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        February 15, 1999

Mr. Speaker:

    The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 74, CHILD CARE PROVIDER CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK AMENDMENTS, by Senator P. Suazo, with the following amendments:

1.     Page 2, Line 28    
    goldenrod 1-22-1999:        After "has" delete ":" and insert "resided in Utah for the last five years; (ii) the individual has:"

2.     Page 2, Line 32    
    goldenrod 1-22-1999:        `Delete "(ii)" and insert "(iii)"


        DeMar 'Bud' Bowman
        Committee Chair

Voting: 7-0-4
3 SB0074.HC1 Lwest/CA JLW/JWL 10:43 AM

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