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February 3, 2000
Mr. Speaker:
The Government Operations Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 266, UTAH TOMORROW STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS, by Representative L. Frandsen, et al, with the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 19: After "(a)" reinstate "13" and delete "17"
2. Page 1, Line 20: After "(i)" reinstate "three" and delete "five"
3. Page 1, Line 21: After "than" reinstate "two" and delete "three"
4. Page 1, Line 22: After "(ii)" reinstate "three" and delete "five"
5. Page 1, Line 23: After "than" reinstate "two" and delete "three"
6. Page 2, Line 49: After "(5) (a)" reinstate "seven" and delete "nine"
Jordan Tanner
Committee Chair
Voting: 9-1-2
3 HB0266.HC1 2/3/00 10:04 AM jcannon/JQC KMW/ALH
Bill Number
Action Code