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Fourth Substitute S.B. 72



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        March 1, 2000 (11:40PM)

Mr. President:

    The House passed 4th Sub. S.B. 72, CRIMINAL CODE - RESTRICTED PERSONS, by Senator T. Spencer, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 9:    At the beginning of the line delete "AND" and after "CHANGES" insert "; AND PROVIDING A COORDINATING CLAUSE"

2.    Page 7, Line 190:    After "possession of a" insert "Schedule I"

3.    Page 7, Line 193:    Delete line 193

         Renumber remaining subsectionsaccordingly.

4.    Page 7, Line 194:    After "defective" insert " as provided in the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L. No. 103-159, 107 Stat. 1536 (1993), or has been committed to a mental institution"

5.    Page 13, Line 371:    After line 371 insert:

        "Section 11. Coordination clause.
        If this bill and H.B. 176, Weapons Restrictions for Mentally Ill Persons, both pass, it is the intent of the Legislature that the amendments in Subsection 53-10-208.1(1) read as follows:
        (1) all dispositions of criminal matters, including:
        (a) guilty pleas;
        (b) convictions;
        (c) dismissals;
        (d) acquittals;
        (e) pleas held in abeyance;
        (f) judgments of not guilty by reason of insanity for a violation of:
        (i) a felony offense;
        (ii) Title 76, Chapter 5, Offenses Against the Person; or
        (iii) Title 76, Chapter 10, Part 5, Weapons;
        (g) judgments of guilty and mentally ill;
        (h) finding of mental incompetence to stand trial for a

violation of:
        (i) a felony offense;
        (ii) Title 76, Chapter 5, Offenses Against the Person; or
        (iii) Title 76, Chapter 10, Part 5, Weapons; or
        (i) probations granted; and

and returns it to the Senate for further consideration.




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Carole E. Peterson
        Chief Clerk

17 SB0072S4.amd 11:40 PM TPD/Pbryson

Representative Blake D. Chard proposes to substitute the following bill:




Sponsor: Terry R. Spencer

             10      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             11      AMENDS:
             12          53-10-208, as last amended by Chapter 187 and renumbered and amended by Chapter 263,
             13      Laws of Utah 1998
             14          62A-12-247, as last amended by Chapter 161, Laws of Utah 1989
             15          76-10-501, as last amended by Chapters 5, 97 and 366, Laws of Utah 1999
             16          76-10-504, as last amended by Chapter 289, Laws of Utah 1997
             17          76-10-509.6, as enacted by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1993, Second Special Session
             18          76-10-512, as last amended by Chapter 12, Laws of Utah 1994
             19          76-10-526, as last amended by Chapter 227, Laws of Utah 1999
             20          78-3a-206, as last amended by Chapter 377, Laws of Utah 1999
             21      ENACTS:
             22          53-10-208.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             23      REPEALS AND REENACTS:
             24          76-10-503, as last amended by Chapter 97, Laws of Utah 1999
             25      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

             26          Section 1. Section 53-10-208 is amended to read:
             27           53-10-208. Definition -- Offenses included on statewide warrant system --
             28      Transportation fee to be included -- Statewide warrant system responsibility -- Quality
             29      control -- Training -- Technical support -- Transaction costs.
             30          (1) "Statewide warrant system" means the portion of the state court computer system that
             31      is accessible by modem from the state mainframe computer and contains:
             32          (a) records of criminal warrant information; and
             33          (b) after notice and hearing, records of protective orders issued pursuant to:
             34          (i) Title 30, Chapter 6, Cohabitant Abuse Act; or
             35          (ii) Title 77, Chapter 36, Cohabitant Abuse Procedures Act.
             36          [(2) Every magistrate or clerk of a court responsible for court records in this state shall
             37      furnish the division with information pertaining to:]
             38          [(a) all dispositions of criminal matters, including guilty pleas, convictions, dismissals,
             39      acquittals, pleas held in abeyance, or probations granted, within 30 days of the disposition and on
             40      forms and in the manner provided by the division;]
             41          [(b) the issuance, recall, cancellation, or modification of all warrants of arrest or
             42      commitment as described in Rule 6, Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure and Section 78-32-4 , within
             43      one day of the action and in a manner provided by the division; and]
             44          [(c) protective orders issued after notice and hearing, pursuant to:]
             45          [(i) Title 30, Chapter 6, Cohabitant Abuse Act; or ]
             46          [(ii) Title 77, Chapter 36, Cohabitant Abuse Procedures Act.]
             47          [(3)] (2) (a) (i) The division shall include on the statewide warrant system all warrants
             48      issued for felony offenses and class A, B, and C misdemeanor offenses in the state.
             49          (ii) For each offense the division shall indicate whether the magistrate ordered under
             50      Section 77-7-5 and Rule 6, Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure, that the accused appear in court.
             51          (b) Infractions shall not be included on the statewide warrant system, including any
             52      subsequent failure to appear warrants issued on an infraction.
             53          [(4)] (3) The division is the agency responsible for the statewide warrant system and shall:
             54          (a) ensure quality control of all warrants of arrest or commitment and protective orders
             55      contained in the statewide warrant system by conducting regular validation checks with every clerk
             56      of a court responsible for entering the information on the system;

             57          (b) upon the expiration of the protective orders and in the manner prescribed by the
             58      division, purge information regarding protective orders described in Subsection [(2)(c)]
             59      53-10-208.1 (4) within 30 days of the time after expiration;
             60          (c) establish system procedures and provide training to all criminal justice agencies having
             61      access to information contained on the state warrant system;
             62          (d) provide technical support, program development, and systems maintenance for the
             63      operation of the system; and
             64          (e) pay data processing and transaction costs for state, county, and city law enforcement
             65      agencies and criminal justice agencies having access to information contained on the state warrant
             66      system.
             67          [(5)] (4) (a) Any data processing or transaction costs not funded by legislative
             68      appropriation shall be paid on a pro rata basis by all agencies using the system during the fiscal
             69      year.
             70          (b) This Subsection (4) supersedes any conflicting provision in Subsection [(4)](3)(e).
             71          Section 2. Section 53-10-208.1 is enacted to read:
             72          53-10-208.1. Magistrates and court clerks to supply information.
             73          Every magistrate or clerk of a court responsible for court records in this state shall, within
             74      30 days of the disposition and on forms and in the manner provided by the division, furnish the
             75      division with information pertaining to:
             76          (1) all dispositions of criminal matters, including:
             77          (a) guilty pleas;
             78          (b) convictions;
             79          (c) dismissals;
             80          (d) acquittals;
             81          (e) pleas held in abeyance;
             82          (f) judgments of not guilty by reason of insanity for a felony offense;
             83          (g) findings of mental incompetence to stand trial for a felony offense; or
             84          (h) probations granted;
             85          (2) orders of civil commitment under the terms of Section 62A-12-234 ;
             86          (3) the issuance, recall, cancellation, or modification of all warrants of arrest or
             87      commitment as described in Rule 6, Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure and Section 78-32-4 , within

             88      one day of the action and in a manner provided by the division; and
             89          (4) protective orders issued after notice and hearing, pursuant to:
             90          (a) Title 30, Chapter 6, Cohabitant Abuse Act; or
             91          (b) Title 77, Chapter 36, Cohabitant Abuse Procedures Act.
             92          Section 3. Section 62A-12-247 is amended to read:
             93           62A-12-247. Confidentiality of information and records -- Exceptions -- Penalty.
             94          (1) All certificates, applications, records, and reports made for the purpose of this part,
             95      including those made on judicial proceedings for involuntary commitment, that directly or
             96      indirectly identify a patient or former patient or an individual whose commitment has been sought
             97      under this part, shall be kept confidential and may not be disclosed by any person except insofar
             98      as:
             99          (a) the individual identified or his legal guardian, if any, or, if a minor, his parent or legal
             100      guardian shall consent;
             101          (b) disclosure may be necessary to carry out [any of] the provisions of:
             102          (i) this part; or
             103          (ii) Section 53-10-208.1 ; or
             104          (c) a court may direct, upon its determination that disclosure is necessary for the conduct
             105      of proceedings before it, and that failure to make the disclosure would be contrary to the public
             106      interest.
             107          (2) A person who [violates any provision of] knowingly or intentionally discloses any
             108      information not authorized by this section is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
             109          Section 4. Section 76-10-501 is amended to read:
             110           76-10-501. Definitions.
             111          As used in this part:
             112          (1) (a) "Concealed dangerous weapon" means a dangerous weapon that is covered, hidden,
             113      or secreted in a manner that the public would not be aware of its presence and is readily accessible
             114      for immediate use.
             115          (b) A dangerous weapon shall not be considered a concealed dangerous weapon if it is a
             116      firearm which is unloaded and is securely encased.
             117          [(2) "Crime of violence" means aggravated murder, murder, manslaughter, rape, mayhem,
             118      kidnapping, robbery, burglary, housebreaking, extortion, or blackmail accompanied by threats of

             119      violence, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault with intent to commit any offense punishable
             120      by imprisonment for more than one year, arson punishable by imprisonment for more than one
             121      year, or an attempt to commit any of these offenses.]
             122          [(3)] (2) "Criminal history background check" means a criminal background check
             123      conducted by a licensed firearms dealer on every purchaser of a handgun through the division or
             124      the local law enforcement agency where the firearms dealer conducts business.
             125          [(4)] (3) (a) "Dangerous weapon" means any item that in the manner of its use or intended
             126      use is capable of causing death or serious bodily injury. The following factors shall be used in
             127      determining whether a knife, or any other item, object, or thing not commonly known as a
             128      dangerous weapon is a dangerous weapon:
             129          (i) the character of the instrument, object, or thing;
             130          (ii) the character of the wound produced, if any;
             131          (iii) the manner in which the instrument, object, or thing was used; and
             132          (iv) the other lawful purposes for which the instrument, object, or thing may be used.
             133          (b) "Dangerous weapon" does not include any explosive, chemical, or incendiary device
             134      as defined by Section 76-10-306 .
             135          [(5)] (4) "Dealer" means every person who is licensed under crimes and criminal
             136      procedure, 18 U.S.C. 923 and engaged in the business of selling, leasing, or otherwise transferring
             137      a handgun, whether the person is a retail or wholesale dealer, pawnbroker, or otherwise.
             138          [(6)] (5) "Division" means the Criminal Investigations and Technical Services Division
             139      of the Department of Public Safety, created in Section 53-10-103 .
             140          [(7)] (6) "Enter" means intrusion of the entire body.
             141          [(8)] (7) "Firearm" means a pistol, revolver, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun, rifle or
             142      sawed-off rifle, or any device that could be used as a dangerous weapon from which is expelled
             143      a projectile by action of an explosive.
             144          [(9)] (8) "Firearms transaction record form" means a form created by the division to be
             145      completed by a person purchasing, selling, or transferring a handgun from a dealer in the state.
             146          [(10)] (9) "Fully automatic weapon" means any firearm which fires, is designed to fire, or
             147      can be readily restored to fire, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading by a
             148      single function of the trigger.
             149          [(11)] (10) "Handgun" means a pistol, revolver, or other firearm of any description, loaded

             150      or unloaded, from which any shot, bullet, or other missile can be discharged, the length of which,
             151      not including any revolving, detachable, or magazine breech, does not exceed 12 inches.
             152          [(12)] (11) "House of worship" means a church, temple, synagogue, mosque, or other
             153      building set apart primarily for the purpose of worship in which religious services are held and the
             154      main body of which is kept for that use and not put to any other use inconsistent with its primary
             155      purpose.
             156          [(13)] (12) "Prohibited area" means any place where it is unlawful to discharge a firearm.
             157          [(14)] (13) "Readily accessible for immediate use" means that a firearm or other dangerous
             158      weapon is carried on the person or within such close proximity and in such a manner that it can
             159      be retrieved and used as readily as if carried on the person.
             160          [(15)] (14) "Residence" means an improvement to real property used or occupied as a
             161      primary or secondary residence.
             162          [(16)] (15) "Sawed-off shotgun" or "sawed-off rifle" means a shotgun having a barrel or
             163      barrels of fewer than 18 inches in length, or in the case of a rifle, having a barrel or barrels of fewer
             164      than 16 inches in length, or any dangerous weapon made from a rifle or shotgun by alteration,
             165      modification, or otherwise, if the weapon as modified has an overall length of fewer than 26
             166      inches.
             167          [(17)] (16) "Securely encased" means not readily accessible for immediate use, such as
             168      held in a gun rack, or in a closed case or container, whether or not locked, or in a trunk or other
             169      storage area of a motor vehicle, not including a glove box or console box.
             170          [(18)] (17) "State entity" means each department, commission, board, council, agency,
             171      institution, officer, corporation, fund, division, office, committee, authority, laboratory, library,
             172      unit, bureau, panel, or other administrative unit of the state.
             173          (18) "Violent felony" means the same as defined in Section 76-3-203.5 .
             174          Section 5. Section 76-10-503 is repealed and reenacted to read:
             175          76-10-503. Restrictions on possession, purchase, transfer, and ownership of
             176      dangerous weapons by certain persons.
             177          (1) For purposes of this section:
             178          (a) A Category I restricted person is a person who:
             179          (i) has been convicted of any violent felony as defined in Section 76-3-203.5 ;
             180          (ii) is on probation or parole for any felony;

             181          (iii) is on parole from a secure facility as defined in Section 62A-7-101 ; or
             182          (iv) within the last ten years has been adjudicated delinquent for an offense which if
             183      committed by an adult would have been a violent felony as defined in Section 76-3-203.5 .
             184          (b) A Category II restricted person is a person who:
             185          (i) has been convicted of or is under indictment for any felony;
             186          (ii) within the last seven years has been adjudicated delinquent for an offense which if
             187      committed by an adult would have been a felony;
             188          (iii) is an unlawful user of a controlled substance as defined in Section 58-37-2 ;
             189          (iv) is in possession of a dangerous weapon and is knowingly and intentionally in unlawful
             190      possession of a controlled substance as defined in Section 58-37-2 ;
             191          (v) has been found not guilty by reason of insanity for a felony offense;
             192          (vi) has been found mentally incompetent to stand trial for a felony offense;
             193          (vii) has been civilly committed under the terms of Section 62A-12-234 ;
             194          (viii) has been adjudicated as mentally defective;
             195          (ix) is an alien who is illegally or unlawfully in the United States;
             196          (x) has been dishonorably discharged from the armed forces; or
             197          (xi) has renounced his citizenship after having been a citizen of the United States.
             198          (2) A Category I restricted person who purchases, transfers, possesses, uses, or has under
             199      his custody or control:
             200          (a) any firearm is guilty of a second degree felony; or
             201          (b) any dangerous weapon other than a firearm is guilty of a third degree felony.
             202          (3) A Category II restricted person who purchases, transfers, possesses, uses, or has under
             203      his custody or control:
             204          (a) any firearm is guilty of a third degree felony; or
             205          (b) any dangerous weapon other than a firearm is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             206          (4) A person may be subject to the restrictions of both categories at the same time.
             207          (5) If a higher penalty than is prescribed in this section is provided in another section for
             208      one who purchases, transfers, possesses, uses, or has under this custody or control any dangerous
             209      weapon, the penalties of that section control.
             210          Section 6. Section 76-10-504 is amended to read:
             211           76-10-504. Carrying concealed dangerous weapon -- Penalties.

             212          (1) Except as provided in Section 76-10-503 and in Subsections (2) and (3):
             213          (a) a person who carries a concealed dangerous weapon, as defined in Section 76-10-501 ,
             214      which is not a firearm on his person or one that is readily accessible for immediate use which is
             215      not securely encased, as defined in this part, in a place other than his residence, property, or
             216      business under his control is guilty of a class B misdemeanor; and
             217          (b) a person without a valid concealed firearm permit who carries a concealed dangerous
             218      weapon which is a firearm and that contains no ammunition is guilty of a class B misdemeanor,
             219      but if the firearm contains ammunition the person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             220          (2) A person who carries concealed a sawed-off shotgun or a sawed-off rifle is guilty of
             221      a second degree felony.
             222          (3) If the concealed firearm is used in the commission of a [crime of violence] violent
             223      felony as defined in Section [ 76-10-501 ] 76-3-203.5 , and the person is a party to the offense, the
             224      person is guilty of a second degree felony.
             225          (4) Nothing in Subsection (1) shall prohibit a person engaged in the lawful taking of
             226      protected or unprotected wildlife as defined in Title 23, [Fish and Game] Wildlife Resources Code,
             227      from carrying a concealed weapon or a concealed firearm with a barrel length of four inches or
             228      greater as long as the taking of wildlife does not occur:
             229          (a) within the limits of a municipality in violation of that municipality's ordinances; or
             230          (b) upon the highways of the state as defined in Section 41-6-1 .
             231          Section 7. Section 76-10-509.6 is amended to read:
             232           76-10-509.6. Parent or guardian providing firearm to violent minor.
             233          (1) A parent or guardian may not intentionally or knowingly provide a firearm to, or permit
             234      the possession of a firearm by, any minor who has been convicted of a [crime of violence] violent
             235      felony as defined in Section 76-3-203.5 or any minor who has been adjudicated in juvenile court
             236      for an offense which would constitute a [crime of violence] violent felony if the minor were an
             237      adult.
             238          (2) Any person who violates this section is guilty of:
             239          (a) a class A misdemeanor upon the first offense; and
             240          (b) a third degree felony for each subsequent offense.
             241          Section 8. Section 76-10-512 is amended to read:
             242           76-10-512. Target concessions, shooting ranges, competitions, and hunting excepted

             243      from prohibitions.
             244          The provisions of [Sections 76-10-503 ,] Section 76-10-509 [,] and Subsection
             245      76-10-509.4 (1) regarding possession of handguns by minors shall not apply to any of the
             246      following:
             247          (1) Patrons firing at lawfully operated target concessions at amusement parks, piers, and
             248      similar locations provided that the firearms to be used are firmly chained or affixed to the counters.
             249          (2) Any person in attendance at a hunter's safety course or a firearms safety course.
             250          (3) Any person engaging in practice or any other lawful use of a firearm at an established
             251      range or any other area where the discharge of a firearm is not prohibited by state or local law.
             252          (4) Any person engaging in an organized competition involving the use of a firearm, or
             253      participating in or practicing for such competition.
             254          (5) Any minor under 18 years of age who is on real property with the permission of the
             255      owner, licensee, or lessee of the property and who has the permission of a parent or legal guardian
             256      or the owner, licensee, or lessee to possess a firearm not otherwise in violation of law.
             257          (6) Any resident or nonresident hunters with a valid hunting license or other persons who
             258      are lawfully engaged in hunting.
             259          (7) Any person traveling to or from any activity described in Subsection (2), (3), (4), (5),
             260      or (6) with an unloaded firearm in his possession.
             261          Section 9. Section 76-10-526 is amended to read:
             262           76-10-526. Criminal background check prior to purchase of a firearm -- Fee --
             263      Exemption for concealed firearm permit holders.
             264          (1) A criminal background check required by this section shall only apply to the purchase
             265      of a handgun until federal law requires the background check to extend to other firearms.
             266          (2) At the time that federal law extends the criminal background check requirement to
             267      other firearms, the division shall make rules to extend the background checks required under this
             268      section to the other firearms.
             269          (3) For purposes of this section, "valid permit to carry a concealed firearm" does not
             270      include a temporary permit issued pursuant to Section 53-5-705 .
             271          (4) To establish personal identification and residence in this state for purposes of this part,
             272      a dealer shall require any person receiving a firearm to present:
             273          (a) one photo identification on a form issued by a governmental agency of the state; and

             274          (b) one other documentation of residence which must show an address identical to that
             275      shown on the photo identification form.
             276          (5) A criminal history background check is required for the sale of a firearm by a licensed
             277      firearm dealer in the state.
             278          (6) Any person, except a dealer, purchasing a firearm from a dealer shall consent in writing
             279      to a criminal background check, on a form provided by the division. The form shall also contain
             280      the following information:
             281          (a) the dealer identification number;
             282          (b) the name and address of the person receiving the firearm;
             283          (c) the date of birth, height, weight, eye color, and hair color of the person receiving the
             284      firearm; and
             285          (d) the Social Security number or any other identification number of the person receiving
             286      the firearm.
             287          (7) (a) The dealer shall send the form required by Subsection (6) to the division
             288      immediately upon its completion.
             289          (b) No dealer shall sell or transfer any firearm to any person until the dealer has provided
             290      the division with the information in Subsection (6) and has received approval from the division
             291      under Subsection [(8)] (9).
             292          (8) The dealer shall make a request for criminal history background information by
             293      telephone or other electronic means to the division and shall receive approval or denial of the
             294      inquiry by telephone or other electronic means.
             295          (9) When the dealer calls for or requests a criminal history background check, the division
             296      shall:
             297          (a) review the criminal history files, including juvenile court records, to determine if the
             298      person is prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or transferring a firearm by state or federal law;
             299          (b) inform the dealer that:
             300          (i) the [criminal record indicates] records indicate the person is so prohibited; or
             301          (ii) the person is approved for purchasing, possessing, or transferring a firearm;
             302          (c) provide the dealer with a unique transaction number for that inquiry; and
             303          (d) provide a response to the requesting dealer during the call for a criminal background,
             304      or by return call, or other electronic means, without delay, except in case of electronic failure or

             305      other circumstances beyond the control of the division, the division shall advise the dealer of the
             306      reason for [such] the delay and give the dealer an estimate of the length of [such] the delay.
             307          (10) The division shall not maintain any records of the criminal history background check
             308      longer than 20 days from the date of the dealer's request if the division determines that the person
             309      receiving the gun is not prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or transferring the firearm under
             310      state or federal law. However, the division shall maintain a log of requests containing the dealer's
             311      federal firearms number, the transaction number, and the transaction date for a period of 12
             312      months.
             313          (11) If the criminal history background check discloses information indicating that the
             314      person attempting to purchase the firearm is prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or
             315      transferring a firearm, the division shall inform the law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction
             316      where the person resides.
             317          (12) If a person is denied the right to purchase a firearm under this section, the person may
             318      review his criminal history information and may challenge or amend the information as provided
             319      in Section 53-10-108 .
             320          (13) The division shall make rules as provided in Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             321      Administrative Rulemaking Act, to ensure the identity, confidentiality, and security of all records
             322      provided by the division pursuant to this part are in conformance with the requirements of the
             323      Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub. L. No. 103-159, 107 Stat. 1536 (1993).
             324          (14) (a) All dealers shall collect a criminal history background check fee which is $7.50.
             325      This fee remains in effect until changed by the division through the process under Section
             326      63-38-3.2 .
             327          (b) The dealer shall forward at one time all fees collected for criminal history background
             328      checks performed during the month to the division by the last day of the month following the sale
             329      of a firearm. The division shall deposit the fees in the General Fund as dedicated credits to cover
             330      the cost of administering and conducting the criminal history background check program.
             331          (15) A person with a concealed firearm permit issued pursuant to Title 53, Chapter 5, Part
             332      7, Concealed Weapon Act, shall be exempt from the background check and corresponding fee
             333      required in this section for the purchase of a firearm if:
             334          (a) the person presents his concealed firearm permit to the dealer prior to purchase of the
             335      firearm; and

             336          (b) the dealer verifies with the division that the person's concealed firearm permit is valid.
             337          Section 10. Section 78-3a-206 is amended to read:
             338           78-3a-206. Court records -- Inspection.
             339          (1) The court and the probation department shall keep records as required by the board and
             340      the presiding judge.
             341          (2) Court records shall be open to inspection by:
             342          (a) the parents or guardian, other parties in the case, the attorneys, and agencies to which
             343      custody of a minor has been transferred;
             344          (b) for information relating to adult offenders alleged to have committed a sexual offense,
             345      a felony or class A misdemeanor drug offense, or an offense against the person under Title 76,
             346      Chapter 5, Offenses Against the Person, the State Office of Education for the purpose of evaluating
             347      whether an individual should be permitted to obtain or retain a license as an educator or serve as
             348      an employee or volunteer in a school, with the understanding that the office must provide the
             349      individual with an opportunity to respond to any information gathered from its inspection of the
             350      records before it makes a decision concerning licensure or employment; and
             351          (c) the Division of Criminal Investigations and Technical Services, established in Section
             352      53-10-103 , for the purpose of a criminal history background check for the purchase of a firearm
             353      and establishing good character for issuance of a concealed firearm permit as provided in Section
             354      53-5-704 .
             355          (3) With the consent of the judge, court records may be inspected by the minor, by persons
             356      having a legitimate interest in the proceedings, and by persons conducting pertinent research
             357      studies.
             358          (4) If a petition is filed charging a minor 14 years of age or older with an offense that
             359      would be a felony if committed by an adult, the court shall make available to any person upon
             360      request the petition, any adjudication or disposition orders, and the delinquency history summary
             361      of the minor charged unless the records are closed by the court upon findings on the record for
             362      good cause.
             363          (5) Probation officers' records and reports of social and clinical studies are not open to
             364      inspection, except by consent of the court, given under rules adopted by the board.
             365          (6) (a) Any juvenile delinquency adjudication or disposition orders and the delinquency
             366      history summary of any person charged as an adult with a felony offense shall be made available

             367      to any person upon request.
             368          (b) This provision does not apply to records that have been destroyed or expunged in
             369      accordance with court rules.
             370          (c) The court may charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs associated with retrieving a
             371      requested record that has been archived.

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