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February 8, 1999
Mr. Speaker:
The Retirement Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 221, RETIREMENT OFFICE AMENDMENTS, by Representative R. Short, with the following amendments:
2. Page 2, Line 35: After Line 35 insert:
" 49-8-403, as last amended by Chapter 267, Laws of Utah 1998"
3. Page 14, Lines 425-6: Bracket "month if the governor has served one" and bracket ", or $1,000 per month if the governor has served two or more terms"
4. Page 15, Line 457: After Line 457 insert:
"Section 18. Section 49-8-403 is amended to read:
49-8-403. Assistance to members in purchase of life, health, dental, and medical insurance after retirement -- Employment of personnel to administer section -- Governor's and legislative benefit.
(1) (a) The board may assist active and retired members and beneficiaries and inactive members of the various retirement systems administered under its direction, to purchase life, health, dental, and medical insurance on a group basis which can be continued after retirement under rules adopted by the board.
(b) The executive director may employ any personnel, including consultants, to administer this section.
(2) (a) The board shall annually report and the state shall pay the percentage described in Subsection (2)(c) of the
cost of providing a paid-up group health insurance policy for
and their surviving spouses
covered under Title 49, Chapter 7, Governor's and Legislative Service Pension
Act who:
retire after January 1, 1998;
are at least 62 but less than 65 years of age;
elect to receive and apply for this benefit to the group
insurance division; and
are active members at the time of retirement or have
retired and continued insurance coverage with the group
insurance division until the date of eligibility for the benefit
under this Subsection (2).
The board shall annually report and the state shall
pay the percentage described in Subsection (2)(c) of the cost of
providing Medicare supplemental insurance for members
and their surviving spouses
covered under Title 49, Chapter 7, Governor's and Legislative Service Pension Act who:
retire after January 1, 1998;
are at least 65 years of age; and
elect to receive and apply for this benefit to the group
insurance division.
The following percentages apply to the benefit described
Subsections (2)(a) and (b):
100% if the member has 10 or more years of service;
80% if the member has 8 or more years of service;
60% if the member has 6 or more years of service; and
40% if the member has 4 or more years of service."
Renumber remaining sections accordingly.
Ron Bigelow
Committee Chair
Voting: 7-0-2
3 HB0221.HC1 Bbryner/SES DSL/BNC 2:33 PM
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