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        February 10, 1999

Mr. Speaker:

    The Education Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 85, COMPULSORY EDUCATION/TRUANCY AMENDMENTS, by Representative D. Bourdeaux, with the following amendments:

    Page 2, Line 34: After "six years" delete the remainder of the line and insert "but has not reached the age of eighteen years"

    Page 2, Line 35: Delete Line 35

    Page 2, Line 36: Delete "school" at the beginning of the line and insert a "." after
     "marriage" and delete the remainder of the line

    Page 2, Line 48: After "refuse to" delete "comply with" and insert "respond to"

    Page 4, Line 107: After "appropriate" insert "district or county attorney or"

    Page 5, Lines 127-129: Delete Lines 127 through 129 and insert: "and for whom      reasonable efforts to resolve the attendance problem have failed,
     shall be issued a habitual truancy citation and referred by the local
school board or school district to the appropriate county or district
attorney or juvenile court"
    Page 5, Line 130: Delete "for referral of the minor to juvenile court"

    Page 7, Line 211: Delete "earnest and persistent"                   Respectfully,

        Lloyd Frandsen
        Committee Chair

Voting: 9-2-2
3 HB0085.HC1 Jholyoak/JWL ECM/JDH 11:17 AM

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