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Fourth Substitute S.B. 156

Representative David L. Gladwell proposes to substitute the following bill:





Sponsor: L. Steven Poulton

             19      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             20      AMENDS:
             21          9-2-1303, as last amended by Chapter 206, Laws of Utah 1993
             22          9-2-1306, as last amended by Chapter 6, Laws of Utah 1996
             23          9-2-1311, as last amended by Chapter 6, Laws of Utah 1996
             24          11-37-101, as last amended by Chapter 200, Laws of Utah 1995
             25          63-55-209, as last amended by Chapter 13, Laws of Utah 1998

             26          63-95-102, as enacted by Chapter 152, Laws of Utah 1998
             27      ENACTS:
             28          9-13-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             29          9-13-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             30          9-13-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             31          9-13-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             32          9-13-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             33          9-13-203, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             34          9-13-204, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35          9-13-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36          9-13-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37          9-13-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             38          9-13-304, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             39          9-13-305, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             40          9-13-401, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             41          9-13-402, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             42          9-13-403, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             43          9-13-404, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44          9-13-405, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             45          9-13-406, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             46      REPEALS:
             47          9-2-701, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 241, Laws of Utah 1992
             48          9-2-702, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 241, Laws of Utah 1992
             49          9-2-703, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 241, Laws of Utah 1992
             50          9-2-704, as last amended by Chapter 243, Laws of Utah 1996
             51          9-2-705, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 241, Laws of Utah 1992
             52          9-2-706, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1997
             53          9-2-707, as last amended by Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 1993
             54      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             55          Section 1. Section 9-2-1303 is amended to read:
             56           9-2-1303. Utah Capital Access Fund.

             57          (1) (a) There is created within the office of the state treasurer the Utah Capital Access
             58      Fund.
             59          (b) The purpose of the fund created under Subsection (1)(a) shall be to encourage lending
             60      institutions to make debt capital more readily available to small businesses in Utah of a size that
             61      may be eligible for Small Business Administration loans under 13 C.F.R. Sec. 121.1.
             62          (c) The fund shall consist of any money appropriated by the Legislature, fees and
             63      premiums paid by participating lenders and borrowers, any other money from any other source,
             64      public or private, and interest and income earned on these monies.
             65          (2) The Utah Technology Finance Corporation created in [Part 7 of this chapter] Chapter
             66      13 shall administer and supervise the fund in all aspects and shall market the availability of the
             67      fund to lending institutions and to any business in Utah of a size that may be eligible for Small
             68      Business Administration loans under 13 C.F.R. Sec. 121.1.
             69          Section 2. Section 9-2-1306 is amended to read:
             70           9-2-1306. Premiums -- Administrative costs -- Transfers.
             71          (1) (a) When a participating lender makes a loan that qualifies it to be placed within a
             72      special loan portfolio, the premium charges payable to the lender's fund reserve account by the
             73      participating lender and the borrower shall be prescribed by the participating lender.
             74          (b) The amount paid by the borrower may not be less than 0.5% of the principal amount
             75      of the loan nor more than 6% of the principal amount of the loan.
             76          (c) The amount paid by the participating lender shall be equal to the amount paid by the
             77      borrower.
             78          (d) This amount shall then be deposited into the lender's fund reserve account.
             79          (e) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (ii), the participating lender may recover from the
             80      borrower the cost of the participating lender's payment in any manner agreed to by the participating
             81      lender and the borrower.
             82          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (i), the total premium charge paid by the borrower to the
             83      lender's fund reserve account may not exceed 6% of the principal amount of the loan.
             84          (2) (a) [The Utah Technology Finance Corporation may use the interest earned on money
             85      in the state fund reserve account for] To pay for costs incurred in administering the fund, the Utah
             86      Technology Finance Corporation may use:
             87          (i) money in the state fund reserve account; and

             88          (ii) interest earned on the money in the state fund reserve account.
             89          (b) Any interest remaining in the lender's fund reserve account shall remain in the account
             90      until a claim is filed in accordance with Section 9-2-1308 or until it is withdrawn under Section
             91      9-2-1310 .
             92          (3) When enrolling a loan, the Utah Technology Finance Corporation shall request the
             93      treasurer to transfer into the state fund reserve account an amount determined as follows:
             94          (a) if the amount of any loan made by a participating lender, plus the amount of loans
             95      previously enrolled by that participating lender, is less than $750,000, the Utah Technology
             96      Finance Corporation shall request the state treasurer to deposit into the state fund reserve account
             97      in each case an amount equal to:
             98          (i) 250% of the combined amounts paid into the lender's fund reserve account in all areas
             99      of the state except those designated as enterprise zones under Title 9, Chapter 2, Part 4; or
             100          (ii) 300% of the combined amounts paid into the lender's fund reserve account in areas
             101      designated as enterprise zones under Title 9, Chapter 2;
             102          (b) if, before the enrollment of the loan, the amount of loans previously enrolled equals
             103      or exceeds $750,000, the Utah Technology Finance Corporation shall request the state treasurer
             104      to transfer into the state fund reserve account an amount equal to the amounts paid into the lender's
             105      fund reserve account; and
             106          (c) if the amount of loans previously enrolled by a participating lender is less than
             107      $750,000 but the enrollment of a loan will cause the aggregate amount of all loans enrolled by that
             108      participating lender to exceed $750,000, the Utah Technology Finance Corporation shall request
             109      the state treasurer to transfer into the state fund reserve account an amount equal to a percentage
             110      of the amount paid into the lender's fund reserve account, determined by:
             111          (i) multiplying by 250% for loans in areas described in Subsection (3)(a)(i), and by 300%
             112      for loans in areas described in Subsection (3)(a)(ii) that portion of the loan which when added to
             113      the amount of all previously enrolled loans totals $750,000;
             114          (ii) multiplying the balance of the loan by 100%; and
             115          (iii) adding together the products of such computations and dividing the sum by the total
             116      amount of the loan.
             117          (4) In any three-year period, the Utah Technology Finance Corporation may not request
             118      the treasurer to transfer more than $100,000 from the fund into any state fund reserve account for

             119      any one borrower.
             120          Section 3. Section 9-2-1311 is amended to read:
             121           9-2-1311. Reports -- Audits.
             122          (1) (a) The Utah Technology Finance Corporation shall report to the Legislature at least
             123      quarterly on the activities of the fund.
             124          (b) The report shall include:
             125          (i) information on location of all borrowers and participating lenders;
             126          (ii) the amount and type of financial assistance being requested; and
             127          (iii) the type of project or product being financed.
             128          (2) (a) The Utah Technology Finance Corporation shall provide monthly transaction
             129      reports to each participating lender that identify:
             130          (i) the balance in the lender's state fund reserve account;
             131          (ii) payments and transfers into that account; and
             132          (iii) withdrawals from that account.
             133          (b) Participating lenders may review the records of the Utah Technology Finance
             134      Corporation that account for payments and transfers into the account and withdrawals from the
             135      account at the office of the Utah Technology Finance Corporation during normal business hours.
             136          (3) (a) Each participating lender shall provide monthly transaction reports to the Utah
             137      Technology Finance Corporation that identify:
             138          (i) the balance in the lender's fund reserve account;
             139          (ii) payments and transfers into the account; and
             140          (iii) withdrawals from the account.
             141          (b) Each participating lender shall allow the Utah Technology Finance Corporation to
             142      review, during normal business hours, its records that account for:
             143          (i) payments and transfers into the account;
             144          (ii) withdrawals from the account; and
             145          (iii) interest or income earned on the monies credited to the account.
             146          (4) (a) The state auditor, or a certified public accountant appointed by the state auditor,
             147      annually shall conduct and remit to the Legislature a program and financial audit of the fund [and,
             148      in] conducted in conjunction with the audit of the Utah Technology Finance Corporation under
             149      Section 9-13-404 .

             150          (b) In the conduct of the audit, the auditor shall have access to all records of the fund at
             151      any time, whether or not confidential.
             152          [(b)] (c) Each audit required by this section shall include a determination of whether the
             153      fund is likely to be able to continue to meet its obligations, including a report on the status of
             154      outstanding loans and agreements made by the fund.
             155          Section 4. Section 9-13-101 is enacted to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

             158          9-13-101. Title.
             159          This chapter is known as the "Utah Technology and Small Business Finance Act."
             160          Section 5. Section 9-13-102 is enacted to read:
             161          9-13-102. Legislative findings.
             162          (1) (a) The corporation is created with the primary purpose of supporting the development
             163      of qualifying businesses with loans through a revolving loan fund which includes corporate
             164      monies.
             165          (b) The corporation is created for this purpose because the Legislature finds that:
             166          (i) the growth of small businesses that develop qualifying products and services is
             167      necessary to ensure:
             168          (A) adequate employment for the state's citizens;
             169          (B) growth and vitality of the state's economy; and
             170          (C) diversity critical to the health and strength of the economy throughout the state; and
             171          (ii) financial resources in this state are not adequate to support small businesses developing
             172      qualifying products or services.
             173          (2) (a) In addition to the primary purpose described in Subsection (1)(a) and from monies
             174      other than corporate monies, the corporation may support the development of small businesses in
             175      Utah through:
             176          (i) helping small businesses obtain loans, grants, and other forms of assistance from private
             177      and other public sources;
             178          (ii) administering funds and programs on behalf of other public entities; and
             179          (iii) qualifying for grants and loans from public and private entities to be used to provide
             180      financing for small businesses.

             181          (b) The corporation is permitted to engage in the activities described in Subsection (2)(a)
             182      because the Legislature finds:
             183          (i) (A) funds are available to help finance economic development loan programs;
             184          (B) the state may not be eligible to receive the funds described in Subsection (2)(b)(i)(A);
             185      and
             186          (C) an organization such as an independent public corporation permits the state and its
             187      citizens to receive the full benefit from the funds described in Subsection (2)(b)(i)(A); and
             188          (ii) (A) many political subdivisions and other public entities qualify for funds for loan
             189      programs, but lack the resources and expertise to administer a loan program in the most efficient
             190      and cost-effective manner; and
             191          (B) the entities described in Subsection (2)(b)(ii)(A) are aided by establishing an
             192      independent public corporation that can assist with the administration of those loan programs.
             193          (3) By creating the corporation as an independent public corporation:
             194          (a) the Legislature intends that the state be protected from potential liability for claims
             195      against the corporation; and
             196          (b) the corporation can qualify for certain grants, loans, and other forms of assistance from
             197      the federal government and other sources for which the state itself is not eligible.
             198          Section 6. Section 9-13-103 is enacted to read:
             199          9-13-103. Definitions.
             200          As used in this chapter:
             201          (1) "Board" means the board of trustees created by Section 9-13-202 .
             202          (2) "Business partner" means a person that controls an entity in which a trustee, officer,
             203      or employee of the corporation:
             204          (a) holds a controlling interest; or
             205          (b) serves as director, trustee, officer, or employee.
             206          (3) (a) "Corporate monies" means any monies received or held by the corporation except:
             207          (i) monies received from the federal government; or
             208          (ii) monies received by the corporation for the purpose of the corporation administering
             209      a publicly funded program on behalf of the agency providing the monies.
             210          (b) "Corporate monies" include:
             211          (i) monies appropriated to the corporation by the Legislature;

             212          (ii) monies provided to the corporation by a state agency; and
             213          (iii) any interest earned on the monies described in Subsections (3)(b)(i) and (ii).
             214          (4) "Corporation" means the Utah Technology Finance Corporation created in Section
             215      9-13-201 .
             216          (5) "Proprietary information" means:
             217          (a) a trade secret;
             218          (b) commercial or financial information that if disclosed may result in an unfair
             219      competitive injury to the person submitting the information to the corporation; and
             220          (c) information supplied to the corporation if:
             221          (i) the person supplying the information requests that it not be disclosed; and
             222          (ii) the corporation reasonably determines that the disclosure is not in the public interest.
             223          (6) "Qualifying business" means a person determined to be a qualifying business by the
             224      corporation in accordance with Section 9-13-303 .
             225          (7) "Qualifying product" means equipment, goods, software, or other tangible, intangible,
             226      or intellectual property:
             227          (a) (i) that increases effectiveness, efficiency, or durability; or
             228          (ii) reduces costs; and
             229          (b) (i) that is primarily designed to perform one or more of the following functions:
             230          (A) computing;
             231          (B) telecommunications or other transmission of information;
             232          (C) aerospace or other aeronautical travel, exploration, or research; or
             233          (D) pollution control or other environmental services; or
             234          (ii) that primarily consists of:
             235          (A) a medical product or treatment;
             236          (B) a genetically engineered product; or
             237          (C) a product using new materials or designs.
             238          (8) "Qualifying services" means a service provided through a computer network including
             239      the Internet.
             240          (9) "Relative" or "relation" means a:
             241          (a) direct ancestor or descendent;
             242          (b) spouse;

             243          (c) sibling; or
             244          (d) a direct ancestor, descendent, or sibling of a spouse.
             245          (10) (a) "State agency" means a department, commission, board, council, agency,
             246      institution, officer, corporation, fund, division, office, committee, authority, laboratory, library,
             247      unit, bureau, panel, or other administrative unit of the state.
             248          (b) "State agency" does not include a county, city, town, or other political subdivision of
             249      the state.
             250          Section 7. Section 9-13-201 is enacted to read:
Part 2. Organization of Corporation

             252          9-13-201. Utah Technology Finance Corporation -- Nonprofit corporation.
             253          (1) There is created an independent public corporation known as the "Utah Technology
             254      Finance Corporation."
             255          (2) (a) The corporation shall operate as a nonprofit corporation in accordance with Title
             256      16, Chapter 6, Utah Nonprofit Corporation and Cooperative Association Act, to the extent that
             257      Title 16, Chapter 6, does not conflict with this chapter.
             258          (b) The corporation shall file with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code:
             259          (i) articles of incorporation; and
             260          (ii) any amendment to its articles of incorporation.
             261          (c) In addition to the articles of incorporation, the corporation may adopt bylaws and
             262      operational policies that are consistent with this chapter
             263          (3) This chapter is a recodification of the repealed Title 9, Chapter 2, Part 7, Utah
             264      Technology Finance Corporation Act and does not create a new corporation. The corporation
             265      referred to in this chapter is the ongoing enterprise of the Utah Technology Finance Corporation
             266      and this recodification does not impair any existing contractual relationships of the corporation.
             267          Section 8. Section 9-13-202 is enacted to read:
             268          9-13-202. Board of trustees.
             269          (1) (a) The corporation shall be governed by a board of trustees consisting of the following
             270      members:
             271          (i) the executive director of the Department of Community and Economic Development
             272      or the executive director's designee;
             273          (ii) the commissioner of the Department of Financial Institutions or the commissioner's

             274      designee; and
             275          (iii) at least five but not more than nine trustees appointed by the governor with the
             276      consent of the Senate.
             277          (b) A trustee appointed under Subsection (1)(a)(iii) shall be appointed:
             278          (i) for a staggered four-year term; and
             279          (ii) from:
             280          (A) representatives of the business, banking and finance, venture capital, engineering,
             281      scientific, academic, legal, and accounting communities; and
             282          (B) the general public.
             283          (c) The chief executive officer of the corporation may not be a trustee.
             284          (d) (i) If the executive director of the Department of Community and Economic
             285      Development or the commissioner of the Department of Financial Institutions appoints a designee,
             286      the executive director or the commissioner shall notify the corporation in writing of the
             287      appointment of the designee prior to the designee serving on the board.
             288          (ii) The term of a designee appointed in accordance with Subsection (1)(d)(i) terminates
             289      when the designee:
             290          (A) resigns;
             291          (B) is unable to serve; or
             292          (C) is replaced by the executive director or commissioner.
             293          (2) (a) A trustee appointed under Subsection (1)(a)(iii) may be removed for cause, by the
             294      board, by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of all voting members of the board.
             295          (b) A person appointed to replace a trustee appointed under Subsection (1)(a)(iii) who does
             296      not serve a full term shall serve the remainder of the original term.
             297          (c) A trustee appointed under Subsection (1)(a)(iii) shall serve until a successor is
             298      appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate unless the trustee:
             299          (i) resigns;
             300          (ii) resides outside the state;
             301          (iii) is removed under Subsection (2)(a); or
             302          (iv) is unable to serve on the board.
             303          (3) Notwithstanding the requirement of Subsection (1), the governor shall, at the time of
             304      appointment or reappointment of a trustee, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of

             305      board members are staggered so that approximately half of the board is appointed every two years.
             306          (4) Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the corporation or statute requires a
             307      higher number of trustees:
             308          (a) a majority of the board of trustees constitutes a quorum; and
             309          (b) if a quorum is present when a vote is taken, the affirmative vote of a majority of
             310      trustees present constitutes an action of the board.
             311          (5) (a) (i) A trustee who is not a government employee shall receive no compensation or
             312      benefits for serving as a trustee, but may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the
             313      performance of the trustee's official duties at the rates established by the Division of Finance under
             314      Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             315          (ii) A trustee may decline to receive per diem and expenses.
             316          (b) (i) A trustee who is employed by the state or any political subdivision of the state and
             317      does not receive salary, per diem, or expenses for serving as a trustee may receive per diem and
             318      expenses from the corporation at the rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections
             319      63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             320          (ii) A state government trustee may decline to receive per diem and expenses.
             321          (c) (i) A higher education trustee who does not receive salary, per diem, or expenses from
             322      the institution where the trustee is employed for service as a trustee may receive per diem and
             323      expenses from the corporation at the rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections
             324      63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             325          (ii) A higher education trustee may decline to receive per diem and expenses.
             326          Section 9. Section 9-13-203 is enacted to read:
             327          9-13-203. Chief executive officer -- Officers and employees -- Independent legal
             328      counsel.
             329          The board shall:
             330          (1) appoint a chief executive officer to administer the corporation under the direction of
             331      the board;
             332          (2) appoint other officers as necessary;
             333          (3) employ necessary staff:
             334          (a) within the limitations of the budget; and
             335          (b) as the board determines necessary for the conduct of the business of the corporation;

             336          (4) determine compensation and other benefits for each officer and employee of the
             337      corporation;
             338          (5) compensate officers and employees from:
             339          (a) the funds of the corporation; or
             340          (b) other resources available to the corporation; and
             341          (6) hire and retain independent legal counsel.
             342          Section 10. Section 9-13-204 is enacted to read:
             343          9-13-204. Change in organizational structure -- Sell of all or substantially all of the
             344      corporation's assets -- Terminate operations.
             345          (1) Except funds held on behalf of another entity or subject to provisions of a grant or loan
             346      requiring return of the funds if the corporation ceases to be a public entity, all funds, property, or
             347      other assets of the corporation are public property and may not be disposed of except in
             348      compliance with this chapter.
             349          (2) (a) The corporation may not be privatized or take any of the actions described in
             350      Subsection (2)(b) unless it complies with the process described in Section 63-95-104 .
             351          (b) Subsection (2)(a) applies to the following actions:
             352          (i) changing the corporation's status as an independent public corporation;
             353          (ii) granting or conveying all or substantially all of the corporation's funds to any private
             354      entity; or
             355          (iii) selling, assigning, conveying, hypothecating, pledging, or otherwise transferring
             356      control or ownership of all or substantially all of its assets, including all or substantially all of its
             357      loan receivables, to any private entity.
             358          (3) The Legislature may provide for the dissolution of the corporation and the return of any
             359      monies or property to the state.
             360          Section 11. Section 9-13-301 is enacted to read:
Part 3. Operations of the Corporation

             362          9-13-301. Powers of the corporation.
             363          Except as limited by this chapter, the Utah Constitution, or any state law applicable to an
             364      independent or quasi-governmental entity, the corporation has all the rights, authorities, privileges,
             365      and immunities of a nonprofit corporation including:
             366          (1) providing from its funds direct loans to qualifying businesses in accordance with

             367      Section 9-13-303 ;
             368          (2) compromising claims and entering into work-out or settlement agreements with a
             369      borrower, guarantor, or other person;
             370          (3) writing-off all or any portion of a loan in default if the corporation determines that:
             371          (a) the borrower is not able to repay all or any portion of the loan; or
             372          (b) it is unlikely that collection of all or any portion of the loan can be economically
             373      pursued;
             374          (4) appointing or seeking appointment of a receiver or conservator of a borrower in
             375      default;
             376          (5) (a) applying for, soliciting, contracting for, and accepting loans, grants, and other types
             377      of funding from federal, state, and other government entities; and
             378          (b) lending the funds described in Subsection (5)(a) in compliance with the terms and
             379      conditions of the program through or from which the funds are obtained;
             380          (6) applying for, soliciting, contracting for, and agreeing to administer funds and provide
             381      other services on behalf of and to federal, state, and other government entities;
             382          (7) receiving:
             383          (a) appropriations from the Legislature;
             384          (b) other public monies; and
             385          (c) contributions from private or public entities; and
             386          (8) seeking federal and state tax exemptions.
             387          Section 12. Section 9-13-302 is enacted to read:
             388          9-13-302. Limitations.
             389          (1) The corporation, either with corporate monies or monies from any other source, may
             390      provide financial assistance only to a person that:
             391          (a) is a small business as defined by the Untied States Small Business Administration; and
             392          (b) has located within Utah:
             393          (i) its primary place of business; and
             394          (ii) its primary business operations.
             395          (2) The corporation may not:
             396          (a) acquire or hold a controlling interest in or exercise control over any other entity; or
             397          (b) invest in or hold stock or any other equity interest in a person, except that the

             398      corporation may acquire and hold stock or an equity interest if it is acquired in satisfaction of or
             399      on account of a loan that is:
             400          (i) contracted for by the corporation:
             401          (A) in the course of the corporation's business; and
             402          (B) before the stock or equity interest is acquired by the corporation; and
             403          (ii) defaulted on before the stock or equity interest is acquired by the corporation.
             404          Section 13. Section 9-13-303 is enacted to read:
             405          9-13-303. Loans to qualified businesses.
             406          (1) (a) Before extending to a person a loan funded in whole or in part by corporate monies,
             407      the corporation shall determine whether or not that person is a qualified business under Subsection
             408      (1)(b).
             409          (b) To be a qualified business under this section, a person shall file an application with the
             410      corporation that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the corporation that the person:
             411          (i) is a small business as defined by the United States Small Business Administration;
             412          (ii) is seeking financing to develop or market:
             413          (A) a qualifying product or service; or
             414          (B) an innovation of an existing qualifying product or service;
             415          (iii) has located within Utah:
             416          (A) its primary place of business; and
             417          (B) its primary business operations; and
             418          (iv) cannot obtain financing from a private source.
             419          (c) For purposes of determining whether a person is a qualified business:
             420          (i) the length of time the person has operated as a business is not determinative; and
             421          (ii) a qualifying product or service can be innovative even if it is offered by more than one
             422      person in the marketplace.
             423          (2) In determining whether to extend a loan to a qualified business, the corporation shall
             424      consider effects of the activities of the qualified business on the quality of the land, air, water, and
             425      general environment of the state.
             426          (3) The corporation shall collect all loans unless:
             427          (a) the borrower is not able to repay all or any portion of the loan; or
             428          (b) it is unlikely that collection of all or any portion of the loan can be economically

             429      pursued;
             430          (4) (a) If the corporation extends a loan to a qualified business, the corporation shall enter
             431      into a written contract with the qualified business.
             432          (b) The written contract required under Subsection (4)(a) shall contain the specific terms
             433      and conditions of the loan, including a requirement that the qualified business give the corporation
             434      regular reports on the financial condition of the qualified business.
             435          Section 14. Section 9-13-304 is enacted to read:
             436          9-13-304. Conflict of interests.
             437          The corporation may not make a loan, otherwise assist, or contract to purchase goods or
             438      services from, any of the following:
             439          (1) a trustee, officer, or employee of the corporation, except for salary, benefits,
             440      indemnities, and other forms of compensation pertaining to the individual's employment or service
             441      for the corporation;
             442          (2) an individual who is related to a trustee, officer, or employee of the corporation;
             443          (3) an individual who is a business partner of a trustee, officer, or employee of the
             444      corporation;
             445          (4) an entity in which a trustee, officer, or employee of the corporation:
             446          (a) serves as a trustee, director, officer, employee, or representative; or
             447          (b) owns or beneficially controls:
             448          (i) more than 5% of the voting stock of a corporation; or
             449          (ii) if the entity is not a corporation, exercises an interest equivalent to Subsection (4)(b)(i);
             450          (5) an entity in which a relative, business partner, or relative of a business partner of a
             451      trustee, officer, or employee of the corporation:
             452          (a) serves as a trustee, director, officer, employee, or representative; or
             453          (b) owns or beneficially controls:
             454          (i) more than 5% of the voting stock of a corporation; or
             455          (ii) if the entity is not a corporation, exercises an interest equivalent to Subsection (5)(b)(i);
             456          (6) a person that has made or has received an application to extend a loan to:
             457          (a) a trustee, officer, or employee of the corporation; or
             458          (b) a person described in Subsections (1) through (5); or
             459          (7) a person where a conflict of interest may reasonably exist affecting any trustee, officer,

             460      or employee of the corporation.
             461          Section 15. Section 9-13-305 is enacted to read:
             462          9-13-305. Confidentiality of information received by corporation -- Availability of
             463      information.
             464          (1) Proprietary information obtained by the corporation under this chapter from any person
             465      applying for a loan or from a financial, governmental, educational, and other source is protected
             466      and not available for public inspection except as provided in Subsection (2).
             467          (2) The following records and information are open to the public:
             468          (a) an annual report published by the corporation under this chapter;
             469          (b) a record that:
             470          (i) contains data on an individual; and
             471          (ii) is classified as public under Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             472      Management Act; and
             473          (c) a record that:
             474          (i) does not contain data on an individual or proprietary information; and
             475          (ii) is open to the public under Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             476      Management Act.
             477          Section 16. Section 9-13-401 is enacted to read:
Part 4. Relationship to the State

             479          9-13-401. Liability of state for claims against corporation -- Immunity of corporation.
             480          (1) Notwithstanding whether a governmental entity or governmental employee could
             481      otherwise be held liable under Title 63, Chapter 30, Utah Governmental Immunity Act, the
             482      following are immune from suit based on, derived from, or otherwise pertaining to any contract,
             483      act, omission, obligation, duty, or responsibility of, or any claim, judgment, or penalty against the
             484      corporation or any of its trustees, officers, employees, representatives, or agents:
             485          (a) a governmental entity, as defined in Subsection 63-30-2 (3), except the corporation; or
             486          (b) a government employee, as defined in Subsection 63-30-2 (2), except the corporation.
             487          (2) The corporation, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, and representatives are
             488      immune from suit and shall be entitled to indemnification as provided in Title 63, Chapter 30, Utah
             489      Governmental Immunity Act.
             490          Section 17. Section 9-13-402 is enacted to read:

             491          9-13-402. Monies held by state treasurer -- Limitation on use of state funds.
             492          (1) Notwithstanding that the corporation is exempted from Title 51, Chapter 7, State
             493      Money Management Act, the corporation shall submit to the custody of the state treasurer:
             494          (a) all corporate monies; or
             495          (b) other monies made available to the corporation from:
             496          (i) any governmental agency; or
             497          (ii) any person public or private.
             498          (2) As necessary, the state treasurer may establish separate funds and accounts for the
             499      monies submitted under Subsection (1).
             500          (3) (a) The corporation shall use the monies described in Subsection (1) and all interest
             501      earned on those funds in accordance with this chapter.
             502          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), the corporation may use corporate monies only to:
             503          (i) extend loans to qualified persons as provided in Section 9-13-303 ; and
             504          (ii) to pay for:
             505          (A) compensation and other benefits for officers and employees of the corporation;
             506          (B) costs incurred by the board for per diem and expenses of trustees;
             507          (C) debts of the corporation; and
             508          (D) other corporation expenses.
             509          Section 18. Section 9-13-403 is enacted to read:
             510          9-13-403. Annual reports.
             511          (1) Following the close of each fiscal year, the corporation shall submit an annual report
             512      of its activities for the preceding year to the governor and the Legislature.
             513          (2) A report required by Subsection (1) shall include:
             514          (a) a complete operating report;
             515          (b) a statement of loan delinquencies as of the end of the fiscal year; and
             516          (c) a statement of net loan write-offs during the fiscal year.
             517          Section 19. Section 9-13-404 is enacted to read:
             518          9-13-404. Annual audit.
             519          (1) The state auditor shall at least once in each year:
             520          (a) audit the books and accounts of the corporation; or
             521          (b) contract with a licensed independent certified public accountant to perform an audit

             522      that shall be submitted for review to the state auditor within 90 calendar days after the end of the
             523      fiscal year covered by the audit.
             524          (2) The corporation shall reimburse the state auditor from available monies of the
             525      corporation for the actual and necessary costs of the audit required by Subsection (1).
             526          Section 20. Section 9-13-405 is enacted to read:
             527          9-13-405. Exemptions from certain statutes.
             528          The corporation is exempt from:
             529          (1) Title 51, Chapter 5, Funds Consolidation Act;
             530          (2) Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act;
             531          (3) Title 63, Chapter 38, Budgetary Procedures Act;
             532          (4) Title 63, Chapter 56, Utah Procurement Code;
             533          (5) Title 63A, Department of Administrative Services; and
             534          (6) Title 67, Chapter 19, Utah State Personnel Management Act.
             535          Section 21. Section 9-13-406 is enacted to read:
             536          9-13-406. Standing of attorney general to sue.
             537          The attorney general has standing to sue the corporation and its trustees, officers, and
             538      employees to enjoin any:
             539          (1) violation of the Utah Constitution;
             540          (2) any violation of any applicable law of this state or the United States; or
             541          (3) breach of any duty or responsibility of a trustee, officer, or employee of the corporation.
             542          Section 22. Section 11-37-101 is amended to read:
             543           11-37-101. Definition -- Procurement -- Use of recycled goods.
             544          (1) "Local government entity" means:
             545          (a) municipalities, cities, and counties;
             546          (b) entities created under Title 26A, Chapter 1, Local Health Department [Act]; and
             547          (c) political subdivisions created by cities or counties, including entities created under:
             548          (i) Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act;
             549          (ii) Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 9, Utah Housing Finance Agency Act; and
             550          (iii) Title 9, Chapter [2, Part 7] 13, Utah Technology and Small Business Finance
             551      [Corporation] Act.
             552          (2) The procurement officer or other person responsible for purchasing supplies for each

             553      local government entity shall:
             554          (a) maintain for reference a copy of the current listing of recycled items available on state
             555      contract as issued by the chief procurement officer under Section 63-56-9 ; and
             556          (b) give recycled items consideration when inviting bids and purchasing supplies.
             557          Section 23. Section 63-55-209 is amended to read:
             558           63-55-209. Repeal dates, Title 9.
             559          (1) Title 9, Chapter 1, Part 8, Commission on National and Community Service Act, is
             560      repealed July 1, 1999.
             561          (2) Title 9, Chapter 2, Part 3, Small Business Advisory Council, is repealed July 1, 1999.
             562          (3) Title 9, Chapter 2, Part 4, Enterprise Zone Act, is repealed July 1, 2008.
             563          (4) Title 9, Chapter [2, Part 7] 13, Utah Technology Finance [Corporation] and Small
             564      Business Act, is repealed July 1, 2002.
             565          (5) Section 9-2-1208 regarding waste tire recycling loans is repealed July 1, 2000.
             566          (6) Title 9, Chapter 2, Part 16, Recycling Market Development Zone Act, is repealed July
             567      1, 2000, Sections 59-7-608 and 59-10-108.7 are repealed for tax years beginning on or after
             568      January 1, 2001.
             569          (7) Title 9, Chapter 3, Part 3, Heber Valley Historic Railroad Authority, is repealed July
             570      1, 1999.
             571          (8) Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 4, Disaster Relief, is repealed July 1, 1999.
             572          (9) Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 9, Utah Housing Finance Agency Act, is repealed July 1, 2006.
             573          Section 24. Section 63-95-102 is amended to read:
             574           63-95-102. Definitions.
             575          For purposes of this chapter:
             576          (1) "Asset" means property of all kind, real and personal, tangible and intangible, and
             577      includes:
             578          (a) cash, except reasonable compensation or salary for services rendered;
             579          (b) stock or other investments;
             580          (c) goodwill;
             581          (d) real property;
             582          (e) an ownership interest;
             583          (f) a license;

             584          (g) a cause of action; and
             585          (h) any similar property.
             586          (2) "Authorizing statutes" means the statutes creating an entity as a quasi-governmental
             587      entity.
             588          (3) "Business interest" means:
             589          (a) holding the position of trustee, director, officer, or other similar position with a
             590      business entity; or
             591          (b) the ownership, either legally or equitably, of at least 10% of the outstanding shares of
             592      a corporation or 10% interest in any other business entity, being held by:
             593          (i) an individual;
             594          (ii) the individual's spouse;
             595          (iii) a minor child of the individual; or
             596          (iv) any combination of [Subsection] Subsections (3)(b)(i) through (iii).
             597          (4) "Interested party" means a person that held or holds the position of trustee, director,
             598      officer, or other similar position with a quasi-governmental entity within:
             599          (a) five years prior to the date of an action described in Subsection (6); or
             600          (b) during the privatization of a quasi-governmental entity.
             601          (5) "Lobbyist" is a person that provided or provides services as a lobbyist, as defined in
             602      Section 36-11-102 , within:
             603          (a) five years prior to the date of an action described in Subsection (6); or
             604          (b) during the privatization of a quasi-governmental entity.
             605          (6) (a) "Privatized" means an action described in Subsection (6)(b) taken under
             606      circumstances in which the operations of the quasi-governmental entity are continued by a
             607      successor entity that:
             608          (i) is privately owned;
             609          (ii) is unaffiliated to the state; and
             610          (iii) receives any asset of the quasi-governmental entity.
             611          (b) An action referred to in Subsection (6)(a) includes:
             612          (i) the repeal of the authorizing statute of a quasi-governmental entity and the revision to
             613      state laws to terminate the relationship between the state and the quasi-governmental entity;
             614          (ii) the dissolution of the quasi-governmental entity;

             615          (iii) the merger or consolidation of the quasi-governmental entity with another entity; or
             616          (iv) the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the quasi-governmental entity.
             617          (7) "Quasi-governmental entity" means the:
             618          (a) Dairy Commission created in Title 4, Chapter 22, Dairy Promotion Act;
             619          (b) Utah Technology Finance Corporation created in Title 9, Chapter [2, Part 7] 13, Utah
             620      Technology and Small Business Finance [Corporation] Act;
             621          (c) Heber Valley Railroad Authority created in Title 9, Chapter 3, Part 3, Heber Valley
             622      Historic Railroad Authority;
             623          (d) Utah Science Center Authority created in Title 9, Chapter 3, Part 4, Utah Science
             624      Center Authority;
             625          (e) Utah Housing Finance Agency created in Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 9, Utah Housing
             626      Finance Agency;
             627          (f) Utah State Fair Corporation created in Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 11, Utah State Fair
             628      Corporation Act;
             629          (g) Workers' Compensation Fund of Utah created in Title 31A, Chapter 33, Workers'
             630      Compensation Fund of Utah;
             631          (h) Utah State Retirement Office created in Title 49, Chapter 1, Part 2, Retirement Office
             632      and Board;
             633          (i) School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration created in Title 53C, Chapter 1,
             634      Part 2, School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration;
             635          (j) Crime Victims' Reparations Office created in Title 63, Chapter 25a, Part 4, Crime
             636      Victims' Reparations Act; and
             637          (k) Utah Communications Agency Network created in Title 63C, Chapter 7, Utah
             638      Communications Agency Network Act.
             639          Section 25. Repealer.
             640          This act repeals:
             641          Section 9-2-701, Short title.
             642          Section 9-2-702, Definitions.
             643          Section 9-2-703, Declarations and purpose.
             644          Section 9-2-704, Utah Technology Finance Corporation -- Nonprofit corporation --
             645      Powers and duties -- Board of trustees -- Appointment of members by governor --

             646      Rulemaking authority-- Employees -- Legal counsel -- Advisory board -- Expenses.
             647          Section 9-2-705, Criteria governing operations -- Annual report -- Audits.
             648          Section 9-2-706, Exemption from certain statutes.
             649          Section 9-2-707, Confidentiality of information received by corporation -- Availability
             650      of information.

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