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February 12, 1999
Mr. Speaker:
The Business, Labor, and Economic Development Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 269, INSURANCE RATE REGULATION, by Representative G. Adair, with the following amendments:
1. Page 26, Line 795: After "premium rate" insert "," and after "risk variations" insert ","
2. Page 29, Lines 868-69: Delete lines 868 and 869
3. Page 29, Line 870: Delete "(vi)" and insert "(v)"
4. Page 29, Line 872: Delete "(vii)" and insert "(vi)"
5. Page 32, Line 983: Delete "30" and insert "60"
6. Page 58, Line 1772: Delete "and"
7. Page 58, Line 1773: After "organization" insert:
"; and (d) providing for the equitable sharing and recovery of the expense of the designated rate service organization to develop, maintain, and provide the plans, services, and filings that are used by the various insurers writing workers compensation insurance"
John William 'Bill' Hickman
Committee Chair
Voting: 10-0-4
3 HB0269.HC1 Snewton/MCP PO/MCP 9:50 AM
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