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February 12, 1999
Mr. Speaker:
The Workforce Services Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 273, WORKFORCE SERVICES AMENDMENTS, by Representative L. Frandsen, with the following amendments:
1. Page 5, line 151: After "Subsection (5)(a)," insert "Section 62A- 11-204.1, or Title 76, Chapter 8, Part 12, Public Assistance Fraud,"
2. Page 6, line 154: After "disqualification from" reinstate "receiving" and insert "cash" and reinstate "assistance" and insert "from"
3. Page 6, line 154: After "program" insert "and the general assistance program"
4. Page 6, line 155: After "if" delete "that is the program from which" and after "was obtained" insert "from either of those programs"
David L. Zolman
Committee Vice-Chair
Voting: 8-0-3
3 HB0273.HC1 twolf/ALH RCL/ALH 8:18 AM
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