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February 8, 2000

Mr. President:

    The State and Local Affairs Committee recommends S.B. 204, STUDY OF HEALTH INSURANCE INDUSTRY, by Senator P. Knudson, be replaced and favorably recommends 1st Sub. S.B. 204, STUDY OF HEALTH INSURANCE INDUSTRY with the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Line 82:    Delete "(a)" and "a" Insert "A"
2.    Page 3, Line 84:    Delete "(b)" Insert "including"
3.    Page 3, Line 86:    After "and" Insert "make"


        R. Mont Evans
        Committee Chair

Voting: 5-0-1
7 SB0204.SC1 rnorth/RCN RCL/MDA 2/8/00 4:57 PM

Bill Number
Action Class
Action Code

