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        February 4, 1999

Mr. Speaker:

    The Business, Labor, and Economic Development Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 86, CHECK ABUSE AMENDMENTS, by Representative J. Swallow, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 27:    After line 27 insert:
        "(c) "Mailed" means the day that a notice is properly deposited in the United States mail."

2.     Page 4, Line 103    Delete "$750" and insert "$500"

3.     Page 6, Line 156    Delete "$750" and insert "$500"


        John William 'Bill' Hickman
        Committee Chair

Voting: 8-4-2
3 HB0086.HC1 Snewton/MCP PO/MCP 10:26 AM

Bill Number
Action Class
Action Code

