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        February 4, 1999

Mr. Speaker:

    The Health and Human Services Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 93, TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR CASEWORKERS, by Representative M. Throckmorton, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Line 40:    Bracket "and in no case later than six months after initial employment,"

2.    Page 2, Line 44:    Delete "one or more" and insert "at least two"

3.    Page 2, Line 48:    After "if the worker has" and insert "six months or more but"

4.    Page 2, Line 51:    Delete "(a)" and insert "(b)"

5.    Page 2, Line 51:    After line 51 insert:
        "(3)The division shall provide an annual report to the Legislative Child Welfare Oversight Panel before November 1 on the implementation and status of on-the-job training for child welfare workers required under Subsection (2)."


        Carl R. Saunders
        Committee Chair
Voting: 11-0-2
3 HB0093.HC1 BBushman/MDA RCL/ALH 9:58 AM

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