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        February 15, 2000

Mr. Speaker:

    The Government Operations Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 287, LOBBYIST DISCLOSURE ACT AMENDMENTS, by Representative J. Swallow, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Line 60:    After "have" delete "willing" and insert "willingly"

2.    Page 3, Line 88:    After "year" reinstate the rest of the line.

3.    Page 3, Line 89:    Reinstate line 89

4.    Page 4, Line 90:    Reinstate "on its due date" and insert "." and delete "disclosing" and insert "(ii) The report shall disclose"

5.    Page 4, Lines 92-93:    Delete lines 92-93.

6.    Page 4, Line 105:    After "and" insert "members of "

7.    Page 5, Line 145:    After "(b)" insert "(i)"

8.    Page 5, Line 146:    After "day" insert " or on the next succeeding business day, if the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.
        (ii) The report shall be considered timely filed if it is postmarked on its due date.

9.    Page 7, Line 189:    After "penalties" insert ", if any"


    Jordan Tanner
    Committee Chair

Voting: 8-0-4
3 HB0287.HC1 2/15/00 6:23 PM jcannon/JQC JLF/JQC

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