H.B. 245

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 4 February 7, 2000 10:34 AM

Representative John E. Swallow proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 40-41
    House Committee Amendments
    Dated 2-2-2000:    After "A" insert "secondary school" and after "real" bracket ", look alike, or pretend"

2.    Page 2, Line 42
    House Committee Amendments
    Dated 2-2-2000:    After "year" bracket "," and insert: ".
         (c) If an elementary school student commits a violation of Subsection (2)(a) involving a real, look alike, or pretend firearm, explosive, or flammable material or if a secondary school student commits a violation of Subsection (2)(a) involving a look alike or pretend firearm, explosive, or flammable material, the student shall be expelled from school for a period of not less than one year, "