2nd Sub.
Senate Floor
Senator D. Edgar Allen proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 11: Delete "$4,000,000" and insert "$6,500,000" and delete "$2,000,000" and insert "$3,500,000"
2. Page 1, Line 12: After "PROGRAM" insert "AND DRUG PREVENTION"
3. Page 4, Line 109: Delete "until July 1, 2003, 50% of"
4. Page 4, Line 111: Delete the semicolon and insert:
", that remains after the first $6,500,000 of funds received each fiscal year are deposited into the Tobacco Settlement Endowment created by Section 63-97-301; and"
5. Page 4, Line 114-116: Delete lines 114 through116
6. Page 4, Line 117: Delete "(c)" and insert "(b)"
7. Page 5, Line 122: Delete "$4,000,000" and insert "$6,500,000"
8. Page 5, Line 125: After line 125 insert:
"(d) $1,500,000 to the Department of Human Services for substance abuse prevention, treatment, and control programs;"
Renumber the remaining subsections accordingly.
9. Page 5, Line 129: After line 129 insert:
"(5) The amount appropriated to the Department of Health in Subsection (4)(b) for tobacco programs shall be increased in a given fiscal year to the extent that funds in dispute for attorneys fees are available to the state for appropriation."
10. Page 5, Line 130: Delete "(5)" and insert "(6)"
11. Page 5, Line 141-146: Delete lines 141 through 146 and insert:
"(a) the first $6,500,000 received each fiscal year by the state that
are related to the tobacco settlement agreement that the state
entered into with leading tobacco manufacturers on November 23,
1998; and"
12. Page 5, Line 147: Delete "(c)" and insert "(b)"
13. Page 6, Line 159: Delete "Fifty percent of the tobacco settlement funds" and insert "$6,500,000"
14. Page 6, Line 165: Delete "$4,000,000" and insert "$6,500,000"
15. Page 6, Line 168: Delete "and" and insert:
"(d) $1,500,000 to the Department of Human Services for substance abuse prevention, treatment, and control programs; and"
Renumber the remaining subsections accordingly.
16. Page 6, Line 170: After line 170 insert:
"(3) The amount appropriated to the Department of Health in Subsection (2)(b) for tobacco programs shall be increased to the
extent that funds in dispute for attorneys fees are available to the
state for appropriation in fiscal year 2000-01."
Renumber the remaining subsections accordingly.
17. Page 7, Line 187: Delete "(1) Until July 1, 2003, 50% of all funds of every kind that are received" and insert "The first $6,500,000 received each fiscal year"
18. Page 7, Lines 191-194: Delete lines 191 through 194 and after line 194 insert:
"(2) The reference to "the Tobacco Settlement Endowment created by Section 63-97-301" in Subsection 63-97-201(3)(a) be amended
to read "the permanent state trust fund created by and operated
under Utah Constitution Article XXII, Section 4".
19. Page 7, Line 195: Delete "(2)" and insert "(3)"
20. Page 7, Line 198: Delete "(3)" and insert "(4)"
21. Page 7, Line 199: Delete "Subsection (1)" and insert "Subsections (1) and (2)"