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        February 16, 2000

Mr. President:

    The Judiciary Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 63, ADOPTION PROCEDURES, by Senator H. Nielson, et al, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 5, Line 124:    After "parent" insert "or blood relative"

2.    Page 5, Line 129:    After "parent" insert "or blood relative"

3.    Page 5, Line 129:    After line 129 insert:
        "(d) For purposes of this Subsection (5), "blood relative" means a          child's grandparent, aunt, or uncle."

4.    Page 6, Line 165:    Delete "either"

5.    Page 6, Line166:    Delete "or"

6.     Page 6, Line166:    After line 166 insert:
        "(ii) a blood relative; or"

7.    Page 6, Line167:    Delete "(ii)" and insert "(iii)"

8.    Page 6, Line 169:    After "state" insert ", unless that person is a blood relative", and after "of this" delete "Subsection (3)(b)" and insert "section"

9.    Page 6, Line 171:    After "person" insert ", and "blood relative" means a child's grandparent, aunt, or uncle"

10.    Page 6, Line 171:    After line 171 insert:
        "(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (3), a court may          grant an adoption to a person or persons who are cohabiting, if the          court determines by clear and convincing evidence that the                 person or persons have established a significant parental                 relationship with the child, and that the adoption is in the best             interest of the child."

11.     Page 7, Line 189:    After "finds that" insert ", except with regard to a blood relative,"

12.    Page 7, Line 192:    Before "Except" create a new paragraph and insert "(b)"

13.    Page 7, Line 195:    Delete "(b)" and insert "(c)"


        Terry Spencer
        Committee Chair

Voting: 5-0-1
3 SB0063.SC1 nshepard/JDH JWH/JBA 2/16/00 10:10 AM

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