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S.B. 113





Sponsor: Peter C. Knudson

             10      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             11      AMENDS:
             12          7-15-1, as last amended by Chapter 245, Laws of Utah 1997
             13          7-15-2, as last amended by Chapter 245, Laws of Utah 1997
             14          70C-1-302, as enacted by Chapter 159, Laws of Utah 1985
             15          70C-2-102, as last amended by Chapter 273, Laws of Utah 1998
             16          70C-3-101, as last amended by Chapter 20, Laws of Utah 1995
             17      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             18          Section 1. Section 7-15-1 is amended to read:
             19           7-15-1. Civil liability of issuer -- Notice of action -- Collection costs.
             20          (1) Any person who makes, draws, signs, or issues any check, draft, order, or other
             21      instrument upon any depository institution, whether as corporate agent or otherwise, for the
             22      purpose of obtaining from any person, firm, partnership, or corporation any money, merchandise,
             23      property, or other thing of value or paying for any service, wages, salary, or rent is liable to the
             24      holder of the check, draft, order, or other instrument if:
             25          (a) the check, draft, order, or other instrument:
             26          (i) is not honored upon presentment; and
             27          (ii) is marked "refer to maker"; or

             28          (b) the account upon which the check, draft, order, or other instrument has been made or
             29      drawn:
             30          (i) does not exist;
             31          (ii) has been closed; or
             32          (iii) does not have sufficient funds or sufficient credit for payment in full of the check,
             33      draft, or other instrument.
             34          (2) (a) [The] Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c), the holder of the check, draft, order,
             35      or other instrument that has been dishonored may:
             36          (i) give written or verbal notice of dishonor to the person making, drawing, signing, or
             37      issuing the check, draft, order, or other instrument; and
             38          (ii) impose a service charge that may not exceed $20.
             39          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a), a holder of a check, draft, order, or other instrument
             40      that has been dishonored may not charge the service charge permitted under Subsection (2)(a) if:
             41          (i) the holder redeposits the check, draft, order, or other instrument; and
             42          (ii) that check, draft, order, or other instrument is honored.
             43          (c) A holder of a check, draft, order, or other instrument that is dishonored is not subject
             44      to this Subsection (2) if:
             45          (i) the holder:
             46          (A) is a depository institution; or
             47          (B) a person that receives a payment on behalf of a depository institution;
             48          (ii) the check, draft, order, or other instrument is a payment on a loan that originated at the
             49      depository institution that:
             50          (A) is the holder; or
             51          (B) on behalf of which the holder received the payment; and
             52          (iii) the loan contract states a specific service charge for dishonor.
             53          (3) Prior to filing an action based upon this section, the holder of a dishonored check, draft,
             54      order, or other instrument shall give the person making, drawing, signing, or issuing the
             55      dishonored check, draft, order, or other instrument written notice of intent to file civil action,
             56      allowing the person seven days from the date on which the notice was mailed to tender payment
             57      in full, plus the service charge imposed for the dishonored check, draft, order, or other instrument.
             58          (4) In a civil action, the person making, drawing, signing, or issuing the check, draft, order,

             59      or other instrument is liable to the holder for:
             60          (a) the amount of the check, draft, order, or other instrument;
             61          (b) interest; and
             62          (c) all costs of collection, including all court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees.
             63          (5) As used in this section, "costs of collection" includes reasonable compensation, as
             64      approved by the court, for time expended if the collection is pursued personally by the holder and
             65      not through an agent.
             66          Section 2. Section 7-15-2 is amended to read:
             67           7-15-2. Notice -- Form.
             68          (1) (a) "Notice" means notice given to the person making, drawing, or issuing the check,
             69      draft, order, or other instrument either in person or in writing.
             70          (b) A written notice is conclusively presumed to have been given when properly deposited
             71      in the United States mails, postage prepaid, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested,
             72      and addressed to the signer at the signer's address as it appears on the check, draft, order, or other
             73      instrument or at the signer's last-known address.
             74          (2) Written notice as applied in Subsection 7-15-1 (3) shall take substantially the following
             75      form:
             76          Date: ____
             77          To: _____
             78          You are hereby notified that the check(s) described below issued by you has (have) been
             79      returned to us unpaid:
             80          Instrument date: ____
             81          Instrument number: ____
             82          Originating institution: ____
             83          Amount: ____
             84          Reason for dishonor (marked on instrument): ____
             85          This instrument, together with a service charge of $20 must be paid to the undersigned
             86      within seven days from the date of this notice in accordance with Section 7-15-1 , Utah Code
             87      Annotated, or appropriate civil legal action may be filed against you for the amount due and owing
             88      together with interest, court costs, attorneys' fees, and actual costs of collection as provided by law.
             89          In addition, the criminal code provides in Section 76-6-505 , Utah Code Annotated, that any

             90      person who issues or passes a check for the payment of money, for the purpose of obtaining from
             91      any person, firm, partnership, or corporation, any money, property, or other thing of value or
             92      paying for any services, wages, salary, labor, or rent, knowing it will not be paid by the drawee and
             93      payment is refused by the drawee, is guilty of issuing a bad check.
             94          The civil action referred to in this notice does not preclude the right to prosecute under the
             95      criminal code of the state [of Utah].
             96          (Signed)     _____________________________________________________________
             97          Name of Holder:     _______________________________________________________
             98          Address of Holder:     _____________________________________________________
             99          Telephone Number:     ____________________________________________________
             100          (3) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), if a holder is exempted from Subsection 7-15-1 (2)(a)
             101      under Subsection 7-15-1 (2)(c), the notice shall refer to the service charge imposed under the loan
             102      contract.
             103          Section 3. Section 70C-1-302 is amended to read:
             104           70C-1-302. Definitions.
             105          (1) As used in this title:
             106          [(1)] (a) "Agreement" means the bargain of the parties in fact as stated in a written contract
             107      or otherwise as found in the parties' language or by implication from other circumstances,
             108      including[, but not limited to,]:
             109          (i) course of dealing[,];
             110          (ii) usage of trade[,]; or
             111          (iii) course of performance.
             112          [(2)] (b) "Contract" means a document containing written terms and conditions of a credit
             113      agreement.
             114          [(3)] (c) "Creditor" means:
             115          [(a)] (i) a party [(i)]:
             116          (A) who regularly extends consumer credit that is subject to a finance charge or is payable
             117      by written agreement in more than four installments, not including a down payment[,]; and [(ii)]
             118          (B) to whom the obligation is initially payable, either on the face of the note or contract,
             119      or by agreement when there is no note or contract[. For purposes of this definition, a party is
             120      deemed to extend consumer credit regularly only if it extended credit more than 25 times, or more

             121      than five times for transactions secured by a dwelling, in the preceding calendar year. If a person
             122      did not meet these numerical standards in the preceding calendar year, the numerical standards
             123      shall be applied to the current calendar year];
             124          [(b)] (ii) any issuer of credit cards that extends either:
             125          (A) open-end credit; or
             126          (B) credit that is:
             127          (I) not subject to a finance charge; and [is not]
             128          (II) payable by written agreement in more than four installments; and
             129          [(c)] (iii) any credit card issuer that extends closed-end credit that is:
             130          (A) subject to a finance charge; or [is]
             131          (B) payable by written agreement in more than four installments.
             132          (d) "Depository institution" has the same meaning as in Section 7-1-103 .
             133          [(4)] (e) "Earnings" means compensation paid or payable to an individual or for [his] the
             134      individual's account for personal services rendered or to be rendered by [him] the individual
             135      whether denominated as wages, salary, commission, bonus, or otherwise, and includes periodic
             136      payments pursuant to a pension, retirement, or disability program.
             137          [(5)] (f) "Installment" means a payment upon a debt that is part of a series of payments,
             138      each of which is:
             139          (i) less than the original amount of the debt [and];
             140          (ii) scheduled as to a specific amount and due date by agreement of the parties; and
             141          (iii) for the purpose of repaying the debt.
             142          [(6)] (g) "Party" means any individual person and any other entity legally capable of
             143      entering into a binding contract.
             144          (h) "Prepayment" or "prepay" means a payment:
             145          (i) of the total amount of indebtedness or a substantial portion of that indebtedness owed
             146      under a contract, except late payment penalties if incurred or charged; and
             147          (ii) on a date before the sooner of the date:
             148          (A) specified in the contract on which the indebtedness paid is due under the contract; or
             149          (B) on which all payments, if timely made, shall have been made.
             150          (2) (a) For purposes of Subsection (1)(c)(i), a party is considered to extend consumer credit
             151      regularly only if during the preceding calendar year that party extends credit:

             152          (i) more than 25 times; or
             153          (ii) more than five times for transactions secured by a dwelling.
             154          (b) If a person did not meet the numerical standards under Subsection (2)(a) in the
             155      preceding calendar year, the numerical standards shall be applied to the current calendar year.
             156          Section 4. Section 70C-2-102 is amended to read:
             157           70C-2-102. Delinquency charges.
             158          (1) (a) The parties to any consumer credit agreement may contract for a delinquency charge
             159      on any installment not paid in full by its scheduled due date in an amount not exceeding the greater
             160      of:
             161          (i) $30; or
             162          (ii) 5% of the delinquent unpaid amount of the installment.
             163          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a), in a contract, renewed, executed, or modified on
             164      or after May 3, 1999, a depository institution may contract for and collect a delinquency charge
             165      on an installment not paid in full by its scheduled due date in excess of the limitation imposed
             166      under Subsection (1)(a).
             167          (2) This section may not be interpreted to require a creditor to accept a partial payment for
             168      an installment.
             169          [(2) ] (3)(a) A delinquency charge as authorized by this section may be collected only once
             170      on each installment[, however] regardless of how long it remains delinquent. [No]
             171          (b) A delinquency charge may not be collected if:
             172          (i) the installment has been deferred; and
             173          (ii) a deferral charge under Section 70C-2-103 has been paid or incurred.
             174          (c) A delinquency charge may be collected:
             175          (i) at the time it accrues; or [at]
             176          (ii) any time [thereafter] after it accrues.
             177          Section 5. Section 70C-3-101 is amended to read:
             178           70C-3-101. Prepayment of debt.
             179          (1) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a debtor may prepay the unpaid balance
             180      of a closed-end consumer credit debt at any time without penalty.
             181          (2) For purposes of this section:
             182          (a) [The] the unpaid balance of a closed-end consumer credit debt at any point in time shall

             183      consist only of:
             184          (i) any unpaid earned finance charge[,];
             185          (ii) the unpaid principal of the debt[, and];
             186          (iii) any delinquency or deferral charge that may be assessed:
             187          (A) prior to prepayment; or
             188          (B) at the time of prepayment; and
             189          (iv) other allowable charges that may have been assessed prior to prepayment[.];
             190          (b) (i) [Except] except as provided in Subsection (2)(c), the earned finance charge and
             191      unpaid principal shall be calculated only by the actuarial or United States Rule method from the
             192      date the credit is first extended to the debtor[, but];
             193          (ii) the creditor may accrue finance charges during any delay period pertaining to a right
             194      of rescission[.];
             195          (c) (i) [Any] any prepaid finance charge not exceeding 5% of the original principal amount
             196      of the debt which the parties expressly agree is nonrefundable in the event of prepayment shall be
             197      fully earned on the date the credit is extended[. Any additional];
             198          (ii) any prepaid finance charges in addition to the prepaid finance charge described in
             199      Subsection (2)(c)(i):
             200          (A) are [deemed] considered to be earned proportionally over the entire term of the
             201      agreement[,]; and
             202          (B) in that event of prepayment, any unearned portion of [such] the finance charge[,] shall
             203      be:
             204          (I) calculated on a pro rata basis according to the remaining term of the agreement[, shall
             205      be]; and
             206          (II) rebated[.]; and
             207          (d) [Any] any costs, charges, or fees paid to third parties in connection with setting up the
             208      credit are not subject to rebate unless the creditor becomes entitled to a rebate of any part of the
             209      cost, charge, or fee as a result of the prepayment.
             210          (3) (a) If the maturity of a closed-end consumer credit debt is accelerated for any reason
             211      and judgment is obtained, the debtor is entitled to have the unpaid balance of the debt calculated,
             212      [less any legal offset,] as if payment in full had been made on the date judgment was entered less
             213      any legal offset.

             214          (b) Interest on the judgment shall be the rate agreed on by the parties with respect to the
             215      debt.
             216          (4) The provisions of this section for calculating the unpaid balance of a debt apply to all
             217      prepayments of closed-end consumer credit debts after September 1, 1985, unless a different
             218      method for calculating the unpaid balance on prepayment is expressly provided for in a consumer
             219      credit contract which was:
             220          (a) entered into prior to July 1, 1985[,]; and [was]
             221          (b) lawful when made.
             222          (5) (a) In a contract executed, renewed, or modified on or after May 3, 1999, and subject
             223      to Subsections (5)(b), (c), and (d), the creditor and debtor of a closed-end consumer credit debt
             224      may contract for a prepayment penalty if:
             225          (i) the prepayment penalty only applies if the debtor prepays:
             226          (A) within three years after the date of the contract; and
             227          (B) more than 50% of the total amount owed under the contract at the time of the
             228      prepayment;
             229          (ii) the initial term of the contract is not less than seven years;
             230          (iii) the contract is for an initial principal amount of not less than $5,000;
             231          (iv) the creditor discloses to the debtor the option to obtain credit without a prepayment
             232      penalty at a higher annual percentage rate before the credit is extended; and
             233          (v) the creditor offers to extend credit without a prepayment penalty:
             234          (A) in the same principal amount as the extension of credit with the prepayment penalty;
             235          (B) at an annual percentage rate finance charge that is greater than the annual percentage
             236      rate finance charge offered on the extension of credit with the prepayment penalty; and
             237          (C) except for the annual percentage rate finance charge, upon the same terms and
             238      conditions as the extension of credit with the prepayment penalty.
             239          (b) (i) The amount of a prepayment penalty allowed under Subsection (5)(a) may not
             240      exceed an amount equal to six months interest calculated:
             241          (A) based on the average balance for the six months before the date of prepayment; and
             242          (B) at the rate of interest designated in the contract.
             243          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(b)(i), if the prepayment occurs before the expiration
             244      of six months from the date the contract was executed, the prepayment charge may be calculated

             245      based on the average balance from the date the contract was executed.
             246          (c) Any provision in a contract related to a prepayment penalty shall be printed in the credit
             247      contract in:
             248          (i) bold type; and
             249          (ii) no smaller than 10 point font.
             250          (d) (i) A creditor may not collect a prepayment penalty if the debtor refinances a closed
             251      end credit debt with:
             252          (A) the creditor that first extends the credit;
             253          (B) the owner of the debt receivable at the time the debt is refinanced; or
             254          (C) an affiliate of an entity described in Subsection (5)(d)(i)(A) or (B).
             255          (ii) For purposes of this Subsection (5)(d), "affiliate" means any entity:
             256          (A) owned or controlled by the same party;
             257          (B) that owns or controls:
             258          (I) the creditor that first extends the credit; or
             259          (II) the owner of the debt receivable at the time the debt is refinanced; or
             260          (C) that is owned or controlled by:
             261          (I) the creditor that first extends the credit; or
             262          (II) the owner of the debt receivable at the time the debt is refinanced.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-22-99 9:07 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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