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First Substitute S.B. 208

Senator Terry R. Spencer proposes to substitute the following bill:




Sponsor: Terry R. Spencer

             13      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             14      AMENDS:
             15          30-6-2, as last amended by Chapter 244, Laws of Utah 1996
             16          30-6-4, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1997
             17          30-6-4.2, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1997
             18          30-6-4.3, as last amended by Chapter 83, Laws of Utah 1998
             19          78-3a-104, as last amended by Chapters 274 and 315, Laws of Utah 1998
             20          78-3a-105, as last amended by Chapter 274, Laws of Utah 1998
             21      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             22          Section 1. Section 30-6-2 is amended to read:
             23           30-6-2. Abuse or danger of abuse -- Protective orders.
             24          (1) Any cohabitant or any child residing with a cohabitant who has been subjected to abuse
             25      or domestic violence, or to whom there is a substantial likelihood of immediate danger of abuse

             26      or domestic violence, may seek an ex parte protective order or a protective order in accordance
             27      with this chapter, whether or not that person has left the residence or the premises in an effort to
             28      avoid further abuse.
             29          (2) (a) A petition for a protective order may be filed under this chapter regardless of
             30      whether an action for divorce between the parties is pending.
             31          (b) If a complaint for divorce has already been filed in district court, a petition under this
             32      chapter [may] shall be filed as part of the divorce proceedings, and the petitioner shall provide
             33      notice, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, to the respondent or counsel representing
             34      the respondent.
             35          (3) A cohabitant, the department, or any person or institution interested in a minor may
             36      seek a protective order on behalf of the minor under the circumstances described in Subsection (1),
             37      regardless of whether the minor could have filed a petition on his own behalf. If a cohabitant
             38      intends to seek a protective order on his own behalf and on behalf of a minor, a single petition may
             39      be filed.
             40          (4) The court shall appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the minor if the court considers
             41      the appointment necessary for the welfare of the minor.
             42          (5) The county attorney or district attorney, if appropriate, shall represent the department
             43      where the department appears as a petitioner.
             44          (6) A petition seeking a protective order may not be withdrawn without approval of the
             45      court.
             46          Section 2. Section 30-6-4 is amended to read:
             47           30-6-4. Forms for petitions and protective orders -- Assistance.
             48          (1) (a) The offices of the court clerk shall provide forms and nonlegal assistance to persons
             49      seeking to proceed under this chapter.
             50          (b) The Administrative Office of the Courts shall develop and adopt uniform forms for
             51      petitions and orders for protection in accordance with the provisions of this chapter on or before
             52      September 1, 1995. That office shall provide the forms to the clerk of each court authorized to
             53      issue protective orders. The forms shall include:
             54          (i) a statement notifying the petitioner for an ex parte protective order that knowing
             55      falsification of any statement or information provided for the purpose of obtaining a protective
             56      order may subject the petitioner to felony prosecution;

             57          (ii) a separate portion of the form for those provisions, the violation of which is a criminal
             58      offense, and a separate portion for those provisions, the violation of which is a civil violation, as
             59      provided in Subsection 30-6-4.2 (5);
             60          (iii) language in the criminal provision portion stating violation of any criminal provision
             61      is a class A misdemeanor, and language in the civil portion stating violation of or failure to comply
             62      with a civil provision is subject to contempt proceedings;
             63          (iv) a space for information the petitioner is able to provide to facilitate identification of
             64      the respondent, such as social security number, driver license number, date of birth, address,
             65      telephone number, and physical description;
             66          (v) a space for the petitioner to request a specific period of time for the civil provisions to
             67      be in effect, not to exceed 150 days, unless the petitioner provides in writing the reason for the
             68      requested extension of the length of time beyond 150 days;
             69          (vi) a statement advising the petitioner that when a minor child is included in an ex parte
             70      protective order or a protective order, as part of either the criminal or the civil portion of the order,
             71      the petitioner may provide a copy of the order to the principal of the school where the child
             72      attends; and
             73          (vii) a statement advising the petitioner that if the respondent fails to return custody of a
             74      minor child to the petitioner as ordered in a protective order, the petitioner may obtain from the
             75      court a writ of assistance.
             76          (2) If the person seeking to proceed under this chapter is not represented by an attorney,
             77      it is the responsibility of the court clerk's office to provide:
             78          (a) the forms adopted pursuant to Subsection (1);
             79          (b) all other forms required to petition for an order for protection including, but not limited
             80      to, forms for service;
             81          (c) clerical assistance in filling out the forms and filing the petition, in accordance with
             82      Subsection (1)(a). A court clerk's office may designate any other entity, agency, or person to
             83      provide that service, but the court clerk's office is responsible to see that the service is provided;
             84          (d) information regarding the means available for the service of process;
             85          (e) a list of legal service organizations that may represent the petitioner in an action
             86      brought under this chapter, together with the telephone numbers of those organizations; and
             87          (f) written information regarding the procedure for transporting a jailed or imprisoned

             88      respondent to the protective order hearing, including an explanation of the use of transportation
             89      order forms when necessary.
             90          (3) No charges may be imposed by a court clerk, constable, or law enforcement agency for:
             91          (a) filing a petition under this chapter;
             92          (b) obtaining an ex parte protective order;
             93          (c) obtaining copies, either certified or not certified, necessary for service or delivery to
             94      law enforcement officials; or
             95          (d) fees for service of a petition, ex parte protective order, or protective order.
             96          (4) A petition for an order of protection shall be in writing [and], verified, and shall
             97      include documentation demonstrating, under a preponderance of the evidence standard, the need
             98      for an order of protection. That evidence shall be in the form of a police report, medical report,
             99      or other documentation of domestic violence or abuse.
             100          (5) (a) All orders for protection shall be issued in the form adopted by the Administrative
             101      Office of the Courts pursuant to Subsection (1).
             102          (b) Each protective order issued, except orders issued ex parte, shall include the following
             103      language:
             104          "Respondent was afforded both notice and opportunity to be heard in the hearing that gave
             105      rise to this order. Pursuant to the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, P.L. 103-322, 108 Stat.
             106      1796, 18 U.S.C.A. 2265, this order is valid in all the United States, the District of Columbia, tribal
             107      lands, and United States territories."
             108          Section 3. Section 30-6-4.2 is amended to read:
             109           30-6-4.2. Protective orders -- Ex parte protective orders -- Modification of orders --
             110      Service of process -- Duties of the court.
             111          (1) If it appears from a petition for an order for protection or a petition to modify an order
             112      for protection that domestic violence or abuse has occurred or a modification of an order for
             113      protection is required, a court may:
             114          (a) without notice, upon receipt of a petition demonstrating, by a preponderance of the
             115      evidence, the occurrence of domestic violence or abuse and of the need for an ex parte protective
             116      order, immediately issue an order for protection ex parte or modify an order for protection ex parte
             117      as it considers necessary to protect the petitioner and all parties named to be protected in the
             118      petition; or

             119          (b) upon notice, issue an order for protection or modify an order after a hearing, whether
             120      or not the respondent appears.
             121          (2) A court may grant the following relief without notice in an order for protection or a
             122      modification issued ex parte:
             123          (a) enjoin the respondent from threatening to commit or committing domestic violence or
             124      abuse against the petitioner and any designated family or household member;
             125          (b) prohibit the respondent from harassing, telephoning, contacting, or otherwise
             126      communicating with the petitioner, directly or indirectly;
             127          (c) order that the respondent is excluded from the petitioner's residence and its premises,
             128      and order the respondent to stay away from the residence, school, or place of employment of the
             129      petitioner, and the premises of any of these, or any specified place frequented by the petitioner and
             130      any designated family or household member;
             131          (d) upon finding that the respondent's use or possession of a weapon may pose a serious
             132      threat of harm to the petitioner, prohibit the respondent from purchasing, using, or possessing a
             133      firearm or other weapon specified by the court;
             134          (e) order possession and use of an automobile and other essential personal effects, and
             135      direct the appropriate law enforcement officer to accompany the petitioner to the residence of the
             136      parties to ensure that the petitioner is safely restored to possession of the residence, automobile,
             137      and other essential personal effects, or to supervise the petitioner's or respondent's removal of
             138      personal belongings;
             139          (f) grant temporary custody of any minor children to the petitioner;
             140          (g) order any further relief that the court considers necessary to provide for the safety and
             141      welfare of the petitioner and any designated family or household member; and
             142          (h) if the petition requests child support or spousal support, at the hearing on the petition
             143      order both parties to provide verification of current income, including year-to-date pay stubs or
             144      employer statements of year-to-date or other period of earnings, as specified by the court, and
             145      complete copies of tax returns from at least the most recent year.
             146          (3) A court may grant the following relief in an order for protection or a modification of
             147      an order after notice and hearing, whether or not the respondent appears:
             148          (a) grant the relief described in Subsection (2); and
             149          (b) specify arrangements for visitation of any minor child by the respondent and require

             150      supervision of that visitation by a third party or deny visitation if necessary to protect the safety
             151      of the petitioner or child.
             152          (4) Following the protective order hearing, the court shall:
             153          (a) as soon as possible, deliver the order to the county sheriff for service of process;
             154          (b) make reasonable efforts to ensure that the order for protection is understood by the
             155      petitioner, and the respondent, if present;
             156          (c) transmit, by the end of the next business day after the order is issued, a copy of the
             157      order for protection to the local law enforcement agency or agencies designated by the petitioner;
             158      and
             159          (d) transmit a copy of the order to the statewide domestic violence network described in
             160      Section 30-6-8 .
             161          (5) (a) Each protective order shall include two separate portions, one for provisions, the
             162      violation of which are criminal offenses, and one for provisions, the violation of which are civil
             163      violations, as follows:
             164          (i) criminal offenses are those under Subsections 30-6-4.2 (2)(a) through (e), and under
             165      Subsection 30-6-4.2 (3)(a) as it refers to Subsections 30-6-4.2 (2)(a) through (e); and
             166          (ii) civil offenses are those under Subsections 30-6-4.2 (2)(f) through (h), and Subsection
             167      30-6-4.2 (3)(a) as it refers to Subsections 30-6-4.2 (2)(f) through (h).
             168          (b) The criminal provision portion shall include a statement that violation of any criminal
             169      provision is a class A misdemeanor.
             170          (c) The civil provision portion shall include a notice that violation of or failure to comply
             171      with a civil provision is subject to contempt proceedings.
             172          (6) The protective order shall include:
             173          (a) a designation of a specific date, determined by the court, when the civil portion of the
             174      protective order either expires or is scheduled for review by the court, which date may not exceed
             175      150 days after the date the order is issued, unless the court indicates on the record the reason for
             176      setting a date beyond 150 days;
             177          (b) information the petitioner is able to provide to facilitate identification of the
             178      respondent, such as social security number, driver license number, date of birth, address, telephone
             179      number, and physical description; and
             180          (c) a statement advising the petitioner that:

             181          (i) after three years from the date of issuance of the protective order, a hearing may be held
             182      to dismiss the criminal portion of the protective order;
             183          (ii) the petitioner should, within the 30 days prior to the end of the three-year period,
             184      advise the court of the petitioner's current address for notice of any hearing; and
             185          (iii) the address provided by the petitioner will not be made available to the respondent.
             186          (7) Child support and spouse support orders issued as part of a protective order are subject
             187      to mandatory income withholding under Title 62A, Chapter 11, Part 4, Income Withholding in
             188      IV-D Cases, and Title 62A, Chapter 11, Part 5, [Universal] Income Withholding [-] in Non IV-D
             189      [Obligees] Cases, except when the protective order is issued ex parte.
             190          (8) (a) The county sheriff that receives the order from the court, pursuant to Subsection
             191      (5)(a), shall provide expedited service for orders for protection issued in accordance with this
             192      chapter, and shall transmit verification of service of process, when the order has been served, to
             193      the statewide domestic violence network described in Section 30-6-8 .
             194          (b) This section does not prohibit any law enforcement agency from providing service of
             195      process if that law enforcement agency:
             196          (i) has contact with the respondent and service by that law enforcement agency is possible;
             197      or
             198          (ii) determines that under the circumstances, providing service of process on the
             199      respondent is in the best interests of the petitioner.
             200          (9) (a) When an order is served on a respondent in a jail or other holding facility, the law
             201      enforcement agency managing the facility shall make a reasonable effort to provide notice to the
             202      petitioner at the time the respondent is released from incarceration.
             203          (b) Notification of the petitioner shall consist of a good faith reasonable effort to provide
             204      notification, including mailing a copy of the notification to the last-known address of the victim.
             205          (10) (a) A court may modify or vacate an order of protection or any provisions in the order
             206      after notice and hearing, except as limited under Subsection (10)(b).
             207          (b) Criminal provisions of a protective order may not be vacated within three years of
             208      issuance unless the petitioner:
             209          (i) is personally served with notice of the hearing as provided in Rules 4 and 5, Utah Rules
             210      of Civil Procedure, and the petitioner personally appears before the court and gives specific
             211      consent to the vacation of the criminal provisions of the protective order; or

             212          (ii) submits a verified affidavit, stating agreement to the vacation of the criminal
             213      provisions of the protective order.
             214          (11) A protective order may be modified without a showing of substantial and material
             215      change in circumstances.
             216          (12) Insofar as the provisions of this chapter are more specific than the Utah Rules of Civil
             217      Procedure, regarding protective orders, the provisions of this chapter govern.
             218          Section 4. Section 30-6-4.3 is amended to read:
             219           30-6-4.3. Hearings on ex parte orders.
             220          (1) (a) When a court issues an ex parte protective order the court shall set a date for a
             221      hearing on the petition within 20 days after the ex parte order is issued. The hearing shall be an
             222      evidentiary hearing upon request of either party.
             223          (b) If an evidentiary hearing is requested after the issuance of an ex parte protective order,
             224      the burden is on the petitioner to show, by a preponderance of the evidence, that a protective order
             225      should be issued. No presumption of correctness may be attached to the ex parte protective order
             226      or its accompanying documentation at the time of that evidentiary hearing.
             227          [(b)] (c) If, at that hearing, the court does not issue a protective order, the ex parte
             228      protective order shall expire, unless it is otherwise [modified] extended by the court.
             229          [(c)] (d) If at that hearing the court issues a protective order, the ex parte protective order
             230      remains in effect until service of process of the protective order is completed.
             231          [(d)] (e) A protective order issued after notice and a hearing is effective until further order
             232      of the court.
             233          (2) Upon a hearing under this section, the court may grant any of the relief described in
             234      Section 30-6-4.2 .
             235          (3) When a court denies a petition for an ex parte protective order or a petition to modify
             236      an order for protection ex parte, the court shall, at the request of the petitioner, set the matter for
             237      hearing upon notice to the respondent. That hearing shall be an evidentiary hearing upon request
             238      of either party.
             239          (4) A respondent who has been served with an ex parte protective order may seek to vacate
             240      the ex parte protective order prior to the hearing scheduled pursuant to Subsection (1)(a) by filing
             241      a verified motion to vacate. The respondent's verified motion to vacate and a notice of hearing on
             242      that motion shall be personally served on the petitioner at least two days prior to the hearing on the

             243      motion to vacate.
             244          Section 5. Section 78-3a-104 is amended to read:
             245           78-3a-104. Jurisdiction of juvenile court -- Original -- Exclusive.
             246          (1) Except as otherwise provided by law, the juvenile court has exclusive original
             247      jurisdiction in proceedings concerning:
             248          (a) a minor who has violated any federal, state, or local law or municipal ordinance or a
             249      person younger than 21 years of age who has violated any law or ordinance before becoming 18
             250      years of age, regardless of where the violation occurred, excluding traffic laws and ordinances;
             251          (b) a person 21 years of age or older who has failed or refused to comply with an order of
             252      the juvenile court to pay a fine or restitution, if the order was imposed prior to the person's 21st
             253      birthday; however, the continuing jurisdiction is limited to causing compliance with existing
             254      orders;
             255          (c) a minor who is an abused child, neglected child, or dependent child, as those terms are
             256      defined in Section 78-3a-103 ;
             257          (d) a protective order for a minor who is alleged to be an abused child or neglected child,
             258      except as provided in Section 78-3a-105 , and unless:
             259          (i) the petition is filed by a natural parent of the minor against a natural parent of the
             260      minor; or
             261          (ii) the petition is otherwise filed during the pendency of a divorce proceeding between
             262      the child's parents, one of whom is alleged to have abused or neglected the child;
             263          (e) the determination of the custody of a minor or to appoint a guardian of the person or
             264      other guardian of a minor who comes within the court's jurisdiction under other provisions of this
             265      section;
             266          (f) the termination of the legal parent-child relationship in accordance with Part 4,
             267      Termination of Parental Rights Act, including termination of residual parental rights and duties;
             268          (g) the treatment or commitment of a mentally retarded minor;
             269          (h) a minor who, in defiance of earnest and persistent efforts on the part of his parents and
             270      school authorities as required under Section 53A-11-103 , is a habitual truant from school;
             271          (i) the judicial consent to the marriage of a minor under age 16 upon a determination of
             272      voluntariness or where otherwise required by law, employment, or enlistment of a minor when
             273      consent is required by law;

             274          (j) any parent or parents of a minor committed to a secure youth corrections facility, to
             275      order, at the discretion of the court and on the recommendation of a secure youth corrections
             276      facility, the parent or parents of a minor committed to a secure youth corrections facility for a
             277      custodial term, to undergo group rehabilitation therapy under the direction of a secure youth
             278      corrections facility therapist, who has supervision of that parent's or parents' minor, or any other
             279      therapist the court may direct, for a period directed by the court as recommended by a secure youth
             280      corrections facility;
             281          (k) a minor under Title 55, Chapter 12, Interstate Compact on Juveniles;
             282          (l) the treatment or commitment of a mentally ill child. The court may commit a child to
             283      the physical custody of a local mental health authority or to the legal custody of the Division of
             284      Mental Health in accordance with the procedures and requirements of Title 62A, Chapter 12, Part
             285      2A, Commitment of Persons Under Age 18 to Division of Mental Health. The court may not
             286      commit a child directly to the Utah State Hospital; and
             287          (m) the commitment of a minor in accordance with Section 62A-8-501 .
             288          (2) In addition to the provisions of Subsection (1)(a) the juvenile court has exclusive
             289      jurisdiction over any traffic offense committed by a minor under 16 years of age and concurrent
             290      jurisdiction over all other traffic offenses committed by a minor 16 years of age or older, except
             291      that the court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the following traffic offenses committed by
             292      a minor under 18 years of age:
             293          (a) Section 76-5-207 , automobile homicide;
             294          (b) Section 41-6-44 , operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
             295          (c) Section 41-6-45 , reckless driving;
             296          (d) Section 41-1a-1314 , unauthorized control over a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer
             297      for an extended period of time; and
             298          (e) Section 41-6-13.5 , fleeing a peace officer.
             299          (3) The court also has jurisdiction over traffic offenses that are part of a single criminal
             300      episode filed in a petition that contains an offense over which the court has jurisdiction.
             301          (4) The juvenile court has jurisdiction over questions of custody, support, and visitation
             302      certified to it by the district court pursuant to Section 78-3a-105 .
             303          (5) The juvenile court has jurisdiction over an ungovernable or runaway minor who is
             304      referred to it by the Division of Child and Family Services or by public or private agencies that

             305      contract with the division to provide services to that minor where, despite earnest and persistent
             306      efforts by the division or agency, the minor has demonstrated that he:
             307          (a) is beyond the control of his parent, guardian, lawful custodian, or school authorities
             308      to the extent that his behavior or condition endangers his own welfare or the welfare of others; or
             309          (b) has run away from home.
             310          (6) This section does not restrict the right of access to the juvenile court by private
             311      agencies or other persons.
             312          (7) The juvenile court has jurisdiction of all magistrate functions relative to cases arising
             313      under Section 78-3a-602 .
             314          Section 6. Section 78-3a-105 is amended to read:
             315           78-3a-105. Concurrent jurisdiction -- District court and juvenile court.
             316          (1) The district court or other court has concurrent jurisdiction with the juvenile court as
             317      follows:
             318          (a) when a person who is 18 years of age or older and who is under the continuing
             319      jurisdiction of the juvenile court under Section 78-3a-118 violates any federal, state, or local law
             320      or municipal ordinance;
             321          (b) in adoption proceedings, when the juvenile court has previously entered an order
             322      terminating the rights of a parent, and finds that adoption is in the best interest of the minor;
             323      adoption proceedings under this section shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures
             324      described in Title 78, Chapter 30, Adoption;
             325          (c) in establishing paternity and ordering testing for the purposes of establishing paternity,
             326      in accordance with Title 78, Chapter 45a, Uniform Act on Paternity, with regard to proceedings
             327      initiated under Title 78, Chapter 3a, Part 3, Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Proceedings, or Title
             328      78, Chapter 3a, Part 4, Termination of Parental Rights Act; and
             329          (d) in proceedings brought on behalf of a minor pursuant to Title 30, Chapter 6, Cohabitant
             330      Abuse Act, [unless] except that the district court has exclusive jurisdiction if the petition is filed
             331      by a natural parent of the minor against a natural parent of the minor or is otherwise filed during
             332      the pendency of a divorce proceeding between the child's parents, one of whom is alleged to have
             333      abused or neglected the child.
             334          (2) The juvenile court has jurisdiction over petitions to modify a minor's birth certificate
             335      if the court otherwise has jurisdiction over the minor.

             336          (3) (a) This section does not deprive the district court of jurisdiction to appoint a guardian
             337      for a minor, or to determine the support, custody, and visitation of a minor upon writ of habeas
             338      corpus or when the question of support, custody, and visitation is incidental to the determination
             339      of a cause in the district court.
             340          (b) However, if a petition involving the same minor is pending in the juvenile court or the
             341      juvenile court has previously acquired continuing jurisdiction over the same minor, the district
             342      court shall certify the question of support, custody, and visitation to the juvenile court for
             343      determination.
             344          (4) When a question is certified to the juvenile court under Subsection (3), the findings and
             345      order of the juvenile court judge are the order of the district court.
             346          (5) (a) Where a support, custody, or visitation award has been made by a district court in
             347      a divorce action or other proceeding, and the jurisdiction of the district court in the case is
             348      continuing, the juvenile court may acquire jurisdiction in a case involving the same minor if the
             349      minor is dependent, abused, neglected, or otherwise comes within the jurisdiction of the juvenile
             350      court under Section 78-3a-104 .
             351          (b) The juvenile court may, by order, change the custody, support, and visitation rights
             352      previously ordered in the district court as necessary to implement the order of the juvenile court
             353      for the safety and welfare of the minor. The juvenile court order remains in effect so long as the
             354      jurisdiction of the juvenile court continues.
             355          (6) When a copy of the findings and order of the juvenile court has been filed with the
             356      district court, the findings and order of the juvenile court are binding on the parties to the divorce
             357      action as though entered in the district court.
             358          Section 7. Effective date.
             359          This act takes effect on July 1, 1999.

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