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S.J.R. 12
9 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
10 WHEREAS the Legislative Management Committee is created by law as a permanent
11 committee to receive and assign matters for the interim study of the Legislature; and
12 WHEREAS the 53rd Legislature has determined that certain legislative issues require
13 additional investigation and study:
14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee
15 assign to the appropriate interim committee the duty to study and make recommendations for
16 legislative action they consider necessary to the 54th Legislature in the 2001 Annual General
17 Session, or earlier if indicated, from, but not limited to, the following items of study.
18 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee, in making
19 study assignments from this list and in approving study requests for individual committees, give
20 due regard to the available time of legislators and the budget and capacity of staff to respond
21 adequately to the number and complexity of the assignments given.
22 1. Funds Consolidation - to study and review current restricted accounts for possible
23 consolidation into the General Fund and the Uniform School Fund.
24 2. On Going, One Time Appropriations - to study and review the funding of on going
25 programs with one time monies.
26 3. Apprenticeship and Education Licensing Requirements - to study contractor licensing,
27 apprenticeship, and education requirements for various trades.
28 4. Arbitration for Personal Injury - to study laws governing binding arbitration for small
29 personal injury claims.
30 5. Attorney Lien Law - to study whether current lien law is adequate for attorneys to
31 ensure that they are compensated for services rendered. (1st Sub H.B. 150)
32 6. Business Incentives - to study the incentives to business and industrial recruitment
33 offered in Utah compared with other states to determine whether to reduce, expand, or maintain
34 current recruitment efforts.
35 7. Cash Loan Practices - to study the interest rate and fee practices of the cash loan/check
36 loan industry.
37 8. Consumer Credit - to study issues related to the accuracy of consumer credit
38 information. (S.B. 60)
39 9. Consumer Information and Dispute Resolution - to study whether to require reporting
40 agencies to disclose certain information to consumers, and to develop a dispute resolution process.
41 10. Continuing Education in Insurance Industry - to study whether all insurance salesmen
42 and adjusters should be required to take continuing education courses.
43 11. Corporations and Commercial Code Provisions - to study the consistency of
44 provisions related to business entities and the activities of the Division of Corporations and
45 Commercial Code.
46 12. Development of Closed Bases - to study the development of military bases closed
47 resulting from the federal base closure process.
48 13. Development of Tooele Army Depot - to study the infrastructure support for the
49 economic development of Tooele Army Depot.
50 14. Disability Insurance Coverage - to study changes to insurance laws including disability
51 insurance coverage requirements. (S.B. 190)
52 15. Discrimination Against OSHA Whistleblowers - to study discrimination against
53 persons who complain of Occupational Safety and Health Act violations.
54 16. Displaying Auto Sales Fees - to study whether all fees, such as the documentary
55 service fee, should be disclosed as part of an automobile's sticker price.
56 17. Drive-Through Liquor Sales - to study whether beer and related products should be
57 sold by a business with a drive-through service.
58 18. Engineer Licensing - to study changes to civil, electrical, and mechanical engineer
59 licensing.
60 19. Housing Trust Fund - to study options and equity issues for permanently funding the
61 Olene Walker Housing Trust Fund to the full trust level.
62 20. Indirect Purchasers - to study changes to laws governing indirect purchasers.
63 21. Individual Development Accounts - to study how to fund individual development
64 accounts as a tool to help low income Utahns, fund education, and other allowable activities.
65 22. Industrial Manual Replacement - to study whether to replace the 1987 Standard
66 Industrial Classification Manual with the 1997 North American Industry Classification System.
67 23. Insurance Notification in Divorce - to study issues related to insurance notification
68 in divorce situations. (H.B. 73)
69 24. Lien Laws - to study changes to current lien laws.
70 25. Loan of Products to Retailer - to study under what circumstances to permit ice cream
71 cabinets and milk coolers can be loaned or sold to retailers.
72 26. Mobile Home Conflicts - to study how to resolve various conflicts between renters
73 and park owners.
74 27. Movie Theater Age Verification - to study whether to require that movie theaters
75 require verification of the age of patrons for admittance to age-restricted movies. (H.B. 316)
76 28. Multi-level Marketing - to study whether there should be mandatory disclosure
77 language to protect consumers from pyramid schemes.
78 29. Privacy of Personal Information - to study how and for what purposes personal
79 information regarding consumers is collected and transferred, including a review of federal
80 legislation and the laws of other states. (1st Sub H.B. 70)
81 30. Property Owner Equity Foreclosure - to study issues related to loss or repayment of
82 property owner's equity in a foreclosure action.
83 31. Residential Lien Recovery Fund - to study issues related to the Residential Lien
84 Recovery Fund. (S.B. 193)
85 32. Revised Nonprofit Corporations Act - to study the implementation of the Revised
86 Nonprofit Corporations Act. (1st Sub S.B. 61)
87 33. Scope of Unprofessional Conduct Laws - to study whether to require individuals
88 engaged in an internship, residency, preceptorship, postceptorship, fellowship, apprenticeship, or
89 on-the-job-training program approved by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
90 to be bound by the laws governing unlawful and unprofessional conduct.
91 34. Subcontractors Insurance - to study the extension of insurance coverage to include
92 subcontractors.
93 35. Task Force on Lien Recovery - to study the development of a task force to examine
94 a lien recovery fund.
95 36. Tax on Alcoholic Beverages - to study whether to increase the sales tax on alcoholic
96 beverages.
97 37. Utah Professional Boxing Regulation - to study the rewriting of Title 58, Chapter 66,
98 Utah Professional Boxing Regulation Act, and to move the Utah Boxing Commission out of the
99 Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing and grant it regulatory power and the means
100 to promote the sport.
101 38. Alternative Schools - to study the additional needs and benefits of alternative schools
102 to both public schools and students.
103 39. Best Practices in School Change - to study the variety of resources, programs,
104 strategies, and innovative ideas that are currently used throughout the country to support and
105 manage school change.
106 40. Career Ladder Money - to study the use of career ladder money.
107 41. Class Size Reduction - to study whether to require local school boards to limit or
108 reduce the size of core subject classes in high school. (H.B. 238)
109 42. Classroom Communication Amplification - to study the amplification requirements
110 for classes with hearing impaired students and the creation of a three-year pilot program.
111 43. Computer Assisted Learning - to study and identify electronic programs and computer
112 assisted learning systems which will help learning disabled, remedial, and low achieving students
113 with core subjects that could be implemented within all school districts.
114 44. Content of Course Standards - to study the creation of course standards for classwork
115 in each grade and determine the level of performance considered proficient.
116 45. Cost of School-related Clothing - to study the high cost of clothing related to a
117 specific school.
118 46. Early Childhood and School Success - to study the effect of early childhood
119 environment on school success.
120 47. Engineering and Computer Science Students - to study solutions to the shortage of
121 engineering and computer science college students to fill existing and future jobs in Utah's
122 information technology sectors.
123 48. English-As-Second-Language Endorsement Requirements - to study how school
124 districts are complying with requirements that teachers working with
125 English-as-a-second-language children have an endorsement from the state.
126 49. Extending Learning Time - to study whether to extend learning time through tutorial
127 or summer school programs and extending school hours for students who have been unable to
128 reach competency.
129 50. Full Day Kindergarten - to study whether to require full day kindergarten. (S.B. 99)
130 51. Higher Education Funding - to study the funding of higher education based on growth.
131 52. Higher Education Necessarily Existent Small Schools - to study how to apply the
132 necessarily existent small schools concept to small higher education institutions.
133 53. Higher Education Start-up Costs - to study and review new start-up programs by
134 colleges and universities.
135 54. Improving Teacher Quality - to study ways to improve teacher quality by examining
136 performance-based licensing, teacher mentoring and professional development, peer assistance
137 and review, and teacher training in technology.
138 55. Institutional Roles in Blanding and San Juan - to study whether Blanding and the San
139 Juan Center should receive services and oversight by Utah State University, the College of Eastern
140 Utah, or both.
141 56. Intercept Program Costs - to study the costs of the Intercept Program to help learning
142 disabled students.
143 57. Interventions to Improve School Performance - to study interventions such as tutoring
144 and technology to improve school performance.
145 58. Kindergarten Preassessment - to study issues related to current kindergarten
146 preassessment, how it differs from what was done prior to the law requiring preassessment, and
147 whether it should be changed.
148 59. Personnel Policies in Higher Education - to study the consolidation of personnel
149 policies for classified employees in the higher education system.
150 60. Policies Regarding Returning Teachers - to study actions of the State Board of
151 Education which may limit qualified teachers from reentering the job market when returning
152 from family related activities.
153 61. Quality Teaching - to study how to attract and retain the highest quality teachers in
154 the classroom including recruitment, preservice training at universities, licensing, and professional
155 development of existing teachers.
156 62. Saving Accounts for Teachers - to study the establishment of medical savings
157 accounts for teachers.
158 63. School District and School Size - to study optimal school and district sizes and
159 configurations.
160 64. School Reform - to study comprehensive school reform rather than piecing together
161 a series of often isolated and disconnected efforts, including focus on professional development,
162 curriculum, governance, and school management.
163 65. School Starting Time - to study whether school should start later in the day.
164 66. Sex Education - to study the education of children regarding the consequences of
165 sexual activity, including who should provide the instruction, how it should be conducted, and
166 where.
167 67. Shared Governance Model - to study legislation encouraging school districts to adopt
168 a shared governance model or to encourage the adoption of models that school districts can use
169 to encourage greater participation from patrons.
170 68. Student on School Board - to study legislation that allows school districts to have a
171 student as a member of the school board.
172 69. Teaching Load - to study ways to balance teaching loads of core curriculum teachers
173 with the instructional load typically carried by elective class instructors.
174 70. Textbook Costs - to study the high costs of textbooks in public and higher education.
175 71. Textbook Purchases - to study whether to give parents the opportunity or choice of
176 purchasing their child's textbooks.
177 72. Boards and Commissions - to study and review commissions and boards including
178 responsibilities and duties, fiscal impact, membership, and whether they should be continued.
179 73. Bonding Conflicts of Interest - to study the potential conflicts of interest if a state bond
180 advisor is also employed by a bond company and can bid on state projects.
181 74. Challenged Ballots - to study whether to modify procedures for addressing challenged
182 ballots. (H.B. 385)
183 75. Debt Collection Powers - to study the enhancement of the powers of the Office of
184 State Debt Collection to collect debts and fees.
185 76. Money Management Act Revisions - to study the role of the Utah Money Management
186 Council and the need for amendments to the Utah Money Management Act to facilitate the use of
187 electronic investment activities and facilitate the implementation of a state-wide computer network
188 program through the state treasurer's office.
189 77. Multiple Choices on Ballots - to study the use of multiple choices on ballots to
190 determine an election by a majority.
191 78. Procurement Code and Health Care Benefits - to study procurement code requirements
192 of health care benefits. (S.B. 7)
193 79. State 911 Service - to study creating a state 911 office/agency; whether to require local
194 governments to share 911 revenues with the state to fund the office; and the current fee to
195 determine whether or not it is adequate.
196 80. Voter Information Pamphlet - to study the transfer of responsibility for the Voter
197 Information Pamphlet impartial analysis on initiatives or referenda from the Office of Legislative
198 Research and General Counsel to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor or the Office of the
199 Attorney General.
200 81. Breast Implant Surgery - to study whether to institute informed consent requirements
201 prior to breast implant surgery. (H.B. 229 and 1st Sub H.B. 229)
202 82. Disease Testing - to study disease testing for emergency medical service providers and
203 volunteers.
204 83. Division of Services for People with Disabilities - to study and review the services
205 provided by the Division of Services for People with Disabilities, including contracts with service
206 providers, utilization of additional funding provided to the division and its service providers for
207 the previous five years; the number of clients served and types of services provided; costs of
208 services provided; and costs of administration and service coordination.
209 84. Division Responsibilities - to study changes to laws governing the responsibility and
210 authority of the Division of Services for People with Disabilities. (H.B. 297)
211 85. Ex Parte Contact with Physician - to study the Civil Process Ex Parte Contact with
212 Physician. (S.B. 241)
213 86. Guardian Ad Litem - to study changes to laws governing Guardian Ad Litem. (S.B.
214 185)
215 87. Health Insurance - to study issues related to the health insurance industry.
216 88. Local Health Department Fees - to study the authority of local health departments to
217 assess fees. (S.B. 217)
218 89. Medical Directives - to study issues related to advanced medical directives. (S.B. 54)
219 90. Oversight of Psychiatric Prescriptions - to study the prescribing of psychiatric drugs
220 for medication of children. (H.B. 380)
221 91. Parental Consent for Medication - to study ways to ensure that a parent is granted
222 informed consent when a child is prescribed psychiatric medications.
223 92. Portability of Mental Health Services - to study portability between home and
224 community-based services and services in an intermediate care facility for the mentally disabled.
225 93. Pregnancy Termination - to study pregnancy termination procedures and medical
226 criteria. (H.B. 237)
227 94. Relay System for Deaf and Hearing Impaired - to study the out-of-state relay system
228 and whether it is better to have the service provided within Utah.
229 95. Rural Access to Health Care Providers - to study the expansion of health care
230 providers who may provide services to members of health maintenance organizations. (H.B. 279)
231 96. Rural Health Care Providers - to study the impact of tourists, changing demographics,
232 and changing boundaries on rural health care providers. (H.B. 96)
233 97. Safe Water - to study issues related to the Water Quality Act.
234 98. Sharp Devices in Health Care Facilities - to study the use of needles and other sharp
235 devices that have integrated safety in health care facilities.
236 99. Technician Certification - to study issues related to drinking water technician
237 certification. (S.B. 219)
238 100. Cohabitant Abuse - to study changes to the Cohabitant Abuse Procedures Act. (S.B.
239 66)
240 101. Coparenting in Divorce - to study the development of coparenting plans for divorcing
241 parents.
242 102. Definition of Law - to study and redefine what is "law."
243 103. Justice Court Accountability - to study issues related to the accountability of justice
244 courts.
245 104. Lawsuits by the State - to study the amending of Section 78-12-2, which currently
246 provides a statute of limitations within which the state must initiate an action involving real estate,
247 and create an exception for lawsuits involving sovereign lands.
248 105. Murder as a Capital Offense - to study whether murder committed at any degree
249 should be tried as a capital offense.
250 106. Peremptory Challenge of a Judge - to study a pilot program in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
251 judicial districts to allow for the peremptory challenge of a judge in all cases.
252 107. Repeal of Law Due to Constitutional Change - to study whether Title 78, Chapter
253 51 of the Utah Code, governing attorneys and counselors, should be partially or completely
254 repealed in light of the rewrite of the Judicial Article of the Utah Constitution.
255 108. Small Claims Court Jurisdiction - to study whether to limit awards in small claims
256 courts to liquidated damages. (H.B. 280)
257 109. Termination of Parental Rights - to study whether to permit a jury trial as part of the
258 proceedings to terminate parental rights. (H.B. 295)
259 110. Volunteer Immunity - to study and evaluate the costs and benefits of volunteer
260 immunity, the role of insurance regarding immunity, and ways to implement immunity.
261 111. Concealed Weapon Permit - to study the costs associated with the processing of
262 concealed weapon permits.
263 112. Extension of Victim Study - to study the criminal restitution process and Model
264 Restitution Program.
265 113. Fee for Warrant Service - to study the assessment of a fee for warrant service.
266 114. Financial Penalties for Convictions - to study whether to require those convicted of
267 burglary and theft of personal and real property to pay deductibles, impound fees, insurance claims
268 and other fees in addition to incarceration.
269 115. Illegal Drug Cleanup - to study standards for the cleanup of illegal drug
270 manufacturing and storage sites.
271 116. Intimacy With a Person in Custody - to study whether to establish as a criminal
272 offense the act of a person in authority engaging in intimate behavior with a person who is in
273 custody. (S.B. 207)
274 117. Motor Vehicle Impound and Release - to study motor vehicle impound and release
275 requirements including administrative impound fees and the impacts upon law
276 enforcement agencies, the State Tax Commission, and county assessors.
277 118. Protective Orders - to study issues related to protective orders. (S.B. 205 and S.B.
278 66)
279 119. Reducing Crime in Polygamous Communities - to study ways to reduce crimes
280 against women and children and reduce crimes of welfare fraud and tax fraud within polygamous
281 communities.
282 120. Sex Offender Programs - to study and evaluate approaches and programs to
283 effectively rehabilitate sex offenders and to prevent persons from becoming sex offenders.
284 121. Stalking - to study issues related to stalking. (H.B. 203)
285 122. State Emergency Response Commission Duties - to study the expansion of the
286 commission's duties to include those who manufacture, transport, and use hazardous materials,
287 and government agencies who must provide emergency response to hazardous materials.
288 123. Witness Protection Program - to study whether Utah should adopt a witness
289 protection program.
290 124. Access to Roads for Development - to study how to gain obtain access to forest
291 service and BLM roads to facilitate oil and gas development.
292 125. Agriculture and Open Space Recommendations - to study the Quality Growth
293 Commission's recommendations that relate to agriculture and open space.
294 126. Glass Recycling - to study the viability of glass recycling in Utah including
295 environmental and economic development issues.
296 127. Grey Wolf Policy - to study the Division of Wildlife Resources' policy on the impact
297 to the state from the reintroduction of the grey wolf into Yellowstone Park.
298 128. Liability for Wildland Fires - to study whether to impose strict liability for causing
299 wildland fires and require reimbursement for suppression costs.
300 129. Road Closure on Division of Wildlife Resource Land - to study whether to prohibit
301 the closure of roads by the Division of Wildlife Resources on their land when certain procedures
302 are met.
303 130. State-Sensitive Species - to study the process and procedures for designating
304 state-sensitive species.
305 131. Water Rights - to study partial forfeiture of water rights.
306 132. Wildlife Fee Restructuring - to study the removal of wildlife fees and associated
307 language from the Wildlife Resources Code and set fees in the appropriations process.
308 133. Young Farmer Loans - to study the federal young farmer loan program.
309 134. 21st Century Library Needs Assessment - to study the condition of Utah's public
310 library facilities, library governance and funding structures, and public support for public libraries.
311 135. County Affordable Housing - to study issues related to optional county affordable
312 housing funds. (S.B. 256)
313 136. County or District Attorneys - to study whether to direct county or district attorneys
314 to initiate civil actions to recover the costs of suppressing fires on state lands.
315 137. County Recodification - to study the recodification of county statutes.
316 138. District Taxing Authority - to study the authority of water conservancy districts and
317 special districts to assess taxes without having an elected board.
318 139. Duties and Classifications of Cities and Counties - to study whether to change the
319 definitions, requirements, and duties of towns and first, second, and third class counties, and
320 whether a classification of fourth class counties should be established.
321 140. Eminent Domain and Relocation Assistance - to study the law of eminent domain
322 and relocation assistance to make the law more consistent and understandable, to codify recent
323 court opinions, and to address other issues of fairness and efficiency in the acquisition of private
324 property for public projects.
325 141. Fire District - to study the creation of special fire districts in counties with a political
326 subdivision with multiple jurisdictions.
327 142. Interlocal Agreement Report - to study and review an interim committee report on
328 whether an interlocal agreement is to be entered into between the White City Water Improvement
329 District and the Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake City.
330 143. Jurisdiction of Cities and Towns - to study the jurisdiction of cities and towns as it
331 relates to the siting of school buildings.
332 144. Special District Board Elections - to study the election of special district board
333 members in districts that may impose a property tax.
334 145. Special District Uniformity - to study special district uniformity, dissolution,
335 withdrawal, and other issues related to special districts.
336 146. Toll Free Government Numbers - to study increased access to state government by
337 publishing state government toll free 800 numbers to rural Utah.
338 147. Electronic Mail Regulations - to study the prohibiting of certain electronic mail
339 solicitation practices.
340 148. Public Utilities - to study the regulation of public utilities.
341 149. Public Utility Law - to study various changes to current public utility laws. (H.B.
342 320)
343 150. Public Utility Lines - to study whether to amend the definition of underground
344 facility to include a sewer lateral.
345 151. Public Utility Regulatory Structure Task Force - to study how to most effectively
346 organize the task force. (1st Sub H.B. 320)
347 152. Telecommunications Competition and Taxation - to study redefining
348 telecommunications competition in light of wireless phone service and cable tv phone service and
349 review the taxation of telecommunication services.
350 153. Telecommunications Industry - to study the telecommunications industry and the
351 level of competition.
352 154. Telecommunications Law Changes - to study changes to laws governing pricing
353 flexibility for incumbent telephone corporations and the price index for tariffed public
354 telecommunication service. (H.B. 338)
355 155. Telephone Solicitation - to study issues related to telephone solicitation.
356 156. Transmission Lines - to study the burial of transmission lines.
357 157. Use of Personal Information - to study privacy issues involving the use of personal
358 information for commercial gain. (H.B. 70)
359 158. 25-year Retirement - to study issues related to a 25-year retirement. (H.B. 105)
360 159. DROP Plan - to study the creation of a DROP plan within the state retirement
361 system.
362 160. Higher Education Retirement Options - to study whether to allow additional
363 retirement options for employees of higher education.
364 161. Postretirement - to study postretirement restrictions.
365 162. Retirement Conversion Window - to study issues related to a retirement conversion
366 window. (H.B. 418)
367 163. Age-Based Motor Vehicle Fee System - to study the implementation of an age-based
368 fee system for motor vehicles, including the process to hold harmless the revenues of local taxing
369 entities.
370 164. Credit for Heat Pumps - to study whether to grant a tax credit for ground source heat
371 pumps.
372 165. Exemption for Chair Lifts - to study to add chair lifts to the sales tax exemption list
373 for construction and electrical usage.
374 166. Exemption for Film Equipment - to study whether to exempt movie making
375 equipment from the property tax.
376 167. Exemption for Manufacturing Equipment - to study modifications to the sales tax
377 exemption for manufacturing equipment.
378 168. Exemption for Mountain Cabins - to study a residential exemption for mountain
379 cabins receiving no services. (S.B. 64)
380 169. Income Tax Repeal - to study the repeal of the income tax, to be replaced with the
381 sales tax.
382 170. Inheritance and Estate Taxes - to study the impact of federal legislation to phase out
383 inheritance and estate taxes and the opportunity and costs to the state.
384 171. Tax Brackets and Exemptions - to study adjustments or the elimination of state
385 income tax exemptions and adjustments to the tax brackets.
386 172. Tax Burdens of Low-Income Families - to study recommendations for addressing
387 unequal tax burdens on low-income families.
388 173. Tax Exemption for Purchase or Lease - to study whether to provide a sales and use
389 tax exemption for certain purchases or leases by a manufacturer. (S.B. 51)
390 174. Tax Exemption of Parts and Equipment - to study the feasibility of a sales tax
391 exemption for manufacturing parts and equipment with a life of less than three years.
392 175. Tax Exemption Review - to study and review tax exemption and evaluate the value
393 of each.
394 176. Tax Incentives Related to Low-Income Workers - to study the use of tax incentives
395 for businesses to address the needs of low-income workers.
396 177. Tax Increment to 1st Class Cities - to study the tax increment to 1st Class Cities
397 under Subsections 17A-2-1247(2)(g) and 17A-2-1247.5(7).
398 178. Tax on Lands - to study an optional local sales tax for open space and agricultural
399 land preservation.
400 179. Tax on Services - to study sales tax on services as interpreted by the State Tax
401 Commission.
402 180. Tax Penalties - to study the imposition of the tax penalties in connection with a false
403 document or return.
404 181. Taxes on Secondary Homes - to study the taxing and exempting of secondary homes
405 including costs and impacts.
406 182. Use of Tourism Tax Revenue - to study the tourism industry and related taxes and
407 how the taxes are being used. (S.B. 136)
408 183. Access Management Program - to study and update the existing access management
409 standards and their input on the preservation and safety of state and local transportation systems
410 and develop model legislation.
411 184. Airport Funding - to study how to fund unmet pavement maintenance needs at public
412 use airports in Utah.
413 185. Bicycle Laws - to study various changes to state bicycling laws.
414 186. Construction Bid Limit - to study Utah Department of Transportation construction
415 and maintenance bid limit. (S.B. 117)
416 187. DUI Suspensions - to study DUI driver license suspensions and reinstatements,
417 including reinstatement after acquittal.
418 188. Off-Highway Vehicles - to study the enforcement, identification, registration, and
419 taxation of off-highway vehicles.
420 189. Preservation of Mass Transit Corridors - to study ways in which mass transit
421 right-of-way corridors may be identified and preserved for future development.
422 190. Public Rights-of-Way Codification - to study issues related to the codification of
423 public rights-of-way.
424 191. Rights-of-Way - to study whether to prohibit prescriptive easements or rights-of-way
425 and examine possible alternative remedies.
426 192. Tow Trucks - to study issues related tow trucks.
427 193. Traffic Management Committee - to study expansion or modification of the Traffic
428 Management committee within the Department of Transportation to encourage acceleration of
429 ATMS efforts and local cooperation in Utah, Davis, and Weber counties and to encourage highway
430 light rail cooperation with UTA, UDOT, and local governments.
431 194. Transportation Funding for Construction - to study transportation funding for
432 construction including the shortfall in the Centennial Highway Fund, funding options, bonding,
433 and tax or fee increases.
434 195. Utah Transit Authority - to study the Utah Transit Authority's taxing authority and
435 accountability to the state, counties, and municipal governments.
436 196. Lifetime Benefit Limits - to study the impact of lifetime benefit limits on Utah
437 families.
438 197. Transportation Barriers - to study transportation as a barrier to employment for
439 low-income Utahns, especially in rural Utah.
440 198. Filing Bills - to study whether there should be limits on the number of bills filed for
441 each annual legislative session.
442 199. General Session Dates - to study whether to change the dates of the annual general
443 legislative session. (S.J.R. 7)
444 200. Individual Appropriations Bills - to study individual appropriations bills sponsored
445 by legislators, including what is done in other states, and whether the process should be changed.
Legislative Review Note
as of 3-1-00 5:09 PM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.