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February 4, 2000
Mr. Speaker:
The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 83, JAIL RELEASE AMENDMENTS, by Representative J. Seitz, with the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 6: Delete "SPECIFIED"
2. Page 1, Line 13: Delete "(1)"
3. Page 1, Line 14: Delete "other than a Department of Corrections' correctional facility"
4. Page 1, Line 17: Delete "(a)" and insert "(1)"
5. Page 1, Line 18: Delete "or"
6. Page 1, Line 19: Delete "(b)" and insert "(2)"
7. Page 1, Line 20: After "contrary" delete "." and insert "; or"
8. Page 1, Line 20: After Line 20 insert:
"(3) is in a county facility pursuant to a contract with the Department of Corrections."
9. Page 1, Lines 21 through 23: Delete all lines entirely.
DeMar "Bud" Bowman
Committee Chair
Voting: 9-0-2
3 HB0083.HC1 2/4/00 9:24 AM carbon/CA SCA/CA
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