H.B. 147 Substitute    Massage Practice Act - Consent for Children -- Bryson, K.

        Drafting Attorney: R. Chet Loftis
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Similar Bills: Children Occupations and Professions Occupational Licensing Minors
This bill is a substitute bill. The bill that was substituted is H.B. 147

Bill Status
    Last Action: 03 March 1999, Senate/enacting clause struck
    Last Location: House file for defeated bills
    Bill Status  Last Updated: 4 March 1999, 2:27 AM

Bill Text
    Introduced HTML | PDF | WP 6,7,8 Zipped 11K  Last Updated: 16 February 1999, 3:50 PM
    Amended HTML | PDF | WP 6,7,8 Zipped 9K  Last Updated: 22 February 1999, 9:27 AM

Floor Amendments Proposed
    Amendment # 4 HTML | PDF | WP 6,7,8 Zipped

Fiscal Note
    Fiscal Note HTML | PDF Last Updated: 23 February 1999, 9:38 AM

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Last Revised: 4 November 1999, 2:39 PM