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        February 16, 2000

Mr. Speaker:

    The Public Utilities and Technology Committee recommends H.B. 276, UTILITY REGULATION AMENDMENTS, by Representative D. Ure, be replaced and reports a favorable recommendation on 1st Sub. H.B. 276, UTILITY REGULATION AMENDMENTS with the following amendments:
1.    Page 3, Line 69:    After "commission" Insert "must consider the significant         and material facts related to the case and"
        After "provided" Delete "there is sufficient relevant"         Insert "that the"
2.    Page 3, Line 70:    After "record," Delete "to support" Insert "supports"
3.    Page 3, Line 72:    After "the commission" Delete "need not" Insert "may         determine if the need exists to"


    Sheryl L. Allen
    Committee Chair

Voting: 8-1-4
7 hb276.hc1 2/16/00 9:21 AM rnorth/RCN TPD/RCN

Bill Number
Action Class
Action Code

