House Floor
Amendment 5 March 3, 1999 1:41 PM
Representative Garn proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 17, Line 522: After line 522 insert:
"221. Internet Addresses - to study the legal status of internet addresses, how they are managed, and their use by the public.
222. Digital Network - to study economic and regulatory barriers,
internet service provider access to cable television networks, and
the regulatory parity/disparity between telecommunications providers.
223. Public Safety Consolidation Within Counties - to study the advisability of consolidating public safety operations within counties in an effort to enhance uniform and county-wide crime fighting plans.
224. Block Grant Funding In Lieu of Line Item Budgeting for Public Education - to study whether to significantly reduce or eliminate line item budgeting for public education and require the State Office of Education to provide block grant funding to local school districts, with appropriate standards, safeguards and reporting requirements, in order to allow school districts to address their own individualized needs and to more fully empower parents, teachers and community councils.
225. Study of Constitution in Schools - to study the feasibility of including in the statewide curriculum a week of study known as "Constitutional Week" in which the students study the constitution and participate in projects designed to increase understanding and appreciation of the efforts of the Founding Fathers.
226. Consolidation of Interpreter Resources for the Blind - to study the feasibility of combining all interpreters for the blind under one program or pool accessible by both the school districts and the USDB in an effort to equalize salary disparity and provide for the changing needs of the interpreters.
227. Judges - to study the selection, retention, discipline and removal of judges."