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January 20, 2000
Mr. Speaker:
The Public Utilities and Technology Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 43, UNAUTHORIZED CHARGES ON UTILITY BILLS - CRAMMING AMENDMENTS, by Representative S. Allen, with the following amendments:
1. Page 2, Line 36: After "include" insert ":(a)"
2. Page 2, Line 38: After "bill" insert "; or (b) charges from a presubscribed local or long distance telecommunications corporation or its affiliated or subsidiary company for local or long distance telephone, data, or wireless services"
3. Page 2, Line 39: After "apply to" insert ":(a)"
4. Page 2, Line 42: After "customer" insert "; or (b) changes in telecommunications providers regulated by Section 54-8b-18"
5. Page 5, Line 148: After "number of" delete "cramming"
6. Page 5, Line 149: After "complaints about" delete the rest of the line and insert "unauthorized charges that appear on a public utility bill which shall be available to the commission upon request."
Sheryl L. Allen
Committee Chair
Voting: 8-0-5
3 HB0043.HC1 1/20/00 5:31 PM amclean/RCN TPD/RCN
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