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February 15, 2000
Mr. President:
The Health and Environment Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 152, COSMETOLOGIST/ BARBERS LICENSURE EXEMPTIONS, by Senator B. Evans, with the following amendments:
1. Page 2, Line 35: Delete "who have" and insert "may participate in an on the job
training internship under the direct supervision of a licensed
cosmetologist/barber upon completion of a basic program under
the standards established by rule by the division in collaboration
with the board."
2. Page 2, Lines 36-37 Delete lines 36-37.
Robert F. Montgomery
Committee Chair
Voting: 3-0-2
3 SB0152.SC1 mandrus/JBA KMW/ALH 2/15/00 4:54 PM
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Action Code