1st Sub. S.B. 98

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 24 February 12, 1999 7:59 AM

Senator Spencer proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 4, Line 97
    Amended in Committee
    Goldenrod 2-3-99:    Delete "substantiated"

2.    Page 5, Line 121:    Bracket ", at the completion of an investigation,"

3.    Page 6, Lines 176-178:    Bracket lines 176 through 178 and insert:
        "(1)(a) The division shall send a notice of agency action to a person if the division finds, at the conclusion of an investigation, that, in the opinion of the division, there is a reasonable basis to conclude that the person committed abuse or neglect listed in Subsection 62A-4a-116(4)(b)(i).
        (b) For purposes of this section only, which governs the right of a person to challenge the division's initial finding or opinion of abuse or neglect as it pertains to the licensing part of the management information system, the division shall refer to a finding under Subsection (1)(a) as a "finding" or a "initial finding" of abuse or neglect when notifying or explaining a notification to a person.
        (c) Nothing in this section may be construed as affecting:
        (i) the manner in which the division conducts an investigation; or
        (ii) the use or effect, in any other setting, of:
        (A) an initial division finding or substantiation of child abuse or neglect at the completion of an investigation for any purpose other than for notification under Subsection (1)(b); or
        (B) the term "substantiated" as used in any other provision of the code.

4.    Page 6, Line 179:    After line 179 insert:
        "(a) that the division conducted an investigation;
        (b) that the division found, at the conclusion of the investigation, that there was, in the opinion of the division, a reasonable basis to conclude that abuse or neglect occurred;

7.    Page 6, Line 180:    Bracket "of substantiation"

8.    Page 7, Line 188:    Bracket "substantiated"

9.    Page 7, Line 193:    After "substantiation" insert "of child abuse or neglect"

10.    Page 7, Line 196:    Bracket "substantiated"

11.    Page 8, Line 223:    Bracket "substantiated"

12.    Page 8, Line 240:    Bracket "substantiated"

13.    Page 8, Line 241:    Delete "substantiated"