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February 2, 1999
Mr. Speaker:
The Transportation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 81, EXPLOSIVES LAW AMENDMENTS, by Representative B. Holladay, with the following amendments and recommends it be placed on the Consent Calendar.
1. Page 13, Line 379: After "ammunition" insert ", reloading components, or muzzleloading equipment"
2. Page 14, Line 412: After "76-8-311.1" insert "76-8-311.3"
2. Page 17, Line 505: After "device" insert "as those terms are defined in Section 76-10-306"
Don E. Bush
Committee Chair
B. Holladay
Voting: 12-0-1
4 HB0081.HC1 bchriste/BNC TPD/RCN 4:52 PM
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