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         January 25, 2000

Mr. President:

    The Health and Environment Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 47, REPEAL OF WASTE TIRE RECYCLING INDUSTRIAL ASSISTANCE LOAN PROGRAM, by Representative N. Hendrickson, with the following amendments:
    Page 3 Line 88:    After Line 88 insert:
        "Section 7. Coordination clause.
        If this bill and H.B. 215, Waste Tire Recycling Amendments, both pass, it is the intent of the Legislature that the amendments in Section 26-32a-105 in this bill supersede the amendments to Section 26-32a-105 in H.B. 215."


        Robert F. Montgomery
        Committee Chair

Voting: 3-0-2
3 HB0047.SC1 mandrus/JBA KMW/ALH 1/25/00 3:52 PM

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