1st Sub. S.B. 191

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 4 February 25, 1999 3:38 PM

Senator Spencer proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Line 42:    After "children," insert "and to" and at the end of line 42 delete "and to provide"

2.    Page 2, Line 43:    Delete line 43

3.    Page 2, Line 44:    Delete "parents from whom they were removed,"

4.    Page 3, Line 58:    Delete "initial"

5.    Page 3, Line 59:    Remove the brackets and reinsert "family" and delete "parents"

6.    Page 3, Line 83:    After "policy" insert ", administrative rules,"

7.    Page 18, Line 541:    After "consideration" bracket "may" and insert "shall"

8.    Page 18, Line 547:    After "parents" insert "." and bracket the remainder of line 547

9.    Page 18, Line 548:    Bracket all of line 548

10.    Page 19, Line 570:    After line 570 insert at new Subsection (e) as follows:
        "(e) The division shall complete and file its investigation regarding relative placement as soon as possible, in an effort to facilitate placement of the child with a relative."

11.    Page 20, Line 593:    After (a) delete "(i)" and after "relative" bracket "may" and insert "shall"

12.    Page 20, Line 594:    After "expires" bracket "30" and insert "the latter of either 90" and after "hearing" insert "or 30 days from the date of adjudication"

13.    Page 20, Lines 597-602:    Delete lines 597 through 602