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Corrected Committee Report
        January 25, 2000

Mr. Speaker:

    The Judiciary Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.J.R. 2, RESOLUTION ON VICTIM'S RIGHTS, by Representative G. Cox, with the following amendments:

1. Page 2, Line 28:    After "victim counselor," insert "while the victim is present"
2. Page 2, Line 29 and 30:    After "witness" delete the remainder of line 29 and 30.

3. Page 2, Line 37:    After "a person who is" insert "present in the courtroom to assist the victim and is"


    A. Lamont Tyler
    Committee Chair

Voting: 7-0-4
3 HJR002.HC2 1/26/00 11:11 AM jhowe/JDH SCA/CA

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