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H.C.R. 8 Enrolled






Sponsor: Ralph Becker

                  This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor urges state and local
                  partnerships to participate in the Nature-Safe Utah Initiative to help Utah communities to
                  become disaster resistant through disaster prevention.
                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
                      WHEREAS, the Utah Division of Comprehensive Emergency Management coordinates
                  disaster prevention among Utah communities and desires to facilitate a statewide partnership with
                  government, business, voluntary agencies, churches, and civic groups called Nature-Safe Utah;
                      WHEREAS, the goal of the partnership is to increase Utah disaster resistance;
                      WHEREAS, state emergency management agencies nationwide are responsible for
                  coordinating new congressional emphases in disaster prevention, requiring local governments to
                  address disaster prevention through planning, broad-based community involvement, and
                      WHEREAS, members of related state and federal agencies are able to combine their
                  talents, expertise, and available resources in a coordinated manner to partnership with interested
                  local governments in disaster resistance;
                      WHEREAS, disaster prevention is different in concept and implementation from disaster
                  preparedness, response, and recovery, involving the mitigation of hazards that might cause
                      WHEREAS, Utah, as other states, desires to do its part in reducing the national, state, and
                  local cost of natural disasters;
                      WHEREAS, each community should assume there is a disaster in its future and that
                  prevention is part of maintaining a sustainable community;
                      WHEREAS, all elements of communities benefit from disaster prevention;
                      WHEREAS, much remains to be done statewide in disaster prevention, which is best

                  accomplished at the local level, with state coordination; and
                      WHEREAS, the Utah Division of Comprehensive Emergency Management is promoting
                  Nature-Safe Utah for the coordinating emphasis in disaster prevention, as it relates to the new
                  national emphasis:
                      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
                  Governor concurring therein, urge state and local partnerships to participate in the Nature-Safe Utah
                  initiative to help Utah communities in disaster prevention efforts.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor support the spirit and
                  concept of the Utah Comprehensive Emergency Management's Nature-Safe Utah Initiative so that
                  Utah can more effectively accelerate statewide efforts in disaster prevention.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Utah Division
                  of Comprehensive Emergency Management.

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