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February 10, 2000
Mr. President:
The Judiciary Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 158, FLUORINE ADDED TO WATER - EXPANSION TO SECOND CLASS COUNTIES, by Senator D. Allen, with the following amendments:
1. Page 2, Lines 33 and 34: Delete lines 33 and 34.
Renumber remaining sections accordingly.
2. Page 2, Line 35: After "majority of voters" insert "in a municipality"
3. Page 2, Line 36: After "Subsection (1)(c);" delete "and" and insert "or"
Terry Spencer
Committee Chair
Voting: 4-0-2
3 SB0158.SC1 nshepard/JDH KMW/ALH 2/10/00 10:23 AM
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