by resolution.
             510          (c) The commission by resolution may provide for the deposit of these monies with a
             511      trustee and the administration, disposition, or investment of these monies by this trustee.
             512          (2) (a) The commission by resolution shall provide for the kinds of investments in which
             513      the proceeds of bonds issued under this chapter may be invested.
             514          (b) Income from the investment of proceeds of bonds issued under this chapter shall be
             515      applied as provided by resolution of the commission.
             516          (3) Any unexpended bond proceeds issued under this chapter shall be deposited, upon
             517      completion of the purposes for which the bonds were issued, in the sinking fund, unless otherwise
             518      provided in the resolution of the commission authorizing the issuance of bonds under this chapter.
             519          Section 14. Section 63B-8-112 is enacted to read:
             520          63B-8-112. Refunding of bonds.
             521          (1) The commission may provide for the refunding of any of the bonds in accordance with
             522      Title 11, Chapter 27, Utah Refunding Bond Act.
             523          (2) For purposes of Title 11, Chapter 27, Utah Refunding Bond Act, the state is considered

             524      the public body and the commission its governing body.
             525          Section 15. Section 63B-8-113 is enacted to read:
             526          63B-8-113. Certification of satisfaction of conditions precedent -- Conclusiveness.
             527          (1) The commission may not issue any bond under this chapter until it finds and certifies
             528      that all conditions precedent to issuance of the bonds have been satisfied.
             529          (2) A recital on any bond of this finding and certification conclusively establishes the
             530      completion and satisfaction of all conditions precedent.
             531          Section 16. Section 63B-8-114 is enacted to read:
             532          63B-8-114. Tax exemption.
             533          The bonds issued under this chapter, any interest paid on the bonds, and any income from
             534      the bonds are not taxable in this state for any purpose, except for the corporate franchise tax.
             535          Section 17. Section 63B-8-115 is enacted to read:
             536          63B-8-115. Legal investment status.
             537          Bonds issued under this chapter are legal investments for all state trust funds, insurance
             538      companies, banks, trust companies, and the State School Fund and may be used as collateral to
             539      secure legal obligations.
             540          Section 18. Section 63B-8-116 is enacted to read:
             541          63B-8-116. Publication of resolution or notice -- Limitation on actions to contest
             542      legality.
             543          (1) The commission may:
             544          (a) publish any resolution it adopts under this chapter once in a newspaper having general
             545      circulation in Utah; or
             546          (b) in lieu of publishing the entire resolution, publish a notice of bonds to be issued, titled
             547      as such, containing the information required in Subsection 11-14-21 (3).
             548          (2) (a) Any interested person, for 30 days after the date of publication, may contest:
             549          (i) the legality of the resolution;
             550          (ii) any of the bonds authorized under it; or
             551          (iii) any of the provisions made for the security and repayment of the bonds.
             552          (b) After 30 days, a person may not contest the legality of the resolution, any of the bonds
             553      authorized under it, or any of the provisions made for the security and repayment of the bonds for
             554      any cause.

             555          Section 19. Section 63B-8-117 is enacted to read:
             556          63B-8-117. Report to Legislature.
             557          The governor shall report the commission's proceedings to each annual general session of
             558      the Legislature in his budget for as long as bonds issued under this chapter remain outstanding.
             559          Section 20. Section 63B-8-401 is enacted to read:
Part 4. Computer System General Obligation Bonds

             561          63B-8-401. State Bonding Commission authorized to issue general obligation bonds.
             562          The commission created under Section 63B-1-201 may issue and sell general obligation
             563      bonds of the state pledging the full faith, credit, and resources of the state for the payment of the
             564      principal of and interest on the bonds to provide funds to the State Tax Commission.
             565          Section 21. Section 63B-8-402 is enacted to read:
             566          63B-8-402. Maximum amount -- Projects authorized.
             567          (1) The total amount of bonds issued under this part may not exceed $7,400,000.
             568          (2) (a) Proceeds from the issuance of bonds shall be provided to the State Tax Commission
             569      to provide funds to pay all or part of the cost of the project described in this Subsection (2).
             570          (b) These costs may include:
             571          (i) the cost of acquisition, development, and conversion of computer hardware and
             572      software for motor vehicle fee systems and tax collection and accounting systems of the state;
             573          (ii) interest estimated to accrue on these bonds during the period to be covered by that
             574      development and conversion, plus a period of six months following the completion of the
             575      development and conversion; and
             576          (iii) all related engineering, consulting, and legal fees.
             577          (c) For the State Tax Commission, proceeds shall be provided for the following:
             578          PROJECT                             AMOUNT
             579          DESCRIPTION                        FUNDED
             580          UTAX Systems --                        $7,000,000
             581          Acquisition and Development
             582          (3) The commission, by resolution may decline to issue bonds if the project could be
             583      construed to violate state law or federal law or regulation.
             584          (4) (a) For this project, for which only partial funding is provided in Subsection (2), it is
             585      the intent of the Legislature that the balance necessary to complete the project be addressed by

             586      future Legislatures, either through appropriations or through the issuance or sale of bonds.
             587          (b) The State Tax Commission may enter into contracts for amounts not to exceed the
             588      anticipated full project funding but may not allow work to be performed on those contracts in
             589      excess of the funding already authorized by the Legislature.
             590          (c) Those contracts shall contain a provision for termination of the contract for the
             591      convenience of the state as required by Section 63-56-40 .
             592          (d) It is also the intent of the Legislature that this authorization to the State Tax
             593      Commission does not bind future Legislatures to fund projects initiated from this authorization.
             594          Section 22. Section 63B-8-403 is enacted to read:
             595          63B-8-403. Use of bond proceeds for issuance and other costs.
             596          The proceeds of bonds issued under this chapter shall be used for the purposes described
             597      in Section 63B-8-402 and to pay all or part of any cost incident to the issuance and sale of the
             598      bonds including, without limitation, printing, registration and transfer costs, legal fees, trustees'
             599      fees, financial advisors' fees, and underwriters' discounts.
             600          Section 23. Section 63B-8-404 is enacted to read:
             601          63B-8-404. Manner of issuance -- Amounts, interest, and maturity.
             602          (1) Bonds issued under this chapter may be authorized, sold, and issued at times and in a
             603      manner determined by the commission by resolution.
             604          (2) Bonds may be issued in one or more series, in amounts, and shall bear dates, interest
             605      rate or rates, including a variable rate, and maturity dates as the commission determines by
             606      resolution.
             607          (3) A bond issued may not mature later than 20 years after the date of final passage of this
             608      chapter.
             609          Section 24. Section 63B-8-405 is enacted to read:
             610          63B-8-405. Terms and conditions of sale -- Plan of financing -- Signatures --
             611      Replacement -- Registration -- Federal rebate.
             612          (1) In the issuance of bonds, the commission may determine by resolution:
             613          (a) the manner of sale, including public or private sale;
             614          (b) the terms and conditions of sale, including price, whether at, below, or above face
             615      value;
             616          (c) denominations;

             617          (d) form;
             618          (e) manner of execution;
             619          (f) manner of authentication;
             620          (g) place and medium of purchase;
             621          (h) redemption terms; and
             622          (i) other provisions and details it considers appropriate.
             623          (2) The commission may by resolution adopt a plan of financing, which may include terms
             624      and conditions of arrangements entered into by the commission on behalf of the state with financial
             625      and other institutions for letters of credit, standby letters of credit, reimbursement agreements, and
             626      remarketing, indexing, and tender agent agreements to secure the bonds, including payment from
             627      any legally available source of fees, charges, or other amounts coming due under the agreements
             628      entered into by the commission.
             629          (3) (a) Any signature of a public official authorized by resolution of the commission to
             630      sign the bonds may be a facsimile signature of that official imprinted, engraved, stamped, or
             631      otherwise placed on the bonds.
             632          (b) If all signatures of public officials on the bonds are facsimile signatures, provision shall
             633      be made for a manual authenticating signature on the bonds by or on behalf of a designated
             634      authentication agent.
             635          (c) If an official ceases to hold office before delivery of the bonds signed by that official,
             636      the signature or facsimile signature of the official is nevertheless valid for all purposes.
             637          (d) A facsimile of the state seal may be imprinted, engraved, stamped, or otherwise placed
             638      on the bonds.
             639          (4) (a) The commission may enact resolutions providing for the replacement of lost,
             640      destroyed, or mutilated bonds, or for the exchange of bonds after issuance for bonds of smaller or
             641      larger denominations.
             642          (b) Bonds in changed denominations shall:
             643          (i) be exchanged for the original bonds in like aggregate principal amounts and in a
             644      manner that prevents the duplication of interest; and
             645          (ii) bear interest at the same rate, mature on the same date, and be as nearly as practicable
             646      in the form of the original bonds.
             647          (5) (a) Bonds may be registered as to both principal and interest or may be in a book entry

             648      form under which the right to principal and interest may be transferred only through a book entry.
             649          (b) The commission may provide for the services and payment for the services of one or
             650      more financial institutions or other entities or persons, or nominees, within or outside the state, for
             651      the authentication, registration, transfer, including record, bookkeeping, or book entry functions,
             652      exchange, and payment of the bonds.
             653          (c) The records of ownership, registration, transfer, and exchange of the bonds, and of
             654      persons to whom payment with respect to the obligations are made, are private records as provided
             655      in Section 63-2-302 or protected records as provided in Section 63-2-304 .
             656          (d) The bonds and any evidences of participation interest in the bonds may be issued,
             657      executed, authenticated, registered, transferred, exchanged, and otherwise made to comply with
             658      Title 15, Chapter 7, Registered Public Obligations Act, or any other act of the Legislature relating
             659      to the registration of obligations enacted to meet the requirements of Section 149 of the Internal
             660      Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any successor to it, and applicable regulations.
             661          (6) The commission may:
             662          (a) by resolution, provide for payment to the United States of whatever amounts are
             663      necessary to comply with Section 148 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; and
             664          (b) enter into agreements with financial and other institutions and attorneys to provide for:
             665          (i) the calculation, holding, and payment of those amounts; and
             666          (ii) payment from any legally available source of fees, charges, or other amounts coming
             667      due under any agreements entered into by the commission.
             668          Section 25. Section 63B-8-406 is enacted to read:
             669          63B-8-406. Constitutional debt limitation.
             670          (1) The commission may not issue bonds under this chapter in an amount that violates the
             671      limitation described in Utah Constitution Article XIV, Section 1.
             672          (2) For purposes of applying the debt limitation contained in Utah Constitution Article
             673      XIV, Section 1, the value of the taxable property in Utah is considered to be 100% of the fair
             674      market value of the taxable property of the state, as computed from the last assessment for state
             675      purposes previous to the issuance of the bonds.
             676          Section 26. Section 63B-8-407 is enacted to read:
             677          63B-8-407. Tax levy -- Abatement of tax.
             678          (1) Each year after issuance of the bonds and until all outstanding bonds are retired, there

             679      is levied a direct annual tax on all real and personal property within the state subject to state
             680      taxation, sufficient to pay:
             681          (a) applicable bond redemption premiums, if any;
             682          (b) interest on the bonds as it becomes due; and
             683          (c) principal of the bonds as it becomes due.
             684          (2) (a) The State Tax Commission shall fix the rate of the direct annual tax levy each year.
             685          (b) The tax shall be collected and the proceeds applied as provided in this chapter.
             686          (3) The direct annual tax imposed under this section is abated to the extent money is
             687      available from sources, other than ad valorem taxes in the sinking fund, for the payment of bond
             688      interest, principal, and redemption premiums.
             689          Section 27. Section 63B-8-408 is enacted to read:
             690          63B-8-408. Creation of sinking fund.
             691          (1) There is created a sinking fund, to be administered by the state treasurer, entitled the
             692      "1999 General Obligation Project Bonds Sinking Fund."
             693          (2) All monies deposited in the sinking fund, from whatever source, shall be used to pay
             694      debt service on the bonds.
             695          (3) The proceeds of all taxes levied under this chapter are appropriated to this fund.
             696          (4) The state treasurer may create separate accounts within the sinking fund for each series
             697      of bonds issued.
             698          Section 28. Section 63B-8-409 is enacted to read:
             699          63B-8-409. Payment of interest, principal, and redemption premiums.
             700          (1) The Division of Finance shall draw warrants on the state treasury before any interest,
             701      principal, or redemption premiums become due on the bonds.
             702          (2) After receipt of the warrants, the state treasurer shall:
             703          (a) promptly pay the warrants from funds within the sinking fund; and
             704          (b) immediately transmit the amount paid to the paying agent for the bonds.
             705          Section 29. Section 63B-8-410 is enacted to read:
             706          63B-8-410. Investment of sinking fund money.
             707          (1) The state treasurer may, by following the procedures and requirements of Title 51,
             708      Chapter 7, State Money Management Act, invest any money contained in the sinking fund until
             709      it is needed for the purposes for which the fund is created.

             710          (2) Unless otherwise provided in the resolution of the commission authorizing the issuance
             711      of bonds under this chapter, the treasurer shall retain all income from the investment of any money
             712      contained in the sinking fund in the sinking fund and use it for the payment of debt service on the
             713      bonds.
             714          Section 30. Section 63B-8-411 is enacted to read:
             715          63B-8-411. Bond proceeds -- Deposits -- Investment -- Disposition of investment
             716      income and unexpended proceeds.
             717          (1) (a) Proceeds from the sale of bonds issued under this chapter shall be deposited within
             718      one or more accounts as determined by resolution of the commission.
             719          (b) The state treasurer shall administer and maintain these accounts unless otherwise
             720      provided by the commission by resolution.
             721          (c) The commission by resolution may provide for the deposit of these monies with a
             722      trustee and the administration, disposition, or investment of these monies by this trustee.
             723          (2) (a) The commission by resolution shall provide for the kinds of investments in which
             724      the proceeds of bonds issued under this chapter may be invested.
             725          (b) Income from the investment of proceeds of bonds issued under this chapter shall be
             726      applied as provided by resolution of the commission.
             727          (3) Any unexpended bond proceeds issued under this chapter shall be deposited, upon
             728      completion of the purposes for which the bonds were issued, in the sinking fund, unless otherwise
             729      provided in the resolution of the commission authorizing the issuance of bonds under this chapter.
             730          Section 31. Section 63B-8-412 is enacted to read:
             731          63B-8-412. Refunding of bonds.
             732          (1) The commission may provide for the refunding of any of the bonds in accordance with
             733      Title 11, Chapter 27, Utah Refunding Bond Act.
             734          (2) For purposes of Title 11, Chapter 27, Utah Refunding Bond Act, the state is considered
             735      the public body and the commission its governing body.
             736          Section 32. Section 63B-8-413 is enacted to read:
             737          63B-8-413. Certification of satisfaction of conditions precedent -- Conclusiveness.
             738          (1) The commission may not issue any bond under this chapter until it finds and certifies
             739      that all conditions precedent to issuance of the bonds have been satisfied.
             740          (2) A recital on any bond of this finding and certification conclusively establishes the

             741      completion and satisfaction of all conditions precedent.
             742          Section 33. Section 63B-8-414 is enacted to read:
             743          63B-8-414. Tax exemption.
             744          The bonds issued under this chapter, any interest paid on the bonds, and any income from
             745      the bonds are not taxable in this state for any purpose, except for the corporate franchise tax.
             746          Section 34. Section 63B-8-415 is enacted to read:
             747          63B-8-415. Legal investment status.
             748          Bonds issued under this chapter are legal investments for all state trust funds, insurance
             749      companies, banks, trust companies, and the State School Fund and may be used as collateral to
             750      secure legal obligations.
             751          Section 35. Section 63B-8-416 is enacted to read:
             752          63B-8-416. Publication of resolution or notice -- Limitation on actions to contest
             753      legality.
             754          (1) The commission may:
             755          (a) publish any resolution it adopts under this chapter once in a newspaper having general
             756      circulation in Utah; or
             757          (b) in lieu of publishing the entire resolution, publish a notice of bonds to be issued, titled
             758      as such, containing the information required in Subsection 11-14-21 (3).
             759          (2) (a) Any interested person, for 30 days after the date of publication, may contest:
             760          (i) the legality of the resolution;
             761          (ii) any of the bonds authorized under it; or
             762          (iii) any of the provisions made for the security and repayment of the bonds.
             763          (b) After 30 days, a person may not contest the legality of the resolution, any of the bonds
             764      authorized under it, or any of the provisions made for the security and repayment of the bonds for
             765      any cause.
             766          Section 36. Section 63B-8-417 is enacted to read:
             767          63B-8-417. Report to Legislature.
             768          The governor shall report the commission's proceedings to each annual general session of
             769      the Legislature in his budget for as long as bonds issued under this chapter remain outstanding.
             770          Section 37. Section 63B-8-501 is enacted to read:
             771          63B-8-501. Revenue bond authorizations.

             772          (1) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority, under
             773      the authority of Title 63, Chapter 9a, State Building Ownership Act, may issue or execute
             774      obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests
             775      may be created, to provide up to $2,510,000 for the acquisition of the Department of Human
             776      Services Office in Brigham City, together with additional amounts necessary to pay costs of
             777      issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt service reserve requirements.
             778          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that existing budgets for rent be used as the primary
             779      revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (1).
             780          (2) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Building Ownership Authority, under
             781      the authority of Title 63, Chapter 9a, State Building Ownership Act, may issue or execute
             782      obligations, or enter into or arrange for a lease purchase agreement in which participation interests
             783      may be created, to provide up to $6,518,000 for the construction of an office building to house the
             784      Department of Corrections and the Board of Pardons and Parole Administration, together with
             785      additional amounts necessary to pay costs of issuance, pay capitalized interest, and fund any debt
             786      service reserve requirements.
             787          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that existing budgets for rent be used as the primary
             788      revenue source for repayment of any obligation created under authority of this Subsection (2).
             789          Section 38. Section 63B-8-502 is enacted to read:
             790          63B-8-502. Other capital facility authorizations and intent language.
             791          (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             792          (a) Salt Lake Community College use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct an
             793      addition to the Student Activity Center at the Redwood Campus under the direction of the director
             794      of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been
             795      delegated; and
             796          (b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project.
             797          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             798          (a) Salt Lake Community College use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct the
             799      Student Activity Center at the Jordan Campus under the direction of the director of the Division
             800      of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated; and
             801          (b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project.
             802          (3) It is the intent of the Legislature that:

             803          (a) Southern Utah University use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct the
             804      Shakespearean Festival Scene Shop under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities
             805      Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated; and
             806          (b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project.
             807          (4) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             808          (a) the University of Utah plan, design, and construct a new East Campus Central Plant
             809      under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management
             810      unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
             811          (b) the project may be financed through a third party to the extent that energy savings
             812      resulting from the project are used to pay the annual debt service; and
             813          (c) the University of Utah obtains the approval of the Board of Regents before entering
             814      into a financing arrangement.
             815          (5) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             816          (a) the University of Utah use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a pedestrian
             817      bridge over Wasatch Drive under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities
             818      Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated; and
             819          (b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project.
             820          (6) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             821          (a) Utah State University use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct an addition
             822      to the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art under the direction of the director of the Division of
             823      Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
             824          (b) no state funds be used for the design and construction of this project; and
             825          (c) the University may request state funds for operations and maintenance to the extent it
             826      is able to demonstrate to the Board of Regents that the project meets approved academic and
             827      training purposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
             828          (7) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             829          (a) Utah State University use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a renovation
             830      and expansion of the Lyric Theater under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities
             831      Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
             832          (b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
             833          (c) the University may request state funds for operations and maintenance to the extent it

             834      is able to demonstrate to the Board of Regents that the project meets approved academic and
             835      training purposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
             836          (8) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             837          (a) the University of Utah use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct an
             838      expansion of the Pioneer Memorial Theater under the direction of the director of the Division of
             839      Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
             840          (b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
             841          (c) the University may request state funds for operations and maintenance to the extent it
             842      is able to demonstrate to the Board of Regents that the project meets approved academic and
             843      training purposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
             844          (9) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             845          (a) the University of Utah use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct an
             846      expansion of the College of Pharmacy under the direction of the director of the Division of
             847      Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
             848          (b) no state funds be used for the construction of this project; and
             849          (c) consideration be given to appropriating state funds for the increased operation and
             850      maintenance costs associated with academic programs and associated support.
             851          (10) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             852          (a) Weber State University use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a Visual
             853      Arts Building under the direction of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and
             854      Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated;
             855          (b) no state funds be used for the construction of this project; and
             856          (c) consideration be given to appropriating state funds for the increased operation and
             857      maintenance costs associated with academic programs and associated support.
             858          (11) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Corrections use federal funds
             859      to plan, design, and construct a 300 bed minimum security facility in Draper under the direction
             860      of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory
             861      authority has been delegated.
             862          (12) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             863          (a) the Department of Transportation pursue the sale of property located adjacent to the
             864      Region One Headquarters in Ogden; and

             865          (b) the Department of Transportation only expend those funds, up to the amount collected,
             866      to expand the current Region One Headquarters Building.
             867          (13) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Hospital be allowed to use available
             868      funding, up to $100,000, to purchase the property adjacent to the Provo campus.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-22-99 6:00 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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