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        February 18, 1999

Mr. Speaker:

    The Workforce Services Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 10, PUBLIC ASSISTANCE ELIGIBILITY, by Senator M. Peterson, with the following amendments:
1.    Page 3, Line 67
    Amended in Committee
    Goldenrod 1-22-99:    After "(6)" insert "(a)"

2.    Page 3, Line 68
    Amended in Committee
    Goldenrod 1-22-99:    After "shall" insert ", if Subsection (6)(b) is satisfied,"

3.    Page 3, Line 71
    Amended in Committee
    Goldenrod 1-22-99:    After line 71 insert:
        "(b) Before Subsection (6)(a) may be applied:
        (i) the federal government must:
        (A) determine that Subsection (6)(a) may be implemented within the state's existing public assistance-related waivers as of January 1, 1999;
        (B) extend a waiver to the state permitting the implementation of Subsection (6)(a); or
        (C) determine that the state's waivers that permit dual eligibility determinations for cash assistance and Medicaid are no longer valid; and
        (ii) the department must determine that Subsection (6)(a) can be implemented within existing funding.

4.    Page 7, Line 197
    Goldenrod 1-27-99:    After "(2)" insert "(a)"

5.    Page 7, Line 198
    Goldenrod 1-27-99:    After "shall" insert ", if Subsection (2)(b) is satisfied,"

6.    Page 7, Line 200
    Goldenrod 1-27-99:    After line 200 insert:
        "(b) Before Subsection (2)(a) may be applied:
        (i) the federal government must:
        (A) determine that Subsection (2)(a) may be implemented within the state's existing public assistance-related waivers as of January 1, 1999;
        (B) extend to the state a waiver that permits the implementation of Subsection (2)(a); or
        (C) determine that the state's waivers that permit dual eligibility determinations for cash assistance and Medicaid are no longer valid; and
        (ii) the department must determine that Subsection (2)(a) can be implemented within existing funding.


        David L. Zolman
        Committee Vice-Chair

Voting: 7-0-4
3 SB0010.HC1 twolf/ALH RCL/ALH 9:08 AM

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