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        February 2, 2000

Mr. Speaker:

    The Judiciary Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 244, CONSTITUTIONAL DEFENSE COUNCIL AMENDMENTS, by Representative D. Iverson, with the following amendments:

1.     Page 1, Line 18:    After "of the following" delete "ten" and insert "eleven"
2.     Page 1, Line 25:    At the beginning of line 25, delete "three" and insert "four"
3.     Page 2, Line 35 and 36:    After "shall meet" delete "at" and delete the remainder of lines 35 and 36 and insert "quarterly or more frequently as needed."
4.     Page 2, Line 37:    After "or any" delete "five" and insert "six"
5.     Page 2, Line 40:    After "(d) If" delete "five" and insert "six"


    A. Lamont Tyler
    Committee Chair

Voting: 6-0-5
3 HB0244.HC1 2/2/00 9:51 AM jfarley/JDH JLF/JQC

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