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February 21, 2000
Mr. Speaker:
The Business, Labor, and Economic Development Committee recommends H.B. 107, UTAH RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE PRACTICES ACT, by Representative G. Adair, be replaced and reports a favorable recommendation on 1st Sub. H.B. 107, UTAH RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE PRACTICES ACT with the following amendments:
1. Page 5, Line 141: Delete "63-38-32.2" and insert "63-38-3.2"
2. Page 8, Line 232: Delete "(1)(c)(i)" and insert "(2)(j)(i)"
3. Page 11, Line 323: After "registration" delete "is" and insert "shall be"
4. Page 12, Line 346: Delete "or"
5. Page 12, Line 360: After "person has" delete "the" and after "character and" insert "the"
6. Page 15, Line 443: Delete "de minimus" and insert "de minimis"
7. Page 16, Line 469: Delete "pleas" and insert "pleads"
8. Page 16, Line 471: Delete "one" and insert "ones"
9. Page 17, Line 511: After "reinstatement" insert "; or (c) do both Subsections (1)(a) and (b)"
10. Page 18, Line 522: After "seek review" insert "by the executive director"
11. Page 19, Line 553: Delete "the Department of Commerce and"
John William 'Bill' Hickman
Committee Chair
Voting: 9-1-4
7 HB0107.HC1 2/21/00 6:13 PM mcperry/MCP PO/MCP
Bill Number
Action Code