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H.B. 1

2          2001 GENERAL SESSION
3          STATE OF UTAH
4           Sponsor: Jeff Alexander
5      This act relates to appropriations. The act provides appropriations for the support of state government for the fiscal
6      year beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002. The act provides intent language governing expenditures,
7      and approves fees. This act takes effect on July 1, 2001.
8          Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah:
9      Section 1. Under the terms and conditions of Section 63-38-3, the following sums of money are appropriated out of money not
10      otherwise appropriated from the funds or fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah
11      for the fiscal year indicated.
13      ITEM    1    To    Legislature - Senate
14          From General Fund    1,661,900
15          Schedule of Programs:
16           Administration    1,606,200
17           Dues to National Conference of State Legislatures    30,800
18           Dues to Council of State Governments    24,900
19      ITEM    2    To    Legislature - House of Representatives
20          From General Fund    2,721,800
21          Schedule of Programs:
22           Administration    2,610,400
23           Dues to National Conference of State Legislatures    61,600
24           Dues to Council of State Governments    49,800
25      ITEM    3    To    Legislature - Office of the Legislative Auditor General
26          From General Fund    1,877,300
27          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    194,700
28          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (70,500)
29          Schedule of Programs:
30           Administration    2,001,500
31      ITEM    4    To    Legislature - Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
32          From General Fund    1,982,300

33          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    695,200
34          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (670,700)
35          Schedule of Programs:
36           Administration and Research    2,006,800
37      ITEM    5    To    Legislature - Legislative Printing
38          From General Fund    532,000
39          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    319,600
40          Schedule of Programs:
41           Administration    851,600
42      ITEM    6    To    Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
43          From General Fund    4,355,200
44          Schedule of Programs:
45           Administration    4,355,200
46      ITEM    7    To    Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel -
47          Tax Review Commission
48          From General Fund    50,000
49          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    4,700
50          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (4,700)
51          Schedule of Programs:
52           Tax Review Commission    50,000
53      ITEM    8    To    Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel -
54          Constitutional Revision Commission
55          From General Fund    55,000
56          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    4,700
57          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (4,700)
58          Schedule of Programs:
59           Constitutional Revision Commission    55,000
62      ITEM    9    To    Governor's Office
63          From General Fund    2,306,300
64          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    67,900
65          From Revenue Transfers - Environmental Quality    4,000
66          From Revenue Transfers - Health    6,000
67          From Revenue Transfers - Human Services    6,000
68          From Revenue Transfers - Natural Resources    3,000
69          From Revenue Transfers - Workforce Services    4,000

70          Schedule of Programs:
71           Administration    1,786,000
72           Governor's Residence    267,900
73           Washington Office    232,900
74           Task Forces    60,900
75           Constitutional Defense Council    49,500
76                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for the Governor's Office be
77           nonlapsing.
78      ITEM    10    To    Governor's Office - Elections
79          From General Fund    672,500
80          Schedule of Programs:
81           Elections    672,500
82                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for Elections be nonlapsing.
83      ITEM    11    To    Governor's Office - Commission for Women and Families
84          From General Fund    82,100
85          Schedule of Programs:
86           Commission for Women and Families    82,100
87                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for the Commission on
88          Women and Families be nonlapsing.
89      ITEM    12    To    Governor's Office - Emergency Fund
90                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for the Emergency Fund be
91          nonlapsing.
92      ITEM    13    To    Governor's Office - RS-2477 Rights of Way
93          From General Fund Restricted - Constitutional Defense    2,000,000
94          Schedule of Programs:
95           RS-2477 Rights of Way    2,000,000
96                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for R.S. 2477 Rights of Way
97           be nonlapsing.
98                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds expended from the R.S. 2477
99          Fund be used for litigation designed to quiet title to existing rights of way
100          established before 1976 under R.S. 2477 guidelines. It is further the intent of
101           the Legislature that the Governor or his designee shall present a report to
102          the Legislature during each General Session detailing activities funded
103          within this line item.
104      ITEM    14    To    Governor's Office - Office of Planning and Budget
105          From General Fund    3,957,000
106          From Federal Funds    100,000

107          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    295,100
108          From Olympic Special Revenue    352,100
109          From Revenue Transfers - Administrative Services    11,000
110          From Revenue Transfers - Commerce Department    2,000
111          From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    10,000
112          From Revenue Transfers - Comprehensive Emergency Management    25,000
113          From Revenue Transfers - Department of Corrections    9,000
114          From Revenue Transfers - Department of Community and Economic     302,000
115          Development
116          From Revenue Transfers - Environmental Quality    2,000
117          From Revenue Transfers - Health    14,000
118          From Revenue Transfers - Department of Human Resource Management    1,000
119          From Revenue Transfers - Human Services    28,000
120          From Revenue Transfers - Insurance Department    2,000
121          From Revenue Transfers - Natural Resources    4,000
122          From Revenue Transfers - Public Safety    10,000
123          From Revenue Transfers - Transportation    12,000
124          From Revenue Transfers - Trust Lands Administration    25,000
125          From Revenue Transfers - Utah State Tax Commission    17,000
126          From Revenue Transfers - Workforce Services    38,000
127          Schedule of Programs:
128           Science and Technology    248,100
129           Administration    935,100
130           Planning and Budget Analysis    793,100
131           Demographic and Economic Analysis    832,500
132           Resource Planning and Legal Review    401,200
133           Information Technology    1,010,000
134           State and Local Planning    996,200
135                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for the Office of Planning
136          and Budget be nonlapsing.
137      ITEM    15    To    Governor's Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice
138          From General Fund    1,684,400
139          From Federal Funds    14,711,900
140          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    65,000
141          From Crime Victims Reparation Trust    802,700
142          Schedule of Programs:
143           CCJJ Commission    11,685,100

144           Crime Victim Reparations    4,519,500
145           Extraditions    294,400
146           Substance Abuse and Anti-violence    259,400
147           Sentencing Commission    210,600
148           Crime Prevention Grant    295,000
149                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for the Commission on
150          Criminal and Juvenile Justice be nonlapsing.
152      ITEM    16    To    State Auditor
153          From General Fund    2,822,900
154          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    611,900
155          Schedule of Programs:
156           Administration    273,500
157           Auditing    2,773,000
158           State and Local Government    388,300
159                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for the State Auditor be
160          nonlapsing.
162      ITEM    17    To    State Treasurer
163          From General Fund    831,900
164          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    188,100
165          From Unclaimed Property Trust    1,145,100
166          Schedule of Programs:
167           Treasury and Investment    872,900
168           Unclaimed Property    1,145,100
169           Money Management Council    80,800
170           Financial Assistance    66,300
171                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for the State Treasurer be
172          nonlapsing.
174      ITEM    18    To    Attorney General
175          From General Fund    13,281,600
176          From Federal Funds    949,800
177          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    9,751,700
178          From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund    427,700
179          From Revenue Transfers    55,000
180          From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    64,700

181          Schedule of Programs:
182           State Counsel    14,396,800
183           Public Advocacy    6,932,500
184           Children's Justice    928,600
185           Water Rights Adjudication    153,300
186           Contract Attorneys    300,000
187           Administration    1,579,100
188           Financial Crime    240,200
189                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for the Attorney General's
190          Office be nonlapsing.
191      ITEM    19    To    Attorney General - Child Protection
192          From General Fund    2,998,900
193          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,346,400
194          Schedule of Programs:
195           Child Protection    4,345,300
196                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for Child Protection be
197          nonlapsing.
198                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Services for People
199          with Disabilities, through the Attorney General's Office, continue to seek
200          dismissal of the Lisa P. Settlement agreement at the earliest possible date. It
201          is also the intent of the Legislature that the Division and the Attorney
202          General's Office provide a written report on the status of the Lisa P.
203          agreement during each 2001 interim meeting of the Health and Human
204          Services Interim Committee, beginning in April, until the settlement
205          agreement is finally dismissed. It is also the intent of the Legislature that
206          the Division and the Attorney General's Office report on status of the Lisa
207          P. Settlement agreement to the 2002 Health and Human Services
208          Appropriations Subcommittee and the Executive Offices and Criminal
209          Justice Appropriations Subcommittee at their next meeting.
210      ITEM    20    To    Attorney General - Children's Justice Centers
211          From General Fund    2,134,500
212          From Federal Funds    122,000
213          Schedule of Programs:
214           Children's Justice Centers    2,256,500
215                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for Children's Justice
216          Centers be nonlapsing.
217      ITEM    21    To    Attorney General - Antitrust Prosecution

218          From Antitrust Revolving    163,300
219          Schedule of Programs:
220           Anti-Trust Prosecution    163,300
221                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for Antitrust Prosecution
222          be nonlapsing.
223      ITEM    22    To    Attorney General - Prosecution Council
224          From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    485,200
225          From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    37,200
226          Schedule of Programs:
227           Prosecution Council    522,400
228                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for the Prosecution Council
229          be nonlapsing.
230      ITEM    23    To    Attorney General - Domestic Violence
231          From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    76,700
232          Schedule of Programs:
233           Domestic Violence    76,700
234                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for Domestic Violence be
235          nonlapsing.
237      ITEM    24    To    Utah Department of Corrections - Corrections Administration
238          From General Fund    8,413,600
239          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    32,200
240          Schedule of Programs:
241           Executive Director    2,299,100
242           Administrative Services    5,389,800
243           Training    756,900
244                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for FY 2002 for the
245          Department be non-lapsing.
246      ITEM    25    To    Utah Department of Corrections - Field Operations
247          From General Fund    35,538,300
248          From Federal Funds    400
249          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,479,300
250          From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    81,700
251          Schedule of Programs:
252           Administration    961,000
253           Adult Probation and Parole    27,688,900
254           Community Corrections Centers    9,449,800

255                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for FY 2002
256           for Department be non-lapsing.
257      ITEM    26    To    Utah Department of Corrections - Institutional Operations
258          From General Fund    114,394,800
259          From Federal Funds    2,235,200
260          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    890,400
261          Schedule of Programs:
262           DIO Administration    5,123,900
263           Draper Facility    54,683,800
264           Central Utah/Gunnison    26,149,200
265           Southern Utah/Iron County    1,596,600
266           Inmate Placement    1,528,800
267           Transition    10,929,800
268           Jail Contracting    15,201,200
269           Support Services    2,307,100
270                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Department for FY
271          2002 be non-lapsing.
272      ITEM    27    To    Utah Department of Corrections - Draper Medical Services
273          From General Fund    17,272,600
274          From Federal Funds    11,800
275          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    159,800
276          From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    373,500
277          From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    246,000
278          Schedule of Programs:
279           Medical Services    18,063,700
280                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for FY 2002 for the
281          Department be non-lapsing.
282      ITEM    28    To    Utah Department of Corrections - Utah Correctional Industries
283          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    16,127,400
284          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (50,000)
285          Schedule of Programs:
286           Utah Correctional Industries    16,077,400
287                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for FY 2002 for the
288          Department be non-lapsing.
289                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah Correctional Industries
290          Board be authorized to approve increases in FTE for the Division where
291          such increases will positively impact employment opportunities for the state

292           and provide benefits to other state programs.
293      ITEM    29    To    Utah Department of Corrections - Jail Reimbursement
294          From General Fund    7,760,600
295          Schedule of Programs:
296           Jail Reimbursement    7,760,600
297                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for FY 2002 for the
298          Department be non-lapsing.
300      ITEM    30    To    Utah Department of Corrections - Data Processing - Internal
301          Service Fund
302          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    1,571,700
303          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    254,800
304          Schedule of Programs:
305           ISF - DOC Data Processing    1,826,500
306                Total FTE -     10
307                Authorized Capital Outlay -     417,000
308                Billing Rate - $250 per device per month.
309                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for FY 2002 for Department be
310           non-lapsing.
312      ITEM    31    To    Board of Pardons and Parole
313          From General Fund    2,601,500
314          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,200
315          From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    77,400
316          Schedule of Programs:
317           Board Of Pardons and Parole    2,681,100
318                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for FY 2002 for the Board be
319          non-lapsing.
321      ITEM    32    To    Department of Human Services - Division of Youth Corrections -
322          Services
323          From General Fund    72,855,800
324          From Federal Funds    1,873,300
325          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,337,300
326          From Sale of Fixed Assets    60,100
327          From Youth Crime Victims Restitution    500,000
328          From Revenue Transfers - Child Nutrition    594,400

329          From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    366,800
330          From Revenue Transfers - Medicaid    1,983,500
331          From Revenue Transfers - Other Funds    10,778,700
332          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    400,000
333          Schedule of Programs:
334           Administration/Case Management    10,311,800
335           Community Alternatives    27,264,900
336           Institutional Care    35,478,400
337           Alternatives to Institutional Care    13,764,100
338           Youth Receiving Centers    2,532,000
339           Out of State Placements    2,398,700
340                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for FY 2002 for the Division
341          be non-lapsing.
342                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Youth Corrections
343          continue to, and wherever possible increase, the utilization of community
344          based alternatives to secure incarceration of youth in the custody of the
345          Division. The Legislature expressly directs the Division to actively pursue
346          additional Community Alternatives and strengthen those which are
347          currently in effect.
348      ITEM    33    To    Department of Human Services - Division of Youth Corrections -
349          Youth Parole Authority
350          From General Fund    390,800
351          From Federal Funds    18,200
352          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    1,100
353          Schedule of Programs:
354           Youth Parole Authority    410,100
355                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for FY 2002 for the Authority
356          be non-lapsing.
357      COURTS
358      ITEM    34    To    Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
359          From General Fund    73,836,700
360          From General Fund, One-time    88,000
361          From Federal Funds    122,000
362          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,022,000
363          From General Fund Restricted - Alternative Dispute Resolution    144,400
364          From General Fund Restricted - Children's Legal Defense    244,400
365          From General Fund Restricted - Court Reporter Technology    250,000

366          From General Fund Restricted - Court Trust Interest    300,000
367          From General Fund Restricted - Non-Judicial Assessment    753,000
368          From General Fund Restricted - Online Court Assistance    35,000
369          From General Fund Restricted - Substance Abuse Prevention    348,800
370          From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    193,700
371          From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    654,300
372          From Revenue Transfers - Human Services    152,800
373          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    251,000
374          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (185,000)
375          Schedule of Programs:
376           Supreme Court    1,989,200
377           Law Library    515,500
378           Court of Appeals    2,705,700
379           Trial Courts    34,393,000
380           Juvenile Courts    27,315,000
381           Justice Courts    170,400
382           Courts Security    2,216,000
383           Administrative Office    3,250,500
384           Judicial Education    451,100
385           Data Processing    4,333,100
386           Grants Program    871,600
387                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for the Courts be
388          non-lapsing
389                It is the intent of the Legislature that for every $50,000 in accumulated
390          fiscal note driven costs to the courts in any given year, that the courts be
391          authorized an additional clerk FTE. These FTE clerk increases are to be
392          included in all subsequent budget submittals under the appropriate appeals,
393           trial, or juvenile court program budget category.
394                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah Substance Abuse and
395          Anti-Violence Council (USAAV), through its Treatment committee, initiate a
396          statewide review and evaluation of Utah's substance abuse treatment
397          programs for criminal justice referrals.
398           As appropriate, USAAV may contract with research professionals to
399          conduct an in-depth process and outcome evaluation of drug courts and
400          other treatment programs within the Department of Corrections, local county
401           jails, and other treatment settings. Research should a) assess the current
402          demand for treatment and availablility of programs and resources, b) review

403          the programmatic and cost effectiveness of current programs, and c) make
404          recommendations for best practices to maximize treatment availability.
405           Funding will be provided through current appropriations and federal
406          grants to CCJJ/USAAV and the Division of Substance Abuse. Findings
407          and recommendations will be reported to the Legislature through progress
408          reports submitted to the Judiciary Interim Committee and the Law
409          Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee during their October
410          2001 meetings and to the Executive Office and Criminal Justice Joint
411          Appropriations Committee during one of its January 2002 meetings.
412                It is the intent of the Legislature that any funds received by the Courts
413          pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act up to $152,800 be used to
414          fund the creation of a domestic relations court commissioner position and
415          related staff in the Fourth Judicial District and for other child support
416          entitites..
417      ITEM    35    To    Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and Leases
418          From General Fund    15,323,800
419          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    145,600
420          From General Fund Restricted - State Court Complex Account    3,500,000
421          Schedule of Programs:
422           Contracts and Leases    18,969,400
423                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for the Courts Contracts
424          and Leases be non-lapsing
425      ITEM    36    To    Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Grand Jury
426          From General Fund    900
427          Schedule of Programs:
428           Grand Jury    900
429                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for the Courts Grand Jury
430          be non-lapsing
431      ITEM    37    To    Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Judicial Salaries
432                Under provisions of Section 67-8-2, Utah Code Annotated, the following
433          salaries are approved for judicial officials for July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002:
434          District Court Judge $103,700. Other judicial salaries will be calculated in
435          accordance with the statutory formula and rounded to the nearest $50.00.
436      ITEM    38    To    Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Jury and Witness
437          Fees
438          From General Fund    1,829,800
439          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    15,000

440          Schedule of Programs:
441           Jury, Witness, and Interpreter    1,844,800
442      ITEM    39    To    Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Guardian ad Litem
443          From General Fund    2,727,600
444          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    20,000
445          From General Fund Restricted - Children's Legal Defense    399,100
446          From General Fund Restricted - Guardian Ad Litem Services    246,700
447          Schedule of Programs:
448           Guardian Ad Litem    3,393,400
449                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for the Courts Guardian
450          Ad Litem be non-lapsing
452      ITEM    40    To    Department of Public Safety - Commissioner's Office
453          From General Fund    2,556,700
454          From General Fund, One-time    150,000
455          From Federal Funds    19,347,300
456          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    16,300
457          From Revenue Transfers - Other Funds    465,200
458          Schedule of Programs:
459           Commissioner's Office    1,967,900
460           Aero Bureau    754,000
461           Grants    5,299,900
462           Administrative Services    7,566,600
463           Olympics    6,947,100
464                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for FY 2002 for Public
465          Safety be non-lapsing
466                It is the intent of the Legislature that receipts above $15,000 of
467          reimbursable flight time for the Department of Public Safety's aircraft be
468          non-lapsing and used only to replace aircraft engines and related parts.
469      ITEM    41    To    Department of Public Safety - Comprehensive Emergency
470          Management
471          From General Fund    712,500
472          From Federal Funds    7,431,000
473          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    212,000
474          From General Fund Restricted - Environmental Quality    200,000
475          From General Fund Restricted - Nuclear Oversight    1,416,400
476          From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    24,900

477          Schedule of Programs:
478           Comprehensive Emergency Management    9,996,800
479                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for FY 2002 for Public
480          Safety be non-lapsing
481      ITEM    42    To    Department of Public Safety - Safety Promotion
482          From General Fund    146,900
483          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    3,000
484          Schedule of Programs:
485           Safety Promotion    149,900
486                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for FY 2002 for Public
487          Safety be non-lapsing
488      ITEM    43    To    Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and
489          Training
490          From General Fund    173,700
491          From Federal Funds    3,009,000
492          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    28,100
493          From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    2,494,400
494          From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    109,000
495          Schedule of Programs:
496           Basic Training    1,247,800
497           Regional/Inservice Training    670,200
498           Post Administration    778,200
499           Grants    109,000
500           Police Corps Academy    3,009,000
501                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for FY 2002 for Public
502          Safety be non-lapsing
503      ITEM    44    To    Department of Public Safety - Investigative and Technical
504          Services
505          From General Fund    11,315,200
506          From Federal Funds    404,200
507          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,894,200
508          From General Fund Restricted - Statewide Warrant Operations    138,600
509          From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    483,900
510          From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    13,800
511          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    250,000
512          Schedule of Programs:
513           BCI Grants    171,000

514           Administration    446,300
515           Criminal Identification Bureau    3,589,800
516           UDI Grants    181,600
517           Communications    4,240,400
518           State Crime Labs    1,630,500
519           Crime Lab Grants    581,400
520           Investigative Services    3,658,900
521                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for FY 2002 for Public
522          Safety be non-lapsing
523      ITEM    45    To    Department of Public Safety - Liquor Law Enforcement
524          From General Fund    999,500
525          Schedule of Programs:
526           Liquor Law Enforcement    999,500
527                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for FY 2002 for Public
528          Safety be non-lapsing.
529      ITEM    46    To    Department of Public Safety - Driver License
530          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    200
531          From Transportation Fund Restricted - Motorcycle Education    176,600
532          From Transportation Fund Restricted - Public Safety    15,882,900
533          From Transportation Fund Restricted - Uninsured Motorist I.D.    1,560,100
534          Schedule of Programs:
535           Driver License Administration    1,212,400
536           Driver Services    10,331,400
537           Driver Records    4,339,300
538           Motorcycle Safety    176,600
539           Uninsured Motorist    1,560,100
540                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for FY 2002 for Public
541          Safety be non-lapsing
542      ITEM    47    To    Department of Public Safety - Utah Highway Patrol Division
543          From General Fund    27,008,600
544          From Transportation Fund    5,495,500
545          From Federal Funds    2,119,200
546          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,635,200
547          From General Fund Restricted - Nuclear Oversight    376,900
548          From Transportation Fund Restricted - Public Safety    535,000
549          From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    1,230,000
550          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    553,600

551          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (971,900)
552          Schedule of Programs:
553           UHP Administration    773,400
554           Field Operations    23,888,600
555           Commercial Vehicle    2,741,600
556           Safety Inspections    1,036,500
557           Special Enforcement    1,273,400
558           Protective Services    1,170,300
559           Special Services    2,948,700
560           Federal Projects    1,721,900
561           UHP Technical Services    320,000
562           Highway Safety    2,107,700
563                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Highway Safety, as
564          consistant with Federal law, may transfer Federal Funds from this line item
565          of appropriation to other items of appropriation when necessary.
566                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for FY 2002 for Public
567          Safety be non-lapsing
568      ITEM    48    To    Department of Public Safety - Information Management
569          From General Fund    1,400,200
570          From General Fund Restricted - Statewide Warrant Operations    268,600
571          From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    202,300
572          Schedule of Programs:
573           Operations    1,668,800
574           Grants    202,300
575                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for FY 2002 for Public
576          Safety be non-lapsing
577      ITEM    49    To    Department of Public Safety - Fire Marshal
578          From General Fund    888,300
579          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    145,500
580          From General Fund Restricted - Fire Academy Support    3,236,300
581          Schedule of Programs:
582           Fire Operations    1,109,200
583           Fire Fighter Training    3,160,900
584                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for FY 2002 for Public
585          Safety be non-lapsing

588      ITEM    50    To    Capitol Preservation Board
589          From General Fund    2,380,900
590          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    228,200
591          Schedule of Programs:
592           Capitol Preservation Board    2,609,100
593                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Executive Director of the Capitol
594           Preservation Board shall develop a master security plan for Capitol Hill. It
595          is further the intent of the Legislature that this be done before the 2002
596          General Session.
597                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Capitol Preservation
598          Board shall not lapse and that those funds shall be used for the design and
599          construction costs associated with Capitol restoration.
600                It is the intent of the Legislature that any person, group or organization
601          who holds an event in the Capitol Building or on Capitol Hill grounds pay
602          for at least the costs associated with staging the event. It is further the
603          intent of the Legislature that any increases in Dedicated Credits over the FY
604          2002 approved amount shall be used to offset costs related to Capitol
605          Restoration.
607      ITEM    51    To    Department of Administrative Services - Executive Director
608          From General Fund    819,700
609          From Revenue Transfers    127,300
610          Schedule of Programs:
611           Executive Director    947,000
612      ITEM    52    To    Department of Administrative Services - Information Technology
613          Services
614          From General Fund    376,600
615          From General Fund, One-time    300,000
616          Schedule of Programs:
617           Automated Geographic Reference Center    676,600
618      ITEM    53    To    Department of Administrative Services - Administrative Rules
619          From General Fund    273,800
620          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    5,000
621          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (1,000)
622          Schedule of Programs:
623           DAR Administration    257,100
624           Rules Publishing    20,700

625      ITEM    54    To    Department of Administrative Services - DFCM Administration
626          From General Fund    2,978,500
627          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,500
628          From Revenue Transfers    200,000
629          Schedule of Programs:
630           DFCM Administration    3,181,000
631                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Building Board develop
632          contracting guidelines that enable the State to share in the ownership of
633          designs and plans associated with the construction of state-owned buildings.
634      ITEM    55    To    Department of Administrative Services - DFCM Facilities
635          Management
636          From General Fund    319,100
637          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    141,400
638          Schedule of Programs:
639           Governor's Mansion    30,000
640           Preventive Maintenance    141,400
641           DUP Museum    108,800
642           Governor's Residence    91,300
643           Green House    30,000
644           Council Hall    59,000
645      ITEM    56    To    Department of Administrative Services - State Archives
646          From General Fund    2,050,900
647          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    38,900
648          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    49,600
649          Schedule of Programs:
650           Archives Administration    612,300
651           Records Analysis    337,600
652           Preservation Svcs    292,300
653           Patron Services    467,300
654           Reference Services    429,900
655                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Archives use
656          $100,000 to improve employee retention through enhanced salaries. The
657          funds may be used for any non-exempt position within the division that is
658          demonstrated to have high turnover or below market wages but may not be
659          used to add additional staff.
660                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the State Division of
661          Archives not lapse and that those funds be used to catalog documents

662          generated by former Governors.
663      ITEM    57    To    Department of Administrative Services - Finance Administration
664          From General Fund    6,242,500
665          From Transportation Fund    450,000
666          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,223,100
667          From General Fund Restricted - Internal Service Fund Overhead    1,483,100
668          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    700,000
669          Schedule of Programs:
670           FIN Director's Office    309,200
671           Payroll    2,313,100
672           Payables/Disbursing    1,668,800
673           Technical Services    1,693,300
674           Financial Reporting    1,113,800
675           Financial Information Systems    3,000,500
676                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Division of Finance
677          not lapse.
678                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Division of Finance
679          which do not lapse are to be used for maintenance, operation and
680          development of statewide accounting systems.
681                It is the intent of the Legislature that rules regarding reimbursement for
682          mileage driven in a personal vehicle on state business continue as approved
683           during FY 2001.
684      ITEM    58    To    Department of Administrative Services - Finance - Mandated
685          From General Fund    3,012,400
686          From General Fund, One-time    2,087,500
687          Schedule of Programs:
688           Information Technology Infrastructure Innovation Program    935,000
689           800 MHz Conversion    1,414,900
690           LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Fund    2,750,000
691                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds in the LeRay McAllister
692          Critical Land fund shall not lapse.
693                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds provided for 800 MHz
694          Conversion be allocated among State agencies by the Chief Information
695          Officer in consultation with the Director of Information Technology Services
696           according to the following criteria:
697          1. New ongoing funds shall be distributed to agencies such that total
698          ongoing resources for each agency are sufficient to pay annual service fees

699          on radios purchased with prior year appropriations
700          2. One-time and remaining new ongoing funds shall be distributed to
701          agencies for purchase of additional radios and payment of annual service
702          fees.
703                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Chief Information Officer report
704          to the Executive Appropriations Committee specific cost and benefit
705          measures as well as means by which to capture future benefits prior to
706          allocating funds provided for the Utah Technology Infrastructure
707          Innovation Program.
708                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Finance use funds in
709           the Annual Leave Conversion program to reimburse state agencies on a
710          proportional basis as determined by the Division of Finance.
711      ITEM    59    To    Department of Administrative Services - Post Conviction Indigent
712          Defense Fund
713          From General Fund    120,000
714          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    232,500
715          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (155,000)
716          Schedule of Programs:
717           Post Conviction Indigent Defense Fund    197,500
718                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Post Conviction
719          Indigent Defense Fund shall not lapse.
720      ITEM    60    To    Department of Administrative Services - Judicial Conduct
721          Commission
722          From General Fund    228,400
723          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    10,100
724          Schedule of Programs:
725           Judicial Conduct Commission    238,500
726                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Judicial Conduct
727          Commission not lapse.
728      ITEM    61    To    Department of Administrative Services - Purchasing
729          From General Fund    1,325,800
730          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    82,300
731          Schedule of Programs:
732           Purchasing and General Services    1,408,100
733                It is the intent of the legislature that funds for the Division of Purchasing
734          and General Services are non-lapsing and that those funds be used to
735          further the Division's E-commerce program.

736      ITEM    62    To    Department of Administrative Services - Fleet Capitalization
737          From General Fund    4,000,000
738          Schedule of Programs:
739           Fleet Capitalization    4,000,000
741      ITEM    63    To    Department of Administrative Services - Office of State Debt
742          Collection
743          From Licenses/Fees    123,300
744          From Interest Income    360,100
745          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    263,700
746          From Other Financing Sources    7,000
747          Schedule of Programs:
748           ISF - Debt Collection    754,100
749                Total FTE -     4
750                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of State Debt Collection
751          be authorized to establish reasonable costs of collection to be passed onto
752          the debtor including attorney fees, all legal costs and administrative costs
753          unless inappropriate or prohibited by law.
754      ITEM    64    To    Department of Administrative Services - Division of Purchasing
755          and General Services
756          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    13,418,700
757          Schedule of Programs:
758           ISF - Central Mailing    7,532,800
759           ISF - Electronic Purchasing    268,900
760           ISF - Publishing    5,617,000
761                Total FTE -     63
762                Authorized Capital Outlay -     3,279,000
763                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Purchasing and
764          General Services consolidate Publishing operations to maximize efficiency
765          and enhance savings opportunities with high volume copier services.
766                It is the intent of the Legislature that Internal Service Funds of the
767          Department of Administrative Services be allowed to add FTEs beyond the
768          authorized level if it represents a benefit to the State and a decrease of FTEs
769          in the user agency. The total FTEs within state government shall not change
770           with this shift of FTEs. Agencies transferring FTEs to Internal Service
771          Funds shall report to the Executive Appropriations Committee decreased
772          personal service expenditures and corresponding increased Internal Service

773          Fund charges as a result of the transfer.
774      ITEM    65    To    Department of Administrative Services - Division of Information
775          Technology Services
776          From Federal Funds    750,000
777          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    51,437,600
778          From Revenue Transfers    676,600
779          Schedule of Programs:
780           ISF - Network Services    10,152,700
781           ISF - Telephone Services    16,380,100
782           ISF - Radio Shop    2,034,800
783           ISF - Computing    18,031,600
784           ISF - ITS Support Services    4,374,000
785           ISF - New Technologies    224,800
786           ISF - Automated Geographic Ref Ctr    1,666,200
787                Total FTE -     243
788                Authorized Capital Outlay -     5,604,700
789                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Information Technology
790          Services Internal Service Fund of the Department of Administrative Services
791           be allowed to add FTEs beyond the authorized level if it represents a
792          benefit to the State and a decrease of FTEs in the user agency. The total
793          FTEs within state government shall not change with this shift of FTEs.
794          Agencies transferring FTEs to Internal Service Funds shall report to the
795          Executive Appropriations Committee decreased personal service
796          expenditures and corresponding increased Internal Service Fund charges as
797          a result of the transfer.
798                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Administrative
799          Services Division of Information Technology Services develop an on-line
800          system for billing its customers. Where possible, the system should replace
801           paper billing and include a mechanism by which customers confirm bill
802          payment and provide feedback about ITS rates and services.
803      ITEM    66    To    Department of Administrative Services - Division of Fleet
804          Operations
805          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    37,110,500
806          Schedule of Programs:
807           ISF - Motor Pool    21,881,800
808           ISF - Fuel Network    13,914,600
809           ISF - State Surplus Property    690,300

810           ISF - Federal Surplus Property    623,800
811                Total FTE -     52
812                Authorized Capital Outlay -     11,470,900
813                It is the intent of the Legislature that Internal Service Funds of the
814          Department of Administrative Services be allowed to add FTEs beyond the
815          authorized level if it represents a benefit to the State and a decrease of FTEs
816          in the user agency. The total FTEs within state government shall not change
817           with this shift of FTEs. Agencies transferring FTEs to Internal Service
818          Funds shall report to the Executive Appropriations Committee decreased
819          personal service expenditures and corresponding increased Internal Service
820          Fund charges as a result of the transfer.
821                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
822          prepare an analysis of 4x4 usage and policy in the State Fleet.
823                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
824          prepare an analysis of Higher Education's participation in the State Fleet.
825                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Fleet Operations and
826           the Rate Committee establish a rate that will charge agencies that do not
827          pick up their replacement vehicles on the day that they are deemed ready by
828           the Division of Fleet Operations.
829      ITEM    67    To    Department of Administrative Services - Risk Management
830          From Premiums    21,804,400
831          From Interest Income    2,900,000
832          From Restricted Revenue    6,544,600
833          Schedule of Programs:
834           ISF - Risk Management Administration    24,704,400
835           ISF - Workers' Compensation    6,544,600
836                Total FTE -     25
837                Authorized Capital Outlay -     50,000
838                It is the intent of the Legislature that Internal Service Funds of the
839          Department of Administrative Services be allowed to add FTEs beyond the
840          authorized level if it represents a benefit to the State and a decrease of FTEs
841          in the user agency. The total FTEs within state government shall not change
842           with this shift of FTEs. Agencies transferring FTEs to Internal Service
843          Funds shall report to the Executive Appropriations Committee decreased
844          personal service expenditures and corresponding increased Internal Service
845          Fund charges as a result of the transfer.
846      ITEM    68    To    Department of Administrative Services - Division of Facilities

847          Construction and Management - Facilities Management
848          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    15,535,800
849          From Restricted Revenue    2,765,000
850          Schedule of Programs:
851           ISF - Facilities Management    18,300,800
852                Total FTE -     122
853                Authorized Capital Outlay -     80,000
854                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Facilities Management Internal
855          Service Fund be allowed to transfer its contributed capital balance of
856          $171,719.80 to retained earnings. This transfer will eliminate a portion of the
857          $256,040 deficit retained earnings balance of the Planning and Design
858          Program.
859                It is the intent of the Legislature that Internal Service Funds of the
860          Department of Administrative Services be allowed to add FTEs beyond the
861          authorized level if it represents a benefit to the State and a decrease of FTEs
862          in the user agency. The total FTEs within state government shall not change
863           with this shift of FTEs. Agencies transferring FTEs to Internal Service
864          Funds shall report to the Executive Appropriations Committee decreased
865          personal service expenditures and corresponding increased Internal Service
866          Fund charges as a result of the transfer.
867                It is the intent of the Legislature that DFCM's internal service fund may
868          add FTEs beyond the authorized level if new facilities come on line or
869          maintenance agreements are requested. Any added FTEs will be reviewed
870          and approved by the Legislature in the next Legislative Session.
871      ITEM    69    To    Department of Administrative Services - Division of Facilities
872          Construction and Management - Roofing and Paving
873          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    484,900
874          Schedule of Programs:
875           ISF - Roofing and Paving    484,900
876                Total FTE -     6
878      ITEM    70    To    Capital Budget - DFCM Capital Program
879          From General Fund    65,099,400
880          From General Fund, One-time    951,000
881          From Income Tax    24,298,000
882          From Income Tax, One-time    10,000,000
883          From Transportation Fund, One-time    1,399,000

884          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    41,000,000
885          From Dedicated Credits - Revenue Bonds    10,735,800
886          From General Fund Restricted - Special Administrative Expense    1,186,700
887          From General Fund Restricted - State Court Complex Account    700,000
888          From Olympic Special Revenue    28,500,000
889          From Revenue Transfers    387,000
890          Schedule of Programs:
891           Capital Improvements    43,994,000
892           Capital Planning    40,000
893           Capital Development    140,222,900
894                Funded Projects:
895          Capital Improvements - 43,994,000
896          Capitol Remodel - 40,991,600
897          U of U Huntsman Expansion - 5,000,000
898          Archives Planning - 40,000
899          Utah Field House of Natural History - 6,741,000
900          BATC Brigham City - 2,089,000
901          Courts - First District Court - 12,493,800
902          U of U Engineering Building - 47,685,000
903          USU Engineering Building - 10,000,000
904          DWS Cedar City Office - 1,186,700
905          DABC Warehouse Expansion - 8,281,000
906          DABC Magna Store - 957,100
907          DABC South Valley Store - 1,497,700
908          UDOT Richfield Warehouse - 699,000
909          UDOT Echo Station - 400,000
910          UDOT Roosevelt Station - 300,000
911          Courts - Sandy Land Purchase - 950,000
912          DYC - Blanding Youth Facility - 265,000
913          Uinta Basin ATC - 186,000
914          Ogden/Weber ATC - 500,000
915                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Corrections
916          present an annual report to the Legislature showing approved county
917          contract expansions to ensure that supply does not exceed the State's need.
918           However, these contracts in no way obligate the State for future payments
919          if the beds are not utilized by state prisoners.
920                It is the intent of the Legislature that no state funds shall be expended

921          nor shall bonds be issued for the National Guard American Fork project until
922           Federal Funds are formally appropriated.
923                It is the intent of the Legislature that DFCM shall use up to $585,000 from
924           the Project Reserve Fund to hire or contract for employees to assist in the
925          management of construction projects approved during the 2001 General
926          Session. This funding shall not be used to hire additional permanent staff.
927                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Facilities
928          Construction and Management purchase the Brigham City Education
929          Facility, together with adjacent property, from Box Elder County and lease it
930          to Bridgerland Applied Technology Center, Utah State University, and other
931           state entities at a rate sufficient to cover the operations and maintenance
932          cost of the entire facility, including vacant space. DFCM may lease vacant
933          space to other entities at market rates until such time as it is needed for state
934           purposes.
935                It is the intent of the Legislature that Youth Corrections provide
936          programmatic exercise space at the lowest cost possible both for
937          construction and ongoing operations when constructing new facilities.
938                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Building Board provide Capital
939          Improvement funding sufficient to complete the following projects at
940          Southern Utah University:
941           1. Asbestos removal from the former middle school;
942           2. Demolition of the former middle school;
943           3. Structural repair of Old Main;
944           4. Structural repair of the Braithwaite Building.
945                It is the intent of the Legislature that interest earnings from tax funds set
946          aside as escrow for construction projects shall accrue to the benefit of the
947          State.
948                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, in
949          preparing the FY 2003 Budget, shall consider funding for increases in
950          capital improvements - including implementation of House Bill 62 (2001
951          General Session) - as part of the base budget for capital projects.
952                It is the intent of the Legislature that DFCM create a bid package to
953          design and construct new classroom/laboratory facilities at the College of
954          Eastern Utah, Utah Valley State College, Utah State University and Weber
955          State University (Davis Campus).
956                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
957          prepare a report on the capacity and operational needs of the Department of

958          Corrections. The report should provide an analysis of the merits of various
959          construction methods, jail contracting, jail reimbursement, and offer
960          recommendations for future funding for the housing of inmates. It is
961          anticipated that this report will be presented to the Executive Appropriation
962          Committee during the 2001 interim.
963                It is the intent of the Legislature that the state funds appropriated for
964          capital projects not include funding for art.
965                It is the intent of the Legislature that DFCM use $265,000 approved for
966          the Canyonlands Youth Correctional Facility to purchase property and
967          provide money for design of the new facility.
969      ITEM    71    To    State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service
970          From General Fund    43,629,800
971          From Uniform School Fund    24,670,600
972          From Centennial Highway Fund    82,657,500
973          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    23,727,300
974          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    5,051,200
975          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (5,051,200)
976          Schedule of Programs:
977           Debt Service    174,685,200
978                When necessary to meet interest requirements on variable rate demand
979          obligations issued to finance highway construction projects, the Division of
980           Finance may request a transfer of funds from the Department of
981          Transportation. After receiving such a request, Transportation shall
982          transfer monies from the Centennial Highway Fund to the Debt Service
983          Fund to pay interest on variable rate demand obligations issued to finance
984          highway construction.
987      ITEM    72    To    Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
988          From General Fund    22,014,900
989          From Uniform School Fund    17,318,200
990          From Transportation Fund    4,857,400
991          From Federal Funds    608,000
992          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    4,488,900
993          From General Fund Restricted - Sales and Use Tax Administration Fees    5,878,100
994          From Transportation Fund Restricted - Uninsured Motorist I.D.    133,800

995          From Revenue Transfers    78,300
996          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    3,401,800
997          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (373,500)
998          Schedule of Programs:
999           Administration Division    8,219,700
1000           Auditing Division    8,102,900
1001           Multi-State Tax Compact    179,600
1002           Technology Management    9,553,000
1003           Tax Processing Division    7,274,600
1004           Seasonal Employees    728,200
1005           Tax Payer Services    7,814,800
1006           Property Tax Division    4,212,800
1007           Motor Vehicles    10,114,700
1008           Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division    2,205,600
1009                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah State Tax Commission
1010          carry forward unexpended year-end balances for costs directly related to the
1011           modernization of tax and motor vehicle systems and processes.
1012                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah State Tax Commission
1013          report to the Executive Appropriations Committee before expending
1014          significant additional resources in pursuit of tax systems enhancement or
1015          replacement.
1016                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah State Tax Commission
1017          track additional revenues resulting from UTAX and report the results
1018          quarterly to the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, the Governor's Office of
1019          Planning and Budget, and the Division of Finance.
1020                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah State Tax Commission
1021          provide to the Commerce and Revenue Appropriations Subcommittee
1022          during the FY 2001 Interim a full cost analysis of the Motor Vehicle
1023          Administration system. The analysis should include, but not be limited to,
1024          costs associated with planning, development, contracting, testing, data
1025          conversion, implementation, operation, and disposal.
1026                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah State Tax Commission may
1027          outsource delinquent accounts receivable that are not in litigation, under a
1028          payment agreement, assigned to a collector for active collection, or whose
1029          outsourcing would be in violation of state or federal law, according to Utah
1030          Code 59-1-1101. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Utah State
1031          Tax Commission report the results of its outsourcing to the Office of State

1032          Debt Collection, the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, and the
1033          Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
1034      ITEM    73    To    Utah State Tax Commission - License Plates Production
1035          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,967,700
1036          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    2,916,200
1037          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (2,958,900)
1038          Schedule of Programs:
1039           License Plates Production    1,925,000
1040                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1041      ITEM    74    To    Utah State Tax Commission - Liquor Profit Distribution
1042          From General Fund    2,609,000
1043          Schedule of Programs:
1044           Liquor Profit Distribution    2,609,000
1045                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1047      ITEM    75    To    State Board of Applied Technology Education - Bridgerland
1048          Applied Technology Center
1049          From Uniform School Fund    6,883,700
1050          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,029,400
1051          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    224,008
1052          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (224,008)
1053          Schedule of Programs:
1054           Bridgerland ATC    7,913,100
1055      ITEM    76    To    State Board of Applied Technology Education - Davis Applied
1056          Technology Center
1057          From Uniform School Fund    6,918,200
1058          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    999,600
1059          From Dedicated Credits - Investments    132,000
1060          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    221,000
1061          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (242,000)
1062          Schedule of Programs:
1063           Davis ATC    8,028,800
1064      ITEM    77    To    State Board of Applied Technology Education - Ogden Weber
1065          Applied Technology Center
1066          From Uniform School Fund    7,633,400
1067          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,052,800
1068          Schedule of Programs:

1069           Ogden-Weber ATC    8,686,200
1070      ITEM    78    To    State Board of Applied Technology Education - Uintah Basin
1071          Applied Technology Center
1072          From Uniform School Fund    3,629,100
1073          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    355,900
1074          From Dedicated Credits - Investments    110,000
1075          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    165,000
1076          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (165,000)
1077          Schedule of Programs:
1078           Uintah Basin ATC    4,095,000
1079      ITEM    79    To    State Board of Applied Technology Education - Wasatch Front
1080          Applied Technology Center
1081          From Uniform School Fund    1,133,300
1082          From Dedicated Credits - Investments    67,600
1083          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    154,200
1084          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (1,400)
1085          Schedule of Programs:
1086           Wasatch Front ATC    1,353,700
1087                It is the intent of the Legislature to provide applied technology
1088          educational opportunities for students in Salt Lake and Tooele counties
1089          comparable to those found in other areas of the State and encourage the
1090          Wasatch Front South Applied Technology Center to develop new regional
1091          applied technology education facilities by acquiring and remodeling existing
1092           public and higher education facilities that may become available. It is
1093          further the intent of the Legislature to provide operation and maintenance
1094          costs consistent with the policies of funding these costs in applied
1095          technology centers throughout the State.
1096      ITEM    80    To    State Board of Applied Technology Education - Public Education
1097          Applied Technology Center Service Regions
1098          From Uniform School Fund    1,947,000
1099          Schedule of Programs:
1100           Mountainlands    771,200
1101           Southeast    226,100
1102           Southwest    949,700
1103      ITEM    81    To    State Board of Applied Technology Education - Applied
1104          Technology Center/Applied Technology Center Service Region
1105          Development

1106          From Uniform School Fund    2,700,000
1107          Schedule of Programs:
1108           ATC/ATCSR Development    2,700,000
1109      ITEM    82    To    State Board of Applied Technology Education - Custom Fit
1110          From Uniform School Fund    3,366,500
1111          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    112,100
1112          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (112,100)
1113          Schedule of Programs:
1114           Custom Fit    3,366,500
1115      ITEM    83    To    State Board of Applied Technology Education - Higher Education
1116          Applied Technology Center Service Regions
1117          From General Fund    1,221,500
1118          From Income Tax    56,100
1119          Schedule of Programs:
1120           Applied Technology Center Service Regions    1,277,600
1121                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
1122          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
1124      ITEM    84    To    Department of Workforce Services
1125          From General Fund    55,940,400
1126          From Federal Funds    195,926,600
1127          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    3,431,900
1128          From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    3,485,200
1129          Schedule of Programs:
1130           Executive Director    1,119,000
1131           Employment Development    39,951,600
1132           Administration and Service Delivery Support    25,683,100
1133           Regional Administration    90,491,100
1134           Temporary Assistance to Needy Families    45,401,000
1135           Food Stamp Cash Out    2,880,000
1136           Refugee Relocation    2,336,100
1137           General Assistance/SSI    4,405,000
1138           Workforce Investment Act    9,017,200
1139           Child Care    37,500,000
1140                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1141                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Workforce
1142          Services report monthly their Food Stamp Error Rate to the Legislature

1143          through the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and to the Governor's
1144          Office of Planning and Budget. It is further the intent of the Legislature that
1145          corrective actions taken by the Department be reported at the next interim
1146          meeting of the Commerce and Revenue Joint Appropriations Subcommittee.
1147                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
1148          Analyst do an In-Depth Budget Review of the Office of Child Care and
1149          report it at the next interim meeting of the Commerce and Revenue Joint
1150          Appropriations Subcommittee.
1151                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Workforce
1152          Services include for consideration in its annual budget submission to the
1153          Governor's Office of Planning and Budget sufficient funding for grant
1154          adjustments based on its annual review of the TANF grant and other
1155          funding sources and that the Department consider the availability of these
1156          funds for ongoing and one-time use.
1157                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Workforce
1158          Services do an annual review of the Family Employment Program (FEP) cash
1159          assistance grant levels. This is to determine the adequacy of those grants
1160          in helping families meet basic living expenses (housing, utilities, and food).
1161          It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department consider the TANF
1162          grant and other funding sources while conducting this review and that the
1163          Department consider the funds available for ongoing and one-time use.
1164                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Workforce
1165          Services convene a group to explore ways to provide affordable health
1166          insurance to child care workers. The group should include home and center
1167          care providers, insurance companies, the small business association and
1168          other appropriate entities. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the
1169          Department report its results to the Commerce and Revenue Appropriations
1170          Subcommittee as part of the Department's annual presentation in 2002.
1171                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Departments of Human
1172          Resource Management and Workforce Services coordinate their Utah Job
1173          Match and UWORKS projects such that they leverage common elements
1174          and functions. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the agencies
1175          report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst during the 2001 Interim
1176          results of their coordination efforts.
1178      ITEM    85    To    Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
1179          From Liquor Control Fund    15,999,800

1180          Schedule of Programs:
1181           Executive Director    970,000
1182           Administration    966,700
1183           Operations    2,090,200
1184           Warehouse and Distribution    1,033,600
1185           Stores and Agencies    10,939,300
1187      ITEM    86    To    Labor Commission
1188          From General Fund    5,147,200
1189          From General Fund, One-time    100,000
1190          From Federal Funds    2,355,000
1191          From General Fund Restricted - Workplace Safety    997,900
1192          From Employers' Reinsurance Fund    239,500
1193          From Uninsured Employers' Fund    586,500
1194          Schedule of Programs:
1195           Administration    1,739,700
1196           Industrial Accidents    1,048,600
1197           Appeals Board    12,600
1198           Adjudication    713,200
1199           Division of Safety    1,239,900
1200           Workplace Safety    1,084,400
1201           Anti-Discrimination    1,337,900
1202           Utah Occupational Safety and Health    2,103,200
1203           Building Operations and Maintenance    146,600
1204                It is the intent of the Legislature that fees collected from sponsoring and
1205          holding seminars be made nonlapsing, allowing the agency to continue to
1206          offer yearly training seminars using funds collected from fees.
1207      COMMERCE
1208      ITEM    87    To    Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
1209          From General Fund    (100,000)
1210          From Federal Funds    138,400
1211          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    440,800
1212          From General Fund Restricted - Certified Nurse Midwife Education &     10,000
1213          Enforcement Fund
1214          From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund    15,526,800
1215          From General Fund Restricted - Factory Built Housing Fees    104,400
1216          From Real Estate Education, Research, and Recovery Fund    2,000

1217          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    138,800
1218          From Beginning Fund Balances - Commerce Service Fund    200,000
1219          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (138,900)
1220          Schedule of Programs:
1221           Administration    1,537,700
1222           Occupational & Professional Licensing    5,785,200
1223           Securities    1,240,800
1224           Consumer Protection    733,000
1225           Corporations and Commercial Code    1,948,100
1226           Real Estate    1,195,300
1227           Public Utilities    2,988,300
1228           Committee of Consumer Services    670,600
1229           Building Operations and Maintenance    223,300
1230                It is the intent of the Legislature that unexpended balances of the
1231          Committee of Consumer Services be transferred from its Administrative
1232          Budget to its Professional and Technical Services budget for the same year
1233          and that the transferred funds be made nonlapsing.
1234                It is the intent of the Legislature that unexpended balances of the
1235          Department up to $735,000 be carried forward for capital equipment,
1236          improvements and computer system development.
1237      ITEM    88    To    Department of Commerce - Real Estate Education
1238          From Real Estate Education, Research, and Recovery Fund    152,800
1239          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    9,000
1240          Schedule of Programs:
1241           Real Estate Education    161,800
1242                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1243      ITEM    89    To    Department of Commerce - Public Utilities Professional &
1244          Technical Services
1245          From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund    100,000
1246          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    16,800
1247          Schedule of Programs:
1248           Professional & Technical Services    116,800
1249                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1250      ITEM    90    To    Department of Commerce - Committee of Consumer Services
1251          Professional and Technical Services
1252          From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund    335,000
1253          Schedule of Programs:

1254           Professional & Technical Services    335,000
1255                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1257      ITEM    91    To    Financial Institutions - Financial Institutions Administration
1258          From General Fund Restricted - Financial Institutions    3,832,400
1259          Schedule of Programs:
1260           Administration    3,717,600
1261           Building Operations and Maintenance    114,800
1262      INSURANCE
1263      ITEM    92    To    Insurance Department - Insurance Department Administration
1264          From General Fund    4,372,100
1265          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,039,700
1266          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    578,900
1267          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (550,700)
1268          Schedule of Programs:
1269           Administration    4,239,100
1270           Relative Value Study    52,000
1271           Insurance Fraud Program    1,015,900
1272           Office of Consumer Health Assistance    133,000
1273      ITEM    93    To    Insurance Department - Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool
1274          From General Fund    3,135,000
1275          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    5,044,000
1276          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    11,603,300
1277          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (11,148,700)
1278          Schedule of Programs:
1279           Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool    8,633,600
1280                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1281      ITEM    94    To    Insurance Department - Bail Bond Program
1282          From General Fund Restricted - Bail Bond Surety Administration    15,000
1283          From Lapsing Balance    (10,700)
1284          Schedule of Programs:
1285           Bail Bond Program    4,300
1286                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1287      ITEM    95    To    Insurance Department - Title Insurance Program
1288          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    47,600
1289          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    36,400
1290          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (37,200)

1291          Schedule of Programs:
1292           Title Insurance Program    46,800
1293                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1295      ITEM    96    To    Public Service Commission
1296          From General Fund    1,471,900
1297          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    65,900
1298          Schedule of Programs:
1299           Public Service Commission    1,511,500
1300           Building Operations and Maintenance    26,300
1301                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1302      ITEM    97    To    Public Service Commission - Research and Analysis
1303          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    60,000
1304          Schedule of Programs:
1305           Research and Analysis    60,000
1306                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1307      ITEM    98    To    Public Service Commission - Speech and Hearing Impaired
1308          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,619,300
1309          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    4,650,200
1310          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (4,450,700)
1311          Schedule of Programs:
1312           Speech and Hearing Impaired    1,818,800
1313                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1314      ITEM    99    To    Public Service Commission - Universal Telecommunications
1315          Support Fund
1316          From Universal Public Telecom Service Fund    7,073,200
1317          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    9,194,400
1318          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (8,728,300)
1319          Schedule of Programs:
1320           Universal Telecom Service Fund    7,539,300
1321                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
1324      ITEM    100    To    Career Services Review Board - Career Service Review Board
1325          From General Fund    169,000
1326          Schedule of Programs:
1327           Career Services Review Board    169,000

1328                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds not lapse.
1330      ITEM    101    To    Department of Human Resources Management
1331          From General Fund    5,731,100
1332          From General Fund, One-time    79,000
1333          From Uniform School Fund    338,900
1334          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    277,000
1335          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    85,400
1336          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (85,400)
1337          Schedule of Programs:
1338           Administration    635,300
1339           Classification and Compensation    716,900
1340           Employment Services    651,600
1341           Flex Benefits    15,000
1342           Management Training    260,000
1343           Information Technology    1,196,900
1344           Market Comparability    2,950,300
1345                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Departments of Human
1346          Resource Management and Workforce Services coordinate their Utah Job
1347          Match and UWORKS projects such that they leverage common elements
1348          and functions. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the agencies
1349          report to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst during the 2001 Interim
1350          results of their coordination efforts.
1351                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds not lapse.
1352                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1353          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1354          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1355                The Legislature intends that if the Legislature funds a general
1356          compensation pool for statewide salary inequities, the pool will be
1357          applicable to attorneys consistent with other state employees, subject to
1358          review of General Counsel.
1359                It is the intent of the Legislature that the 4 percent compensation increase
1360           for state employees for FY 2002 be used first, to fund a one-step Merit
1361          increase and associated salary driven costs for all eligible employees.
1362          Remaining funds are for discretionary salary increases to employees based
1363          upon performance and other salary related issues according to rules and
1364          procedures established by the Department of Human Resource

1365          Management.
1366                It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2002 market comparability
1367          adjustment funding be allocated to and administered by the Department of
1368          Human Resource Management.
1369                It is the intent of the Legislature that the health benefit for state and
1370          higher education employees be funded on the basis of a 16.135 percent
1371          average health premium increase. Dental premium costs for the Group
1372          Insurance Division (PEHP) are to be computed on the basis of an average
1373          3.0 percent increase.
1374                It is further the intent of the Legislature that employees enrolled in the
1375          PEHP Preferred Health Care Plan will pay 7.0 percent of bi-weekly premium
1376          payments.
1377                It is the intent of the Legislature that $79,000 of appropriated funds go
1378          towards the purchase of a Unix computer.
1379                It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2002 compensation package
1380          for state employees have retrospective application to June 23, 2001, to
1381          coincide with the state payroll period.
1383      ITEM    102    To    Department of Community & Economic Development -
1384          Administration
1385          From General Fund    2,741,000
1386          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    30,400
1387          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (30,400)
1388          Schedule of Programs:
1389           Executive Director    577,400
1390           Information Technology    1,010,300
1391           Administrative Services    1,153,300
1392                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1393          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1394          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1395                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds not lapse.
1396      ITEM    103    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Incentive
1397          Funds
1398          From General Fund, One-time    500,000
1399          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    120,900
1400          From General Fund Restricted - Industrial Assistance    185,800
1401          Schedule of Programs:

1402           Incentive Funds    306,700
1403           Custom Fit    500,000
1404      ITEM    104    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Indian
1405          Affairs
1406          From General Fund    229,100
1407          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    20,500
1408          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (20,500)
1409          Schedule of Programs:
1410           Indian Affairs    229,100
1411                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1412          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1413          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1414      ITEM    105    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Asian
1415          Affairs
1416          From General Fund    125,800
1417          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    15,100
1418          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (15,100)
1419          Schedule of Programs:
1420           Asian Affairs    125,800
1421                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1422          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1423          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1424      ITEM    106    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Black
1425          Affairs
1426          From General Fund    125,800
1427          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    1,200
1428          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (1,200)
1429          Schedule of Programs:
1430           Black Affairs    125,800
1431                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1432          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1433          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1434      ITEM    107    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Hispanic
1435          Affairs
1436          From General Fund    127,700
1437          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    25,100
1438          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (25,100)

1439          Schedule of Programs:
1440           Hispanic Affairs    127,700
1441                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1442          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1443          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1444      ITEM    108    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Pacific
1445          Islander Affairs
1446          From General Fund    125,700
1447          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    11,200
1448          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (11,200)
1449          Schedule of Programs:
1450           Pacific Islander Affairs    125,700
1451                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1452          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1453          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1454      ITEM    109    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Business
1455          and Economic Development
1456          From General Fund    8,206,900
1457          From General Fund, One-time    3,000,000
1458          From Federal Funds    305,200
1459          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    73,600
1460          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    2,870,600
1461          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (2,870,600)
1462          Schedule of Programs:
1463           Administration    4,307,900
1464           Film Commission    739,200
1465           International Development    1,225,700
1466           National Development    498,400
1467           Advertising and Promotion    237,800
1468           Business Development    1,202,000
1469           Procurement Technical Assistance    858,500
1470           Technology    466,200
1471           Centers of Excellence    2,000,000
1472           Special Opportunities    50,000
1473                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1474          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1475          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.

1476                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for Special Opportunities be
1477           used only for economic development opportunities.
1478                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds not lapse.
1479                The Legislature intends that the Division use $1,000,000 of appropriated
1480          funds for the Silicon Valley Initiative.
1481                The Legislature intends to use $200,000 of appropriated funds for the
1482          Manufacturing Extension Program.
1483                The Legislature intends to use $1,250,000 in appropriated funds for the
1484          Sports Incentive Fund.
1485                The Legislature intends to use $1,000,000 in appropriated funds for the
1486          Ogden High-tech Center.
1487      ITEM    110    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Travel
1488          Council
1489          From General Fund    4,062,800
1490          From General Fund, One-time    200,000
1491          From Transportation Fund    118,000
1492          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    266,900
1493          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    43,100
1494          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (43,100)
1495          Schedule of Programs:
1496           Travel Administration    1,965,800
1497           Internal Development    1,763,800
1498           External Development    918,100
1499                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1500          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1501          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1502                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds not lapse.
1503      ITEM    111    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Energy
1504          Services
1505          From General Fund    42,800
1506          From Federal Funds    1,796,600
1507          From Oil Overcharge - Exxon    2,632,000
1508          Schedule of Programs:
1509           State Energy Conservation    1,996,400
1510           Energy Technology Demonstration    1,431,200
1511           Alternative Fuels - Private    533,800
1512           State Building Energy Financing    510,000

1513                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1514          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1515          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1516      ITEM    112    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - State
1517          History
1518          From General Fund    2,046,000
1519          From General Fund, One-time    200,000
1520          From Federal Funds    589,900
1521          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    500,000
1522          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    223,200
1523          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (723,200)
1524          Schedule of Programs:
1525           Administration    613,500
1526           Collections and Education    727,900
1527           History Publications    134,900
1528           Office of Preservation    1,184,700
1529           History Projects    174,900
1530                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1531          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1532          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1533                The Legislature intends to allow the Division of State History to rent out
1534          space in their facility for the 2002 Olympics. The Legislature also intends
1535          that the Division shall not spend collected funds from this activity until after
1536           the Legislature approves a spending plan in the 2002 Annual General
1537          Sesssion.
1538                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds not lapse.
1539                The Legislature intends that $200,000 of appropriated funds go for
1540          Heritage Area Corridors.
1541      ITEM    113    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Historical
1542          Society
1543          From Federal Funds    101,700
1544          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    321,800
1545          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    206,600
1546          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (206,600)
1547          Schedule of Programs:
1548           State Historical Society    423,500
1549      ITEM    114    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Fine Arts

1550          From General Fund    2,735,800
1551          From General Fund, One-time    257,300
1552          From Federal Funds    531,400
1553          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    152,000
1554          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    536,800
1555          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (536,800)
1556          Schedule of Programs:
1557           Administration    815,000
1558           Grants to Non-profits    1,480,000
1559           Community Arts Outreach    1,381,500
1560                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1561          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1562          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1563                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds not lapse.
1564                The Legislature intends that $25,000 of appropriated funds be used for
1565          the Fine Arts Museum.
1566      ITEM    115    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - State
1567          Library
1568          From General Fund    4,454,200
1569          From Federal Funds    1,352,300
1570          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,782,000
1571          Schedule of Programs:
1572           Administration    1,589,300
1573           Blind and Physically Handicapped    1,322,100
1574           Library Development    3,315,800
1575           Information Services    1,361,300
1576                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1577          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1578          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1579                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds not lapse.
1580      ITEM    116    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Community
1581           Development
1582          From General Fund    5,443,800
1583          From General Fund, One-time    2,400,000
1584          From Federal Funds    27,180,200
1585          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,035,000
1586          From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease    630,000

1587          From General Fund Restricted - Homeless Trust    150,000
1588          From Permanent Community Impact    632,000
1589          From Revenue Transfers    (640,800)
1590          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    238,500
1591          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (238,500)
1592          Schedule of Programs:
1593           Weatherization Assistance    3,766,300
1594           Community Development Administration    882,800
1595           Museum Services    2,288,700
1596           Community Assistance    10,938,700
1597           Pioneer Communitites    231,400
1598           Housing Development    941,900
1599           Community Services    2,848,800
1600           Homeless Committee    2,337,000
1601           Commission on Volunteers    3,386,400
1602           Martin Luther King Commission    67,600
1603           HEAT    8,499,000
1604           Emergency Food    170,000
1605           Special Housing    471,600
1606                It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds not lapse.
1607                The Legislature intends that the Division develop performance measures
1608          for each program and where possible prepare a five-year history of those
1609          measures for the FY 2002 Annual General Session.
1610                The Legislature intends that $2,000,000 of appropriated funds be used for
1611           the new Children's Museum. It is further the intent of the Legislature that
1612          funding for the Children's Museum be matched by $20,000,000 from Salt
1613          Lake County.
1614                The Legislature intends that $200,000 of appropriated funds be used for a
1615           Homeless Youth Resource Center.
1616                The Legislature intends that of the funds appropriated, $100,000 be a
1617          one-time increase for the Commission on Volunteers-Literacy Program.
1618                The Legislature intends that $50,000 of appropriated funds be used for
1619          Weatherization federal match requirements.
1620                The Legislature intends that $50,000 of appropriated funds be used to
1621          increase funding to the Emergency Food program.
1622      ITEM    117    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Zoos
1623          From General Fund    1,730,000

1624          Schedule of Programs:
1625           Zoos    1,730,000
1626      ITEM    118    To    Department of Community & Economic Development - Community
1627           Development Capital Budget
1628          From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease    14,414,500
1629          From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Bonus    4,857,100
1630          From Permanent Community Impact    17,663,000
1631          From Revenue Transfers    (17,663,000)
1632          From Repayments    13,301,500
1633          Schedule of Programs:
1634           Permanent Community Impact Board    30,964,500
1635           Special Service Districts    1,608,600
1637      ITEM    119    To    Utah State Fair Corporation
1638          From General Fund    370,000
1639          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    3,495,100
1640          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    1,346,200
1641          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (1,249,800)
1642          Schedule of Programs:
1643           Utah State Fair Corporation    3,961,500
1645      ITEM    120    To    Utah Technology Finance Corporation
1646          From Federal Funds    15,000
1647          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    6,740,000
1648          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    8,039,300
1649          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (7,865,300)
1650          Schedule of Programs:
1651           Utah Technology Finance Corporation    6,929,000
1652                The Legislature intends to deposit in the Industrial Assistance Fund any
1653          proceeds in excess of $4,000,000 paid to the state from the liquidation of
1654          Utah Technology Finance Corporation, whether these proceeds come from
1655          cash, sale of real property, or collection of accounts receivable.
1657      HEALTH
1658      ITEM    121    To    Department of Health - Executive Director's Operations
1659          From General Fund    5,326,500
1660          From General Fund, One-time    200,000

1661          From Federal Funds    2,710,700
1662          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,058,000
1663          From General Fund Restricted - Kurt Oscarson Organ Transplant Account    100,000
1664          From Revenue Transfers    763,600
1665          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    250,700
1666          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (266,700)
1667          Schedule of Programs:
1668           Executive Director    2,233,400
1669           Program Operations    3,220,500
1670           Medical Examiner    1,718,000
1671           Center for Health Data    2,970,900
1672                It is the intent of the Legislature that at least one of the Division budgets
1673          of the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services be
1674          presented in extensive detail at the time of presentation at the annual budget
1675           hearing. The division which is to be examined with this scrutiny is to be
1676          selected by the co-chairs of the Health and Human Services Appropriations
1677          Subcommittee by July of the preceding year.
1678                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Health present to
1679          the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, with its annual budget
1680          submission, detailed outcome measures for each budget area in each
1681          division within the department. These outcome measures shall be,
1682          whenever possible, reported in terms of outcomes achieved with the
1683          population served in addition to the report of total numbers served. The
1684          report shall include those who are statistically eligible, but did not need or
1685          accept state funded services. The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
1686          shall include the department's report including outcome measures within the
1687           Department's budget presentation on an item by item basis.
1688                It is the intent of the Legislature that the budget analysis for the
1689          Department of Health be presented with a breakdown between costs of
1690          administration and services delivered and the number of citizens served and
1691          categorized by cost and type of service.
1692                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of the Medical Examiner
1693          shall charge scheduled fees, except no fees will be charged for State criminal
1694           cases.
1695      ITEM    122    To    Department of Health - Veterans' Nursing Home
1696          From Federal Funds    1,519,100
1697          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,806,100

1698          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    32,000
1699          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (26,000)
1700          Schedule of Programs:
1701           Veterans' Nursing Home    3,331,200
1702      ITEM    123    To    Department of Health - Health Systems Improvement
1703          From General Fund    4,777,100
1704          From Federal Funds    3,020,100
1705          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,858,800
1706          From General Fund Restricted - Medicaid Restricted Account    4,500
1707          From Revenue Transfers    1,313,100
1708          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    593,000
1709          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (200,500)
1710          Schedule of Programs:
1711           Director's Office    326,700
1712           Emergency Medical Services    4,600,100
1713           Licensing    3,171,800
1714           Program Certification and Resident Assessment    3,272,900
1715           Primary Care, Rural, and Ethnic Health    994,600
1716                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding provided for Primary Care
1717          Health Grants not be expended for inter-departmental projects.
1718                It is the intent of the Legislature that the fees collected for the purpose of
1719           plan reviews by the Bureau of Licensing be considered nonlapsing.
1720                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Primary Care Grant
1721          Program be considered nonlapsing.
1722      ITEM    124    To    Department of Health - Physician & Physician Assistants Grant &
1723          Scholarship Program
1724          From General Fund    296,400
1725          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    616,800
1726          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (480,900)
1727          Schedule of Programs:
1728           Physician & Physician Assistants Grant & Scholarship Program    432,300
1729      ITEM    125    To    Department of Health - Nurse Education Financial Assistance
1730          Program
1731          From General Fund    191,700
1732          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    181,200
1733          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (134,800)
1734          Schedule of Programs:

1735           Nurse Education Financial Assistance Program    238,100
1736      ITEM    126    To    Department of Health - Special Population Health Care Provider
1737          Financial Assistance Program
1738          From General Fund    77,500
1739          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    110,000
1740          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (36,600)
1741          Schedule of Programs:
1742           Special Population Health Care Provider Financial Assistance Program    150,900
1743      ITEM    127    To    Department of Health - Epidemiology and Laboratory Services
1744          From General Fund    4,696,800
1745          From Federal Funds    6,027,000
1746          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,747,100
1747          From General Fund Restricted - State Lab Drug Testing Account    264,700
1748          From Revenue Transfers    649,300
1749          Schedule of Programs:
1750           Director's Office    1,001,900
1751           Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology    2,078,100
1752           Laboratory Improvement    932,800
1753           Microbiology    1,963,700
1754           HIV/AIDS/TB Control/Refugee Health    4,758,300
1755           Food Safety and Environmental Health    452,700
1756           Epidemiology    2,197,400
1757                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Epidemiology and
1758          Laboratory Services may receive donated laboratory equipment and shall
1759          use such donated equipment for the purpose of promoting and protecting
1760          the public health.
1761      ITEM    128    To    Department of Health - Community and Family Health Services
1762          From General Fund    11,401,200
1763          From General Fund, One-time    70,000
1764          From Federal Funds    53,166,800
1765          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    13,176,900
1766          From General Fund Restricted - Cigarette Tax Restricted Account    250,000
1767          From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    4,039,800
1768          From Revenue Transfers    4,453,900
1769          Schedule of Programs:
1770           Director's Office    2,794,800
1771           Health Education    13,894,500

1772           Maternal and Child Health    50,736,700
1773           Children with Special Health Care Needs    19,132,600
1774                It is the intent of the Legislature that there be a $10.00 suggested
1775          donation for children's services in the Early Intervention program. This
1776          donation may be paid by the person responsible for the child receiving the
1777          services to help defray the costs associated with those services.
1778      ITEM    129    To    Department of Health - Health Care Financing
1779          From General Fund    10,346,200
1780          From Federal Funds    34,936,900
1781          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,706,800
1782          From General Fund Restricted - Nursing Facility Account    31,900
1783          From Revenue Transfers    11,155,600
1784          Schedule of Programs:
1785           Director's Office    4,168,200
1786           Financial Services    9,348,900
1787           Managed Health Care    2,415,700
1788           Medicaid Operations    2,899,200
1789           Eligibility Services    12,249,100
1790           Coverage and Reimbursement    2,763,100
1791           Contracts    23,453,200
1792           Utah Medical Assistance    880,000
1793                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of
1794          Health contract with the Department of Human Services in FY 2002 to
1795          fund $1.6 million worth of services provided by the Division
1796          of Services for People with Disabilities to people with
1797          disabilities whose names are on the critical needs waiting list.
1798      ITEM    130    To    Department of Health - Medical Assistance
1799          From General Fund    185,199,900
1800          From General Fund, One-time    307,500
1801          From Federal Funds    613,619,500
1802          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    42,123,300
1803          From General Fund Restricted - Medicaid Restricted Account    110,000
1804          From General Fund Restricted - Nursing Facility Account    4,647,400
1805          From Revenue Transfers    53,814,500
1806          Schedule of Programs:
1807           Medicaid Base Program    755,735,000
1808           Title XIX for Human Services    136,211,000

1809           Utah Medical Assistance Program    7,876,100
1810                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Health will review
1811           with the Executive Appropriations Committee any Medicaid Program
1812          reductions or additions.
1813      ITEM    131    To    Department of Health - Children's Health Insurance Program
1814          From Federal Funds    19,145,300
1815          From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    5,495,800
1816          Schedule of Programs:
1817           Children's Health Insurance Program    24,641,100
1818      ITEM    132    To    Department of Health - Local Health Departments
1819          From General Fund    2,132,700
1820          Schedule of Programs:
1821           Local Health Department Funding    2,132,700
1822                It is the intent of the Legislature that if Substitute House Bill 350 passes,
1823          all savings from health insurance premiums shall be used to provide
1824          services for clients of local health departments, mental health, aging
1825          services and substance abuse authorities.
1827      ITEM    133    To    Medical Education Program
1828          From General Fund, One-time    110,000
1829          From Federal Funds    440,000
1830          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    43,500
1831          Schedule of Programs:
1832           Medical Education Program    593,500
1834      ITEM    134    To    Department of Human Services - Executive Director Operations
1835          From General Fund    8,646,200
1836          From Federal Funds    8,548,200
1837          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    72,700
1838          From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    546,100
1839          From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    2,076,800
1840          Schedule of Programs:
1841           Executive Director's Office    2,284,900
1842           Legal Affairs    1,068,000
1843           Information Technology    4,323,400
1844           Administrative Support    3,355,600
1845           Fiscal Operations    2,767,300

1846           Human Resources    1,315,600
1847           Local Discretionary    1,492,000
1848           Special Projects    811,400
1849           Children's Ombudsman    432,600
1850           Developmental Disabilities Council    697,400
1851           Foster Care Citizens Review Boards    1,341,800
1852                It is the intent of the Legislature that federal Medicaid match rate
1853          changes for the local mental health and substance abuse programs be
1854          considered by the Department of Human Services in its annual budget
1855          preparation.
1856                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Human Services
1857          present to the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst detailed outcome
1858          measures for each budget area in each division within the Department.
1859          These outcome measures shall be, wherever possible, reported in terms of
1860          outcomes achieved with the population served in addition to the report of
1861          total numbers served. The report shall include those who are statistically
1862          eligible but did not need or accept state-funded services. The Office of
1863          Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall include the department's report including
1864          outcome measures within their budget presentation on an item-by-item
1865          basis.
1866                It is the intent of the Legislature that the budget analysis for the
1867          Department of Human Services be presented with a breakdown between
1868          costs of administration and services delivered and the number of citizens
1869          served and categorized by cost and type of service.
1870                It is the intent of the Legislature that at least one of the Division budgets
1871          of the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services be
1872          presented in extensive detail at the time of presentation at the annual budget
1873           hearing. The division which is to be examined with this scrutiny is to be
1874          selected by the co-chairs of Health and Human Services Appropriations
1875          Subcommittee by July of the preceding year.
1876      ITEM    135    To    Department of Human Services - Drug Courts/Board
1877          From General Fund    1,000,000
1878          From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    1,647,200
1879          Schedule of Programs:
1880           Drug Board    350,900
1881           Drug Courts    2,296,300
1882      ITEM    136    To    Department of Human Services - Division of Mental Health

1883          From General Fund    59,970,600
1884          From Federal Funds    4,411,900
1885          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,887,900
1886          From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    8,147,500
1887          From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    326,800
1888          Schedule of Programs:
1889           Administration    1,274,800
1890           Community Services    7,243,300
1891           Mental Health Centers    22,303,400
1892           Residential Services    2,967,500
1893           State Hospital    41,955,700
1894                It is the intent of the Legislature that if Substitute HB 350 passes, all
1895          savings from health insurance premiums shall be used to provide services
1896          for clients of local health departments, mental health, aging services and
1897          substance abuse authorities.
1898      ITEM    137    To    Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse
1899          From General Fund    10,979,300
1900          From Federal Funds    19,184,500
1901          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    12,000
1902          From General Fund Restricted - Intoxicated Driver Rehabilitation    1,050,000
1903          From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    22,900
1904          Schedule of Programs:
1905           Administration    1,508,000
1906           State Services    6,656,500
1907           Local Services    22,034,200
1908           Drivers Under the Influence    1,050,000
1909                It is the intent of the Legislature that if Substitute HB 350 passes, all
1910          savings from health insurance premiums shall be used to provide services
1911          for clients of local health departments, mental health, aging services and
1912          substance abuse authorities.
1913      ITEM    138    To    Department of Human Services - Division of Services for People
1914          with Disabilities
1915          From General Fund    43,703,800
1916          From General Fund, One-time    (1,600,000)
1917          From Federal Funds    4,738,900
1918          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,479,900
1919          From General Fund Restricted - Trust for People with Disabilities    200,000

1920          From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    89,340,300
1921          From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    1,351,200
1922          Schedule of Programs:
1923           Administration    2,983,000
1924           Service Delivery    11,713,700
1925           State Developmental Center    32,263,800
1926           Residential Services    61,525,200
1927           Day Services    15,346,300
1928           Supported Employment    5,313,600
1929           Family Support    7,131,300
1930           Services for Individuals with Physical Disabilities    1,047,900
1931           Transportation Services    1,889,300
1932                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Services for People
1933          with Disabilities place limitations on the use of one-time mini-grants to
1934          individuals and families on the waiting list. Such limitations shall restrict the
1935           use of funds to meet the most critical immediate one-time needs of those on
1936          the waiting list. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the final
1937          approval of each request shall be done exclusively by the Division after a
1938          review to assure that each request meets the requirements of legislative
1939          intent. The Division shall provide a detailed report to the Health and Human
1940           Services Appropriations Subcommittee regarding all grants awarded.
1941                It is the intent of the Legislature that in renewing contracts with private
1942          providers the Division of Services for People with Disabilities shall consider
1943          prevailing labor market conditions.
1944                It is the intent of the Legislature that rent collected from individuals who
1945          occupy state owned group homes be applied to the cost of maintaining
1946          these facilities. It is also the intent of the Legislature that the Division of
1947          Services for People with Disabilities provide an accounting of state owned
1948          group home rents and costs to the Legislature or the Office of Legislative
1949          Fiscal Analyst.
1950                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Services for People
1951          with Disabilities, through the Attorney General's Office, continue to seek
1952          dismissal of the Lisa P. Settlement agreement at the earliest possible date. It
1953          is also the intent of the Legislature that the Division and the Attorney
1954          General's Office provide a written report on the status of the Lisa P.
1955          agreement during each 2001 interim meeting of the Health and Human
1956          Services Interim Committee, beginning in April, until the settlement

1957          agreement is finally dismissed. It is also the intent of the Legislature that
1958          the Division and the Attorney General's Office report on the status of the
1959          Lisa P. Settlement agreement to the 2002 Health and Human Services
1960          Appropriations Subcommittee.
1961                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Services for People
1962          with Disabilities seek to maximize its ability to serve individuals on the
1963          waiting list through reviewing existing policies, budgets, and service
1964          allocations and pursuing any appropriate additional federal waivers or
1965          funding or other creative mechanisms. It is further the intent that the
1966          Division report to the 2002 Health and Human Services Appropriations
1967          Subcommittee on its progress and that the subcommittee consider options
1968          to reward the Division employees based on the progress made and in
1969          accordance with DHRM rules.
1970                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated for the home
1971          and community based services waiting list for people with disabilities be
1972          used exclusively for direct services and related support. It is further the
1973          intent of the Legislature that the Division report to the Office of Legislative
1974          Fiscal Analyst by December 2001, on the number of individuals served and
1975          services provided.
1976                It is the intent of the Legislature that any TANF funds transferred to the
1977          Division of Services for People with Disabilities in excess of the amount
1978          transferred in the FY 2000 base budget be considered one-time and the
1979          Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst , in preparing the recommendations for
1980          the FY 2003 budget, consider replacing the excess TANF transfer with
1981          sufficient General Fund to provide the equivalent amount of service.
1982                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Health contract
1983          with the Department of Human Services to fund $1.6 million worth of
1984          services provided by the Division of Services for People with Disabilities to
1985          people with disabilities whose names are on the critical needs waiting list.
1986      ITEM    139    To    Department of Human Services - Office of Recovery Services
1987          From General Fund    12,575,600
1988          From Federal Funds    27,117,500
1989          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,477,200
1990          From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    1,756,300
1991          From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    1,185,400
1992          Schedule of Programs:
1993           Administration    1,120,200

1994           Financial Services    5,574,700
1995           Electronic Technology    8,485,800
1996           Child Support Services    20,423,700
1997           Investigations and Collections    1,820,600
1998           Children in Care Collections    1,830,800
1999           Attorney General Contract    3,148,800
2000           Medical Collections    1,707,400
2001      ITEM    140    To    Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family
2002          Services
2003          From General Fund    67,268,400
2004          From Federal Funds    38,351,400
2005          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,346,600
2006          From General Fund Restricted - Children's Trust    350,000
2007          From General Fund Restricted - Domestic Violence    650,000
2008          From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    17,741,100
2009          From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    606,200
2010          Schedule of Programs:
2011           Administration    5,094,400
2012           Service Delivery    57,026,500
2013           In-Home Services    1,882,700
2014           Out-of-Home Care    32,079,400
2015           Facility Based Services    5,455,800
2016           Minor Grants    3,273,500
2017           Selected Programs    2,884,000
2018           Special Needs    1,670,400
2019           Domestic Violence Services    4,635,700
2020           Children's Trust Fund    350,000
2021           Adoption Assistance    10,635,900
2022           Child Welfare Management Information System    2,325,400
2023      ITEM    141    To    Department of Human Services - Division of Aging and Adult
2024          Services
2025          From General Fund    12,232,500
2026          From General Fund, One-time    550,000
2027          From Federal Funds    7,098,800
2028          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    10,100
2029          From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    720,600
2030          Schedule of Programs:

2031           Administration    1,333,300
2032           Local Government Grants    13,250,600
2033           Non-Formula Funds    2,739,200
2034           Adult Protective Services    3,288,900
2035                It is the intent of the Legislature that if Substitute HB 350 passes, all
2036          savings from health insurance premiums shall be used to provide services
2037          for clients of local health departments, mental health, aging services and
2038          substance abuse authorities.
2040      ITEM    142    To    Department of Human Services - Internal Service Funds
2041          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    4,177,900
2042          Schedule of Programs:
2043           ISF - DHS General Services    1,500,900
2044           ISF - DHS Data Processing    2,677,000
2045                Total FTE -     36
2048      ITEM    143    To    University of Utah - Education and General
2049          From General Fund    55,007,300
2050          From General Fund, One-time    1,581,900
2051          From Income Tax    124,146,200
2052          From Income Tax, One-time    2,609,600
2053          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    61,382,600
2054          From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    4,000,000
2055          Schedule of Programs:
2056           Education and General    248,727,600
2057                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2058          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2059          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2060          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2061          student body representives.
2062                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2063          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2064                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education
2065           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2066          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2067                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and

2068          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2069          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the
2070          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2071           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2072          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
2073          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2074          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
2075          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2076          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2077          and mission.
2078                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2079          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2080          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2081          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2082          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2083          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2084                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2085          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2086          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2087          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2088          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2089                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all
2090          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2091          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2092                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenues shall remain
2093          dedicated credits, however, at intitutional discretion and with the approval
2094          of the Utah State Board of Regents, college and universities may add a
2095          tuition surcharge not greater than 10 percent of the current year tuition. The
2096          surcharge may be ongoing, collected and retained by the institution and
2097          used for critical institutional needs. If a surcharge is imposed, the amount
2098          collected and the use of the surcharge shall be reported annually to the
2099          Legislature.
2100      ITEM    144    To    University of Utah - Educationally Disadvantaged
2101          From General Fund    720,200
2102          From Income Tax    26,900
2103          Schedule of Programs:
2104           Educationally Disadvantaged    747,100

2105      ITEM    145    To    University of Utah - School of Medicine
2106          From General Fund    18,244,800
2107          From Income Tax    1,313,900
2108          From Income Tax, One-time    1,500,000
2109          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    6,056,600
2110          Schedule of Programs:
2111           School of Medicine    27,115,300
2112                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2113          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2114      ITEM    146    To    University of Utah - University Hospital
2115          From General Fund    4,350,900
2116          From Income Tax    274,900
2117          From Dedicated Credits - Land Grant    151,000
2118          Schedule of Programs:
2119           University Hospital    4,600,200
2120           Miners' Hospital    176,600
2121                It is the intent of the Legislature that patient fees shall be retained by the
2122          Hospital provided that they are spent in compliance with the Hospital's
2123          operating budget approved by the State Board of Regents.
2124                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2125          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2126      ITEM    147    To    University of Utah - Regional Dental Education Program
2127          From General Fund    566,100
2128          From Income Tax    32,100
2129          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    105,300
2130          Schedule of Programs:
2131           Regional Dental Education Program    703,500
2132      ITEM    148    To    University of Utah - Research and Training
2133          From General Fund    5,482,800
2134          From Income Tax    256,000
2135          Schedule of Programs:
2136           Research and Training    5,738,800
2137                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2138          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2139      ITEM    149    To    University of Utah - Public Service
2140          From General Fund    1,070,900
2141          From Uniform School Fund    50,000

2142          From Income Tax    57,400
2143          Schedule of Programs:
2144           Seismograph Stations    420,700
2145           Museum of Natural History    641,000
2146           State Arboretum    116,600
2147                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2148          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2149      ITEM    150    To    University of Utah - Statewide TV Administration
2150          From General Fund    2,352,500
2151          From Income Tax    154,000
2152          Schedule of Programs:
2153           Public Broadcasting    2,506,500
2154      ITEM    151    To    University of Utah - Land Grant Management
2155          From Dedicated Credits - Land Grant    502,100
2156          Schedule of Programs:
2157           Land Grant Management    502,100
2158      ITEM    152    To    University of Utah - Area Health Education Centers
2159          From General Fund    566,900
2160          From Income Tax    12,500
2161          Schedule of Programs:
2162           Area Health Education Centers    579,400
2163                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2164          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2165      ITEM    153    To    University of Utah - Poison Control Center
2166          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,336,900
2167          Schedule of Programs:
2168           Poison Control Center    1,336,900
2169                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2170          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2172      ITEM    154    To    Utah State University - Education and General
2173          From General Fund    68,987,700
2174          From General Fund, One-time    1,921,700
2175          From Income Tax    26,414,900
2176          From Income Tax, One-time    397,500
2177          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    35,241,800
2178          Schedule of Programs:

2179           Education and General    132,963,600
2180                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2181          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2182          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2183          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2184          student body representives.
2185                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2186          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2187                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education
2188           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2189          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2190                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and
2191          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2192          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the
2193          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2194           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2195          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
2196          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2197          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
2198          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2199          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2200          and mission.
2201                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2202          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2203          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2204          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2205          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2206          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2207                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2208          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2209          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2210          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2211          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2212                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all
2213          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2214          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2215                It is the intent of the Legislature that the continuing education programs

2216          at Brigham City and Tooele be shown as separate line items. These line
2217          items shall include program instructional costs, administrative and student
2218          support, facility operation and maintenance expenses, and building lease
2219          payments for FY 2003. It is also the intent of the Legislature that the
2220          building lease payments and the financing arrangements be reviewed to
2221          determine whether the students using these facilities are paying a
2222          reasonable amount of the cost.
2223                It is the intent of the Legislature that Developmental Courses at Utah
2224          State University Branch Campuses and Extension Centers be converted to
2225          budget related enrollments.
2226                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2227          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2228          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
2229          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2230           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2231          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2232          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2233          any branch campuses.
2234                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenues shall remain
2235          dedicated credits, however, at intitutional discretion and with the approval
2236          of the Utah State Board of Regents, college and universities may add a
2237          tuition surcharge not greater than 10 percent of the current year tuition. The
2238          surcharge may be ongoing, collected and retained by the institution and
2239          used for critical institutional needs. If a surcharge is imposed, the amount
2240          collected and the use of the surcharge shall be reported annually to the
2241          Legislature.
2242                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Facilities
2243          Construction and Management purchase the Brigham City Education
2244          Facility together with the adjacent property from Box Elder County and lease
2245           it to the Bridgerland Applied Technology Center, Utah State University,
2246          and other state entities at a rate sufficient to cover the operations and
2247          maintenance cost of the entire facility including vacant space. DFCM may
2248          lease the vacant space to other entities at market rates until such time as it is
2249           needed for state purposes.
2250      ITEM    155    To    Utah State University - Educationally Disadvantaged
2251          From General Fund    235,000
2252          From Income Tax    8,200

2253          Schedule of Programs:
2254           Educationally Disadvantaged    243,200
2255                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2256          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2257          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
2258          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2259           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2260          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2261          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2262          any branch campuses.
2263      ITEM    156    To    Utah State University - Uintah Basin Continuing Education Center
2264          From General Fund    2,133,500
2265          From General Fund, One-time    34,500
2266          From Income Tax    530,400
2267          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,444,500
2268          Schedule of Programs:
2269           Uintah Basin Continuing Ed    4,142,900
2270                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2271          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2272          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
2273          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2274           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2275          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2276          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2277          any branch campuses.
2278                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2279          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2280                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2281          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2282          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2283          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2284          student body representives.
2285                It is the intent of the Legislature that Developmental Courses at Utah
2286          State University Branch Campuses and Extension Centers be converted to
2287          budget related enrollments.
2288      ITEM    157    To    Utah State University - Southeastern Utah Continuing Education
2289          Center

2290          From General Fund    668,100
2291          From General Fund, One-time    8,000
2292          From Income Tax    33,300
2293          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    373,900
2294          Schedule of Programs:
2295           Southeastern Utah Continuing Ed    1,083,300
2296                It is the intent of the Legislature that the budgets of Utah State
2297          University's Southeastern Utah Continuing Education Center, and the
2298          College of Eastern Utah at the Price and San Juan Campuses be held
2299          harmless this fiscal year because of the temporary nature of the downturn in
2300           enrollments. In addition, it is projected that the enrollments will be
2301          substantially higher than predicted by the Board of Regents in this
2302          academic year and will reach the enrollment target in the next academic year.
2303                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2304          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2305                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2306          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2307          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2308          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2309          student body representives.
2310                It is the intent of the Legislature that Developmental Courses at Utah
2311          State University Branch Campuses and Extension Centers be converted to
2312          budget related enrollments.
2313                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2314          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2315          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
2316          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2317           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2318          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2319          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2320          any branch campuses.
2321      ITEM    158    To    Utah State University - Brigham City Continuing Education Center
2322          From Income Tax    276,600
2323          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    598,800
2324          Schedule of Programs:
2325           Brigham City Continuing Education Center    875,400
2326                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Facilities

2327          Construction and Management purchase the Brigham City Education
2328          Facility together with the adjacent property from Box Elder County and lease
2329           it to the Bridgerland Applied Technology Center, Utah State University,
2330          and other state entities at a rate sufficient to cover the operations and
2331          maintenance cost of the entire facility including vacant space. DFCM may
2332          lease the vacant space to other entities at market rates until such time as it is
2333           needed for state purposes.
2334      ITEM    159    To    Utah State University - Tooele Continuing Education Center
2335          From Income Tax    812,000
2336          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,062,700
2337          Schedule of Programs:
2338           Tooele Continuing Education Center    1,874,700
2339                It is the intent of the Legislature to provide applied technology
2340          educational opportunities for students in Salt Lake and Tooele counties
2341          comparable to those found in other areas of the state and encourage the
2342          Wasatch Front South Applied Technology Center to develop new regional
2343          applied technology education facilities by acquiring and remodeling
2344          exisiting public and higher education facilities that may become available. It
2345          is further the intent of the Legislature to provide operation and maintenance
2346          costs consistent with the policies of funding these costs in applied
2347          technology edcuation centers throughout the state.
2348      ITEM    160    To    Utah State University - Water Research Laboratory
2349          From General Fund    1,490,200
2350          From Income Tax    92,500
2351          From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease    839,500
2352          Schedule of Programs:
2353           Water Research Laboratory    2,422,200
2354                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2355          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2356      ITEM    161    To    Utah State University - Research and Training Grants
2357          From General Fund    2,539,300
2358          From Income Tax    87,500
2359          Schedule of Programs:
2360           Research and Training    2,626,800
2361                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2362          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2363      ITEM    162    To    Utah State University - Ecology Center

2364          From General Fund    820,400
2365          From Income Tax    46,100
2366          Schedule of Programs:
2367           Ecology Center    866,500
2368                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2369          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2370      ITEM    163    To    Utah State University - Agricultural Experiment Station
2371          From General Fund    11,052,700
2372          From General Fund, One-time    150,000
2373          From Income Tax    1,123,700
2374          From Federal Funds    1,813,800
2375          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    709,700
2376          Schedule of Programs:
2377           Agriculture Experimentation Centers    14,849,900
2378                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2379          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2380      ITEM    164    To    Utah State University - Coopertive Extension Division
2381          From General Fund    9,765,000
2382          From General Fund, One-time    175,000
2383          From Income Tax    1,305,300
2384          From Income Tax, One-time    200,000
2385          From Federal Funds    2,088,500
2386          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    235,200
2387          Schedule of Programs:
2388           Cooperative Extension Services    13,769,000
2389                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2390          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2391                It is the intent of the Legislature that developmental courses at Utah
2392          State University Branch campuses and extension centers be converted to
2393          budget related enrollments.
2394      ITEM    165    To    Utah State University - Jensen Historic Farm
2395          From General Fund    154,400
2396          From Income Tax    7,900
2397          Schedule of Programs:
2398           Jensen Historic Farm    162,300
2399                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2400          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.

2401      ITEM    166    To    Utah State University - Production Center
2402          From General Fund    349,000
2403          From Income Tax    18,100
2404          Schedule of Programs:
2405           Production Center    367,100
2406                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2407          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2408      ITEM    167    To    Utah State University - Land Grant Management
2409          From Dedicated Credits - Land Grant    100,600
2410          Schedule of Programs:
2411           Land Grant Management    100,600
2413      ITEM    168    To    Weber State University - Education and General
2414          From General Fund    45,234,400
2415          From General Fund, One-time    1,343,400
2416          From Income Tax    11,667,100
2417          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    24,042,600
2418          Schedule of Programs:
2419           Education and General    82,287,500
2420                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2421          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2422          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2423          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2424          student body representives.
2425                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2426          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2427                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education
2428           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2429          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2430                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and
2431          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2432          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the
2433          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2434           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2435          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
2436          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2437          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or

2438          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2439          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2440          and mission.
2441                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2442          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2443          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2444          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2445          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2446          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2447                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2448          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2449          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2450          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2451          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2452                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all
2453          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2454          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2455                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenues shall remain
2456          dedicated credits, however, at intitutional discretion and with the approval
2457          of the Utah State Board of Regents, college and universities may add a
2458          tuition surcharge not greater than 10 percent of the current year tuition. The
2459          surcharge may be ongoing, collected and retained by the institution and
2460          used for critical institutional needs. If a surcharge is imposed, the amount
2461          collected and the use of the surcharge shall be reported annually to the
2462          Legislature.
2463      ITEM    169    To    Weber State University - Educationally Disadvantaged
2464          From General Fund    321,500
2465          From Income Tax    19,600
2466          Schedule of Programs:
2467           Educationally Disadvantaged    341,100
2469      ITEM    170    To    Southern Utah University - Education and General
2470          From General Fund    21,754,500
2471          From General Fund, One-time    319,700
2472          From Income Tax    5,223,700
2473          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    10,012,300
2474          Schedule of Programs:

2475           Education and General    37,310,200
2476                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2477          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2478          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2479          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2480          student body representives.
2481                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2482          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2483                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education
2484           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2485          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2486                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and
2487          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2488          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the
2489          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2490           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2491          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
2492          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2493          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
2494          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2495          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2496          and mission
2497                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2498          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2499          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2500          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2501          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2502          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2503                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all
2504          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2505          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2506                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2507          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2508          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2509          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2510          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2511                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenues shall remain

2512          dedicated credits, however, at intitutional discretion and with the approval
2513          of the Utah State Board of Regents, college and universities may add a
2514          tuition surcharge not greater than 10 percent of the current year tuition. The
2515          surcharge may be ongoing, collected and retained by the institution and
2516          used for critical institutional needs. If a surcharge is imposed, the amount
2517          collected and the use of the surcharge shall be reported annually to the
2518          Legislature.
2519      ITEM    171    To    Southern Utah University - Educationally Disadvantaged
2520          From General Fund    91,200
2521          From Income Tax    4,000
2522          Schedule of Programs:
2523           Educationally Disadvantaged    95,200
2524      ITEM    172    To    Southern Utah University - Shakespeare Festival
2525          From General Fund    13,200
2526          Schedule of Programs:
2527           Shakespeare Festival    13,200
2528      SNOW COLLEGE
2529      ITEM    173    To    Snow College - Education and General
2530          From General Fund    10,196,400
2531          From General Fund, One-time    160,500
2532          From Income Tax    2,026,400
2533          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    3,435,100
2534          Schedule of Programs:
2535           Education and General    15,818,400
2536                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2537          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2538          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2539          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2540          student body representives.
2541                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2542          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2543                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education
2544           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2545          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2546                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and
2547          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2548          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the

2549          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2550           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2551          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
2552          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2553          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
2554          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2555          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2556          and mission.
2557                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2558          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2559          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2560          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2561          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2562          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2563                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2564          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2565          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2566          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2567          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2568                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all
2569          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2570          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2571                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2572          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2573          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
2574          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2575           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2576          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2577          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2578          any branch campuses.
2579                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenues shall remain
2580          dedicated credits, however, at intitutional discretion and with the approval
2581          of the Utah State Board of Regents, college and universities may add a
2582          tuition surcharge not greater than 10 percent of the current year tuition. The
2583          surcharge may be ongoing, collected and retained by the institution and
2584          used for critical institutional needs. If a surcharge is imposed, the amount
2585          collected and the use of the surcharge shall be reported annually to the

2586          Legislature.
2587      ITEM    174    To    Snow College - Educationally Disadvantaged
2588          From General Fund    34,500
2589          From Income Tax    200
2590          Schedule of Programs:
2591           Educationally Disadvantaged    34,700
2592                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2593          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2594          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
2595          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2596           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2597          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2598          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2599          any branch campuses.
2600      ITEM    175    To    Snow College - Snow College South
2601          From General Fund    688,600
2602          From General Fund, One-time    25,200
2603          From Income Tax    2,546,400
2604          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    735,500
2605          Schedule of Programs:
2606           Snow South Education and General    3,995,700
2607                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2608          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2609          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2610          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2611          student body representives.
2612                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2613          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2614                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education
2615           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2616          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2617                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and
2618          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2619          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the
2620          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2621           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2622          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable

2623          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2624          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
2625          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2626          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2627          and mission.
2628                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2629          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2630          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2631          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2632          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2633          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2634                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2635          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2636          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2637          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2638          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2639                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all
2640          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2641          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2642                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2643          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2644          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
2645          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2646           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2647          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2648          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2649          any branch campuses.
2650      ITEM    176    To    Snow College - Snow College South Secondary
2651          From General Fund    103,000
2652          From Uniform School Fund    153,300
2653          From Income Tax    761,000
2654          Schedule of Programs:
2655           Snow South Secondary    1,017,300
2657      ITEM    177    To    Dixie State College of Utah - Education and General
2658          From General Fund    13,713,900
2659          From General Fund, One-time    232,300

2660          From Income Tax    3,051,900
2661          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    5,384,300
2662          Schedule of Programs:
2663           Education and General    22,382,400
2664                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2665          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2666          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2667          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2668          student body representives.
2669                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2670          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2671                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education
2672           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2673          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2674                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and
2675          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2676          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the
2677          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2678           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2679          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
2680          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2681          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
2682          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2683          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2684          and mission.
2685                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2686          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2687          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2688          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2689          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2690          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2691                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2692          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2693          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2694          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2695          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2696                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all

2697          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2698          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2699                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenues shall remain
2700          dedicated credits, however, at intitutional discretion and with the approval
2701          of the Utah State Board of Regents, college and universities may add a
2702          tuition surcharge not greater than 10 percent of the current year tuition. The
2703          surcharge may be ongoing, collected and retained by the institution and
2704          used for critical institutional needs. If a surcharge is imposed, the amount
2705          collected and the use of the surcharge shall be reported annually to the
2706          Legislature.
2707      ITEM    178    To    Dixie State College of Utah - Educationally Disadvantaged
2708          From General Fund    32,900
2709          From Income Tax    200
2710          Schedule of Programs:
2711           Educationally Disadvantaged    33,100
2712      ITEM    179    To    Dixie State College of Utah - Zion Park Amphitheater
2713          From General Fund    58,600
2714          From Income Tax    1,500
2715          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    31,700
2716          Schedule of Programs:
2717           Zion Park Amphitheater    91,800
2719      ITEM    180    To    College of Eastern Utah - Education and General
2720          From General Fund    7,629,100
2721          From General Fund, One-time    149,500
2722          From Income Tax    2,199,600
2723          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,832,300
2724          Schedule of Programs:
2725           Education and General    11,810,500
2726                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2727          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2728          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2729          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2730          student body representives.
2731                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2732          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2733                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education

2734           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2735          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2736                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and
2737          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2738          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the
2739          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2740           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2741          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
2742          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2743          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
2744          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2745          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2746          and mission.
2747                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2748          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2749          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2750          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2751          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2752          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2753                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2754          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2755          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2756          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2757          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2758                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all
2759          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2760          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2761                It is the intent of the Legislature that the budgets of Utah State
2762          University's Southeastern Utah Continuing Education Center, and the
2763          College of Eastern Utah at the Price and San Juan Campuses be held
2764          harmless this fiscal year because of the temporary nature of the downturn in
2765           enrollments. In addition, it is projected that the enrollments will be
2766          substantially higher than predicted by the Board of Regents in this
2767          academic year and will reach the enrollment target in the next academic year.
2768                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2769          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2770          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any

2771          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2772           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2773          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2774          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2775          any branch campuses.
2776                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenues shall remain
2777          dedicated credits, however, at intitutional discretion and with the approval
2778          of the Utah State Board of Regents, college and universities may add a
2779          tuition surcharge not greater than 10 percent of the current year tuition. The
2780          surcharge may be ongoing, collected and retained by the institution and
2781          used for critical institutional needs. If a surcharge is imposed, the amount
2782          collected and the use of the surcharge shall be reported annually to the
2783          Legislature.
2784      ITEM    181    To    College of Eastern Utah - Educationally Disadvantaged
2785          From General Fund    122,500
2786          From Income Tax    1,700
2787          Schedule of Programs:
2788           Educationally Disadvantaged    124,200
2789                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2790          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2791          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
2792          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2793           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2794          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2795          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2796          any branch campuses.
2797      ITEM    182    To    College of Eastern Utah - Prehistoric Museum
2798          From General Fund    173,300
2799          From Income Tax    11,900
2800          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,000
2801          Schedule of Programs:
2802           Prehistoric Museum    186,200
2803                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2804          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2805      ITEM    183    To    College of Eastern Utah - San Juan Center
2806          From General Fund    1,637,100
2807          From General Fund, One-time    22,100

2808          From Income Tax    143,300
2809          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    467,700
2810          Schedule of Programs:
2811           San Juan Center Academic    2,270,200
2812                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2813          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2814          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2815          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2816          student body representives.
2817                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2818          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2819                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education
2820           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2821          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2822                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and
2823          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2824          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the
2825          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2826           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2827          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
2828          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2829          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
2830          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2831          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2832          and mission.
2833                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2834          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2835          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2836          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2837          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2838          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2839                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2840          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2841          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2842          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2843          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2844                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all

2845          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2846          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2847                It is the intent of the Legislature that the budgets of Utah State
2848          University's Southeastern Utah Continuing Education Center, and the
2849          College of Eastern Utah at the Price and San Juan Campuses be held
2850          harmless this fiscal year because of the temporary nature of the downturn in
2851           enrollments. In addition, it is projected that the enrollments will be
2852          substantially higher than predicted by the Board of Regents in this
2853          academic year and will reach the enrollment target in the next academic year.
2854                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2855          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2856          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
2857          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2858           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2859          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2860          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2861          any branch campuses.
2863      ITEM    184    To    Utah Valley State College - Education and General
2864          From General Fund    30,871,200
2865          From General Fund, One-time    892,200
2866          From Income Tax    10,331,700
2867          From Income Tax, One-time    450,000
2868          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    24,385,800
2869          Schedule of Programs:
2870           Education and General    66,930,900
2871                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2872          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2873          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2874          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2875          student body representives.
2876                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2877          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2878                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education
2879           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2880          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2881                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and

2882          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2883          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the
2884          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2885           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2886          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
2887          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2888          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
2889          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2890          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2891          and mission
2892                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2893          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2894          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2895          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2896          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2897          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2898                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2899          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2900          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2901          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2902          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2903                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all
2904          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2905          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2906                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenues shall remain
2907          dedicated credits, however, at intitutional discretion and with the approval
2908          of the Utah State Board of Regents, college and universities may add a
2909          tuition surcharge not greater than 10 percent of the current year tuition. The
2910          surcharge may be ongoing, collected and retained by the institution and
2911          used for critical institutional needs. If a surcharge is imposed, the amount
2912          collected and the use of the surcharge shall be reported annually to the
2913          Legislature.
2914      ITEM    185    To    Utah Valley State College - Educationally Disvantaged
2915          From General Fund    130,800
2916          From Income Tax    7,800
2917          Schedule of Programs:
2918           Educationally Disadvantaged    138,600

2920      ITEM    186    To    Salt Lake Community College - Education and General
2921          From General Fund    37,092,900
2922          From General Fund, One-time    1,751,600
2923          From Income Tax    13,219,700
2924          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    21,389,000
2925          Schedule of Programs:
2926           Education and General    73,453,200
2927                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
2928          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
2929          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
2930          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
2931           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
2932          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
2933          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
2934          any branch campuses.
2935                It is the intent of the Legislature that the continuing education programs
2936          at Brigham City and Tooele be shown as separate line items. These line
2937          items shall include program instructional costs, administrative and student
2938          support, facility operation and maintenance expenses, and building lease
2939          payments for FY 2003. It is also the intent of the Legislature that the
2940          building lease payments and the financing arrangements be reviewed to
2941          determine whether the students using these facilities are paying a
2942          reasonable amount of the cost.
2943                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
2944          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
2945          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
2946          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
2947          student body representives.
2948                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
2949          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
2950                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education
2951           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
2952          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
2953                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and
2954          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
2955          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the

2956          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
2957           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
2958          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
2959          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
2960          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
2961          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
2962          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
2963          and mission.
2964                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
2965          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
2966          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
2967          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
2968          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
2969          plans to control and manage energy costs.
2970                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
2971          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
2972          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
2973          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
2974          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
2975                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all
2976          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
2977          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
2978                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenues shall remain
2979          dedicated credits, however, at intitutional discretion and with the approval
2980          of the Utah State Board of Regents, college and universities may add a
2981          tuition surcharge not greater than 10 percent of the current year tuition. The
2982          surcharge may be ongoing, collected and retained by the institution and
2983          used for critical institutional needs. If a surcharge is imposed, the amount
2984          collected and the use of the surcharge shall be reported annually to the
2985          Legislature.
2986                It is the intent of the Legislature to provide applied technology
2987          educational opportunities for students in Salt Lake and Tooele counties
2988          comparable to those found in other areas of the state and encourage the
2989          Wasatch Front South Applied Technology Center to develop new regional
2990          applied technology education facilities by acquiring and remodeling
2991          exisiting public and higher education facilities that may become available. It
2992          is further the intent of the Legislature to provide operation and maintenance

2993          costs consistent with the policies of funding these costs in applied
2994          technology edcuation centers throughout the state.
2995      ITEM    187    To    Salt Lake Community College - Educationally Disadvataged
2996          From General Fund    191,700
2997          From Income Tax    1,200
2998          Schedule of Programs:
2999           Educationally Disadvantaged    192,900
3000                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
3001          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
3002          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
3003          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
3004           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for
3005          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
3006          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
3007          any branch campuses.
3008      ITEM    188    To    Salt Lake Community College - Skill Center
3009          From General Fund    3,472,200
3010          From Income Tax    626,000
3011          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    847,400
3012          Schedule of Programs:
3013           Skills Center    4,945,600
3014                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
3015          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
3017      ITEM    189    To    State Board of Regents - Administration
3018          From General Fund    3,295,000
3019          From Income Tax    121,300
3020          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    130,000
3021          Schedule of Programs:
3022           Administration    3,136,300
3023           Prison Recidivisim    410,000
3024                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
3025          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
3026                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents in
3027          consultation with the Utah Academic Library Consortium should coordinate
3028           the acquisition of library materials for the nine USHE institutions.
3029                It is the intent of the Legislature that all Utah System of Higher Education

3030           institutions use facility operation and maintenance (O&M) funding
3031          consistent with State Agencies only for O&M purposes.
3032                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Council of Presidents and
3033          representatives of the Board of Regents working in conjunction with
3034          legislators, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and a representative of the
3035          Governor's Office review and refine the funding formula for the Utah System
3036           of Higher Education. It is the intent of the Legislature that this proposed
3037          formula reduce dependence on growth funding, link to measurable
3038          systemwide and institutional specific performance indicators, respond to
3039          changes in costs of instruction due to the implementation of technology or
3040          the utilization of cost saving measures and respond to market demand,
3041          student performance as well as recognized differences in institutional roles
3042          and mission.
3043                It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents be
3044          directed to closely supervise the fuel and power budgets with the intent of
3045          promoting greater energy efficiency on each campus. It is also the intent of
3046          the Legislature that the Board of Regents report during the interim to the
3047          Subcommittee on Higher Education on the implementation of long term
3048          plans to control and manage energy costs.
3049                It is the intent of the Legislature that the USHE complete and submit all
3050          financial reports (i.e. A-1's, R-1's, S-10's, and S-12's, etc.) to the Office of
3051          the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 1 of each fiscal year.
3052                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenue generated from
3053          tuition rate increases shall remain with the institution after compensation.
3054          However, the allocation of tuition revenue for institutional needs shall be
3055          determined by the President of each institution in consultation with the
3056          student body representives.
3057                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be designated for distance
3058          learning program development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents
3059          are also directed to establish accountability measures and a master plan for
3060          the operation of the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the
3061          Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
3062                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah System of Higher
3063          Education in submitting its budget for FY 2003 for the educationally
3064          disadvantaged shall separate their request by the main campus and by any
3065          branch campuses. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Office of
3066           Legislative Fiscal Analyst in preparing the annual Appropriations Act for

3067          FY 2003 shall separate into line Items of appropriation those requests
3068          approved for the educationally disadvantaged by the main campus and by
3069          any branch campuses.
3070                It is the intent of the Legislature that tuition revenues shall remain
3071          dedicated credits, however, at intitutional discretion and with the approval
3072          of the Utah State Board of Regents, college and universities may add a
3073          tuition surcharge not greater than 10 percent of the current year tuition. The
3074          surcharge may be ongoing, collected and retained by the institution and
3075          used for critical institutional needs. If a surcharge is imposed, the amount
3076          collected and the use of the surcharge shall be reported annually to the
3077          Legislature.
3078                It is the intent of the Legislature to provide applied technology
3079          educational opportunities for students in Salt Lake and Tooele counties
3080          comparable to those found in other areas of the state and encourage the
3081          Wasatch Front South Applied Technology Center to develop new regional
3082          applied technology education facilities by acquiring and remodeling
3083          exisiting public and higher education facilities that may become available. It
3084          is further the intent of the Legislature to provide operation and maintenance
3085          costs consistent with the policies of funding these costs in applied
3086          technology edcuation centers throughout the state.
3087                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Facilities
3088          Construction and Management purchase the Brigham City Education
3089          Facility together with the adjacent property from Box Elder County and lease
3090           it to the Bridgerland Applied Technology Center, Utah State University,
3091          and other state entities at a rate sufficient to cover the operations and
3092          maintenance cost of the entire facility including vacant space. DFCM may
3093          lease the vacant space to other entities at market rates until such time as it is
3094           needed for state purposes.
3095      ITEM    190    To    State Board of Regents - Engineering Initiative
3096          From Income Tax    1,000,000
3097          From Income Tax, One-time    3,000,000
3098          Schedule of Programs:
3099           Engineering Initiative    4,000,000
3100      ITEM    191    To    State Board of Regents - Federal Programs
3101          From Federal Funds    301,400
3102          Schedule of Programs:
3103           Federal Programs    301,400

3104      ITEM    192    To    State Board of Regents - Student Aid
3105          From General Fund    4,087,800
3106          From Income Tax    1,732,000
3107          From Income Tax, One-time    400,000
3108          From Federal Funds    390,000
3109          Schedule of Programs:
3110           Student Aid    3,565,600
3111           Minority Scholarships    50,000
3112           Tuition Assistance    50,000
3113           New Century Scholarships    78,200
3114           Utah Centennial Opportunity Program for Education    2,866,000
3115      ITEM    193    To    State Board of Regents - Western Interstate Commission for
3116          Higher Education
3117          From General Fund    1,055,200
3118          From Income Tax    30,100
3119          Schedule of Programs:
3120           Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education    1,085,300
3121      ITEM    194    To    State Board of Regents - T.H. Bell Scholarship Program
3122          From General Fund    654,800
3123          From Income Tax    3,000
3124          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    50,200
3125          Schedule of Programs:
3126           T.H. Bell Scholarship Program    708,000
3127                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
3128          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
3129      ITEM    195    To    State Board of Regents - Apprenticeship Training
3130          From General Fund    310,400
3131          From Income Tax    9,900
3132          Schedule of Programs:
3133           Apprenticeship Training    320,300
3134      ITEM    196    To    State Board of Regents - University Centers
3135          From General Fund    262,600
3136          From Income Tax    8,000
3137          Schedule of Programs:
3138           University Centers    270,600
3139                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
3140          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.

3141      ITEM    197    To    State Board of Regents - Higher Education Technology Initiative
3142          From General Fund    2,600,000
3143          From General Fund, One-time    250,000
3144          Schedule of Programs:
3145           Higher Education Technology Initiative    2,850,000
3146      ITEM    198    To    State Board of Regents - Electronic College
3147          From General Fund    536,200
3148          From Income Tax    7,500
3149          Schedule of Programs:
3150           Electronic College    543,700
3151                It is the intent of the Legislature that the programmatic funding for the
3152          Utah Electronic College be designated for distance learning program
3153          development by the nine USHE institutions. The Regents are also directed
3154          to establish accountability measures and a master plan for the operation of
3155          the item in consultation with the nine institutions and the Legislative Fiscal
3156          Analyst.
3157      ITEM    199    To    State Board of Regents - Utah Academic Library Consortium
3158          From General Fund    2,274,000
3159          From Income Tax    760,000
3160          From Income Tax, One-time    310,000
3161          Schedule of Programs:
3162           Utah Academic Library Consortium    3,344,000
3163                It is the intrent of the Legislature that the State Board of Regents in
3164          consultation with the Utah Academic Library Consortium should coordinate
3165           the acquisition of library materials for the nine USHE institutions.
3167      ITEM    200    To    Utah Education Network - UtahLINK
3168          From General Fund    252,800
3169          From Uniform School Fund    10,936,800
3170          From Uniform School Fund, One-time    3,066,800
3171          From Income Tax    1,923,000
3172          Schedule of Programs:
3173           UtahLINK    16,179,400
3174                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
3175          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
3176      ITEM    201    To    Utah Education Network - Utah Education Network Technology
3177          Initiative

3178          From General Fund    615,000
3179          Schedule of Programs:
3180           UEN Technology Initiative    615,000
3181      ITEM    202    To    Utah Education Network - Utah State University Satellite
3182          Telecommunication
3183          From General Fund    1,526,300
3184          From Income Tax    19,800
3185          Schedule of Programs:
3186           USU Satellite Telecommunications    1,546,100
3187                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
3188          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
3189      ITEM    203    To    Utah Education Network - College of Eastern Utah Distance
3190          Education
3191          From General Fund    255,600
3192          From Income Tax    24,700
3193          Schedule of Programs:
3194           CEU Distance Education    280,300
3195                It is the intent of the Legislature that any salary increases be distributed
3196          to faculty, professional and classified employees in an equitable manner.
3199      ITEM    204    To    School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration - School &
3200          Institutional Trust Lands Administration
3201          From Land Grant Management Fund    8,926,100
3202          Schedule of Programs:
3203           Board    187,600
3204           Director    439,500
3205           Administration    632,200
3206           Accounting    309,600
3207           Royalty    143,600
3208           Minerals    1,220,600
3209           Surface    1,184,600
3210           Development - Operating    1,211,300
3211           Legal/Contracts    407,900
3212           Data Processing    639,700
3213           Forestry and Grazing    549,500
3214           Development - Capital    2,000,000

3215                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Natural
3216          Resources and the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration join
3217           together in reaching a Memorandum of Understanding. The Memorandum
3218          should detail areas of mutual benefit arising from resolution of conflicts in
3219          respective mission statements and statutory requirements. The
3220          Memorandum should also detail conflict of mission statement and statutory
3221          requirements that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement. This
3222          Memorandum of Understanding shall be jointly presented to the Natural
3223          Resources Appropriations Subcommittee or the Natural Resources,
3224          Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee on or before October 2001.
3225                It is the intent of the Legislature that the School and Institutional Trust
3226          Lands Administration report on the development of management strategies
3227          and on the use of the $250,000 appropriation for blocks of trust lands during
3228           fall 2001.
3230      ITEM    205    To    Department of Natural Resources - Administration
3231          From General Fund    3,541,700
3232          From General Fund, One-time    25,000
3233          From Oil Overcharge - Stripper Well Fund    500,000
3234          Schedule of Programs:
3235           Executive Director    921,900
3236           Administrative Services    1,443,500
3237           Energy Resource Planning    1,048,600
3238           Public Affairs    301,000
3239           Bear Lake Commission    50,000
3240           Law Enforcement    301,700
3241                It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2000 one-time General Fund
3242          appropriation of $50,000 for Wide Hollow Water Conservancy District be
3243          nonlapsing.
3244                It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2000 one-time supplemental
3245          appropriation of $120,000 for Thistle water tunnel improvements be
3246          nonlapsing.
3247                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for the Bear Lake Regional
3248          Commission be expended only as a one-to-one match with funds from the
3249          State of Idaho.
3250                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Natural
3251          Resources organize, staff, and conduct a task force to study water rights

3252          issues, and report back to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and
3253          Environment Interim Committee on or before their October 2001 meeting.
3254          The Water Development Commission shall be kept appraised of the
3255          progress of the task force.
3256                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Natural
3257          Resources and the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration join
3258           together in reaching a Memorandum of Understanding. The Memorandum
3259          should detail areas of mutual benefit arising from resolution of conflicts in
3260          respective mission statements and statutory requirements. The
3261          Memorandum should also detail conflict of mission statement and statutory
3262          requirements that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement. This
3263          Memorandum of Understanding shall be jointly presented to the Natural
3264          Resources Appropriations Subcommittee or the Natural Resources,
3265          Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee on or before October 2001.
3266                It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation for RS 2477 roads
3267          defense be nonlapsing.
3268      ITEM    206    To    Department of Natural Resources - Species Protection
3269          From General Fund    625,900
3270          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    2,300,000
3271          From General Fund Restricted - Species Protection    324,100
3272          Schedule of Programs:
3273           Species Protection    3,250,000
3274                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Species Protection program
3275          General Fund appropriation be nonlapsing.
3276      ITEM    207    To    Department of Natural Resources - Building Operations
3277          From General Fund    1,608,500
3278          Schedule of Programs:
3279           Building Operations    1,608,500
3280      ITEM    208    To    Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire and State Lands
3281          From General Fund    2,990,700
3282          From Federal Funds    1,806,900
3283          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,937,000
3284          From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land Management    1,606,100
3285          From Revenue Transfers    175,000
3286          Schedule of Programs:
3287           Director's Office    237,400
3288           Administrative Services    359,900

3289           Fire Suppression    1,730,000
3290           Planning and Technology    213,100
3291           Technical Assistance    728,200
3292           Program Delivery    1,143,400
3293           Lone Peak Center    1,935,600
3294           Program Delivery Cooperators    2,168,100
3295                It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2000 one-time supplemental
3296          appropriation of $30,000 for Thistle water tunnel improvements be
3297          nonlapsing.
3298      ITEM    209    To    Department of Natural Resources - Oil, Gas and Mining
3299          From General Fund    1,363,100
3300          From Federal Funds    3,808,400
3301          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    109,400
3302          From General Fund Restricted - Oil & Gas Conservation Account    1,412,600
3303          From Revenue Transfers    124,200
3304          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    135,000
3305          Schedule of Programs:
3306           Administration    1,219,000
3307           Board    25,800
3308           Oil and Gas Conservation    1,388,900
3309           Minerals Reclamation    414,800
3310           Coal Reclamation    1,469,500
3311           Abandoned Mine    2,299,700
3312           OGM Misc. Nonlapsing    135,000
3313                It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation to the Minerals
3314          Reclamation Program be nonlapsing.
3315      ITEM    210    To    Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Resources
3316          From General Fund    3,118,200
3317          From Federal Funds    6,962,700
3318          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    75,200
3319          From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Habitat    2,383,100
3320          From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Resources    22,384,800
3321          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    300,000
3322          Schedule of Programs:
3323           Administration    1,573,800
3324           Public Services    4,951,600
3325           Conservation Outreach    1,723,400

3326           Law Enforcement    6,395,000
3327           Habitat Council    2,424,300
3328           Habitat Section    2,638,500
3329           Wildlife Section    6,929,300
3330           Aquatic Section    8,588,100
3331                The Legislature intends that up to $500,000 of this budget may be used
3332          for big game depredation expense. The Legislature also intends that half of
3333          these funds shall be from the General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Resources
3334          Account and half from the General Fund. This funding shall be nonlapsing.
3335                It is the intent of the Legislature that the General Fund Restricted -
3336          Wildlife Habitat Account appropriation be nonlapsing.
3337                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Wildlife Resources
3338          transfer $200,000 General Funds to the Department of Agriculture and Food.
3339           It is further the intent of the Legislature that $100,000 of this transfer be
3340          used to match funds from local governments in the Predatory Animal
3341          Control Program, and $100,000 be used to supplement the amount required
3342          by UCA 4-23-9(2)(a). It is further the intent of the Legislature that the
3343          division spend a minimum of $265,000 to improve deer herds according to
3344          management plan objectives.
3345                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Wildlife Resources
3346          spend a minimum of $70,000 from the Wildlife Habitat Account as stated in
3347          UCA 23-19-43(5)(a), on control of predators.
3348                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Wildlife Resources
3349          emphasize as much as possible the revenue-generating activities within its
3350          mission.
3351      ITEM    211    To    Department of Natural Resources - Predator Control
3352          From General Fund    69,200
3353          From Revenue Transfers    (69,200)
3354      ITEM    212    To    Department of Natural Resources - Reimbursement
3355          From General Fund    255,200
3356          From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Resources    (255,200)
3357      ITEM    213    To    Department of Natural Resources - Contributed Research
3358          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    336,700
3359          Schedule of Programs:
3360           Contrib Research    336,700
3361                It is the intent of the Legislature that Contributed Research funds be
3362          nonlapsing.

3363      ITEM    214    To    Department of Natural Resources - Cooperative Environmental
3364          Studies
3365          From Federal Funds    3,069,100
3366          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    505,100
3367          Schedule of Programs:
3368           Cooperative Environmental Study    3,574,200
3369                It is the intent of the Legislature that Cooperative Environmental Studies
3370          funds be nonlapsing.
3371      ITEM    215    To    Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Resources Capital
3372          Budget
3373          From General Fund    800,000
3374          From General Fund, One-time    1,000,000
3375          From Federal Funds    1,311,000
3376          From General Fund Restricted - State Fish Hatchery Maintenance    1,000,000
3377          From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Resources    205,000
3378          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    500,000
3379          Schedule of Programs:
3380           Information and Education    9,200
3381           Fisheries    3,800,800
3382           Game Management    1,006,000
3383                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Wildlife Resources
3384          Capital appropriation be nonlapsing.
3385                In making this $1 million appropriation for the acquisition of conservation
3386           easements for big game habitat on land previously owned by School and
3387          Institutional Trust Lands, the Legislature recognizes that under Utah's
3388          Enabling Act, Utah's Constitution, case law, and statute, that the state
3389          holds School and Institutional Trust Lands as trustee and is responsible for
3390          managing the trust lands for the best interests of the trust beneficiaries. It is
3391           the intent of the Legislature that the Wildlife Board use the $1 million
3392          appropriation for the acquisition of conservation easements for big game
3393          habitat on land disposed of after July 1, 2001, by the School and
3394          Institutional Trust Lands Administration. It is further the intent of the
3395          Legislature that the ownership of the real property shall be in a property tax
3396          paying, private party or parties, with the Division of Wildlife Resources
3397          owning the conservation easements for big game habitat in that real
3398          property as provided in Utah Code Ann. Sec. 57-18-4. This appropriation is
3399          nonlapsing.

3400      ITEM    216    To    Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation
3401          From General Fund    9,516,100
3402          From Federal Funds    931,200
3403          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    7,826,000
3404          From General Fund Restricted - Boating    2,917,700
3405          From General Fund Restricted - Off-highway Vehicle    1,849,500
3406          Schedule of Programs:
3407           Director    476,300
3408           Board    16,700
3409           Park Operations    17,148,800
3410           Comprehensive Planning    393,600
3411           Administration    564,200
3412           Design and Construction    461,400
3413           Reservations    341,100
3414           Law Enforcement    350,400
3415           Accounting and Grants    1,052,300
3416           Boating    1,050,800
3417           OHV and Trail Administration    1,184,900
3418                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Director of the Division of Parks
3419          and Recreation report during the 2001 interim to the Natural Resources,
3420          Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee and the Natural Resources
3421          Appropriations Subcommittee on the planning process for closure of
3422          existing parks or incorporation of new parks, including Sand Hollow, into
3423          the state system.
3424      ITEM    217    To    Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation Capital
3425          Budget
3426          From General Fund    1,114,800
3427          From Federal Funds    550,000
3428          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    175,000
3429          From General Fund Restricted - Boating    350,000
3430          From General Fund Restricted - Off-highway Vehicle    175,000
3431          Schedule of Programs:
3432           Facilities Acquisition and Development    214,800
3433           Riverway Enhancement Grants    425,000
3434           Trail Grants    525,000
3435           National Recreation Trails    200,000
3436           Donated Capital Projects    25,000

3437           Region Roads and Renovation    100,000
3438           Boat Access Grants    700,000
3439           Off-highway Vehicle Grants    175,000
3440                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Parks and Recreation
3441           - Capital Budget be nonlapsing.
3442                It is the intent of the Legislature that no portion of a golf course
3443          constructed at Soldier Hollow shall infringe upon space designated for
3444          biathlon or other Olympic winter events.
3445                It is the intent of the Legislature that $100,000 of the Trails Grants budget
3446          be dedicated to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail pursuant to UCA 63-11A-504,
3447          if applications and matching funds are available from local governments.
3448      ITEM    218    To    Department of Natural Resources - Utah Geological Survey
3449          From General Fund    2,388,100
3450          From General Fund, One-time    100,000
3451          From Federal Funds    544,700
3452          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    382,100
3453          From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease    827,100
3454          From Revenue Transfers    181,100
3455          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    300,900
3456          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (77,500)
3457          Schedule of Programs:
3458           Administration    550,900
3459           Technical Services    522,800
3460           Applied Geology    516,400
3461           Board    10,100
3462           Geologic Mapping    510,400
3463           Economic Geology    1,215,600
3464           Environmental    781,700
3465           Geologic Extension Service    538,600
3466                It is the intent of the Legislature that Mineral Lease funds be nonlapsing.
3467                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah Geological Survey request
3468          reimbursement from the State Office of Education for inspections of
3469          proposed school sites required by the State Office of Education under rule
3470          R277-455-4.
3471      ITEM    219    To    Department of Natural Resources - Water Resources
3472          From General Fund    2,689,800
3473          From Federal Funds    5,000

3474          From Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund    1,815,100
3475          From Water Resources Construction Fund    150,000
3476          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    118,200
3477          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (22,200)
3478          Schedule of Programs:
3479           Administration    437,000
3480           Board    36,000
3481           Interstate Streams    262,200
3482           Cloudseeding    150,000
3483           Cities Water    116,100
3484           Construction    1,655,100
3485           Planning    1,820,900
3486           West Desert Operations    11,000
3487           Water Education    171,600
3488           Bear River/Wasatch Front    96,000
3489                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Bear River/Wasatch
3490          Front program be nonlapsing.
3491      ITEM    220    To    Department of Natural Resources - Water Resources Education
3492          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    23,200
3493          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    44,600
3494          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (42,800)
3495          Schedule of Programs:
3496           Water Resources Education    25,000
3497                It is the intent of the Legislature that Water Education funds be
3498          nonlapsing.
3499      ITEM    221    To    Department of Natural Resources - Water Resources Revolving
3500          Construction Fund
3501          From General Fund    563,000
3502          From Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund    3,800,000
3503          Schedule of Programs:
3504           Construction Fund    4,363,000
3505      ITEM    222    To    Department of Natural Resources - Water Resources Conservation
3506           and Development Fund
3507          From General Fund    1,089,500
3508          Schedule of Programs:
3509           Conservation and Development Fund    1,089,500
3510      ITEM    223    To    Department of Natural Resources - Water Rights

3511          From General Fund    6,051,400
3512          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    866,300
3513          Schedule of Programs:
3514           Administration    527,900
3515           Appropriation    853,400
3516           Dam Safety    549,500
3517           Adjudication    667,000
3518           Cooperative Studies    564,000
3519           Special Investigations    586,800
3520           Advertising    120,000
3521           Area Offices    2,282,800
3522           River Systems    766,300
3523                It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2000 federal funds
3524          appropriation be nonlapsing.
3525                It is the intent of the Legislature that the $120,000 General Fund
3526          appropriation increase for the State Engineer's office be used for salaries,
3527          benefits, and expenses of personnel who will provide advice and technical
3528          assistance to water corporations and their shareholders on proposed
3529          changes in the point of diversion, place of use, or purpose of use of the
3530          water corporation's water.
3532      ITEM    224    To    Department of Natural Resources - Internal Service Fund
3533          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    5,271,900
3534          From Sale of Fixed Assets    67,000
3535          Schedule of Programs:
3536           ISF - DNR Warehouse    725,000
3537           ISF - DNR Motorpool    3,911,900
3538           ISF - DNR Data Processing    702,000
3539                Total FTE -     10
3540                Authorized Capital Outlay -     100,000
3542      ITEM    225    To    Department of Agriculture and Food - Administration
3543          From General Fund    7,933,100
3544          From General Fund, One-time    219,700
3545          From Federal Funds    2,054,000
3546          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    929,800
3547          From General Fund Restricted - Horse Racing    50,100

3548          From General Fund Restricted - Livestock Brand    676,100
3549          From General Fund Restricted - TB & Bangs Control    6,800
3550          From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Damage Prevention    63,500
3551          From Revenue Transfers    535,600
3552          Schedule of Programs:
3553           General Administration    1,470,500
3554           Public Affairs    83,000
3555           Meat Inspection    1,593,500
3556           Chemistry Laboratory    742,200
3557           Animal Health    822,100
3558           Sheep Promotion    50,000
3559           Auction Market Veterinarians    72,000
3560           Brand Inspection    1,082,300
3561           Utah Horse Commission    50,100
3562           Agriculture Inspection    1,637,800
3563           Environmental Quality    1,501,100
3564           Grain Inspection    428,700
3565           Insect Infestation    217,900
3566           Regulatory Services    2,102,900
3567           Marketing and Development    443,600
3568           Research    171,000
3569                It is the intent of the Legislature that appropriation line items for the
3570          Department of Agriculture and Food be consolidated into a smaller number,
3571          and follow the organizational structure of the department.
3572                It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation for grants to
3573          charitable organizations specified under UCA 57-18-3, or held by the
3574          Department of Agriculture and Food, be used for purchase of conservation
3575          easements for agricultural protection and that this appropriation be
3576          nonlapsing.
3577                It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2001 General Fund
3578          appropriation of $100,000 for "Ag In The Classroom" be nonlapsing.
3579                It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2001 one-time General Fund
3580          appropriation of $50,000 for Trichomoniasis control be nonlapsing.
3581                It is the intent of the Legislature that any unexpended funds from the
3582          appropriation for pesticide disposal amnesty be nonlapsing.
3583                It is the intent of the Legislature that the proceeds from fertilizer
3584          assessments authorized in UCA 4-13-3 be held as nonlapsing Dedicated

3585          Credits.
3586                It is the intent of the Legislature that license fees collected from pesticide
3587          applicators for educational and testing materials be nonlapsing.
3588                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Pesticide Control
3589          program be nonlapsing.
3590                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Agriculture and
3591          Food use its rulemaking authority granted in UCA 4-16-3 to make rules
3592          concerning seed container labeling requirements, after consultation with the
3593           seed industry, the Utah Seed Council, and the Utah Crop Improvement
3594          Association.
3595                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds collected in the Organic
3596          Certification program be nonlapsing.
3597                It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2001 one-time General Fund
3598          appropriation of $90,000 for private grazing land improvements be
3599          nonlapsing.
3600                It is the intent of the Legislature that the FY 2001 one-time General Fund
3601          appropriation of $75,000 for biological control of weeds be nonlapsing.
3602                It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation of $100,000 for
3603          agribusiness development be nonlapsing.
3604                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Research Program appropriation
3605          be nonlapsing.
3606                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Auction Market Veterinarian
3607          collection be nonlapsing.
3608                It is the intent of the Legislature that Dedicated Credits received by the
3609          Grain Inspection program be nonlapsing.
3610      ITEM    226    To    Department of Agriculture and Food - Building Operations
3611          From General Fund    228,000
3612          Schedule of Programs:
3613           Building Operations    228,000
3614      ITEM    227    To    Department of Agriculture and Food - Predatory Animal Control
3615          From General Fund    643,200
3616          From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Damage Prevention    451,500
3617          From Revenue Transfers    69,200
3618          Schedule of Programs:
3619           Predatory Animal Control    1,163,900
3620                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated to Predatory
3621          Animal Control be nonlapsing.

3622                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Wildlife Resources
3623          transfer $200,000 General Funds to the Department of Agriculture and Food.
3624           It is further the intent of the Legislature that $100,000 of this transfer be
3625          used to match funds from local governments in the Predatory Animal
3626          Control program, and $100,000 be used to supplement the amount required
3627          by UCA 4-23-9(2)(a). These funds shall be nonlapsing.
3628      ITEM    228    To    Department of Agriculture and Food - Resource Conservation
3629          From General Fund    1,196,300
3630          From Agriculture Resource Development Fund    235,100
3631          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    3,700
3632          Schedule of Programs:
3633           Resource Conservation Administration    130,300
3634           Soil Conservation Commission    9,600
3635           Resource Conservation    1,295,200
3636                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Soil Conservation Districts
3637          submit annual reports documenting supervisory expenses to the Legislative
3638          Fiscal Analyst, the Office of Planning and Budget, and the Soil
3639          Conservation Commission. It is also the intent of the Legislature that these
3640          documents be reviewed and reported to the Governor and the 2002
3641          Legislature.
3642                It is the intent of the Legislature that collections for the "Ag Tag" license
3643           plate be nonlapsing.
3644                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding approved for Soil
3645          Conservation District elections be nonlapsing and be spent only during
3646          even-numbered years when elections take place.
3647      ITEM    229    To    Department of Agriculture and Food - Loans
3648          From Agriculture Resource Development Fund    296,100
3649          From Utah Rural Rehabilitation Loan    18,000
3650          Schedule of Programs:
3651           Agriculture Loan Program    314,100
3653      ITEM    230    To    Department of Agriculture and Food - Internal Service Fund
3654          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    251,600
3655          Schedule of Programs:
3656           ISF - Agri Data Processing    251,600
3657                Total FTE -     3
3658                Authorized Capital Outlay -     58,000

3660      ITEM    231    To    State Board of Education - State Office of Education
3661          From Uniform School Fund    27,526,656
3662          From Uniform School Fund, One-time    1,250,000
3663          From Federal Funds    126,484,300
3664          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    4,975,900
3665          From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease    859,300
3666          From General Fund Restricted - Substance Abuse Prevention    400,700
3667          From Uniform School Fund Restricted - Professional Practices    80,900
3668          From Revenue Transfers    300
3669          From Revenue Transfers - Interagency    285,000
3670          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    4,239,100
3671          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (4,239,100)
3672          Schedule of Programs:
3673           Board of Education    893,700
3674           Instructional Services    112,469,600
3675           Agency Support    4,715,200
3676           Planning and Project Services    24,110,000
3677           Applied Technology Education    16,099,000
3678           District Services    3,575,556
3679                It is the intent of the Legislature that sexual education courses taught in
3680          public schools must stress the importance of abstinence from all sexual
3681          activity before marriage and fidelity after marriage as methods for preventing
3682           certain communicable diseases.
3683                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah State Office of Education
3684          charge out-of-state students tuition for access to Utah's electronic high
3685          school curricula.
3686                It is the intent of the Legislature that District Computer Services may
3687          charge local school districts a fee for the use of state student and fiscal
3688          information systems. The fee shall be set by the Utah State Board of
3689          Education and shall be based upon student enrollment. Revenue from the
3690          fee may be used to either contract or hire support staff.
3691                The USBE may transfer up to $500,000 annually (subject to availability) of
3692           Minimum School Program carry forward to determine district compliance
3693          with State law and Board rules and to evaluate program effectiveness and
3694          efficiency. The Board shall determine which programs are to be studied and
3695          shall contract with organizations and individuals not directly associated

3696          with or employed by the State Office of Education. The Board shall report
3697          annually to the Legislature the amount of money spent on, the results of,
3698          any recommendations that arise from, and any actions taken as a result of
3699          the studies.
3700      ITEM    232    To    State Board of Education - District Services Compensation -
3701          Regional Service Centers
3702          From Uniform School Fund    58,600
3703          Schedule of Programs:
3704           District Services Compensation - Regional Service Centers    58,600
3705      ITEM    233    To    State Board of Education - State Office of Rehabilitation
3706          From General Fund    254,900
3707          From Uniform School Fund    17,530,900
3708          From Federal Funds    30,615,900
3709          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    452,800
3710          From Revenue Transfers - Interagency    100,000
3711          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    287,400
3712          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (287,400)
3713          Schedule of Programs:
3714           Rehabilitation Administration    1,606,600
3715           Blind and Visually Impaired    5,105,500
3716           Rehabilitation Services    33,268,500
3717           Disability Determination    7,293,600
3718           Deaf and Hard of Hearing    1,680,300
3719      ITEM    234    To    State Board of Education - School for the Deaf and Blind
3720          From Uniform School Fund    17,450,000
3721          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,075,400
3722          From Revenue Transfers - Interagency    3,122,400
3723          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    600,000
3724          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (600,000)
3725          Schedule of Programs:
3726           Instruction    12,711,500
3727           Support Services    8,936,300
3728                It is the intent of the Legislature that $72,000 of the one time
3729          appropriation of $8,250,000 for the Educational Technology Initiative be
3730          transferred to the Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind for FY 2002.
3731                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah Schools for the Deaf and
3732          Blind be appropriated $42,305 per day for each additional day funded by the

3733          Legislature to the school districts. This is to be funded from the $15 million
3734          allocated for extra days.
3735      ITEM    235    To    State Board of Education - State Office of Education - Child
3736          Nutrition
3737          From Uniform School Fund    170,500
3738          From Federal Funds    80,327,200
3739          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    14,506,500
3740          Schedule of Programs:
3741           Child Nutrition    95,004,200
3742      ITEM    236    To    State Board of Education - Fine Arts and Sciences
3743          From Uniform School Fund    3,044,500
3744          From Uniform School Fund, One-time    500,000
3745          Schedule of Programs:
3746           Request for Proposal Program    322,400
3747           Hansen Planetarium    489,300
3748           Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company    93,100
3749           Repertory Dance Company    94,600
3750           Children's Dance Theater    109,400
3751           Utah Opera Company    226,600
3752           Ballet West    433,200
3753           Utah Symphony    889,600
3754           Arts and Science Subsidy    750,000
3755           Springville Arts Museum    136,300
3756                It is the intent of the Legislature that Line Item funding recipients not
3757          participate in the Science and the Arts Request for Proposal Process (RFP)
3758          funding administered by the Utah State Office of Education.
3759                It is the intent of the Legislature that the listed program groups go
3760          through a request for proposal process to reestablish their participation in
3761          the program at the level indicated during the 2001 interim. The USOE will be
3762          the supervising agent of this process.
3763                The State Office of Education shall validate the groups' function in the
3764          planned curriculum for arts and sciences in the schools.
3765                The State Office of Education shall report to the Legislature any problems
3766           or changes necessary to implement and maintain the validity of the arts and
3767           sciences program in the school curriculum.
3768                It is the intent of the Legislature that $750,000 ($250,000 ongoing and
3769          $500,000 one-time) be distributed to the Utah Shakespearean Festival, Utah

3770          Museum of Natural History, Utah Festival Opera, and the Children's
3771          Museum of Utah beginning FY 2002. The distribution shall be determined
3772          during the interim by the Utah State Office of Education. The allocations
3773          shall be according to the allocation formula adopted by the State Office of
3774          Education which assures parity among the line items organizations.
3775      ITEM    237    To    State Board of Education - State Office of Education - Educational
3776          Contracts
3777          From Uniform School Fund    3,928,300
3778          Schedule of Programs:
3779           Youth Center    1,160,200
3780           Corrections Institutions    2,768,100
3782      ITEM    238    To    State Board of Education - Internal Service Fund
3783          From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    1,157,500
3784          Schedule of Programs:
3785           ISF - State Board ISF    1,157,500
3786                Total FTE -     9
3787                Authorized Capital Outlay -     17,300
3788                The mark-up on internal service funds are:
3789          Printing - $17.00 per labor hour; $0.04 per copy; cost plus 35 percent on
3790          supplies
3791          Mail Room - Cost plus 25 percent
3792      ITEM    239    To    State Board of Education - Indirect Cost Pool
3793          From Revenue Transfers    3,700,200
3794          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    422,600
3795          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (422,600)
3796          Schedule of Programs:
3797           ISF - USOE Indirect Cost Pool    3,700,200
3798                Total FTE -     47
3799                Authorized Capital Outlay -     71,300
3800                The indirect cost pool rate is approved at 17.5 percent for nonrestricted
3801          programs and 10 percent for restricted programs.
3804      ITEM    240    To    Utah National Guard - Utah National Guard
3805          From General Fund    4,090,000
3806          From General Fund, One-time    232,000

3807          From Federal Funds    11,676,900
3808          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    78,000
3809          From Revenue Transfers - Intergovernmental    40,500
3810          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    36,900
3811          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (36,900)
3812          Schedule of Programs:
3813           Administration    528,100
3814           Armory Maintenance    14,991,200
3815           Veterans' Affairs    174,200
3816           Veterans' Cemetery    423,900
3818      ITEM    241    To    Department of Environmental Quality
3819          From General Fund    9,969,500
3820          From General Fund, One-time    800,000
3821          From Federal Funds    18,543,800
3822          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    5,999,900
3823          From General Fund Restricted - Environmental Quality    4,714,800
3824          From General Fund Restricted - Used Oil Administration    668,600
3825          From General Fund Restricted - Voluntary Cleanup    88,900
3826          From General Fund Restricted - WDS - Drinking Water    52,000
3827          From General Fund Restricted - WDS - Water Quality    510,300
3828          From Expendable Trust - Petroleum Storage Tank    954,000
3829          From Expendable Trust - Waste Tire Recycling    95,600
3830          From Petroleum Storage Tank Account    50,000
3831          From Petroleum Storage Tank Loan    130,000
3832          From Revenue Transfers - Within Agency    174,400
3833          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    769,000
3834          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (1,400)
3835          Schedule of Programs:
3836           Director's Office    5,396,500
3837           Air Quality    7,285,600
3838           Environmental Response/Remediation    10,915,600
3839           Radiation Control    1,971,900
3840           Water Quality    8,189,100
3841           Drinking Water    3,255,900
3842           Solid and Hazardous Waste    6,504,800
3843                It is the intent of the Legislature that the $125,000 appropriated to the

3844          Department of Environmental Quality from the Environmental Quality
3845          Restricted Account for the development of a Generator Site Access license
3846          data base and electronic license system be nonlapsing until the design and
3847          implementation of the system is completed. At the end of the fiscal year in
3848          which the system is completed, any funds remaining from the appropriation
3849          will lapse into the Environmental Quality Restricted Account.
3850                It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated for the purpose
3851          of addressing high level nuclear waste be non-lapsing.
3852                It is the intent of the Legislature that any unexpended Groundwater
3853          Permit Administration fees are non-lapsing and authorized for use in the
3854          Groundwater Permit Administration Program in the following fiscal year to
3855          reduce the fees charged.
3856                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Executive Director of the
3857          Department of Environmental Quality may accept and expend funds under
3858          the provision of UCA 19-1-202 (2) (c) for review of Radioactive Waste
3859          license amendments for disposal of Containerized Class A Low Level
3860          Radioactive Waste. Any funding received by the Executive Director for
3861          review of radioactive waste license amendments for disposal of
3862          Containerized A Low Level Radioactive Waste shall be nonlapsing.
3863                It is the intent of the Legislature that any unexpended funds in the Air
3864          Operating Permit Program are non-lapsing and authorized for use in the Air
3865          Operating Permit Program in FY 2002 to reduce emission fees.
3866                It is the intent of the Legislature that funding provided to hire a full time
3867          attorney to recover Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Funds and Petroleum
3868          Storage Cleanup Funds be used exclusively for that purpose. It is the intent
3869           of the Legislature that this funding is to be considered a one time
3870          appropriation.
3871                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Environmental
3872          Quality implement an internal Performance Management Initiative that
3873          assesses efficient use of Department personnel and budgets. This plan will
3874          continue to be updated and coordinated through a Department Performance
3875          Management Team, with the approval from and implementation directed by
3876          the Department's Executive Director.
3877           It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department make a report to the
3878          Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Transportation and Environmental
3879          Quality prior to the General 2002 Legislative Session, indicating the
3880          efficiencies and cost reductions that have been achieved and those that are

3881          anticipated as a result of implementing these improvement actions.
3882           It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Environmental
3883          Quality, in conjunction with these improvement initiatives, be given
3884          authorization to adjust the assignment of FTE positions between program
3885          items as may be necessary in order to achieve the objectives of this plan.
3886          Such reassignments of FTE positions will be included in the report to the
3887          Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Transportation and Environmental
3888          Quality and any transfer of funding will be facilitated through a
3889          supplemental appropriations request in the 2002 Session.
3890      ITEM    242    To    Department of Environmental Quality - Water Security Devel Acct
3891          - Water Pollution
3892          From Federal Funds    5,000,000
3893          From Designated Sales Tax    4,646,400
3894          From Repayments    7,900,000
3895          Schedule of Programs:
3896           Water Pollution    17,546,400
3897      ITEM    243    To    Department of Environmental Quality - Water Security Devel Acct
3898          - Drinking Water
3899          From Federal Funds    6,500,000
3900          From Designated Sales Tax    4,646,400
3901          From Repayments    155,800
3902          Schedule of Programs:
3903           Drinking Water    11,302,200
3904      ITEM    244    To    Department of Environmental Quality - Hazardous Substance
3905          Mitigation Fund
3906          From General Fund Restricted - Environmental Quality    400,000
3907          Schedule of Programs:
3908           Hazardous Substance Mitigation Fund    400,000
3910      ITEM    245    To    Department of Transportation - Support Services
3911          From General Fund    676,400
3912          From General Fund, One-time    10,060,000
3913          From Transportation Fund    23,140,300
3914          From Transportation Fund, One-time    167,600
3915          From Federal Funds    507,400
3916          Schedule of Programs:
3917           Administrative Services    12,170,400

3918           Loss Management    2,435,000
3919           Motor Carriers    1,147,500
3920           Building and Grounds    1,447,000
3921           Human Resources Management    1,050,600
3922           Procurement    823,100
3923           Comptroller    2,614,300
3924           Data Processing    7,633,100
3925           Internal Auditor    598,700
3926           Community Relations    520,600
3927           Ports of Entry    4,111,400
3928                It is the intent of the Legislature that $10,000,000 of the appropriated
3929          funds shall be immediately available to the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) to
3930          preserve essential transportation corridors upon the execution of a binding
3931          purchase and sale agreement between UTA and the Union Pacific Railroad.
3932          This appropriation is nonlapsing.
3933           If UTA's agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad does not require the
3934          Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to build an overpass over the
3935          Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad right of way as UDOT builds the
3936          Legacy Highway, it is the intent of the Legislature that UDOT shall provide
3937          another $10,000,000 toward the UTA's corridor preservation. This money
3938          shall be immediately available to UTA upon execution of a binding purchase
3939           and sale agreement between UTA and the Union Pacific Railroad that
3940          eliminates the need for UDOT to build this overpass. This appropriation is
3941          nonlapsing.
3942           It is the further intent of the Legislature that UDOT, the Utah
3943          Transportation Commission, and UTA shall work cooperatively, and in
3944          good faith to identify and transfer selected parcels or portions of parcels of
3945          real property owned by UDOT which are contiguous to the Union Pacific
3946          mainline corridor between Payson and Brigham City, for the purposes of
3947          preserving a corridor of adequate width for future potential transportation
3948          purposes, which purposes include stations and siting and other potential
3949          passenger rail appurtenances. These parcels or portions of parcels agreed
3950          upon between UDOT and UTA shall be transferred from UDOT to UTA
3951          upon the execution of a binding purchase and sale agreement between UTA
3952           and the Union Pacific Railroad. It is the intent of the Legislature that in
3953          making this land transfer, that UDOT not transfer any land which will
3954          adversely affect the operation and maintenance of the state highway

3955          system, including any presently identified, future highway expansion.
3956      ITEM    246    To    Department of Transportation - Engineering Services
3957          From General Fund    170,000
3958          From Transportation Fund    12,812,200
3959          From Transportation Fund, One-time    50,000
3960          From Federal Funds    7,586,500
3961          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    583,000
3962          From Revenue Transfers - Within Agency    166,000
3963          Schedule of Programs:
3964           Safety Operations    2,000,400
3965           Traffic Safety    1,926,400
3966           Program Development    6,148,400
3967           Preconstruction Administration    791,700
3968           Structures    2,023,700
3969           Materials Lab    3,367,000
3970           Engineering Services    2,475,500
3971           Right-of-Way    1,642,100
3972           Research    992,500
3973                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Transportation
3974          continue to implement the adjustment improvements contained in their
3975          Performance Management Initiative Internal Plan. This plan will continue to
3976          be updated and coordinated through the Performance Management Team,
3977          with the approval from and implementation directed by the Department's
3978          Executive Director.
3979           It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department make a report to the
3980          Interim Executive Appropriations Committee and Transportation Joint
3981          Appropriations Committee prior to the General 2002 Legislative Session,
3982          indicating the efficiencies and cost reductions that have been achieved and
3983          those that are anticipated as a result of implementing these improvement
3984          actions.
3985           It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Transportation,
3986          in conjunction with these improvement initiatives, be given authorization to
3987          adjust the assignment of FTE positions between line items as may be
3988          necessary in order to achieve the objectives of this plan. Such
3989          reassignments of FTE positions will be included in the report to the Interim
3990          Executive Appropriations Committee and Transportation Joint
3991          Appropriations Committee and any transfer of funding will be facilitated

3992          through a supplemental appropriations request in the 2002 Session.
3993                It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Transportation,
3994          in conjunction with the Transportation Commission, and Wasatch Front
3995          Regional Council, prepare a Salt Lake County ten year transportation plan,
3996          which will include the environmental assessment study for the Western
3997          Transportation Corridor as part of that plan, preservation of key properties
3998          in that corridor, and funding sources and requirements.
3999      ITEM    247    To    Department of Transportation - Maintenance Management
4000          From General Fund    12,000
4001          From Transportation Fund    77,430,700
4002          From Transportation Fund, One-time    640,000
4003          From Federal Funds    38,200
4004          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    450,000
4005          Schedule of Programs:
4006           Maintenance Administration    2,489,700
4007           District 1    12,197,200
4008           District 2    20,902,500
4009           District 3    11,853,000
4010           Richfield    8,644,100
4011           Price    9,667,500
4012           Cedar City    9,473,000
4013           Seasonal Pools    901,200
4014           Lands & Buildings    2,442,700
4015                It is the intent of the Legislature that any and all collections or cash
4016          income from the sale or salvage of land and buildings are to be lapsed to the
4017           Transportation Fund.
4018      ITEM    248    To    Department of Transportation - Construction Management
4019          From Transportation Fund    92,768,600
4020          From Federal Funds    134,859,100
4021          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,550,000
4022          From Designated Sales Tax    1,000,000
4023          Schedule of Programs:
4024           Construction Management    2,018,900
4025           Field Crews    17,450,900
4026           Federal Construction - New    66,159,300
4027           Rehabilitation/Preservation    123,601,500
4028           State Construction - New    18,939,500

4029           Civil Rights    390,800
4030           I-15 Team    1,616,800
4031                It is the intent of the Legislature that there is appropriated to the
4032          Department of Transportation from the Transportation Fund, not otherwise
4033          appropriated, a sum sufficient, but not more than the surplus of the
4034          Transportation Fund, to be used by the Department for the construction,
4035          rehabilitation, and preservation of State highways in Utah.
4036           It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation fund first, a
4037          maximum participation with the federal government for the construction of
4038          federally designated highways, as provided by law; next the rehabilitation
4039          and preservation of State highways, as provided by law, and last, the
4040          construction of State highways, as funding permits
4041           It is also the intent of the Legislature that the FTEs for field crews may be
4042           adjusted to accommodate the increase or decrease in the Federal
4043          Construction Program. No portion of the money appropriated by this item
4044          shall be used either directly or indirectly to enhance or increase the
4045          appropriations otherwise made by this act to the Department of
4046          Transportation for other purposes
4047      ITEM    249    To    Department of Transportation - District Management
4048          From Transportation Fund    17,666,500
4049          From Transportation Fund, One-time    450,000
4050          From Federal Funds    3,083,400
4051          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,054,700
4052          Schedule of Programs:
4053           Region 1    4,187,300
4054           Region 2    9,533,500
4055           Region 3    3,319,600
4056           Region 4    3,660,700
4057           Richfield    479,700
4058           Price    490,200
4059           Cedar City    583,600
4060      ITEM    250    To    Department of Transportation - Equipment Management
4061          From General Fund    241,400
4062          From Transportation Fund    4,381,900
4063          From Transportation Fund, One-time    1,277,900
4064          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    13,175,100
4065          Schedule of Programs:

4066           Equipment Purchases    8,918,700
4067           Shops    9,147,400
4068           Maintenance Planning    1,010,200
4069      ITEM    251    To    Department of Transportation - Aeronautics
4070          From General Fund    200,000
4071          From General Fund, One-time    2,152,000
4072          From Federal Funds    10,000,000
4073          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    415,900
4074          From Transportation Fund Restricted - Aeronautics Fund    9,487,200
4075          Schedule of Programs:
4076           Administration    1,060,000
4077           Airport Construction    14,888,100
4078           Civil Air Patrol    75,000
4079           Aid to Local Airports    5,698,400
4080           Airplane Operations    533,600
4081      ITEM    252    To    Department of Transportation - B and C Roads
4082          From Transportation Fund    98,194,800
4083          From Designated Sales Tax    19,000,000
4084          Schedule of Programs:
4085           B & C Roads    117,194,800
4086      ITEM    253    To    Department of Transportation - Safe Sidewalk Construction
4087          From General Fund, One-time    50,000
4088          From Transportation Fund    500,000
4089          Schedule of Programs:
4090           Sidewalk Construction    550,000
4091                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds appropriated from the
4092          Transportation Fund for pedestrian safety projects be used specifically to
4093          correct pedestrian hazards on State highways.
4094           It is also the intent of the Legislature that local authorities be encouraged
4095           to participate in the construction of pedestrian safety devices. The
4096          appropriated funds are to be used according to the criteria set forth in
4097          Section 72-8-104, Utah Code Annotated, 1953. The funds appropriated for
4098          sidewalk construction shall not lapse.
4099           If local governments cannot use their allocation of Sidewalk Safety Funds
4100           in two years, these funds will then be available for other governmental
4101          entities which are prepared to use the resources.
4102           It is the intent of the Legislature that local participation in the Sidewalk

4103          Construction Program be on a 75/25 match basis.
4104      ITEM    254    To    Department of Transportation - Mineral Lease
4105          From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease    16,760,000
4106          Schedule of Programs:
4107           Mineral Lease Payments    14,000,000
4108           Payment in Lieu    2,760,000
4109                It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds appropriated from the
4110          Federal Mineral Lease Account shall be used for improvement or
4111          reconstruction of highways not on the State Highway System that have
4112          been heavily impacted by energy development. It is also the intent of the
4113          Legislature that private industries engaged in developing the State's natural
4114          resources be encouraged to participate in the construction of highways
4115          leading to their facilities.
4116           The funds appropriated for improvement or reconstruction of energy
4117          impacted highways that are not on the State Highway System are
4118          nonlapsing.
4119      ITEM    255    To    Department of Transportation - Centennial Highway Program
4120          From General Fund    146,000,000
4121          From Transportation Fund    61,834,000
4122          From Centennial Highway Fund    18,670,000
4123          From Federal Funds    38,016,000
4124          From Dedicated Credits Revenue    5,460,000
4125          From Dedicated Credits - Transportation Bonds    125,000,000
4126          From Debt Service    (82,657,500)
4127          From Designated Sales Tax    15,212,000
4128          From Revenue Transfers - Within Agency    6,000,000
4129          From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    74,667,000
4130          From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (558,500)
4131          Schedule of Programs:
4132           Centennial Highway Program    407,643,000
4133      Section 2. Under the terms and conditions of Section 63-38-3, the following fees are approved for the use and support of the
4134      government of the State of Utah for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002.
4138           In accordance with Section 53-10-202(12) the following fees are approved for the services of the Division of
4139          Investigative and Technical Services for FY 2002.

4140          Fingerprints Olympic/Other    10.00
4141          Firearms Instructor Renewal    25.00
4143           In accordance with Section 53-3-105 808 and 905 the following fees are approved for the services of the Driver
4144          License Division for FY 2002.
4145          Commercial driver school Original license    80.00
4146          Commercial driver school annual renewal license    50.00
4147          Commercial driver school duplicate license    5.00
4148          Commercial driver school Instructor license    15.00
4149          Commercial driver school annual instructor renewal license    10.00
4150          Commercial driver school duplicate instructor    3.00
4151          Commercial Driver School Branch Office Original License    20.00
4152          Commercial Driver School Branch Office Annual Renewal License    20.00
4153          Commercial Driver School Branch Office Reinstatement Fee    25.00
4154          Commercial Driver School Instructor School Reinstatement Fee    25.00
4155          CDL Intra-state Medical Waiver Fee    25.00
4156          Certified Record (includes MVR): first 15 pages    9.00
4157          Certified Record (includes MVR): 16 to 30 pages    14.00
4158          Certified Record (includes MVR): 31 to 45 pages    19.00
4159          Certified Record (includes MVR): 46 or more pages    24.00
4160          Per se Arrest Copies    5.00
4161          Refusal Arrest Copies    5.00
4162          Officer's Accident Report Copies    5.00
4163          Court Conviction Copies    5.00
4164          Copy of any other record or letter maintained by Driver's License Division    5.00
4165          Tape recording copy    5.00
4167           In accordance with Section 53-8-204 the following fees are approved for the services of the Utah Highway Patrol for
4168          FY 2002.
4169          Station Approval and Set Up    100.00
4170          Station Revocation Reinstatement    100.00
4171          Name or Address Change    100.00
4172          Annual Station License    25.00
4173          Station License Reinstatement    25.00
4174          Inspection Certification Fee (valid three years)    10.00
4175          Inspector Reinstatement If Suspended    10.00
4176          Inspector Reinstatement If Revoked    25.00

4177          Safety Inspection Manual    10.00
4178      FIRE MARSHAL
4179           In accordance with Section 57-7-314 the following fees are approved for the services of the State Fire Marshal for FY
4180          2002.
4181          Class I Liquid Petroleum Gas License    300.00
4182          Class II Liquid Petroleum Gas License    300.00
4183          Class III Liquid Petroleum Gas License    70.00
4184          Class IV Liquid Petroleum Gas License    100.00
4185          Branch Office Liquid Petroleum Gas License    225.00
4186          Liquid Petroleum Gas Certificate    30.00
4187          Liquid Petroleum Gas (dispenser Operator B)    10.00
4188          Duplicate Liquid Petroleum Gas License    30.00
4189          Liquid Petroleum Gas License Examination    20.00
4190          Liquid Petroleum Gas License Re-examination    20.00
4191          Liquid Petroleum Gas License Five year examination    20.00
4192          Plan Reviews: More than 5000 gallons of Liquid Petroleum Gas    90.00
4193          Plan Reviews: 5000 water gallons or less Liquid Petroleum Gas    45.00
4194          Plan Reviews: Special inspections (per hour)    30.00
4195          Plan Reviews: Re-inspection (3rd Inspection or more)    250.00
4196          Portable Fire Extinguisher and Automatic Fire Suppression Systems Licenses    200.00
4197          Portable Fire Extinguisher and Automatic Fire Suppression Systems Branch Office Licenses    100.00
4198          Portable Fire Extinguisher and Automatic Fire Suppression Systems Certificate of Registration    30.00
4199          Portable Fire Extinguisher and Automatic Fire Suppression Systems Duplicate Certificate of     30.00
4200          Registration
4201          Portable Fire Extinguisher and Automatic Fire Suppression Systems License Transfer    50.00
4202          Portable Fire Extinguisher and Automatic Fire Suppression Systems Application for exemption    100.00
4203          Portable Fire Extinguisher and Automatic Fire Suppression Systems Examinations    20.00
4204          Portable Fire Extinguisher and Automatic Fire Suppression Systems Re-examinations    15.00
4205          Portable Fire Extinguisher and Automatic Fire Suppression Systems Five year examination    20.00
4206          Fireworks Display and Special Effects Operator    30.00
4210           In accordance with Section 63-38-3.5(3)(b) the following fees are approved for the services of the Office of State Debt
4211          Collection for FY 2002.
4212           ISF - Debt Collection
4213          Collection Penalty - 5.00%

4214          Collection Interest - 8.00%
4215          Administrative Collection Fee - 17.00%
4217           In accordance with Section 63-38-3.5(3)(b) the following fees are approved for the services of the Division of
4218          Purchasing and General Services for FY 2002.
4219           ISF - Central Mailing
4220          Business Reply/Postage Due    .09
4221          Special Handling/Labor Per Hour    28.35
4222          Auto Fold    .01
4223          Label Generate    .021
4224          Label Apply    .018
4225          Bursting    .012
4226          Auto Tab    .016
4227          Optical Character Reader Rejects Manual Sort    .036
4228          Meter/Seal    .017
4229          Federal Meter/Seal    .014
4230          Optical Character Reader    .017
4231          Mail Distribution    .05
4232          Accountable Mail    .18
4233          Task Distribution Rate    .012
4234          Auto Insert 1st insert ($17.50 Min.)    .013
4235          Additional inserts    .004
4236          Inserting Intelligent ($17.50)    .018
4237          Minimum Charge Bursting    5.00
4238          Minimum Charge Inserting    17.50
4239          Minimum Charge Auto Tab    5.00
4240          Minimum Charge Label Generate    17.50
4241          Minimum Charge Label Apply    5.00
4242           ISF - Electronic Purchasing
4243          Orders - Markup 2% of cost
4244          Purchases at service centers - Markup 40% cost
4245           ISF - Publishing
4246          8.5 x 11 #20 white bond or 3HD: 1 to 25 copies    .037
4247          8.5 x 11 #20 white bond or 3HD: 26 to 99 copies    .032
4248          8.5 x 11 #20 white bond or 3HD: 100 plus copies    .028
4249          8.5 x 11 #20 colored bond or recycled white, or 8.5 x 14 #20 white bond: 1 to 25 copies    .04
4250          8.5 x 11 #20 colored bond or recycled white, or 8.5 x 14 #20 white bond: 26 to 99 copies    .034

4251          8.5 x 11 #20 colored bond or recycled white, or 8.5 x 14 #20 white bond: 100 plus copies    .03
4252          8.5 x 14 #20 colored bond or 8.5 x 11 #60 white offset or 8.5 x 11 #60 brites: 1 to 25 copies    .05
4253          8.5 x 14 #20 colored bond or 8.5 x 11 #60 white offset or 8.5 x 11 #60 brites: 26 to 99 copies    .044
4254          8.5 x 14 #20 colored bond or 8.5 x 11 #60 white offset or 8.5 x 11 #60 brites: 100 plus copies    .04
4255          8.5 x 11 #20 white Mylar 3HD or 8.5 x 11 #24 writing bond or 8.5 x 11 #67 vellum bristol or 8.5 x 11     .07
4256          #90 index or 8.5 x 11 #65 brite cover: 1 to 25 copies
4257          8.5 x 11 #20 white Mylar 3HD or 8.5 x 11 #24 writing bond or 8.5 x 11 #67 vellum bristol or 8.5 x 11     .064
4258          #90 index or 8.5 x 11 #65 brite cover: 26 to 99 copies
4259          8.5 x 11 #20 white Mylar 3HD or 8.5 x 11 #24 writing bond or 8.5 x 11 #67 vellum bristol or 8.5 x 11     .06
4260          #90 index or 8.5 x 11 #65 brite cover: 100 plus copies
4261          Full Color Copying, 8.5 x 11: 1 to 25 copies (each)    .85
4262          Full Color Copying, 8.5 x 11: 26 to 100 copies (each)    .65
4263          Full Color Copying, 8.5 x 11: 101 plus copies (each)    .50
4264          Full Color Copying, 11x17: 1 to 25 copies (each)    1.70
4265          Full Color Copying, 11x17: 26 to 100 copies (each)    1.25
4266          Full Color Copying, 11x17: 101 plus copies (each)    .95
4267          Full Color Copying,Transparencies (each)    1.30
4268          8.5 x 11 black transparencies (each)    1.10
4269          8.5 x 11 clear covers (each)    .50
4270          8.5 x 11 crack and peel (each)    .28
4271          Printed tabs (each)    .20
4272          Blank tabs (each)    .15
4273          Booklet maker Setup charge    10.00
4274          Booklet maker 1 to 500 pages (each)    .10
4275          Booklet maker 501 to 1000 pages (each)    .08
4276          Booklet maker 1001 plus pages (each)    .06
4277          Spinal Coil/Vello/Cerlox Binds, 1 to 100 documents: 1 to 100 pages (each)    1.50
4278          Spinal Coil/Vello/Cerlox Binds, 1 to 100 documents: 101 to 200 pages (each)    1.75
4279          Spinal Coil/Vello/Cerlox Binds, 1 to 100 documents: 201 plus pages (each)    2.00
4280          Spinal Coil/Vello/Cerlox Binds, 101 to 500 documents: 1 to 100 pages (each)    1.00
4281          Spinal Coil/Vello/Cerlox Binds, 101 to 500 documents: 101 to 200 pages (each)    1.25
4282          Spinal Coil/Vello/Cerlox Binds, 101 to 500 documents: 201 to plus pages (each)    1.50
4283          Spinal Coil/Vello/Cerlox Binds, 501 plus documents: 1 to 100 pages (each)    .70
4284          Spinal Coil/Vello/Cerlox Binds, 501 plus documents: 101 to 200 pages (each)    .85
4285          Spinal Coil/Vello/Cerlox Binds, 501 plus documents: 201 to plus pages (each)    1.00
4286          Xerox Tape 20 to 125 pages only (each)    .50
4287          Off-line Stapling: 2 to 49 pages (per staple)    .02

4288          Off-line Stapling: Heavy Duty (per staple)    .05
4289          Off-line Stapling: folding collating drilling padding and cutting (per hour)    30.00
4290          UDOT Print Shop: Prepress Negatives - billed at cost
4291          Plates: 360 (each)    5.00
4292          Plates: GTO (each)    6.00
4293          Plates: Stripping (per 8.5x11 flat)    5.00
4294          Press Actual Time (per hour)    50.00
4295          Press Production Standards: 1 to 10000 impressions - 4000 per hour
4296          Press Production Standards: 10000 + impressions - 4500 per hour
4297          Press Production Standards: Plate make ready - 20 minutes each
4298          Press Production Standards: Press wash up - 20 minutes each
4299          Bindery: Actual Time (per hour)    40.00
4300          Bindery Production Standards: Collating - 600 sets per hour
4301          Bindery Production Standards: Shrink wrapping - 100 packages/hour
4302          Stapling drilling folding cutting padding (billed at actual time)
4303          Paper - cost plus 25%
4304          Outsourcing - billed at cost
4305          Self Service cost per copy is computed using the following formula: (Depreciation + maintenance +
4306           supplies)/impressions + .002
4307          Self Service cost per copy multiplied by impressions results in amount billed.
4309           In accordance with Section 63-38-3.5(3)(b) the following fees are approved for the services of the Division of
4310          Information Technology Services for FY 2002.
4311           ISF - ITS Administration and Finance
4312          ITS Consultation and Labor Charge (per hour)    50.00
4313          Web Application Development (per hour)    75.00
4314          Phone Tech Labor - Cable rate (per hour)    28.00
4315          AGRC Staff Labor (per hour)    60.00
4316          AGRC Intern labor (per hour)    30.00
4317          Wide Area Network Access Charge: State Agencies (per device)    31.00
4318          Wide Area Network Access Charge: State-contracted or Mandated Services (per device)    31.00
4319          Internet Access to WAN (per user)    10.00
4320          Dial-up Access to WAN (per user)    31.00
4321          Communities Local Governments and Nonprofits Equipment Installation - ITS cost + $50 per hour
4322          labor
4323          Monthly Access - negotiable
4324          DSU Rental (per DSU)    45.00

4325          Controller Connect Fee (ORC/PRC) (per device)    22.00
4326          LAN Installation and Administration - negotiable
4327          LAN - Workstation PC or Printer (ORC/PRC) (per device)    65.00
4328          High Speed FEP Port (per FEP)    800.00
4329          Protocol Converter (PCI) (per PCI)    35.00
4330          Fiber Connection    300.00
4331          Telecommunication Charges
4332          AT&T 800 Service + $0.12 per minute    30.00
4333          800 Number Calls from Pay Phones - ITS cost
4334          Voice Monthly Service (per dial tone)    27.00
4335          Residential line for telecommuting - ITS cost + 10%
4336          ISDN Monthly Service    120.00
4337          Voice Mail (per mail box)    7.00
4338          Voice Mail Additional 20 min. (per mail box)    7.00
4339          Auto-Attendant 2-port System (per port)    77.00
4340          Auto-Attendant 4-port System (per port)    60.00
4341          Auto-Attendant 6-port System (per port)    44.00
4342          Call Management System - variable
4343          Station Equipment - variable
4344          Refund for Used Station Equipment - 25% of used price
4345          International and Credit Card Long Distance - ITS cost + 10%
4346          Long Distance Service (per unit per month plus $0.06 per minute)    1.00
4347          Local Carrier Long-Distance Service - ITS cost + 10%
4348          Video Conferencing (per hour)    30.00
4349          Mainframe Laser Printer Output-Simplex Page (per page)    .025
4350          Mainframe Laser Printer Output-Duplex Page (per page)    .02
4351          Mainframe Line Printer Output (per 1000 Lines)    1.50
4352          Spool Occupancy Rate (see disk storage)
4353          Security/ID Badges (per badge)    8.00
4354          Setup Fee (One-time per group)    10.00
4355          Badge Holders - ITS cost
4356          CPU Prime Time (8am to 5pm Mon-Fri) (per hour)    650.00
4357          CPU Non-Prime Time 2 (Weekends 5 to 8am M-F) (per hour)    325.00
4358          ADABAS Command Cnts (per 1000)    .12
4359          Beginning and ending execution times must be during non-prime time to receive this rate.
4360          ADABAS I/O (per 1000)    .20
4361          Tape I/O (per 1000 tape excp)    .60

4362          Disk I/O (per 1000 disk excp)    .20
4363          Disk Storage - DASD (per MB)    .70
4364          Round Tape Storage (per tape)    2.50
4365          Square Tape Storage (per tape)    1.00
4366          Migrated Data (per MB)    .02
4367          Tape Mounts (per mount)    .30
4368          AGR Terminal/Digitizer (per hour)    30.00
4369          AGR Materials: Regular Plots (per foot)    6.00
4370          AGR Materials: Mylar Plots (per foot)    8.00
4371          AGR Remote Port Access (per month)    50.00
4372          Training Room Rental (per day)    100.00
4373          AGR GIS Training (per person per day)    120.00
4374          Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Conversion (per sq. foot)    .025
4375          Plot Copies: 8 22 X 11 thru 11 X 17 (each)    3.00
4376          Plot Copies: 17 X 22 (each)    4.00
4377          Plot Copies: 22 X 34 (each)    5.00
4378          3Plot Copies: 4 X 44 (each)    7.00
4379          Check stock - ITS cost
4380          Mobile Radio/Microwave Equipment Space Rental: 19" X 7'0" Rack or Base Station - Mountain     100.00
4381          Top/Downtown(2.3 sq. ft.) includes (1 Antenna Coax and Power) (per month)
4382          Mobile Radio/Microwave Equipment Space Rental: 19" X 7'0" Rack or Base Station - Control     50.00
4383          Station-Mountain Top (Wall Mt) includes (1 Antenna Coax and Power) (per month)
4384          Mobile Radio/Microwave Equipment Space Rental: 19" X 7'0" Rack or Base Station - Control     25.00
4385          Station-Downtown (Wall Mt) includes (1 Antenna Coax and Power) (per month)
4386          Antenna Arrays - negotiable
4387          Microwave Antennas: 6 Foot (per month)    25.00
4388          Microwave Antennas: 8 Foot (per month)    45.00
4389          Microwave Antennas: 10 Foot (per month)    65.00
4390          Microwave Antennas: 12 Foot (per month)    85.00
4391          Mobile Radio Equipment: 45 Watt Lease (per month)    8.50
4392          Mobile Radio Equipment: 45 Watt Maintenance (per month)    6.50
4393          Mobile Radio Equipment: 110 Watt Lease (per month)    23.50
4394          Mobile Radio Equipment: 110 Watt Maintenance (per month)    7.50
4395          Mobile Radio Equipment: Portable Lease (per month)    13.33
4396          Mobile Radio Equipment: Portable Maintenance (per month)    7.00
4397          Mobile Radio Equipment: 800 MHZ Lease (per month)    10.00
4398          Mobile Radio Equipment: 800 MHZ Maintenance - time and materials

4399          Mobile Radio Equipment: Parts - vendor book price
4400          Mobile Radio Programming: 16 Channel - T&R (per radio)    30.00
4401          Mobile Radio Programming: 16 Channel - T&R/Alpha Numeric (per radio)    60.00
4402          Mobile Radio Programming: 1-128 Channel - T&R (per radio)    60.00
4403          Mobile Radio Programming: 1-128 Channel - T&R/Alpha Numeric (per radio)    60.00
4404          Program Clones: Base Stations/Repeater Maintenance (per clone)    10.00
4405          Program Clones: Repeater/Duplexer (per month)    37.00
4406          Program Clones: Base Station (per month)    37.00
4407          Program Clones: Control (per month)    18.00
4408          Install Labor Rate (per hour)    40.00
4409          All Radio Shop Installs - time and materials
4410          Consoles (per channel)    17.30
4411          Consoles Maintenance (per channel)    8.00
4412          Consoles Other Than Centracomm II - time and materials
4413          State Repeater/Base Station System Utilization (per unit)    3.97
4414          Microwave Maintenance (per hour)    60.00
4415          Microwave local loop 4-wire line (2 required) - ITS Cost + 10%
4416          Microwave local loop 2-wire line (2 required) - ITS Cost + 10%
4417          Microwave T1 (20 mile minimum) (per mile)    9.00
4418          Microwave T1 Drops - ITS Cost + 10%
4419          Microwave T1 Installation    1,000.00
4420          Microwave Circuit Provisioning Charge (per circuit)    240.00
4421          Channel Cards (2 required): Digital 9.6K (per month)    31.30
4422          Channel Cards (2 required): Digital 9.6K Install    152.00
4423          Channel Cards (2 required): Digital 56K (per month)    51.00
4424          Channel Cards (2 required): Digital 56K Install    152.00
4425          Channel Cards (2 required): Digital bridge (per month)    11.25
4426          Channel Cards (2 required): Digital bridge Install    9.00
4427          Channel Cards (2 required): 3000 Series (4ETO) (per month)    17.30
4428          Channel Cards (2 required): 3000 Series (4ETO) Install    140.00
4429          Channel Cards (2 required): 3000 bridge (4-wire) (per month)    7.60
4430          Channel Cards (2 required): 3000 bridge (4-wire) Install    18.00
4431          Interoffice Mileage: 0-8 miles + $0.72 per mile    39.25
4432          Interoffice Mileage: 9-25 miles + $0.70 per mile    40.00
4433          Interoffice Mileage: 26-50 miles + $0.60 per mile    42.50
4434          Interoffice Mileage: 51+ miles + $0.56 per mile    47.00
4435          Interoffice Mileage: Installation    55.00

4437           In accordance with Section 63-38-3.5(3)(b) the following fees are approved for the services of the Division of Fleet
4438          Operations for FY 2002.
4439           ISF - Motor Pool
4440          Truck single axle C & C 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .25
4441          Truck single axle C & C 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    185.87
4442          Truck single axle C & C 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    9.29
4443          Truck single axle C & C 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.16
4444          Truck tandem axle SRE: Per mile variable rate    .25
4445          Truck tandem axle SRE: Monthly fixed rate    400.03
4446          Truck tandem axle SRE: Truck tandem axle SRE: Daily fixed rate    20.00
4447          Truck tandem axle SRE: Truck tandem axle SRE: Hourly fixed rate    2.50
4448          Truck tandem axle 2T C & C: Per mile variable rate    .25
4449          Truck tandem axle 2T C & C: Monthly fixed rate    219.21
4450          Truck tandem axle 2T C & C: Daily fixed rate    10.96
4451          Truck tandem axle 2T C & C: Hourly fixed rate    1.37
4452          Truck tandem axle Spec UDOT 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4453          Truck tandem axle Spec UDOT 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    390.00
4454          Truck tandem axle Spec UDOT 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    19.50
4455          Truck tandem axle Spec UDOT 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.44
4456          Truck tandem axle Spec UDOT 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4457          Truck tandem axle Spec UDOT 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    434.81
4458          Truck tandem axle Spec UDOT 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    21.74
4459          Truck tandem axle Spec UDOT 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.72
4460          Truck tandem axle C & C capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4461          Truck tandem axle C & C capital: Monthly fixed rate    298.18
4462          Truck tandem axle C & C capital: Daily fixed rate    14.91
4463          Truck tandem axle C & C capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.86
4464          Truck semi capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4465          Truck semi capital: Monthly fixed rate    416.30
4466          Truck semi capital: Daily fixed rate    20.82
4467          Truck semi capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.60
4468          Truck 1.5 T C & C capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4469          Truck 1.5 T C & C capital: Monthly fixed rate    373.34
4470          Truck 1.5 T C & C capital: Daily fixed rate    18.67
4471          Truck 1.5 T C & C capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.33
4472          Truck cab-over special: Per mile variable rate    .25

4473          Truck cab-over special: Monthly fixed rate    300.30
4474          Truck cab-over special: Daily fixed rate    15.02
4475          Truck cab-over special: Hourly fixed rate    1.88
4476          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Per mile variable rate    .11
4477          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Monthly fixed rate    56.92
4478          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Daily fixed rate    2.85
4479          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Hourly fixed rate    .36
4480          Truck tandem special 14-ft box: Per mile variable rate    .17
4481          Truck tandem special 14-ft box: Monthly fixed rate    207.99
4482          Truck tandem special 14-ft box: Daily fixed rate    10.40
4483          Truck tandem special 14-ft box: Hourly fixed rate    1.30
4484          Truck tandem SWAT van: Per mile variable rate    .89
4485          Truck tandem SWAT van: Monthly fixed rate    2,145.00
4486          Truck tandem SWAT van: Daily fixed rate    107.25
4487          Truck tandem SWAT van: Hourly fixed rate    13.41
4488          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ box: Per mile variable rate    .25
4489          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ box: Monthly fixed rate    227.20
4490          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ box: Daily fixed rate    11.36
4491          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ box: Hourly fixed rate    1.42
4492          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Per mile variable rate    .25
4493          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Monthly fixed rate    306.56
4494          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Daily fixed rate    15.33
4495          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Hourly fixed rate    1.92
4496          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Per mile variable rate    .25
4497          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Monthly fixed rate    241.05
4498          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Daily fixed rate    12.05
4499          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Hourly fixed rate    1.51
4500          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Per mile variable rate    .25
4501          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Monthly fixed rate    265.54
4502          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Daily fixed rate    13.28
4503          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ 16-ft box: Hourly fixed rate    1.66
4504          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Per mile variable rate    .12
4505          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Monthly fixed rate    468.59
4506          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Daily fixed rate    23.43
4507          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Hourly fixed rate    2.93
4508          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Per mile variable rate    .12
4509          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Monthly fixed rate    433.24

4510          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Daily fixed rate    21.66
4511          Truck tandem axle w/ box special: Hourly fixed rate    2.71
4512          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ box: Per mile variable rate    .25
4513          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ box: Monthly fixed rate    281.08
4514          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ box: Daily fixed rate    14.05
4515          Truck Intrntl C & C w/ box: Hourly fixed rate    1.76
4516          Truck 1 T dual wheel C & C capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4517          Truck 1 T dual wheel C & C capital: Monthly fixed rate    294.90
4518          Truck 1 T dual wheel C & C capital: Daily fixed rate    14.75
4519          Truck 1 T dual wheel C & C capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.84
4520          Truck 1 T dual wheel C & C special: Per mile variable rate    .20
4521          Truck 1 T dual wheel C & C special: Monthly fixed rate    487.78
4522          Truck 1 T dual wheel C & C special: Daily fixed rate    24.39
4523          Truck 1 T dual wheel C & C special: Hourly fixed rate    3.05
4524          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .14
4525          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    338.03
4526          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    16.90
4527          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    2.11
4528          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .14
4529          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    197.47
4530          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    9.87
4531          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.23
4532          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4533          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Monthly fixed rate    338.03
4534          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Daily fixed rate    16.90
4535          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.11
4536          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4537          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    197.47
4538          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    9.87
4539          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.23
4540          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4541          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    162.00
4542          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    8.10
4543          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.01
4544          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .14
4545          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    342.85
4546          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    17.14

4547          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    2.14
4548          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .14
4549          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    404.31
4550          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    20.22
4551          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    2.53
4552          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .17
4553          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    324.43
4554          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    16.22
4555          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    2.03
4556          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .17
4557          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    190.68
4558          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    9.53
4559          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.19
4560          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4561          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    172.00
4562          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    8.60
4563          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.08
4564          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .17
4565          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    329.36
4566          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    16.47
4567          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    2.06
4568          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .17
4569          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    371.74
4570          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    18.59
4571          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    2.32
4572          Truck 1 T ext cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4573          Truck 1 T ext cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    285.00
4574          Truck 1 T ext cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    14.25
4575          Truck 1 T ext cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.78
4576          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4577          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C capital: Monthly fixed rate    248.59
4578          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C capital: Daily fixed rate    12.43
4579          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.55
4580          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C: Per mile variable rate    .17
4581          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C: Monthly fixed rate    280.43
4582          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C: Daily fixed rate    14.02
4583          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C: Hourly fixed rate    1.75

4584          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4585          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C capital: Monthly fixed rate    280.43
4586          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C capital: Daily fixed rate    14.02
4587          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.75
4588          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4589          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    172.00
4590          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C capital USU: Daily fixed rate    8.60
4591          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.08
4592          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C dsl (Fuel Network): Per mile variable rate    .17
4593          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C dsl (Fuel Network): Monthly fixed rate    525.00
4594          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C dsl (Fuel Network): Daily fixed rate    26.25
4595          Truck 1 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C dsl (Fuel Network): Hourly fixed rate    3.28
4596          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .18
4597          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    391.53
4598          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    19.58
4599          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    2.45
4600          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .18
4601          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    224.23
4602          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    11.21
4603          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.40
4604          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4605          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2 capital: Monthly fixed rate    391.53
4606          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2 capital: Daily fixed rate    19.58
4607          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 2 capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.45
4608          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .18
4609          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    294.53
4610          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    14.73
4611          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    1.84
4612          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4613          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4 capital: Monthly fixed rate    294.53
4614          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4 capital: Daily fixed rate    14.73
4615          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4 capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.84
4616          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .18
4617          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    365.30
4618          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    18.27
4619          Truck 1 T crew cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    2.28
4620          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .14

4621          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    251.65
4622          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    12.58
4623          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    1.57
4624          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .14
4625          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    154.28
4626          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    7.71
4627          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    .96
4628          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4629          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    154.28
4630          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    7.71
4631          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    .96
4632          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4633          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    145.00
4634          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    7.25
4635          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    .91
4636          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .16
4637          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    268.66
4638          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    13.43
4639          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    1.68
4640          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .16
4641          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    162.79
4642          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    8.14
4643          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.02
4644          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4645          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Monthly fixed rate    268.66
4646          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Daily fixed rate    13.43
4647          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.68
4648          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4649          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    157.00
4650          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    7.85
4651          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    .98
4652          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4653          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    165.00
4654          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    8.25
4655          Truck 2 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.03
4656          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .14
4657          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    296.09

4658          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    14.80
4659          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    1.85
4660          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4661          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    164.00
4662          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    8.20
4663          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.03
4664          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .16
4665          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    341.98
4666          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    17.10
4667          Truck 2 T ext cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    2.14
4668          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .14
4669          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    273.77
4670          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    13.69
4671          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    1.71
4672          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr: Per mile variable rate    .14
4673          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr: Monthly fixed rate    165.35
4674          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr: Daily fixed rate    8.27
4675          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr: Hourly fixed rate    1.03
4676          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4677          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Monthly fixed rate    273.77
4678          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Daily fixed rate    13.69
4679          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.71
4680          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4681          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    174.00
4682          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    8.70
4683          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.09
4684          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .14
4685          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    319.10
4686          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    15.96
4687          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    1.99
4688          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .17
4689          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    338.28
4690          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    16.91
4691          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    2.11
4692          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .17
4693          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    197.60
4694          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    9.88

4695          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.24
4696          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4697          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Monthly fixed rate    338.28
4698          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Daily fixed rate    16.91
4699          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.11
4700          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4701          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    165.00
4702          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    8.25
4703          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.03
4704          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 police equipped: Per mile variable rate    .17
4705          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 police equipped: Monthly fixed rate    402.94
4706          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 police equipped: Daily fixed rate    20.15
4707          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 police equipped: Hourly fixed rate    2.52
4708          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .14
4709          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    257.59
4710          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    12.88
4711          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    1.61
4712          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .14
4713          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    157.25
4714          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    7.86
4715          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    .98
4716          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4717          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2 capital: Monthly fixed rate    257.59
4718          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2 capital: Daily fixed rate    12.88
4719          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 2 capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.61
4720          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .17
4721          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    329.52
4722          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    16.48
4723          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    2.06
4724          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4725          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 capital: Monthly fixed rate    329.52
4726          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 capital: Daily fixed rate    16.48
4727          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.06
4728          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4729          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    167.00
4730          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    8.35
4731          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.04

4732          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 police equipped: Per mile variable rate    .17
4733          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 police equipped: Monthly fixed rate    478.52
4734          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 police equipped: Daily fixed rate    23.93
4735          Truck 3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 police equipped: Hourly fixed rate    2.99
4736          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C: Per mile variable rate    .14
4737          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C: Monthly fixed rate    279.77
4738          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C: Daily fixed rate    13.99
4739          Truck 3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C: Hourly fixed rate    1.75
4740          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .14
4741          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    168.34
4742          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    8.42
4743          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.05
4744          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C w/ 600 gal tank: Per mile variable rate    .35
4745          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C w/ 600 gal tank: Monthly fixed rate    193.11
4746          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C w/ 600 gal tank: Daily fixed rate    9.66
4747          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 2 C & C w/ 600 gal tank: Hourly fixed rate    1.21
4748          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C: Per mile variable rate    .17
4749          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C: Monthly fixed rate    461.09
4750          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C: Daily fixed rate    23.05
4751          Truck3/4 T reg cab 4 X 4 C & C: Hourly fixed rate    2.88
4752          Truck3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 C & C capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4753          Truck3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 C & C capital: Monthly fixed rate    299.00
4754          Truck3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 C & C capital: Daily fixed rate    14.95
4755          Truck3/4 T ext cab 4 X 4 C & C capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.87
4756          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .12
4757          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    266.65
4758          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    13.33
4759          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    1.67
4760          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .12
4761          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    161.79
4762          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    8.09
4763          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.01
4764          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4765          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Monthly fixed rate    266.65
4766          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Daily fixed rate    13.33
4767          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.67
4768          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00

4769          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    161.79
4770          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    8.09
4771          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.01
4772          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4773          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    128.00
4774          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    6.40
4775          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    .80
4776          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .16
4777          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    289.26
4778          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    14.46
4779          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    1.81
4780          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .16
4781          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    173.09
4782          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    8.65
4783          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.08
4784          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4785          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Monthly fixed rate    289.26
4786          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Daily fixed rate    14.46
4787          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4 capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.81
4788          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .16
4789          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    315.95
4790          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    15.80
4791          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    1.97
4792          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .16
4793          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    378.43
4794          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    18.92
4795          Truck compact reg cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    2.37
4796          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .12
4797          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    220.73
4798          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    11.04
4799          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    1.38
4800          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4801          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    148.53
4802          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    7.43
4803          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    .93
4804          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4805          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    128.00

4806          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    6.40
4807          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 2 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    .80
4808          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .16
4809          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    237.50
4810          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    11.88
4811          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    1.48
4812          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 4 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4813          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 4 capital: Monthly fixed rate    237.50
4814          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 4 capital: Daily fixed rate    11.88
4815          Truck compact ext cab 4 X 4 capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.48
4816          Snowblower Stew/Stevenson 25-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4817          Snowblower Stew/Stevenson 25-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    808.56
4818          Snowblower Stew/Stevenson 25-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    40.43
4819          Snowblower Stew/Stevenson 25-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    5.05
4820          Grader standard 20-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4821          Grader standard 20-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    515.11
4822          Grader standard 20-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    25.76
4823          Grader standard 20-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    3.22
4824          Sedan Mid-size: Per mile variable rate    .09
4825          Sedan Mid-size: Monthly fixed rate    209.00
4826          Sedan Mid-size: Daily fixed rate    10.45
4827          Sedan Mid-size: Hourly fixed rate    1.31
4828          Sedan Mid-size 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .10
4829          Sedan Mid-size 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    184.67
4830          Sedan Mid-size 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    9.23
4831          Sedan Mid-size 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.15
4832          Sedan Mid-size capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4833          Sedan Mid-size capital: Monthly fixed rate    312.42
4834          Sedan Mid-size capital: Daily fixed rate    15.62
4835          Sedan Mid-size capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.95
4836          Sedan Mid-size do not replace: Per mile variable rate    .09
4837          Sedan Mid-size do not replace: Monthly fixed rate    56.92
4838          Sedan Mid-size do not replace: Daily fixed rate    2.85
4839          Sedan Mid-size do not replace: Hourly fixed rate    .36
4840          Sedan Mid-size special: Per mile variable rate    .09
4841          Sedan Mid-size special: Monthly fixed rate    212.12
4842          Sedan Mid-size special: Daily fixed rate    10.61

4843          Sedan Mid-size special: Hourly fixed rate    1.33
4844          Sedan Wagon: Per mile variable rate    .09
4845          Sedan Wagon: Monthly fixed rate    286.08
4846          Sedan Wagon: Daily fixed rate    14.30
4847          Sedan Wagon: Hourly fixed rate    1.79
4848          Sedan Compact: Per mile variable rate    .09
4849          Sedan Compact: Monthly fixed rate    191.00
4850          Sedan Compact: Daily fixed rate    9.55
4851          Sedan Compact: Hourly fixed rate    1.19
4852          Sedan Compact 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .07
4853          Sedan Compact 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    143.35
4854          Sedan Compact 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    7.17
4855          Sedan Compact 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    .90
4856          Sedan Compact capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4857          Sedan Compact capital: Monthly fixed rate    225.00
4858          Sedan Compact capital: Daily fixed rate    11.25
4859          Sedan Compact capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.41
4860          Sedan Compact 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4861          Sedan Compact 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    143.35
4862          Sedan Compact 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    7.17
4863          Sedan Compact 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    .90
4864          Sedan Mid-size police pkg: Per mile variable rate    .09
4865          Sedan Mid-size police pkg: Monthly fixed rate    325.00
4866          Sedan Mid-size police pkg: Daily fixed rate    16.25
4867          Sedan Mid-size police pkg: Hourly fixed rate    2.03
4868          Sedan Mid-size police pkg capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4869          Sedan Mid-size police pkg capital: Monthly fixed rate    325.00
4870          Sedan Mid-size police pkg capital: Daily fixed rate    16.25
4871          Sedan Mid-size police pkg capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.03
4872          Sedan Compact 6-cylinder: Per mile variable rate    .08
4873          Sedan Compact 6-cylinder: Monthly fixed rate    271.35
4874          Sedan Compact 6-cylinder: Daily fixed rate    13.57
4875          Sedan Compact 6-cylinder: Hourly fixed rate    1.70
4876          Sedan Compact 6-cylinder 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .09
4877          Sedan Compact 6-cylinder 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    164.14
4878          Sedan Compact 6-cylinder 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    8.21
4879          Sedan Compact 6-cylinder 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.03

4880          Sedan Full-size: Per mile variable rate    .12
4881          Sedan Full-size: Monthly fixed rate    350.00
4882          Sedan Full-size: Daily fixed rate    17.50
4883          Sedan Full-size: Hourly fixed rate    2.19
4884          Sedan Full-size 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .12
4885          Sedan Full-size 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    177.86
4886          Sedan Full-size 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    8.89
4887          Sedan Full-size 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.11
4888          Sedan Full-size do not replace: Per mile variable rate    .09
4889          Sedan Full-size do not replace: Monthly fixed rate    56.92
4890          Sedan Full-size do not replace: Daily fixed rate    2.85
4891          Sedan Full-size do not replace: Hourly fixed rate    .36
4892          Sedan Full-size police pkg: Per mile variable rate    .12
4893          Sedan Full-size police pkg: Monthly fixed rate    449.67
4894          Sedan Full-size police pkg: Daily fixed rate    22.48
4895          Sedan Full-size police pkg: Hourly fixed rate    2.81
4896          Sedan Full-size Executive: Per mile variable rate    .10
4897          Sedan Full-size Executive: Monthly fixed rate    400.70
4898          Sedan Full-size Executive: Daily fixed rate    20.04
4899          Sedan Full-size Executive: Hourly fixed rate    2.50
4900          Sedan Full-size Executive capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4901          Sedan Full-size Executive capital: Monthly fixed rate    400.70
4902          Sedan Full-size Executive capital: Daily fixed rate    20.04
4903          Sedan Full-size Executive capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.50
4904          Captain: Per mile variable rate    .12
4905          Captain: Monthly fixed rate    412.47
4906          Captain: Daily fixed rate    20.62
4907          Captain: Hourly fixed rate    2.58
4908          Sergeants (non-technology): Per mile variable rate    .12
4909          Sergeants (non-technology): Monthly fixed rate    431.18
4910          Sergeants (non-technology): Daily fixed rate    21.56
4911          Sergeants (non-technology): Hourly fixed rate    2.69
4912          Sergeants (Technology): Per mile variable rate    .12
4913          Sergeants (Technology): Monthly fixed rate    440.05
4914          Sergeants (Technology): Daily fixed rate    22.00
4915          Sergeants (Technology): Hourly fixed rate    2.75
4916          Trooper A (Technology): Per mile variable rate    .12

4917          Trooper A (Technology): Monthly fixed rate    449.67
4918          Trooper A (Technology): Daily fixed rate    22.48
4919          Trooper A (Technology): Hourly fixed rate    2.81
4920          Trooper A (Non-Technology): Per mile variable rate    .12
4921          Trooper A (Non-Technology): Monthly fixed rate    441.63
4922          Trooper A (Non-Technology): Daily fixed rate    22.08
4923          Trooper A (Non-Technology): Hourly fixed rate    2.78
4924          Trooper B (Non-technology): Per mile variable rate    .12
4925          Trooper B (Non-technology): Monthly fixed rate    435.34
4926          Trooper B (Non-technology): Daily fixed rate    21.77
4927          Trooper B (Non-technology): Hourly fixed rate    2.72
4928          Loader Fe over 3 yds 12-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4929          Loader Fe over 3 yds 12-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    659.93
4930          Loader Fe over 3 yds 12-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    33.00
4931          Loader Fe over 3 yds 12-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    4.12
4932          Loader Fe over 3 yds 12-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4933          Loader Fe over 3 yds 12-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    703.30
4934          Loader Fe over 3 yds 12-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    35.17
4935          Loader Fe over 3 yds 12-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    4.40
4936          Trailer lab specially equipped: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4937          Trailer lab specially equipped: Monthly fixed rate    173.83
4938          Trailer lab specially equipped: Daily fixed rate    8.69
4939          Trailer lab specially equipped: Hourly fixed rate    1.09
4940          Striper Volvo 12-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4941          Striper Volvo 12-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    1,353.87
4942          Striper Volvo 12-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    67.69
4943          Striper Volvo 12-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    8.46
4944          Striper Volvo 12-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4945          Striper Volvo 12-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    1,369.89
4946          Striper Volvo 12-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    68.49
4947          Striper Volvo 12-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    8.56
4948          Utility compact 4 X 2: Per mile variable rate    .09
4949          Utility compact 4 X 2: Monthly fixed rate    285.47
4950          Utility compact 4 X 2: Daily fixed rate    14.27
4951          Utility compact 4 X 2: Hourly fixed rate    1.78
4952          Utility compact 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .10
4953          Utility compact 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    350.00

4954          Utility compact 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    17.50
4955          Utility compact 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    2.19
4956          Utility compact 4 X 4 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .10
4957          Utility compact 4 X 4 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    187.80
4958          Utility compact 4 X 4 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    9.39
4959          Utility compact 4 X 4 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.17
4960          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4961          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital: Monthly fixed rate    350.00
4962          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital: Daily fixed rate    17.50
4963          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.19
4964          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4965          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    245.00
4966          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital USU: Daily fixed rate    12.25
4967          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.53
4968          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4969          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    245.00
4970          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital USU: Daily fixed rate    12.25
4971          Utility compact 4 X 4 capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    1.53
4972          Utility Full-size 4 X 4: Per mile variable rate    .12
4973          Utility Full-size 4 X 4: Monthly fixed rate    400.00
4974          Utility Full-size 4 X 4: Daily fixed rate    20.00
4975          Utility Full-size 4 X 4: Hourly fixed rate    2.50
4976          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .12
4977          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    178.03
4978          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    8.90
4979          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.11
4980          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
4981          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    445.00
4982          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 capital USU: Daily fixed rate    22.25
4983          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    2.78
4984          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special: Per mile variable rate    .12
4985          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special: Monthly fixed rate    447.55
4986          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special: Daily fixed rate    22.38
4987          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special: Hourly fixed rate    2.80
4988          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special 3 seats: Per mile variable rate    .12
4989          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special 3 seats: Monthly fixed rate    530.00
4990          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special 3 seats: Daily fixed rate    26.50

4991          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special 3 seats: Hourly fixed rate    3.31
4992          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special DEQ/DWQ: Per mile variable rate    .12
4993          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special DEQ/DWQ: Monthly fixed rate    460.00
4994          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special DEQ/DWQ: Daily fixed rate    23.00
4995          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special DEQ/DWQ: Hourly fixed rate    2.88
4996          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special DHS/SJCC: Per mile variable rate    .12
4997          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special DHS/SJCC: Monthly fixed rate    525.00
4998          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special DHS/SJCC: Daily fixed rate    26.25
4999          Utility Full-size 4 X 4 special DHS/SJCC: Hourly fixed rate    3.28
5000          Utility compact 4 X 4 executive: Per mile variable rate    .10
5001          Utility compact 4 X 4 executive: Monthly fixed rate    403.59
5002          Utility compact 4 X 4 executive: Daily fixed rate    20.18
5003          Utility compact 4 X 4 executive: Hourly fixed rate    2.52
5004          Van mini passenger fwd: Per mile variable rate    .11
5005          Van mini passenger fwd: Monthly fixed rate    361.45
5006          Van mini passenger fwd: Daily fixed rate    18.07
5007          Van mini passenger fwd: Hourly fixed rate    2.26
5008          Van mini passenger fwd 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .11
5009          Van mini passenger fwd 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    209.19
5010          Van mini passenger fwd 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    10.46
5011          Van mini passenger fwd 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.31
5012          Van mini passenger fwd capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5013          Van mini passenger fwd capital: Monthly fixed rate    361.45
5014          Van mini passenger fwd capital: Daily fixed rate    18.07
5015          Van mini passenger fwd capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.26
5016          Van mini passenger fwd 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5017          Van mini passenger fwd 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    209.19
5018          Van mini passenger fwd 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    10.46
5019          Van mini passenger fwd 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.31
5020          Van mini passenger fwd: Per mile variable rate    .11
5021          Van mini passenger fwd: Monthly fixed rate    437.96
5022          Van mini passenger fwd: Daily fixed rate    21.90
5023          Van mini passenger fwd: Hourly fixed rate    2.74
5024          Van mini passenger fwd ADA: Per mile variable rate    .11
5025          Van mini passenger fwd ADA: Monthly fixed rate    436.32
5026          Van mini passenger fwd ADA: Daily fixed rate    21.82
5027          Van mini passenger fwd ADA: Hourly fixed rate    2.73

5028          Van mini passenger rwd: Per mile variable rate    .11
5029          Van mini passenger rwd: Monthly fixed rate    249.22
5030          Van mini passenger rwd: Daily fixed rate    12.46
5031          Van mini passenger rwd: Hourly fixed rate    1.56
5032          Van mini passenger rwd 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .11
5033          Van mini passenger rwd 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    153.07
5034          Van mini passenger rwd 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    7.65
5035          Van mini passenger rwd 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    .96
5036          Van mini passenger rwd capital: Per mile variable rate    .11
5037          Van mini passenger rwd capital: Monthly fixed rate    249.22
5038          Van mini passenger rwd capital: Daily fixed rate    12.46
5039          Van mini passenger rwd capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.56
5040          Van mini passenger awd: Per mile variable rate    .12
5041          Van mini passenger awd: Monthly fixed rate    361.45
5042          Van mini passenger awd: Daily fixed rate    18.07
5043          Van mini passenger awd: Hourly fixed rate    2.26
5044          Van mini cargo fwd: Per mile variable rate    .15
5045          Van mini cargo fwd: Monthly fixed rate    233.00
5046          Van mini cargo fwd: Daily fixed rate    11.65
5047          Van mini cargo fwd: Hourly fixed rate    1.46
5048          Van mini cargo fwd 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5049          Van mini cargo fwd 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    144.96
5050          Van mini cargo fwd 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    7.25
5051          Van mini cargo fwd 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    .91
5052          Van mini cargo fwd ADA/IMS: Per mile variable rate    .11
5053          Van mini cargo fwd ADA/IMS: Monthly fixed rate    56.92
5054          Van mini cargo fwd ADA/IMS: Daily fixed rate    2.85
5055          Van mini cargo fwd ADA/IMS: Hourly fixed rate    .36
5056          Van mini cargo rwd: Per mile variable rate    .15
5057          Van mini cargo rwd: Monthly fixed rate    190.00
5058          Van mini cargo rwd: Daily fixed rate    9.50
5059          Van mini cargo rwd: Hourly fixed rate    1.19
5060          Van mini cargo rwd capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5061          Van mini cargo rwd capital: Monthly fixed rate    190.00
5062          Van mini cargo rwd capital: Daily fixed rate    9.50
5063          Van mini cargo rwd capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.19
5064          Van mini cargo rwd 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00

5065          Van mini cargo rwd 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    130.00
5066          Van mini cargo rwd 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    6.50
5067          Van mini cargo rwd 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    .81
5068          Van mini cargo awd: Per mile variable rate    .15
5069          Van mini cargo awd: Monthly fixed rate    300.00
5070          Van mini cargo awd: Daily fixed rate    15.00
5071          Van mini cargo awd: Hourly fixed rate    1.88
5072          Van Full-size passenger: Per mile variable rate    .15
5073          Van Full-size passenger: Monthly fixed rate    398.39
5074          Van Full-size passenger: Daily fixed rate    19.92
5075          Van Full-size passenger: Hourly fixed rate    2.49
5076          Van Full-size passenger 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .15
5077          Van Full-size passenger 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    227.66
5078          Van Full-size passenger 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    11.38
5079          Van Full-size passenger 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.42
5080          Van Full-size passenger capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5081          Van Full-size passenger capital: Monthly fixed rate    398.39
5082          Van Full-size passenger capital: Daily fixed rate    19.92
5083          Van Full-size passenger capital: Hourly fixed rate    2.49
5084          Van Full-size passenger do not replace: Per mile variable rate    .15
5085          Van Full-size passenger do not replace: Monthly fixed rate    56.92
5086          Van Full-size passenger do not replace: Daily fixed rate    2.85
5087          Van Full-size passenger do not replace: Hourly fixed rate    .36
5088          Van Full-size passenger ADA: Per mile variable rate    .15
5089          Van Full-size passenger ADA: Monthly fixed rate    350.00
5090          Van Full-size passenger ADA: Daily fixed rate    17.50
5091          Van Full-size passenger ADA: Hourly fixed rate    2.19
5092          Van Full-size cargo: Per mile variable rate    .13
5093          Van Full-size cargo: Monthly fixed rate    293.93
5094          Van Full-size cargo: Daily fixed rate    14.70
5095          Van Full-size cargo: Hourly fixed rate    1.84
5096          Van Full-size cargo capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5097          Van Full-size cargo capital: Monthly fixed rate    293.93
5098          Van Full-size cargo capital: Daily fixed rate    14.70
5099          Van Full-size cargo capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.84
5100          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5101          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    175.42

5102          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    8.77
5103          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    1.10
5104          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr capital USU: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5105          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr capital USU: Monthly fixed rate    134.00
5106          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr capital USU: Daily fixed rate    6.70
5107          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr capital USU: Hourly fixed rate    .84
5108          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .13
5109          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    189.29
5110          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    9.46
5111          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.18
5112          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .13
5113          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    237.43
5114          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    11.87
5115          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.48
5116          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Per mile variable rate    .13
5117          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Monthly fixed rate    251.18
5118          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Daily fixed rate    12.56
5119          Van Full-size cargo 10-yr full: Hourly fixed rate    1.57
5120          Van Full-size cargo: Per mile variable rate    .13
5121          Van Full-size cargo: Monthly fixed rate    345.45
5122          Van Full-size cargo: Daily fixed rate    17.27
5123          Van Full-size cargo: Hourly fixed rate    2.16
5124          Ambulance do not replace: Per mile variable rate    .25
5125          Ambulance do not replace: Monthly fixed rate    56.92
5126          Ambulance do not replace: Daily fixed rate    2.85
5127          Ambulance do not replace: Hourly fixed rate    .36
5128          Bus large Bluebird DNGV 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5129          Bus large Bluebird DNGV 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    1,226.90
5130          Bus large Bluebird DNGV 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    61.35
5131          Bus large Bluebird DNGV 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    7.67
5132          Bus large Thomas DNGV 10-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5133          Bus large Thomas DNGV 10-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    1,165.10
5134          Bus large Thomas DNGV 10-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    58.26
5135          Bus large Thomas DNGV 10-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    7.28
5136          Bus large DNGV 12-yr capital: Per mile variable rate    0.00
5137          Bus large DNGV 12-yr capital: Monthly fixed rate    980.40
5138          Bus large DNGV 12-yr capital: Daily fixed rate    49.02

5139          Bus large DNGV 12-yr capital: Hourly fixed rate    6.13
5140          Bus large Bluebird BEDB10-yr: Per mile variable rate    .50
5141          Bus large Bluebird BEDB10-yr: Monthly fixed rate    556.92
5142          Bus large Bluebird BEDB10-yr: Daily fixed rate    27.85
5143          Bus large Bluebird BEDB10-yr: Hourly fixed rate    3.48
5144          Bus small: Per mile variable rate    .50
5145          Bus small: Monthly fixed rate    900.00
5146          Bus small: Daily fixed rate    45.00
5147          Bus small: Hourly fixed rate    5.63
5148          Bus small do not replace: Per mile variable rate    .50
5149          Bus small do not replace: Monthly fixed rate    56.92
5150          Bus small do not replace: Daily fixed rate    2.85
5151          Bus small do not replace: Hourly fixed rate    .36
5152          Motorhome do not replace: Per mile variable rate    .40
5153          Motorhome do not replace: Monthly fixed rate    56.92
5154          Motorhome do not replace: Daily fixed rate    2.85
5155          Motorhome do not replace: Hourly fixed rate    .36
5156          Motorcycle Harley UHP:Per mile variable rate    .12
5157          Motorcycle Harley UHP:Monthly fixed rate    100.50
5158          Motorcycle Harley UHP:Daily fixed rate    5.03
5159          Motorcycle Harley UHP:Hourly fixed rate    .63
5160          MIS and Work Order Processing: Monthly fixed rate    5.60
5161          DNR - reasonable overhead: Monthly fixed rate    6.33
5162          MIS and AFV only: Monthly fixed rate    6.33
5163          MIS and AFV only - yearly: Monthly fixed rate    75.98
5164          MIS only: Monthly fixed rate    2.70
5165          MIS only - yearly: Monthly fixed rate    32.32
5166          Commercial Equipment Rental - cost plus:    12.00
5167          Administrative Fee Do-not-replace vehicles (monthly)    56.92
5168          No show fee    12.00
5169          Late return fee    12.00
5170          Service fee    12.00
5171          DF-61 late fee (commute miles)    20.00
5172          General MP Information Research Fee (per hour)    12.00
5173          Refueling rate daily pool (per gallon)    2.00
5174          Non-fuel network Use Processing Fee    12.00
5175          Lost or damaged fuel/maintenance card replacement fee    2.00

5176          Bad Odometer Research Fee (operator fault)    50.00
5177          Vehicle Detail Cleaning Service Fee (operator neglect)    40.00
5178          Vehicle Complaint Processing Fee (agency abuse and driver neglect cases only)    20.00
5179          Annual Commute Vehicle Processing Fee    12.00
5180          Premium Fuel Use Fee (per gallon)    .20
5181          Exclusive Agency Shuttle Operation (per day)    275.00
5182          Excessive Maintenance Accessory Fee - Varies
5183          Past 30-days late fee (accounts receivable) - 5% of balance
5184          Past 60-days late fee (accounts receivable) - 10% of balance
5185          Past 90-days late fee (accounts receivable) - 15% of balance
5186          MIS Monthly Fee per state vehicle (Charged to non-CMP vehicles only)    1.48
5187          Accident deductible rate charged per accident    500.00
5188          Operator negligence and vehicle abuse fees - Varies
5189          MIS & AFV Monthly Fee per Higher Ed vehicles    6.33
5190          Operator Incentive - Alternative fuel rebate (per gallon)    .20
5191           ISF - Fuel Network
5192          Fuel Network Per gallon charge    .065
5193          Fuel Network Additional per gallon charge at low volume sites (<60k gal./yr.)    .105
5194          Per transaction fee - 0.03 percent of transaction value
5195           ISF - State Surplus Property
5196          Process Fee for State Agencies Miscellaneous Property pick-up - Total Sales Proceeds (less
5197          prorated rebate of retained earnings)
5198          Miscellaneous Property pick-up Process Fee for Exempt and Non State Agencies - $25 plus 20%
5199          of sales price or as negotiated
5200          Seized property - $25 plus 20% of sales price
5201          Vehicles and Heavy Equipment - 9% of sales price
5202          Office Warehouse Labor (per hour)    21.00
5203          Copy Rates (per copy)    .10
5204          Semi Truck and Trailer Service (per mile)    1.08
5205          Two-ton Flat Bed Service (per mile)    .61
5206          Minimum Service Charge (per day)    65.00
5207          Forklift Service (4-6000 lb) (per hour)    23.00
5208          On-site sale away from USASP yard - 10% of sale price (maximum negotiable)
5209          Storage - building (per cubic foot per month)    .43
5210          Storage - fenced lot (per square foot per month)    .23
5211           ISF - Federal Surplus Property
5212          Federal Shipping and handling charges - Generally not exceed 20% of federal acquisition cost plus

5213          freight/shipping charges
5214          Equipment Center Membership Fee (per year)    2,500.00
5216           In accordance with Section 63-38-3.5(3)(b) the following fees are approved for the services of the Division of Risk
5217          Management for FY 2002.
5218           ISF - Risk Management Administration
5219          Liability Premiums: Administrative Services    277,098.00
5220          Liability Premiums: Agriculture    46,117.00
5221          Liability Premiums: Alcoholic Beverage Control    19,359.00
5222          Liability Premiums: Attorney General's Office    112,329.00
5223          Liability Premiums: Auditor    11,029.00
5224          Liability Premiums: Capital Preservation Board    8,442.00
5225          Liability Premiums: Career Services    536.00
5226          Liability Premiums: Commerce    66,189.00
5227          Liability Premiums: Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    4,549.00
5228          Liability Premiums: Community and Economic Development    99,852.00
5229          Liability Premiums: Corrections    953,965.00
5230          Liability Premiums: Courts    198,952.00
5231          Liability Premiums: Crime Victims Reparation    3,196.00
5232          Liability Premiums: Education    123,432.00
5233          Liability Premiums: Deaf and Blind School    38,031.00
5234          Liability Premiums: Bridgerland ATC    16,625.00
5235          Liability Premiums: Davis Area Vocational Center    19,046.00
5236          Liability Premiums: Ogden-Weber ATC    21,377.00
5237          Liability Premiums: Uintah ATC    9,535.00
5238          Liability Premiums: Wasatch Front South ATC    9,689.00
5239          Liability Premiums: Environmental Quality    135,814.00
5240          Liability Premiums: Fair Park    19,243.00
5241          Liability Premiums: Financial Institutions    18,351.00
5242          Liability Premiums: Governor    16,590.00
5243          Liability Premiums: Governor's Office of Planning and Budget    11,246.00
5244          Liability Premiums: Health    181,976.00
5245          Liability Premiums: Heber Valley Railroad    20,000.00
5246          Liability Premiums: House of Representatives    7,189.00
5247          Liability Premiums: Human Resource Management    11,996.00
5248          Liability Premiums: Human Services    919,977.00
5249          Liability Premiums: Industrial Commission    29,913.00

5250          Liability Premiums: Insurance    15,772.00
5251          Liability Premiums: Legislative Analyst    7,216.00
5252          Liability Premiums: Legislative Auditor    6,081.00
5253          Liability Premiums: Legislative Printing    2,728.00
5254          Liability Premiums: Legislative Research    12,462.00
5255          Liability Premiums: National Guard    50,801.00
5256          Liability Premiums: Natural Resources    405,053.00
5257          Liability Premiums: Navajo Trust Fund    1,880.00
5258          Liability Premiums: Public Safety    501,543.00
5259          Liability Premiums: Public Service Commission    5,696.00
5260          Liability Premiums: School and Institutional Trust Lands    26,196.00
5261          Liability Premiums: Senate    4,008.00
5262          Liability Premiums: Tax Commission    180,330.00
5263          Liability Premiums: Technology Finance Corporation    1,681.00
5264          Liability Premiums: Treasurer    6,559.00
5265          Liability Premiums: Utah Comm Network    10,013.00
5266          Liability Premiums: Utah Housing Finance    8,496.00
5267          Liability Premiums: Workforce Services    186,141.00
5268          Liability Premiums: Bear River Health    13,852.00
5269          Liability Premiums: Central Utah Health    9,628.00
5270          Liability Premiums: South Eastern Health    20,471.00
5271          Liability Premiums: South Western Health    14,484.00
5272          Liability Premiums: Tooele County Health    5,561.00
5273          Liability Premiums: Tri County Health    8,776.00
5274          Liability Premiums: Utah County Health    28,064.00
5275          Liability Premiums: Wasatch County Health    2,665.00
5276          Liability Premiums: Weber Morgan Health    17,762.00
5277          Liability Premiums: Transportation    2,149,000.00
5278          Liability Premiums: Board of Regents    49,525.00
5279          Liability Premiums: College of Eastern Utah    48,541.00
5280          Liability Premiums: Dixie College    63,571.00
5281          Liability Premiums: Salt Lake Community College    191,014.00
5282          Liability Premiums: Snow College    52,364.00
5283          Liability Premiums: Southern Utah University    112,491.00
5284          Liability Premiums: University of Utah    2,381,608.00
5285          Liability Premiums: Utah State University    756,776.00
5286          Liability Premiums: Utah Valley State College    185,514.00

5287          Liability Premiums: Weber State University    218,816.00
5288          Liability Premiums: School Districts    3,266,000.00
5289          Property Premiums: Alcoholic Beverage Control    11,750.00
5290          Property Premiums: Agriculture    2,243.00
5291          Property Premiums: Attorney General    728.00
5292          Property Premiums: Commission on Criminal Juvenile Justice    43.00
5293          Property Premiums: Central Utah Health    552.00
5294          Property Premiums: Draper Prison    86,075.00
5295          Property Premiums: Gunnison Prison    19,915.00
5296          Property Premiums: Corrections Department    4,629.00
5297          Property Premiums: Courts    8,349.00
5298          Property Premiums: Crime Victims Reparations    69.00
5299          Property Premiums: Administrative Services Executive Director's Office    34.00
5300          Property Premiums: Purchasing    5,080.00
5301          Property Premiums: Archives    6,390.00
5302          Property Premiums: Risk Management    105.00
5303          Information Technology Services    42,000.00
5304          Property Premiums: Facilities Construction and Management    136,395.00
5305          Property Premiums: Finance    273.00
5306          Property Premiums: Administrative Rules    18.00
5307          Property Premiums: Human Resource Management    101.00
5308          Property Premiums: Arts    2,463.00
5309          Property Premiums: Travel    1,812.00
5310          Property Premiums: History    4,718.00
5311          Property Premiums: Department    95.00
5312          Property Premiums: Library    3,413.00
5313          Property Premiums: Commerce    309.00
5314          Property Premiums: Workforce Services    4,718.00
5315          Property Premiums: Health    8,985.00
5316          Property Premiums: Environmental Quality    5,710.00
5317          Property Premiums: Natural Resources - Lands    6,985.00
5318          Property Premiums: Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation    74,100.00
5319          Property Premiums: Natural Resources - Executive Director's Office    2,626.00
5320          Property Premiums: Natural Resources - Wildlife    75,121.00
5321          Property Premiums: Natural Resources - Water Resources    1,761.00
5322          Property Premiums: Natural Resources - Oil Gas and Mining    532.00
5323          Property Premiums: Natural Resources - Utah Geological Survey    157.00

5324          Property Premiums: Natural Resources - Water Rights    549.00
5325          Property Premiums: Transportation    158,189.00
5326          Property Premiums: DOT Aeronautical Operations    1,890.00
5327          Property Premiums: Davis Applied Technology Center    7,701.00
5328          Property Premiums: School for the Deaf and Blind    4,533.00
5329          Property Premiums: Board of Education    10,776.00
5330          Property Premiums: Bridgerland Applied Technology Center    9,764.00
5331          Property Premiums: Ogden/Weber Applied Technology Center    15,197.00
5332          Property Premiums: Uintah Basin Applied Technology Center    3,939.00
5333          Property Premiums: Wasatch Front South Applied Technology Center    263.00
5334          Property Premiums: Financial Institutions    30.00
5335          Property Premiums: Governor's Office    116.00
5336          Property Premiums: Governor's Office of Planning and Budget    155.00
5337          Property Premiums: Housing Finance Agency    2,278.00
5338          Property Premiums: Human Services Department    11,873.00
5339          Property Premiums: Youth Corrections    14,562.00
5340          Property Premiums: Developmental Center    24,566.00
5341          Property Premiums: State Hospital    24,457.00
5342          Property Premiums: Labor Commission    173.00
5343          Property Premiums: Insurance    109.00
5344          Property Premiums: Senate    135.00
5345          Property Premiums: House of Representatives    279.00
5346          Property Premiums: Legislative Auditor    59.00
5347          Property Premiums: Legislative Fiscal Analyst    37.00
5348          Property Premiums: Legislative Research/General Council    145.00
5349          Property Premiums: Legislative Printing    103.00
5350          Property Premiums: National Guard    45,962.00
5351          Property Premiums: Public Safety    6,190.00
5352          Property Premiums: Public Service Commission    18.00
5353          Property Premiums: School and Institutional Trust Lands    317.00
5354          Property Premiums: South East Health Department    749.00
5355          Property Premiums: South West Health Department.    388.00
5356          Property Premiums: Treasurer    40.00
5357          Property Premiums: Utah State Auditor    123.00
5358          Property Premiums: Utah State Tax Commission    6,011.00
5359          Property Premiums: Utah Finance Corporation    168.00
5360          Property Premiums: Wasatch Health District    38.00

5361          Property Premiums: Bear River Health District    3,288.00
5362          Property Premiums: Utah County Health Dept.    207.00
5363          Property Premiums: Heber Valley Railroad    2,836.00
5364          Property Premiums: Navajo Trust Fund    2,000.00
5365          Property Premiums: Fair Park    27,912.00
5366          Property Premiums: Board of Regents    580.00
5367          Property Premiums: College of Eastern Utah    53,330.00
5368          Property Premiums: Dixie College    40,368.00
5369          Property Premiums: Fort Douglas    37,023.00
5370          Property Premiums: Salt Lake Community College    85,002.00
5371          Property Premiums: Snow College    39,526.00
5372          Property Premiums: Snow College South    11,859.00
5373          Property Premiums: Southern Utah University    67,419.00
5374          Property Premiums: University of Utah    797,742.00
5375          Property Premiums: Utah State University    482,407.00
5376          Property Premiums: Utah Valley State College    86,959.00
5377          Property Premiums: Weber State University    92,573.00
5378          Property Premiums: Alpine School District    192,822.00
5379          Property Premiums: Beaver School District    10,277.00
5380          Property Premiums: Box Elder School District    85,093.00
5381          Property Premiums: Cache School District    83,582.00
5382          Property Premiums: Carbon School District    43,051.00
5383          Property Premiums: Daggett School District    5,345.00
5384          Property Premiums: Davis School District    473,443.00
5385          Property Premiums: Duchesne School District    40,041.00
5386          Property Premiums: Emery School District    43,256.00
5387          Property Premiums: Garfield School District    13,846.00
5388          Property Premiums: Grand School District    15,159.00
5389          Property Premiums: Granite School District    203,548.00
5390          Property Premiums: Iron School District    59,580.00
5391          Property Premiums: Jordan School District    330,673.00
5392          Property Premiums: Juab School District    14,639.00
5393          Property Premiums: Kane School District    14,589.00
5394          Property Premiums: Logan School District    47,793.00
5395          Property Premiums: Millard School District    41,293.00
5396          Property Premiums: Morgan School District    15,088.00
5397          Property Premiums: Murray School District    40,634.00

5398          Property Premiums: Nebo School District    111,079.00
5399          Property Premiums: North Sanpete School District    11,830.00
5400          Property Premiums: North Summit School District    20,567.00
5401          Property Premiums: Ogden School District    85,450.00
5402          Property Premiums: Park City School District    24,379.00
5403          Property Premiums: Piute School District    10,627.00
5404          Property Premiums: Provo School District    84,922.00
5405          Property Premiums: Rich School District    10,743.00
5406          Property Premiums: Salt Lake City School District    118,106.00
5407          Property Premiums: San Juan School District    43,733.00
5408          Property Premiums: Sevier School District    45,986.00
5409          Property Premiums: South Sanpete School District    13,759.00
5410          Property Premiums: South Summit School District    10,139.00
5411          Property Premiums: Tintic School District    11,602.00
5412          Property Premiums: Tooele School District    65,200.00
5413          Property Premiums: Uintah School District    50,987.00
5414          Property Premiums: Wasatch School District    28,949.00
5415          Property Premiums: Washington School District    82,120.00
5416          Property Premiums: Wayne School District    12,682.00
5417          Property Premiums: Weber School District    185,853.00
5418          Automobile/Physical Damage Premiums: State agency rate for value less than $20,000 (per vehicle)    150.00
5419          Automobile/Physical Damage Premiums: State agency rate for value more than $20,000 (per 100     .80
5420          value)
5421          Automobile/Physical Damage Premiums: School district rate (per vehicle)    50.00
5422          Automobile/Physical Damage Premiums: School bus rate (per vehicle)    100.00
5423          Automobile/Physical Damage Premiums: Standard deductible (per incident)    500.00
5424          Automobile/Physical Damage Premiums: Higher Education autos (per vehicle)    75.00
5425          Workers Compensation Rates: UDOT    1.86
5426          Workers Compensation Rates: State (except DOT)    .80
5428           In accordance with Section 63-38-3.5(3)(b) the following fees are approved for the services of the Division of Facilities
5429           Construction and Management for FY 2002.
5430           ISF - Facilities Management
5431          Ogden Regional Center    506,048.00
5432          Ogden Juvenile Court    143,500.00
5433          Layton Court    80,896.00
5434          Ogden Public Safety    66,518.00

5435          Brigham City Court    141,400.00
5436          Ogden Court    367,640.00
5437          Salt Lake Court    1,649,200.00
5438          Capitol Hill Complex    2,475,873.00
5439          Council Hall    59,000.00
5440          DUP Museum    108,800.00
5441          Governor=s Residence    91,300.00
5442          White Chapel    14,845.00
5443          Greenhouse    0.00
5444          Human Services North Temple    650,103.00
5445          Glendinning Fine Arts Center    25,000.00
5446          Agriculture    228,000.00
5447          Cannon Health    671,658.00
5448          Medical Drive Complex    429,382.00
5449          Natural Resources    626,400.00
5450          Environmental Quality    287,389.00
5451          Utah State Tax Commission    714,567.00
5452          Calvin Rampton Complex    1,475,944.00
5453          Employment Security South County    161,568.00
5454          Sandy Courts    197,800.00
5455          Driver License West Valley    38,070.00
5456          Murray Highway Patrol Training and Supply    22,170.00
5457          Murray Highway Patrol    73,554.00
5458          Taylorsville Office Building    113,431.00
5459          Taylorsville Center for the Deaf    15,000.00
5460          Heber M. Wells    714,721.00
5461          WFS Administration    527,335.00
5462          WFS Employment Security Metro    166,907.00
5463          Rio Grande Depot    271,866.00
5464          Union Pacific Depot    0.00
5465          WFS 1385 South State    270,417.00
5466          WFS Fremont Employee Center    113,430.00
5467          Utah State Office of Education    319,280.00
5468          Health Dental Clinic    28,876.00
5469          Provo Regional Center    508,963.00
5470          Provo Court    207,000.00
5471          Orem Driver License    25,000.00

5472          Human Services Richfield    50,385.00
5473          Orem Highway Patrol    20,600.00
5474          Richfield Court    40,472.00
5475          Orem Region Three UDOT    48,200.00
5476          Orem Circuit Court    56,124.00
5477          Governor's Mansion Preservation    30,000.00
5478          Vernal Regional Center    53,001.00
5479          Moab Regional Center    236,393.00
5480          Richfield ITS Center    29,100.00
5481          State Library    203,714.00
5482          State Library visually impaired    112,027.00
5483          State Library State Mail    51,045.00
5484          Office of Rehabilitation Services    117,264.00
5485          WFS Temporary Placement Office    23,905.00
5486          WFS Midvale    129,352.00
5487          Statewide Roofing Program    320,940.00
5488          Statewide Paving Program    163,959.00
5489          Planning and Design Program    291,626.00
5490          Workforce Services Clearfield East    143,397.00
5491          This is the Place Park    240,105.00
5492          WFS Vernal    30,552.00
5493          Human Services Vernal    31,317.00
5494          Human Services Cedar City    53,508.00
5495          WFS Provo    118,740.00
5496          Navajo Trust Fund Administration    111,518.00
5497          WFS Cedar City    39,692.00
5498          WFS St. George    36,360.00
5499          Cedar City Courts    36,435.00
5500          St. George Courts    81,512.00
5501          WFS Clearfield West    45,275.00
5502          WFS Ogden    151,739.00
5503          WFS Richfield    26,840.00
5504          WFS Logan    38,191.00
5505          ABC Brigham City Store #22    10,797.00
5506          ABC Layton Store #30    17,750.00
5507          ABC Ogden Store #21    10,542.00
5508          ABC Roy Store #23    11,796.00

5509          Ogden Medical Center    55,925.00
5510          Farmington 2nd District Courts    297,185.00
5511          ABC Logan Store #6    22,356.00
5512          ABC Ogden Store #24 (1374)    18,788.00
5513          ABC Park City Store #34 (1388)    32,563.00
5514          ABC Vernal Store #28    11,476.00
5515          ABC Park City Store #37 (1398)    14,217.00
5516          ABC SLC Store #25 (1397)    9,729.00
5517          ABC Bountiful Store #8 (1515)    10,974.00
5518          ABC SLC Store #13 (1525)    12,409.00
5519          ABC Sandy Store #16 (1605)    36,588.00
5520          ABC Taylorsville Store #26 (1635)    17,407.00
5521          ABC West Valley City Store #3 (1636)    17,751.00
5522          ABC SLC Store #35 (1703)    19,264.00
5523          ABC SLC Store #20 (1704)    10,809.00
5524          ABC SLC Store #14 (1705)    8,498.00
5525          ABC Cedar City Store #18 (1808)    12,249.00
5526          ABC St. George Store #32 (1809)    14,552.00
5527          ABC Moab Store #27 (1813)    12,936.00
5528          ABC Price Store #7 (1814)    10,794.00
5529          HS Christmas Box House    10,922.00
5530          HS Canyonland Youth Home    12,061.00
5531          HS Central Utah Youth Facility    0.00
5532          7th West Juvenile Courts    84,434.00
5533          Vernal Juvenile Courts    13,784.00
5534          Hazardous Material Abatement    95,885.00
5535          ABC Ogden #19 Pacific Ave    21,105.00
5536          DPS Farmington Public Safety    41,650.00
5537          ABC SLC 205 W#1    27,232.00
5538          ABC SLC Foothill #4    6,700.00
5539          ABC Tooele #10    7,658.00
5540          DAS Surplus Property    85,672.00
5541          ABC Murray #9    23,450.00
5542          ABC Sandy Store #15    25,795.00
5543          ABC SLC Kentucky Store #29    13,400.00
5544          ABC SLC Ashton #2    24,331.00
5545          ABC Park City 524 main #36    4,623.00

5546          ABC Provo Freedom #5    12,408.00
5547          ABC Orem 144 State #17    19,430.00
5548          DPS Crime Lab    23,840.00
5549          UDOT Aeronautics    43,931.00
5550          UDOT Civil Air Patrol    29,475.00
5554           In accordance with Section 59-1-210(26) the following fees are approved for the services of the Utah State Tax
5555          Commission for FY 2002.
5556           Administration Division
5557          Temporary Permit    6.00
5558          Liquor Profit Distribution Fee    6.00
5559          Microfilm Research Fee    6.50
5560          Data Processing Set-Up    55.00
5561          Lien Subordination (not to exceed)    300.00
5562          Motor Vehicle Information    2.00
5563          Motor Vehicle Information via the Internet    1.00
5564          Salvage Vehicle Inspection Fee    50.00
5565          IFTA Reinstatement Fee    100.00
5566          Special Group License Plate Fee Decal Program (plus Standard Plate fee-5.00)    2.50
5567          Special Group License Plate Fee - Plate Program    3.50
5568          Custom Programming Fee / Hour    85.00
5569          Research Fee (Special Requests) / Hour    20.00
5570          Photocopies (over 10 copies) / Page    .10
5571          Faxed Document Processing Fee / Page    1.00
5572          Dismantlers Retitling Inspection Fee    50.00
5573          Certified Document Fee    5.00
5574          IFTA Decal Fee / Set    4.00
5575          Sample License Plates    5.00
5576          Olympic Sample License Plates (including 17.00 donation)    22.00
5577          Motor Carrier Unit Cost Report    10.00
5578          Tax Clearance Fee    50.00
5579          Aircraft Registration Fee    7.00
5580          Motor Fuel Reports    55.00
5581          Motor Vehicle Transaction Fee - Per Standard Unit    1.07
5582          Electronic Processing Fee for select transactions    3.00

5583          In-transit Permit fee (96-hour)    2.50
5584          Decal Replacement Fee    1.00
5585          Motor Fuel License    30.00
5586          Special Fuel License    30.00
5587          Motor Carrier Cab Card    3.00
5588          Motor Carrier Duplicate Registration    3.00
5589          Special Fuel Trip Permit (96 hour)    20.00
5590          Cigarette Tax License    30.00
5591          Motor Vehicle Manufacturer's Plates    8.00
5592          Motor Vehicle Dealer Plates    10.00
5593          Motor Vehicle Dismantler's Plates    8.00
5594          Motor Vehicle Transporter's Plates    8.00
5595          Motor Vehicle Manufacturer's/Remanufacturer's License    100.00
5596          Motor Vehicle Dealer License    125.00
5597          Motor Vehicle Transporter's License    50.00
5598          Small Trailer - Dealer License    50.00
5599          Motor Vehicle Body Shop License    110.00
5600          Used Motor Vehicle Dealer License    125.00
5601          Motor Vehicle Dismantler's License    100.00
5602          Motor Vehicle Salesman's License    30.00
5603          Motor Vehicle Salesman's License Transfer    5.00
5604          Motor Vehicle Crusher's License    100.00
5605          Used Motor Cycle Dealer License    50.00
5606          New Motor Cycle Dealer License    50.00
5607          Representative Plate    25.00
5608          Motor Vehicle Dealer additional place of business    25.00
5609          Distributor's License    60.00
5611           In accordance with Section 34A-1-106 the following fees are approved for the services of the Labor Commission for
5612          FY 2002.
5613           Administration
5614          Certificate to Self-Insure for Workers Compensation    900.00
5615          Certificate to Self-Insure for Workers Compensation renewal    500.00
5616          Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspections Original Exam for Certificate of Competency    25.00
5617          Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspections Renewal of Certificate of Competency    20.00
5618          Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspections Owner-User Inspection Agency Certification    250.00
5619          Jacketed Kettles and Hot Water Supply Boilers less than 250,000 BTU existing    30.00

5620          Jacketed Kettles and Hot Water Supply Boilers less than 250,000 BTU new    45.00
5621          Jacketed Kettles and Hot Water Supply Boilers > 250,000 BTU but < 4,000,000 BTU existing    60.00
5622          Jacketed Kettles and Hot Water Supply Boilers > 250,000 BTU but < 4,000,000 BTU new    90.00
5623          Jacketed Kettles and Hot Water Supply Boilers > 4,000,001 BTU but < 20,000,000 BTU existing    150.00
5624          Jacketed Kettles and Hot Water Supply Boilers > 4,000,001 BTU but < 20,000,000 BTU new    225.00
5625          Jacketed Kettles and Hot Water Supply < 20,000,000 BTU - existing    300.00
5626          Jacketed Kettles and Hot Water Supply < 20,000,000 BTU - new    450.00
5627          Replacement Boiler Certificate    15.00
5628          Consultation, witness special inspection (per hour)    60.00
5629          Pressure Vessel Inspection    30.00
5630          Pressure Vessel Inspection by Owner-user: 25 or less on single statement (per vessel)    5.00
5631          Pressure Vessel Inspection by Owner-user: 26 through 100 on single statement (per statement)    100.00
5632          Pressure Vessel Inspection by Owner-user: 101 through 500 on single statement (per statement)    200.00
5633          Pressure Vessel Inspection by Owner-user: over 500 on single statement (per statement)    400.00
5634          Elevator Inspections Existing Elevators: Hydraulic    85.00
5635          Elevator Inspections Existing Elevators: Electric    85.00
5636          Elevator Inspections Existing Elevators: Disabled Persons Lift    85.00
5637          Elevator Inspections Existing Elevators: Other Elevators    85.00
5638          Elevator Inspections Existing Elevators: Replacement Elevator Certificate    15.00
5639          Elevator Inspections New Elevators: Hydraulic    300.00
5640          Elevator Inspections New Elevators: Electric    700.00
5641          Elevator Inspections New Elevators: Disabled Persons Lift    200.00
5642          Elevator Inspections New Elevators: Other Elevators    200.00
5643          Consultation, witness, special inspection (per hour)    60.00
5644          Coal Mine Certification: Mine Foreman    50.00
5645          Coal Mine Certification: Temporary Mine Foreman    35.00
5646          Coal Mine Certification: Fire Boss    50.00
5647          Coal Mine Certification: Surface Foreman    50.00
5648          Coal Mine Certification: Temporary Surface Foreman    35.00
5649          Coal Mine Certification: Hard Rock Mine Foreman    50.00
5650          Coal Mine Certification: Temporary Hard Rock Mine Foreman    35.00
5651          Coal Mine Certification: Electrician underground low and medium voltage    50.00
5652          Coal Mine Certification: Electrician surface low and medium voltage    50.00
5653          Coal Mine Certification: Electrician surface and underground high voltage    50.00
5654          Coal Mine Certification: Annual Electrical Recertification    35.00
5655          Coal Mine Certification: Hoistman    50.00
5656          Coal Mine Certification: Certification Retest (per sections)    20.00

5657          Hard Rock Mine Certification: Hard Rock Mine Foreman    50.00
5658          Hard Rock Mine Certification: Temporary Hard Rock Mine Foreman    35.00
5659          Hard Rock Surface Foreman    50.00
5660          Hard Rock Mine Certification: Temporary Hard Rock Surface Foreman    35.00
5661          Hard Rock Mine Certification: Electrician underground low and medium voltage    50.00
5662          Hard Rock Mine Certification: Electrician surface low and medium voltage    50.00
5663          Hard Rock Mine Certification: Electrician surface and underground high voltage    50.00
5664          Hard Rock Mine Certification: Annual Electrical Recertification    35.00
5665          Hard Rock Mine Certification: Hoistman    50.00
5666          Hard Rock Mine Certification: Certification Retest (per sections)    20.00
5667          Hydrocarbon Mine Certifications: Gilsonite Mine Foreman    50.00
5668          Hydrocarbon Mine Certifications: Gilsonite Mine Examiner    50.00
5669          Hydrocarbon Mine Certifications: Temporary Gilsonite Mine Foreman    35.00
5670          Hydrocarbon Mine Certifications: Gilsonite Shot Firer    50.00
5671          Hydrocarbon Mine Certifications: Hoistman    50.00
5672          Hydrocarbon Mine Certifications: Certification Retest (per section)    20.00
5675           In accordance with Section 13-1-2(3) the following fees are approved for the services of the Department of Commerce
5676          for FY 2002.
5677           Occupational & Professional Licensing
5678          CPA Individual Application Filing    75.00
5679          CPA Individual License/ Certificate Renewal    50.00
5680          CPA Firm Application for Registration    80.00
5681          CPA Firm Registration Renewal    40.00
5682          CPA Examination Record Fee    30.00
5683          Acupuncturist New Application    100.00
5684          Acupuncturist Renewal    50.00
5685          Alarm Company FBI Fingerprint File Search (cost or.)    24.00
5686          Alarm Company BCI Fingerprint File Search (cost or...)    15.00
5687          Alarm Company Company Application Filing    300.00
5688          Alarm Company Company Renewal    100.00
5689          Alarm Company Agent Application Filing    40.00
5690          Alarm Company Agent Renewal    20.00
5691          Alternative Dispute Resolution ProvidersApplication Filing    75.00
5692          Alternative Dispute Resolution Providers License Renewal    50.00
5693          ArchitectApplication Filing    100.00

5694          Architect License Renewal    50.00
5695          Architect Education and Enforcement Surcharge    10.00
5696          Boxing Commission Promoters - Application Filing    100.00
5697          Boxing Commission Professional Contestant - License Renewal    25.00
5698          Boxing Commission Professional Contestant - Application Filing    25.00
5699          Boxing Commission Judges and Referees - License Renewal    25.00
5700          Boxing Commission Judges and Referees - Application Filing    25.00
5701          Boxing Commission Managers and Seconds - License Renewal    25.00
5702          Boxing Commission Managers and Seconds - Application Filing    25.00
5703          Boxing Commission Contest Registration Fee    250.00
5704          Boxing Commission Promotions (percent of total)    .05
5705          Audiologist Application Filing    60.00
5706          Audiologist License Renewal    35.00
5707          Barber/Cosmetologist Teacher Certificate    40.00
5708          Barber/Cosmetologist Application Filing    50.00
5709          Barber/Cosmetologist License Renewal    40.00
5710          Barber/Cosmetologist School Application Filing    100.00
5711          Barber/Cosmetologist School License Renewal    50.00
5712          Barber/Cosmetologist Apprentice Application Filing    25.00
5713          Esthetician - New Application Filing    50.00
5714          Esthetician - License Renewal    40.00
5715          Master Esthetician - New Application Filing    75.00
5716          Master Esthetician - License Renewal    55.00
5717          Esthetician Instructor - One Time Fee    50.00
5718          Esthetician School - Application (for two years)    100.00
5719          Nail Care Technician - New Application Filing    50.00
5720          Nail Care Technician - License Renewal    40.00
5721          Nail Care Technician Schools - Application (for two years)    100.00
5722          Building Inspector Initial License - Application Filing    75.00
5723          Building Inspector License - Renewal    50.00
5724          Certified Nurse Midwife Application Filing    90.00
5725          Certified Nurse Midwife License Renewal    50.00
5726          Certified Nurse Midwife Intern-Application Filing    25.00
5727          Certified Public Accountant Quality Review CPA Firm - Offsite Review (plus $30 per employed     400.00
5728          CPA)
5729          Certified Public Accountant Quality Review CPA Firm - On-site Review (plus $30 per employed     550.00
5730          CPA)

5731          Certified Shorthand Reporter Application Filing    35.00
5732          Certified Shorthand Reporter License Renewal    30.00
5733          Chiropractic Physician Application Filing    100.00
5734          Chiropractic Physician License Renewal    50.00
5735          Contractor Licensing Primary Application Filing    200.00
5736          Contractor Licensing License Renewal    100.00
5737          Contractor Licensing Additional Application Filing    100.00
5738          Contractor Licensing Change Qualifier fees    40.00
5739          Controlled Substance Application Filing    90.00
5740          Controlled Substance License Renewal    50.00
5741          Controlled Substance Precursor Distributor Application Filing    200.00
5742          Controlled Substance Precursor Distributor License Renewal    100.00
5743          Controlled Substance Precursor Purchaser Application Filing    100.00
5744          Controlled Substance Precursor Purchaser License Renewal    50.00
5745          Deception Detection FBI Fingerprint File Search - cost or.    24.00
5746          Deception Detection BCI Fingerprint File Search (cost or...)    15.00
5747          Deception Detection Examiner Application Filing    40.00
5748          Deception Detection Examiner Renewal    20.00
5749          Deception Detection Intern Application Filing    25.00
5750          Deception Detection Intern Renewal    20.00
5751          Dentist Application Filing    100.00
5752          Dentist License Renewal    50.00
5753          Dentist Anesthesia Upgrade    50.00
5754          Dental Hygienist Application Filing    50.00
5755          Dental Hygienist License Renewal    25.00
5756          Dental Hygienist Anesthesia Upgrade    25.00
5757          Certified Dietician Application Filing    50.00
5758          Certified Dietician License Renewal    25.00
5759          Electrician Application Filing    100.00
5760          Electrician License Renewal    50.00
5761          Electrologist Application Filing    40.00
5762          Electrologist License Renewal    20.00
5763          Professional Employer Organization Initial Application Fee    2,000.00
5764          Professional Employer Organization Annual Renewal Fee    2,000.00
5765          Professional Engineer Application Filing    100.00
5766          Professional Engineer - License Renewal    50.00
5767          Professional Structural Engineer Application Filing    100.00

5768          Professional Structural Engineer License Renewal    50.00
5769          Professional Engineer Exam Record Fee    30.00
5770          Professional Engineer Education and Enforcement Surcharge    10.00
5771          Environmental Health Scientist Application Filing    50.00
5772          Environmental Health Scientist License Renewal    25.00
5773          Funeral Services Director Application Filing    150.00
5774          Funeral Services Director License Renewal    75.00
5775          Funeral Services Apprentice Application Filing    25.00
5776          Funeral Services Apprentice License Renewal    20.00
5777          Funeral Services Establishment Application Filing    100.00
5778          Funeral Services Establishment License Renewal    100.00
5779          Health Care Assistant Application Filing    20.00
5780          Health Care Assistant License Renewal    10.00
5781          Health Facility Administrator Application Filing    60.00
5782          Health Facility Administrator License Renewal    40.00
5783          Hearing Instrument Specialist Application Filing    100.00
5784          Hearing Instrument Specialist License Renewal    50.00
5785          Hearing Instrument Intern Application Filing    25.00
5786          Landscape Architects Application Filing    100.00
5787          Landscape Architects License Renewal    60.00
5788          Landscape Architects Examination Fee Record    30.00
5789          Landscape Architects Education and Enforcement Surcharge    10.00
5790          Professional Land Surveyor Application Filing    100.00
5791          Professional Land Surveyor License Renewal    50.00
5792          Fundamentals of Land Surveying Examination Record Fee    30.00
5793          Professional Land Surveyor Education and Enforcement Surcharge    10.00
5794          Factory Built Housing Dealer - Application Filing    30.00
5795          Factory Built Housing Dealer - License Renewal    30.00
5796          Factory Built Housing On-site Plant Inspection per hour plus expenses    50.00
5797          Factory Built Housing Education and Enforcement Fee    75.00
5798          Marriage and Family Therapist Application Filing    75.00
5799          Marriage and Family Therapist License Renewal    65.00
5800          Marriage and Family Therapist Coursework Review Fee    25.00
5801          Massage Therapist - Application Filing    89.00
5802          Massage Therapist - License Renewal    40.00
5803          Massage Apprentice - Application Filing    25.00
5804          Massage Apprentice - License Renewal    25.00

5805          Naturopathic Physician Application Filing    100.00
5806          Naturopathic Physician License Renewal    50.00
5807          Licensed Practical Nurse (L.P.N.) Application Filing    50.00
5808          Licensed Practical Nurse (L.P.N.) License Renewal    40.00
5809          Registered Nurse (R.N.) Application Filing    50.00
5810          Registered Nurse (R.N.) License Renewal    40.00
5811          Advanced Practice R.N. Application Filing    90.00
5812          Advanced Practice R.N. - License Renewal    50.00
5813          Advanced Practice R.N. - Intern Application    25.00
5814          Certified Nurse Anesthetist Application Filing    90.00
5815          Certified Nurse Anesthetist License Renewal    50.00
5816          Nurse educational program approval/Initial site visit    500.00
5817          Nurse educational program approval/Follow-up site visit    250.00
5818          Occupational Therapist - Application Filing    60.00
5819          Occupational Therapist - License Renewal    35.00
5820          Occupational Therapist Assistant Application Filing    60.00
5821          Occupational Therapist Assistant License Renewal    35.00
5822          Optometrist Application Filing    130.00
5823          Optometrist License Renewal    80.00
5824          Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Application Filing    180.00
5825          Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon License Renewal    120.00
5826          Pharmacist - Application Filing    100.00
5827          Pharmacist - License Renewal    50.00
5828          Pharmacy Intern - Application Filing    25.00
5829          Pharmacy - Application Filing    100.00
5830          Pharmacy - License Renewal    50.00
5831          Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Application Filing    100.00
5832          Pharmaceutical Manufacturer License Renewal    50.00
5833          Pharmaceutical Wholesaler/Distributor Application Filing    100.00
5834          Pharmaceutical Wholesaler/Distributor License Renewal    50.00
5835          Pharmaceutical Out-of-State Mail Order    100.00
5836          Pharmaceutical Out-of-State Mail Order Renewal    50.00
5837          Veterinary Pharmaceutical Outlet Application Filing    100.00
5838          Veterinary Pharmaceutical Outlet License Renewal    50.00
5839          Pharmaceutical Researcher Application Filing    100.00
5840          Pharmaceutical Researcher License Renewal    50.00
5841          Pharmaceutical Dog Trainer Application Filing    100.00

5842          Pharmaceutical Dog Trainer License Renewal    50.00
5843          Pharmaceutical Teaching Organization Application Filing    100.00
5844          Pharmaceutical Teaching Organization License Renewal    50.00
5845          Euthanasia Agency - Application Filing    100.00
5846          Euthanasia Agency - License Renewal    50.00
5847          Analytical Laboratory - Application Filing    100.00
5848          Analytical Laboratory - License Renewal    50.00
5849          Pharmacy Technician - Application Fee    50.00
5850          Pharmacy Technician - License Renewal    35.00
5851          Pharmaceutical Administration Application Filing    100.00
5852          Pharmaceutical Administration License Renewal    50.00
5853          Physical Therapist Application Filing    60.00
5854          Physical Therapist License Renewal    35.00
5855          Physician/Surgeon Application Filing    180.00
5856          Physician/Surgeon License Renewal    120.00
5857          Physician Assistant Application Filing    130.00
5858          Physician Assistant License Renewal    75.00
5859          Plumber Application Filing    100.00
5860          Plumber License Renewal    50.00
5861          Podiatric Physician Application Filing    130.00
5862          Podiatric Physician License Renewal    80.00
5863          Pre-Need Funeral Arrangement Provider - Application Filing    100.00
5864          Pre-Need Funeral Arrangement Provider - License Renewal    50.00
5865          Pre-Need Funeral ArrangementSales Agent - Application Filing    40.00
5866          Pre-Need Funeral ArrangementSales Agent - License Renewal    30.00
5867          Private Probation Provider Application Filing    75.00
5868          Private Probation Provider License Renewal    50.00
5869          Professional Counselor Application Filing    75.00
5870          Professional Counselor License Renewal    65.00
5871          Professional Counselor Coursework Review Fee    25.00
5872          Psychologist - Application Filing    100.00
5873          Psychologist - License Renewal    50.00
5874          Radiology Technologist/Practical Technician Application Filing    60.00
5875          Radiology Technologist/Practical Technician License Renewal    35.00
5876          Master/Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Application Filing    60.00
5877          Master/Therapeutic Recreation Specialist License Renewal    35.00
5878          Therapeutic Recreation Technician Application Filing    60.00

5879          Therapeutic Recreation Technician License Renewal    35.00
5880          Residence Lien Recovery Fund Registrants Initial Assessment    195.00
5881          Noncontractor Registration    25.00
5882          Post-claim laborer assessment    20.00
5883          Claim Application Fee - Nonlaborers    75.00
5884          Claim Application Fee - Laborers    15.00
5885          Reinstatement of Lapsed Registration    100.00
5886          Respiratory Care Practitioner Application Filing    50.00
5887          Respiratory Care Practitioner License Renewal    40.00
5888          Security Services FBI Fingerprint File Search (cost or...)    24.00
5889          Security Services BCI Fingerprint File Search (cost or.)    15.00
5890          Security Services Contract Security Company Application Filing    300.00
5891          Security Services Contract Security Company Renewal    100.00
5892          Security Services Replace/Change Qualifier    40.00
5893          Security Services Education Program Approval    300.00
5894          Security Services Education Program Approval Renewal    100.00
5895          Security Services Alarm Response Runner Application Filing    40.00
5896          Security Services Alarm Response Runner Renewal    20.00
5897          Security Services Armed Private Security Officer Application Filing    40.00
5898          Security Services Armed Private Security Officer Renewal    20.00
5899          Unarmed Private Security Officer Application Filing    40.00
5900          Unarmed Private Security Officer Renewal    20.00
5901          Clinical Social Worker - Application Filing    75.00
5902          Clinical Social Worker - License Renewal    65.00
5903          Certified Social Worker - Application Filing    75.00
5904          Certified Social Worker - License Renewal    65.00
5905          Social Service Worker - Application Filing    75.00
5906          Social Service Worker - License Renewal    65.00
5907          Speech Pathologist - Application Filing    60.00
5908          Speech Pathologist - License Renewal    35.00
5909          Audiologist - Application Filing    60.00
5910          Audiologist - License Renewal    35.00
5911          Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor Application Filing    75.00
5912          Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor License Renewal    65.00
5913          Veterinarian Application Filing    100.00
5914          Veterinarian License Renewal    50.00
5915          Veterinarian Intern Application Filing    25.00

5916           Securities
5917          Securities Qualification Registration    300.00
5918          Securities Coordinated Registration    300.00
5919          Securities Notification Registration    300.00
5920          Securities Exemptions - Investment Companies    500.00
5921          All other Securities Exemptions    60.00
5922          Transactional Exemptions    60.00
5923          No-action and Interpretative Opinions    120.00
5924          Securities Agent Licensing    45.00
5925          Securities Broker/Dealer Licensing    75.00
5926          Investment Advisor Licensing (New and Renewal)    75.00
5927          Investment Advisor Representative Licensing (New and Renewal)    30.00
5928          Securities Certified Dealer Licensing (New and Renewal)    500.00
5929          Covered Securities Notice Filings - Investment Companies    500.00
5930          All Other Covered Securities    60.00
5931          Federal Covered Adviser New and Renewal    75.00
5932           Consumer Protection
5933          Charitable Solicitation Act Charity    100.00
5934          Charitable Solicitation Act Professional Fund Raiser    250.00
5935          Telephone Solicitation Telemarketing Registration    250.00
5936          Health Spa    100.00
5937          Credit Services Organization    100.00
5938          Business Opportunity Disclosure Exempt    100.00
5939          Business Opportunity Disclosure Approved    200.00
5940          Personal Introduction Service    100.00
5941           Corporations and Commercial Code
5942          Articles of Incorporation Domestic Profit    50.00
5943          Articles of Incorporation Domestic Nonprofit    20.00
5944          Articles of Incorporation Foreign Profit    50.00
5945          Articles of Incorporation Foreign Nonprofit    20.00
5946          Articles of Incorporation Corporate Sole    20.00
5947          Requalification/Reinstatement Profit    50.00
5948          Requalification/Reinstatement Nonprofit    20.00
5949          Changes of Corporate Status Amend/Restate/Merge - Profit    25.00
5950          Changes of Corporate Status Amend/Restate/Merge - Nonprofit    15.00
5951          Changes of Corporate Status Amendment - Foreign    35.00
5952          Annual Report Profit    10.00

5953          Annual Report Nonprofit    5.00
5954          Annual Report Limited Partnership    10.00
5955          Annual Report Limited Liability Company    10.00
5956          Annual Report Change Form    10.00
5957          Annual Report Late Fee    10.00
5958          Certification Corporate Standing - In House    10.00
5959          Certification Corporate Standing - Long Form    20.00
5960          Corporation Search In House    10.00
5961          Limited Partnership Certificate    50.00
5962          Limited Partnership Reinstate/Requalify    50.00
5963          Limited Partnership Amend/Restate/Merge    25.00
5964          Doing Business As Registration    20.00
5965          Doing Business As Renewals    20.00
5966          Trademark Registration    20.00
5967          Trademark Assignments    5.00
5968          Trademark Renewals    20.00
5969          Limited Liability Company Articles of Organization    50.00
5970          Limited Liability Company Reinstate/Requalify    50.00
5971          Limited Liability Company Amend/Merge    35.00
5972          Miscellaneous Transactions - Summons    10.00
5973          Miscellaneous Transactions - Out of State Motorist Summons    5.00
5974          Miscellaneous Transactions - Collection Agency Bond    30.00
5975          Miscellaneous Transactions - Foreign Name Registration    20.00
5976          Miscellaneous Transactions - Statement of Certification    10.00
5977          Miscellaneous Transactions - Corporation Name Reservation    20.00
5978          Miscellaneous Transactions - Telecopier Transmittal    5.00
5979          Miscellaneous Transactions - Telecopier Transmittal (per page)    1.00
5980          Vehicle Franchise Act    80.00
5981          Commercial Code Lien Filings UCC Filings with or without ID Number    10.00
5982          Commercial Code Lien Filings Assignment/Amendment    10.00
5983          Commercial Code Lien Filings CFS - 1    10.00
5984          Commercial Code Lien Filings CFS - 3    10.00
5985          Commercial Code Lien Filings CFS - 2    5.00
5986          Commercial Code Lien Filings CFS - 4    25.00
5987          Lien Search    10.00
5988          Notary Bond and Certificate    20.00
5989          Notary Bond Rider    5.00

5990          Notary Certificate    5.00
5991          Notary Workshop Registration    10.00
5992          Digital Signatures Certification Authority Licensing    500.00
5993          Digital Signatures Recognition of Repository    250.00
5994          Expedite Fee    75.00
5995           Real Estate
5996          Broker/Sales Agent New Application (2 year)    100.00
5997          Broker/Sales Agent Finger Printing (Cost or)    39.00
5998          Broker/Sales Agent Renewal    50.00
5999          Appraisers Licensed and Certified - Application    200.00
6000          Appraisers Licensed and Certified - Renewal    200.00
6001          Registered Appraisers - License or Renewal    200.00
6002          National Register (Pass through) (Cost or )    50.00
6003          Appraisers Temporary Permit    100.00
6004          Appraiser expert witness fee    200.00
6005          Residential Mortgage Providers Entities (per 2 years)    200.00
6006          Residential Mortgage Providers Individuals (per 2 years)    200.00
6007          Residential Mortgage Providers Criminal Background Check (1st Reg. Only)    39.00
6008          Miscellaneous - Activation    15.00
6009          Miscellaneous - New Company    25.00
6010          Miscellaneous - Branch Office    25.00
6011          Miscellaneous - Company Broker Change    15.00
6012          Service Fees Duplicate License    10.00
6013          Service Fees Certifications/Histories (up to 5 years)    10.00
6014          Service Fees Certifications/Histories (more than 5 years)    50.00
6015          Service Fees License/Registration Reinstatement    50.00
6016          Service Fees No Action Letter    120.00
6017          Subdivided Land Exemption - HUD    100.00
6018          Subdivided Land Exemption - Water Corporation    50.00
6019          Subdivided Land Temporary Permit    100.00
6020          Subdivided Land Application (plus $3.00 per unit charge over 30)    500.00
6021          Subdivided Land Inspection Deposit    300.00
6022          Subdivided Land Consolidation (plus $3.00 per unit charge)    200.00
6023          Subdivided Land Renewal Report    200.00
6024          Timeshare and Camp Resort Salesperson - New and Renewal    50.00
6025          Timeshare and Camp Resort Registration (plus $3.00 per unit charge over 100)    500.00
6026          Timeshare and Camp Resort Inspection Deposit    300.00

6027          Timeshare and Camp Resort Consolidation (plus $3.00 per unit charge)    200.00
6028          Timeshare and Camp Resort Temporary Permit    100.00
6029          Timeshare and Camp Resort Renewal Report    200.00
6030          Supplementary Filing Fee    200.00
6031          Photocopies (per copy)    .30
6032          Booklets (cost or)    5.00
6033          List of Licensees/Business Entities (cost or)    25.00
6034          Late Renewal Fee (except corporations which is $10 by statute and consumer protections with $25     20.00
6035          by statute)
6036          Verification of Licensure - Hard Copy/Custodian of Record    20.00
6038           Real Estate Education
6039          Real Estate Education Broker/Dealer    1.00
6040          Real Estate Education Agent    1.00
6041          Real Estate Prelicense Course Certification    25.00
6042          Appraiser Prelicense Course Certification    25.00
6043          Real Estate Continuing Education Course Certification    35.00
6044          Real Estate Prelicense Instructor Certification    15.00
6045          Real Estate Continuing Education Instructor Certification    15.00
6046          Appraiser Prelicense Instructor Certification    15.00
6049           In accordance with Section 31A-3-103 the following fees are approved for the services of the Insurance Department
6050          for FY 2002.
6051           Administration
6052          Certificate of Authority    500.00
6053          Continuation of Certificate of Authority    50.00
6054          Reinstatement of Certificate of Authority    500.00
6055          Redomestication Filing    750.00
6056          Amendment to Certificate of Authority    100.00
6057          Filing of amendments to Articles of Incorporation Charter or Bylaws    25.00
6058          Filing Annual Statement and Report of Utah Business    250.00
6059          Merger acquisition of change of control form filing (Form A)    1,500.00
6060          Material Transaction between Affiliated Companies Filing (Form B)    25.00
6061          Prior Notice of Transaction Filing (Form D)    100.00
6062          Application for Stock Solicitation Permit Public offering but not a SEC filing    1,000.00
6063          Application for Stock Solicitation Permit Private placement and/or SEC filing    250.00

6064          Application for accredited reinsurer    500.00
6065          Application for renewal for accredited reinsurer    250.00
6066          Application for trusteed reinsurer    500.00
6067          Application for renewal for trusteed reinsurer    250.00
6068          Individual license to solicit in accordance with the Stock Solicitation Permit    50.00
6069          Filing Annual Statement and Renewal of Fraternals    50.00
6070          Organizational Permit for Mutual Insurer    500.00
6071          Filing of Registered Agent    10.00
6072          Risk Retention Group Annual Statement Filing    250.00
6073          Application for Surplus Lines License    500.00
6074          Surplus Lines Annual Statement Filing    500.00
6075          Rate Service Organization License    250.00
6076          Annual Renewal of Rate Service Organization License    50.00
6077          Risk Purchasing Group Initial Filing    100.00
6078          Risk Purchasing Group Renewal    100.00
6079          Power of Attorney    10.00
6080          Resident and Nonresident Producer License (Initial and Renewal)    60.00
6081          Resident and Nonresident Producer License (late renewal fee)    120.00
6082          Resident and Nonresident Producer License (reinstatement of lapsed license fee)    170.00
6083          Resident and Nonresident Limited Line Producer License (Initial and Renewal)    45.00
6084          Resident and Nonresident Limited Line Agent License (Late renewal fee)    90.00
6085          Resident and Nonresident Limited Line Agent License (Reinstatement of lapsed license fee)    140.00
6086          Resident and Nonresident Agency License (Initial and Renewal)    60.00
6087          Resident and Nonresident Agency License (Late renewal fee)    120.00
6088          Resident and Nonresident Agency License (Reinstatement of lapsed license fee)    170.00
6089          Addition of producer classification or line of authority    25.00
6090          Agency Designee Appointment/Termination/Renewal    12.00
6091          Agent Appointment/Termination/Renewal    12.00
6092          Authorization to appoint and remove agents    10.00
6093          Continuing education fee per individual    10.00
6094          Continuing education provider application or renewal    100.00
6095          Continuing education course post-approval - per hour with $25 maximum    5.00
6096          Filing Policy Forms/Rates/Rules    20.00
6097          Workers' Compensation Schedule    5.00
6098          Life Illustration Certification Filing    30.00
6099          Photocopy per page    .25
6100          Annual Statement Copy    40.00

6101          Affixing Commissioner's Seal    10.00
6102          Service of legal process    10.00
6103          Copy of Department's Annual Report to Governor    10.00
6104          Issuance of mailing lists or computer print-outs (per page)    1.00
6105          Electronic Format List (company agency individual) minimum fee of 50.00    50.00
6106          Returned check charge    20.00
6107          Relative Value Study    10.00
6108          Bail Bond Surety License (initial or renewal)    500.00
6109          Bail Bond Surety License (late renewal fee)    750.00
6110          Bail Bond Surety License (reinstatement of lapsed license)    800.00
6114           In accordance with Section 63-38-3.2, the following fees are approved for the services of the State Library for FY 2002.
6115           Administration
6116          Lost Books, Bookmobile Paperback    5.00
6117          Lost Books, Bookmobile Hardback    10.00
6118          Lost Books, Interlibrary Loan Paperback    15.00
6119          Lost Books, Interlibrary Loan Hardback    35.00
6123           In accordance with Section 62A-1-111 the following fees are approved for the services of the Department of Human
6124          Services for FY 2002.
6125           Executive Director's Office
6126          Initial license (any new program except comprehensive mental health or substance abuse)    200.00
6127          Adult Day Care (0-50 consumers per program)    50.00
6128          Adult Day Care (More than 50 consumers per program)    100.00
6129          Adult Day Care per consumers capacity    1.25
6130          Child Placing    150.00
6131          Day Treatment    75.00
6132          Outpatient Treatment    50.00
6133          Residential Support    50.00
6134          Residential Treatment    100.00
6135          Residential Treatment per consumer capacity    1.50
6136          Social Detoxification    100.00
6137          Life Safety Pre-inspection    100.00

6138          Outdoor Youth Program    100.00
6139          Outdoor Youth per consumer capacity    5.00
6140          FBI Fingerprint Check    24.00
6141          Intermediate Secure Treatment    150.00
6144           ISF - DHS General Services
6145          Admin Building (per square foot)    13.44
6146           ISF - DHS Data Processing
6147          Programmers (per hour)    52.00
6150           In accordance with Section 26-1-6, the following fees are approved for the services of the Department of Health for FY
6151           2001.
6152           Health Care Statistics
6153          Public Use Data Sets - Single Year License Fee for Public Agencies - Inpatient Public Data Set -     1,500.00
6154          Ambulatory Surgery, and Emergency Department Encounter - File I - for one year only
6155          Public Use Data Sets - Single Year License Fee for Public Agencies - Inpatient Public Data Set -     500.00
6156          Ambulatory Surgery, and Emergency Department Encounter - File II - for one year only
6157          Public Use Data Sets - Single Year License Fee for Public Agencies - Inpatient Public Data Set -     250.00
6158          Ambulatory Surgery, and Emergency Department Encounter - File III - for one year only
6159          Public Use Tapes - Multi-Year License Fee - Inpatient, Ambulatory Surgery, and Emergency     1,500.00
6160          Department Encounter Public Use - File I - multiple year data set (3 years prior to current year)
6161          Public Use Tapes - Multi-Year License Fee - Inpatient, Ambulatory Surgery, and Emergency     500.00
6162          Department Encounter Public Use - File II - multiple year data set (3 years prior to current year)
6163          Public Use Tapes - Multi-Year License Fee - Inpatient, Ambulatory Surgery, and Emergency     250.00
6164          Department Encounter Public Use - File III - multiple year data set (3 years prior to current year)
6165          Public Use Secondary Release License, Files I - III, per year    375.00
6166          Public Use Data Set - Single Year License Fee for Private Sector Agencies - Inpatient, Ambulatory     3,000.00
6167          Surgery, and Emergency Department Encounter Public Use - File I
6168          Public Use Data Set - Single Year License Fee for Private Sector Agencies - Inpatient, Ambulatory     1,500.00
6169          Surgery, and Emergency Department Encounter Public Use - File II
6170          Public Use Data Set - Single Year License Fee for Private Sector Agencies - Inpatient, Ambulatory     1,000.00
6171          Surgery, and Emergency Department Encounter Public Use - File III
6172          Public Use Tapes, Multi Year License Fee for Private Sector Agencies - Inpatient, Ambulatory     3,000.00
6173          Surgery, and Emergency Department Encounter Public Use - File I - multiple year data set (3 years
6174          prior to current year)

6175          Public Use Tapes, Multi Year License Fee for Private Sector Agencies - Inpatient, Ambulatory     1,500.00
6176          Surgery, and Emergency Department Encounter Public Use - File II - multiple year data set (3 years
6177          prior to current year)
6178          Public Use Tapes, Multi Year License Fee for Private Sector Agencies - Inpatient, Ambulatory     1,000.00
6179          Surgery, and Emergency Department Encounter Public Use - File III - multiple year data set (3 years
6180           prior to current year)
6181          Public Use Tapes, Multi Year License Fee for new user - File I    2,500.00
6182          Public Use Tapes, Multi Year License Fee for new user - Ambulatory Surgical Data Sets - File 1 -     500.00
6183          year one data set (1996)
6184          Public Use Tapes, Multi Year License Fee for new user - Emergency Department Encounter Data     1,500.00
6185          Set - File 1 - single year data set
6186          Private Sector Secondary Release License, File I - III - First Year    1,000.00
6187          Private Sector Secondary Release License, File I - III - Annual renewal fee    500.00
6188          Private Sector Secondary Release License, File I - III - Financial Database    50.00
6189          Research Data Set License Fee - Inpatient Research Data Set - Latest Year    1,500.00
6190          Research Data Set License Fee - Inpatient Research Data Set - Previous Years (up to three years)    1,500.00
6191          Research Data Set License Fee - Multi-Year HEDIS Data Set License Fee - Public, Educational,     500.00
6192          Non-profit Research Organizations
6193          Research Data Set License Fee - Multi-Year HEDIS Data Set License Fee - Private Sector Agencies    1,000.00
6194          Research Data Set License Fee - Multi-Year HMO Enrollee Satisfaction Survey - Data Set License     750.00
6195          Fee - Public, Educational, Non-profit Research Organizations - File I
6196          Research Data Set License Fee - Multi-Year HMO Enrollee Satisfaction Survey - Data Set License     500.00
6197          Fee - Public, Educational, Non-profit Research Organizations - File II
6198          Research Data Set License Fee - Multi-Year HMO Enrollee Satisfaction Survey - Data Set License     250.00
6199          Fee - Public, Educational, Non-profit Research Organizations - File III
6200          Research Data Set License Fee - Multi-Year HMO Enrollee Satisfaction Survey - Data Set License     1,250.00
6201          Fee - Private Sector Agencies - File I
6202          Research Data Set License Fee - Multi-Year HMO Enrollee Satisfaction Survey - Data Set License     1,000.00
6203          Fee - Private Sector Agencies - File II
6204          Research Data Set License Fee - Multi-Year HMO Enrollee Satisfaction Survey - Data Set License     500.00
6205          Fee - Private Sector Agencies - File III
6206          Hard Copy Reports Miscellaneous    10.00
6207          Hard Copy Reports Miscellaneous - Standard Report - Inpatient, E    38.00
6208          Hard Copy Reports Miscellaneous - Standard Report 1 - Ambulatory Surgery    38.00
6209          Hard Copy Reports Miscellaneous - Hospital Financial Report    50.00
6210          Special Reports    50.00
6211          Health Information Internet Query System License Fee - Programming and Technical Support, per     50.00

6212          hour
6213          Health Information Internet Query System License Fee - Program/Public Sector    6,000.00
6214          Health Information Internet Query System License Fee - Program/Private Sector    10,000.00
6215          Special Data Request, per hour, ($70 minimum)    50.00
6216          Other Fees - Data Management Fees for Reprocessing - Data Errors: To cover costs of processing     38.00
6217          resubmissions of data with system errors (may be waived as incentive for timely resubmission)
6218           Medical Examiner
6219          Autopsy - Non-Jurisdictional Case (plus cost of body transportation)    2,000.00
6220          Autopsy - Non-Jurisdictional Case (plus cost of body transportation) - External Examination,     500.00
6221          Non-Jurisdictional Case (plus transportation)
6222          Autopsy - Use of Office of Medical Examiner facilities and assistants - for autopsies    500.00
6223          Autopsy - Use of Office of Medical Examiner facilities and assistants - for external exams    300.00
6224          Reports - First copy to next of kin, treating physicians, and - investigative or prosecutorial     0.00
6225          agencies.
6226          Reports - All other requestors and additional copies    25.00
6227          Miscellaneous case papers - First copy to next of kin, treating physicians, and - investigative or     0.00
6228          prosecutorial agencies.
6229          Miscellaneous case papers - All other requestors and additional copies    35.00
6230          Court - Preparation, consultation, and appearance on OME cases, criminal or civil. Portal to portal     250.00
6231          expenses including travel costs and waiting time
6232          Court - Consultation as Medical Examiner on non-OME cases, criminal or civil. Portal to portal     250.00
6233          expenses including travel costs and waiting time
6234          Photographic and Video Services - Color negatives from slides, plus cost of film    2.00
6235          Photographic and Video Services - Slide Duplication, plus cost of film    3.00
6236          Photographic and Video Services - Each Video Tape    75.00
6237          Photographic and Video Services - Black and White 8 x 10    7.00
6238          Photographic and Video Services - Black and White 5 x 7    3.50
6239          Photographic and Video Services - Overlays    25.00
6240          Photographic and Video Services - Glass Slides    6.00
6241          Photographic and Video Services - X-rays    6.00
6242          Use of OME facilities for tissue harvesting activities - Eye acquisition    30.00
6243          Use of OME facilities for tissue harvesting activities - Skin Graft acquisition    115.00
6244          Use of OME facilities for tissue harvesting activities - Bone acquisition    230.00
6245          Use of OME facilities for tissue harvesting activities - Heart Valve acquisition    60.00
6246          Use of OME facilities for tissue harvesting activities - Saphenous vein acquisition    60.00
6247          Body Storage    30.00
6248           Center for Health Data

6249          Birth Certificate - Initial Copy    12.00
6250          Birth Certificate - Additional Copies    5.00
6251          Birth Certificate - Affidavit    20.00
6252          Birth Certificate - Heritage Birth Certificate    22.00
6253          Birth Certificate - Adoption    40.00
6254          Birth Certificate - Expedite Fee    10.00
6255          Death Certificate - Initial Copy    9.00
6256          Death Certificate - Additional Copies    5.00
6257          Paternity Search, per hour (1 hour minimum)    9.00
6258          Delayed Registration    40.00
6259          Marriage and Divorce Abstracts    9.00
6260          Legitimation    40.00
6261          Adoption Registry    25.00
6262          Death Research, per hour (1 hour minimum)    9.00
6263          Court Order Name Changes    20.00
6264          Court Order Paternity    40.00
6265          On-line Access to Computerized Vital Records, per month    10.00
6267           Emergency Medical Services
6268          Registration, Certification and Testing - Initial EMT-Basic Certification Fee    30.00
6269          Registration, Certification and Testing - All other certifications    10.00
6270          Registration, Certification and Testing - Recertification Fee    10.00
6271          Registration, Certification and Testing - Lapsed Certification Fee    15.00
6272          Registration, Certification and Testing - Written Test Fee - Basic EMT Certification Written     15.00
6273          Test/Re-test Fee
6274          Registration, Certification and Testing - Written Test Fee - All other written tests, re-tests    12.00
6275          Practical Test Fees - EMT - Basic Certification Practical Test/Re-test    30.00
6276          Practical Test Fees - EMT - Basic Certification Practical Test/Re-test    80.00
6277          Practical Test Fees - EMT - Basic Certification Practical Test/Re-test - Medical Scenario Practical     20.00
6278          re-test
6279          Practical Test Fees - EMT - Basic Certification Practical Test/Re-test - Trauma Scenario Practical     40.00
6280          re-test
6281          Practical Test Fees - Paramedic Practical Test    90.00
6282          Practical Test Fees - Paramedic Practical retest per station    30.00
6283          The fees listed above apply to the following certification levels: Emergency Medical
6284          Technician (EMT) - Basic; Emergency Medical Technician IV; Emergency Medical Technician
6285          Intermediate; Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic; Emergency Medical Technician

6286          Instructor; Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD); Emergency Medical Dispatcher Instructor.
6287          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Ground Ambulance, Basic    50.00
6288          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Ground Ambulance, IV    50.00
6289          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Ground Ambulance, Intermediate    75.00
6290          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Interfacility Transfer Ambulance, Basic    50.00
6291          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Interfacility Transfer Ambulance, IV    50.00
6292          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Interfacility Transfer Ambulance,     75.00
6293          Intermediate
6294          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Paramedic Rescue    100.00
6295          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Paramedic Tactical Response    100.00
6296          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Paramedic Ambulance    100.00
6297          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Paramedic Interfacility Transfer Service    100.00
6298          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Quick Response Unit, Basic    50.00
6299          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Quick Response Unit, IV    50.00
6300          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Quick Response Unit, Intermediate    50.00
6301          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Advanced Air Ambulance    75.00
6302          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Specialized Air Ambulance    100.00
6303          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Emergency Medical Dispatch Center, per     50.00
6304          center
6305          Annual Quality Assurance Review Fee, per vehicle - Resource Hospital, per hospital    50.00
6306          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Original Ground Ambulance/Paramedic License     500.00
6307          Negotiated
6308          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Original Ambulance/Paramedic License Contested - up
6309          to actual cost
6310          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Original Designation    100.00
6311          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Renewal Ambulance/Paramedic/Air License    100.00
6312          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Renewal Designation    100.00
6313          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Upgrade in Ambulance Service Level    100.00
6314          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Original Air Ambulance License    500.00
6315          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Change is ownership/operator, non-contested    500.00
6316          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Change is ownership/operator, contested - up to actual
6317          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Change is geographic service area, non-contested    500.00
6318          Quality Assurance Application Reviews - Change is geographic service area, contested - up to
6319          actual
6320          Trauma Centers - Level I and II - Quality Assurance Application Review (plus all costs associated     500.00
6321          with American College of Surgeons visit)
6322          Trauma Centers - Level I and II - Site Team Verification/Quality Assurance Review    8,000.00

6323          Trauma Centers - Level I and II - Annual Verification Quality Assurance Review Fee    500.00
6324          Trauma Centers - Level III - Quality Assurance Application Review (includes in-state site visit)
6325          Trauma Centers - Level III - Site Team Verification/Quality Assurance Review    3,000.00
6326          Trauma Centers - Level III - Annual Verification Quality Assurance Review Fee    500.00
6327          Trauma Centers - Level IV and V - Quality Assurance Application Review (includes in-state site     1,500.00
6328          visit)
6329          Trauma Centers - Level IV and V - Site Team Verification/Quality Assurance Review    2,000.00
6330          Trauma Centers - Level IV and V - Annual Verification Quality Assurance Review Fee    250.00
6331          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Basic EMT Course    100.00
6332          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Paramedic Course    100.00
6333          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Basic EMT-IV    25.00
6334          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - EMT-Intermediate    25.00
6335          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Emergency Medical Dispatch    25.00
6336          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - New Instructor Course Registration    125.00
6337          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Course Coordinator Seminar Registration    25.00
6338          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Course Coordinator Course Registration    25.00
6339          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Paramedic Seminar    100.00
6340          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Instructor Seminar Registration    125.00
6341          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Instructor Conference Vendor Fee    165.00
6342          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - New Training Officer Course Registration    25.00
6343          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Training Officer Seminar Registration    25.00
6344          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - EVO Instructor Course    40.00
6345          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - EMSC Pediatric Prehospital Care Course    65.00
6346          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - Medical Director's Course    50.00
6347          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - PALS Instructor Course    25.00
6348          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - PALS Course    65.00
6349          Course Quality Assurance Review Fee - PEPP Course    65.00
6350          Equipment delivery fee - Salt Lake County    25.00
6351          Equipment delivery fee - Davis, Utah, and Weber Counties    50.00
6352          Late Fee - the department may assess a late fee for equipment at the daily fee plus 50% of the daily
6353          fee for every day the equipment is late.
6354          Training Supplies, rental of equipment, and Accessories - Charge for course supplies and
6355          accessories to be based upon most recent acquisition cost plus 20% rounded up to the nearest
6356          $.10 (computed quarterly), FOB Salt Lake City, Utah.
6357          Background checks (name only)    10.00
6358          Fingerprint checks in Utah only    15.00
6359          Fingerprint checks to the FBI    24.00

6360          Annual License Fees - A base fee for health facilities of $100.00 plus the appropriate fee as     100.00
6361          indicated below applies to any new or renewal license.
6362          Annual License Fees - Child Care Facilities base fee    35.00
6363          Change Fee - A fee of $75.00 is charged to health care providers making changes to their existing     75.00
6364          license.
6365          Change Fee - Child Care Center Facilities
6366          Change Fee - Child Care Center Facilities - Per Child fee    1.50
6367          Change Fee - Hospitals - Fee per Licensed Bed - accredited beds    11.00
6368          Change Fee - Hospitals - Non-accredited beds    14.00
6369          Change Fee - Nursing Care Facilities, and Small Health Care Facilities - Licensed Bed    10.00
6370          Change Fee - Residential Treatment Facilities - Licensed Bed    8.00
6371          Change Fee - End Stage Renal Disease Centers (ESRDs) - Licensed Station    60.00
6372          Change Fee - Freestanding Ambulatory Surgery Centers (per facility)    1,000.00
6373          Change Fee - Birthing Centers, and Abortion Clinics: (per licensed unit)    200.00
6374          Change Fee - Hospice Agencies    500.00
6375          Change Fee - Home Health Agencies/Personal Care Agencies    500.00
6376          Change Fee - Mammography Screening Facilities    200.00
6377          Change Fee - Assisted Living Facilities Type I - Licensed Bed    9.00
6378          Change Fee - Assisted Living Facilities Type II - Licensed Bed    9.00
6379          Change Fee - Assisted Living Facilities Type II - The fee for each satellite and branch office of     75.00
6380          current licensed facility
6381          Late Fee: Licensed health facility providers are responsible for submitting a completed
6382          application form, fire clearance (where applicable) and fees 15 days prior to expiration of the
6383          license. Late fee will be assessed if fees, application and fire clearance re not received by the
6384          license expiration date.
6385          Change Fee - Late Fee - Within 14 days of expiration of license - 30% scheduled fee
6386          Change Fee - Late Fee - Within 30 days of expiration of license - 60% scheduled fee
6387          Change Fee - Assisted Living and Small Health Care - Type-N Limited Capacity/Change of     250.00
6388          Ownership Applications:
6389          A $250.00 application fee will be assessed for services rendered to providers seeking initial
6390          licensure or change of ownership to cover the cost of processing the application, staff
6391          consultation and initial inspection. This fee will be due at the time of application.
6392          Change Fee - New Provider/Change in Ownership Applications for Child Care facilities    200.00
6393          A $200.00 fee will be assessed for services rendered to providers seeking initial licensure or
6394          change of ownership to cover the cost of processing the application, staff consultation and
6395          initial inspection, etc. This fee will be due at the time of application.
6396          If a health care facility application is terminated or delayed during the application process, a

6397          fee based on services rendered will be retained as follows: Policy and Procedure Review-50%
6398          of total fee; Onsite inspections-90% of the total fee.
6399          Child care program application fees of $35.00 are not refundable
6400          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Hospitals: - Number of Beds - Up to 16    1,500.00
6401          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Hospitals: - Number of Beds - 17 to 50    3,500.00
6402          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Hospitals: - Number of Beds - 51 to 100    5,000.00
6403          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Hospitals: - Number of Beds - 101 to 200    6,000.00
6404          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Hospitals: - Number of Beds - 201 to 300    7,000.00
6405          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Hospitals: - Number of Beds - 301 to 400    8,000.00
6406          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Hospitals: - Number of Beds - Over 400, base fee    8,000.00
6407          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Hospitals: - Number of Beds - Over 400, each additional bed    50.00
6408          In the case of complex or unusual hospital plans, the Bureau of Licensuring will negotiate with
6409           the provider an appropriate plan review fee at the start of the review process based on the
6410          best estimate of the review time involved and the standard hourly review rate.
6411          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Hospitals: - In the case of complex or unusual hospital plans,
6412          the Bureau of Licensuring will negotiate with the provider an appropriate plan review fee at the
6413          start of the review process based on the best estimate of the
6414          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Nursing Care Facilities and Small Health Care Facilities -     650.00
6415          Number of Beds - Up to 5
6416          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Nursing Care Facilities and Small Health Care Facilities -     1,000.00
6417          Number of Beds - 6 to 16
6418          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Nursing Care Facilities and Small Health Care Facilities -     2,250.00
6419          Number of Beds - 17 to 50
6420          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Nursing Care Facilities and Small Health Care Facilities -     4,000.00
6421          Number of Beds - 51 to 100
6422          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Nursing Care Facilities and Small Health Care Facilities -     5,000.00
6423          Number of Beds - 101 to 200
6424          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Freestanding Ambulatory Surgical Facilities, per operating     750.00
6425          room
6426          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Birthing Centers, Abortion Clinics, and similar facilities, Other     250.00
6427          Freestanding Ambulatory Facilities, including per service unit
6428          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - End Stage Renal Disease Facilities, per service unit    100.00
6429          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Assisted Living Type I and Type II - Number of Beds - Up to 5    350.00
6430          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Assisted Living Type I and Type II - Number of Beds - 6 to 16    700.00
6431          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Assisted Living Type I and Type II - Number of Beds - 17 to 50    1,600.00
6432          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Assisted Living Type I and Type II - Number of Beds - 51 to     3,000.00
6433          100

6434          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Assisted Living Type I and Type II - Number of Beds - 101 to     4,200.00
6435          200
6436          Each additional inspection required (beyond the two covered by the fees listed above) or each
6437           additional inspection requested by the facility shall cost $100.00 plus mileage reimbursement
6438          at the approved state rate, for travel to and from the site by a Department representative .
6439          Plan Review and Inspection Fees
6440          The plan review fee for remodeling an area of a currently operating licensed facility that does
6441          not involve an addition of beds, operating room, service units, or other clinic type facilities.
6442          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Plan Review and Inspection Fees for Remodels of Licensed     .16
6443          Facilities - Hospitals, Freestanding Surgery Facilities, per square foot
6444          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Plan Review and Inspection Fees for Remodels of Licensed     .14
6445          Facilities - All others excluding Home Health Agencies, per square foot
6446          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Plan Review and Inspection Fees for Remodels of Licensed     100.00
6447          Facilities - Each required on-site inspection, base fee
6448          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Plan Review and Inspection Fees for Remodels of Licensed
6449          Facilities - Each required on-site inspection, per mile traveled according to approved state travel
6450          rates.
6451          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Other Plan-Review Fee Policies
6452          If an existing facility has obtained an exemption from the requirement to submit preliminary
6453          and working drawings, or other information regarding compliance with applicable construction
6454           rules, the Department may conduct a detailed on-site inspection in lieu of the plan review. The
6455           fee for this will be $100.00, plus mileage reimbursement at the approved state rate. A facility
6456          that uses plans and specifications previously reviewed and approved by the Department will
6457          be charged 60 percent of the scheduled plan review fee. Thirty cents per square foot will be
6458          charged for review of facility additions or remodels that house special equipment such as CAT
6459           scanner or linear accelerator. If a project is terminated or delayed during the plan review
6460          process, a fee based on services rendered will be retained as follows: Preliminary drawing
6461          review-25% of the total fee. Working drawings and specifications review-80% of the total fee.
6462          If the project is delayed beyond 12 months from the date of the State's last review the
6463          applicant must re-submit plans and pay a new plan review fee in order to renew the review
6464          action.
6465          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Health Care Facility Licensing Rules - cost plus mailing
6466          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Child Care Licensing Rules - cost plus mailing
6467          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - (Licensees receive one copy of each newly published edition of
6468           applicable Facility Rules. Additional copies of the rules will reflect the cost of printing and
6469          mailing.)
6470          Plan Review and Inspection Fees - Certificate of Authority - Health Maintenance Organization     500.00

6471          Review of Application
6472          Change Fee - New Provider/Change in Ownership Applications for Health Care facilities    500.00
6473          A $500.00 fee will be assessed for services rendered providers seeking initial licensure to or
6474          change of ownership to cover the cost of processing the application, staff consultation,
6475          review of facility policies, initial inspection, etc. This fee will be due at the time of application.
6477           HIV/AIDS/TB Control/Refugee Health
6478          Notification and post-test counseling of patients involved in an emergency medical services
6479          (EMS) body fluid exposure.
6480          Counseling of an individual with a positive HIV antibody test - cost recovery
6481          Notification of an individual with a negative HIV antibody test by phone.    6.00
6482          Notification of an individual with a negative HIV antibody test by certified letter and phone.    10.00
6483          Counseling and Testing Workshops    385.00
6484          HIV/AIDS education presentations: - AIDS 101    40.00
6485          HIV/AIDS education presentations: - Business Responds to AIDS    40.00
6486          HIV/AIDS education presentations: - Emergency Medical Services    57.00
6487          Other:
6488          Other: The Laboratory performs a variety of tests under contract and in volume to other
6489          agencies of government. The charge for these services is determined according to the type of
6490          services and the test volume, and is based on the cost to the Laboratory and therefore may be
6491          lower than the fee schedule. Because of changing needs, the Laboratory receives requests for
6492           new tests or services that are impossible to anticipate and list fully in a standard fee schedule.
6493           Charges for these services are authorized and are to be based on costs.
6494           Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
6495          Chain of Custody Sample Handling    10.00
6496          Minimum charge Priority Handling of Samples (Surcharge)    10.00
6497          Expert Preparation Time (Research), per hour    25.00
6498          Expert Witness Fee (Portal to Portal), per hour    50.00
6499          Drinking Water Tests - Lead and Copper (Metals Type 8)    28.00
6500          Drinking Water Tests - Drinking Water Organic Contaminants - THMs EPA Method 502.2    75.00
6501          Drinking Water Tests - Drinking Water Organic Contaminants - Maximum Total Potential THM     80.00
6502          Method 502.2
6503          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - Haloacetic Acids Method 6251B    130.00
6504          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - Haloacetonitriles Method 551    100.00
6505          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - TOX    100.00
6506          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - Chlorate/Chlorite    25.00
6507          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - Chloral Hydrate/THM    100.00

6508          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - Bromide    25.00
6509          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - Bromate    30.00
6510          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - Chlorite    25.00
6511          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - Ion Chromatography (multiple ions)    50.00
6512          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - UV Absorption    15.00
6513          Drinking Water Tests - Other Drinking Water Organic Tests: - TOC    20.00
6514          Drinking Water Tests - Primary Inorganics and Heavy Metals - (Type 9 Chemistry) (18 parameters)    250.00
6515          Drinking Water Tests - New Drinking Water Sources - (Total Inorganic Chemistry - 46 parameters)    535.00
6516          Drinking Water Tests - Drinking Water Inorganic Tests: - Nitrate    12.00
6517          Drinking Water Tests - Drinking Water Inorganic Tests: - Nitrite    20.00
6518          Drinking Water Tests - VOCs (combined regulated and unregulated)    190.00
6519          Drinking Water Tests - VOCs (Unregulated List 1 & List 3)    190.00
6520          Drinking Water Tests - Pesticides (combined regulated and unregulated)    875.00
6521          Drinking Water Tests - 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Dioxin) Subcontract Price, plus handling fee
6522          Drinking Water Tests - Pesticides (List II: 10 unregulated contaminants)    650.00
6523          Drinking Water Tests - Unregulated Organics (Lists 1, 2 & 3)    825.00
6524          Drinking Water Tests - Unregulated VOC List 1 (by itself)    190.00
6525          Drinking Water Tests - Unregulated VOC List 3 (by itself)    190.00
6526          Drinking Water Tests - Unregulated VOC List 1 & 3    190.00
6527          Drinking Water Tests - Inorganics Tests (per sample for preconcentration)    15.00
6528          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Alkalinity (Total)    9.00
6529          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Aluminum    17.00
6530          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Ammonia    20.00
6531          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Antimony    17.00
6532          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Arsenic    17.00
6533          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Barium    12.00
6534          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Beryllium    12.00
6535          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - BOD5    30.00
6536          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Boron    12.00
6537          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Cadmium    17.00
6538          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Calcium    12.00
6539          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Chromium    17.00
6540          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Chromium (Hexavelent)    25.00
6541          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Chloride    8.00
6542          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Chloride (IC)    30.00
6543          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Chlorophyll A    20.00
6544          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - COD    20.00

6545          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Color    20.00
6546          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Copper    12.00
6547          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Cyanide    45.00
6548          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Fluoride    9.00
6549          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Iron    12.00
6550          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Langlier Index (Calculation: pH, calcium, TDS,     5.00
6551          alkalinity)
6552          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Lead    17.00
6553          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Lithium    12.00
6554          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Magnesium    12.00
6555          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Manganese    12.00
6556          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Mercury    25.00
6557          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Molybdenum    12.00
6558          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Nickel    17.00
6559          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl (TKN)    30.00
6560          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Nitrite    20.00
6561          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Nitrate plus Nitrite    12.00
6562          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Odor    25.00
6563          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Perchlorate    30.00
6564          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - pH    10.00
6565          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Phosphate, ortho    20.00
6566          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Phosphorus, total    15.00
6567          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Potassium    12.00
6568          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Selenium    17.00
6569          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Silica    15.00
6570          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Silver    17.00
6571          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Sodium    12.00
6572          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS)    13.00
6573          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Solids, Total Suspended (TSS)    13.00
6574          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Solids, Settable (SS)    13.00
6575          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Solids, Total Volatile    15.00
6576          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Solids, Percent    13.00
6577          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Solids, Residual Suspended    25.00
6578          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Specific Conductance    9.00
6579          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Surfactants    60.00
6580          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Sulfate    15.00
6581          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Sulfide    40.00

6582          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Thallium    17.00
6583          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Tin    17.00
6584          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Turbidity    10.00
6585          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Vanadium    12.00
6586          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Zinc    12.00
6587          Type 1 - Individual water chemistry parameters - Zirconium    17.00
6588          Inorganic Chemistry Groups: - Type 2 - Partial Chemistry - (19 Major Anions/Cations)    120.00
6589          Inorganic Chemistry Groups: - Type 4 - Total Surface Water Chemistry (33 parameters, - Metals are    280.00
6590           dissolved)
6591          Inorganic Chemistry Groups: - Type 5 - Total Surface Water Chemistry (33 parameters - as in Type     280.00
6592          4, Metals are acid soluble)
6593          Inorganic Chemistry Groups: - Type 6 - Total Surface Water Chemistry (33 parameters - as in Type     290.00
6594          4, Metals are totals)
6595          Metals Tests: - Type 1 - Metals - (Tissues, Paint, Sediment, Soil)    16.00
6596          Metals Tests: - Sample preparation    20.00
6597          Metals Tests: - Type 2 - Acid Soluble Metals - Digestion)    145.00
6598          Metals Tests: - Type 3 - Dissolved metals (12 Metals - No Digestion)    145.00
6599          Metals Tests: - Type 7 - Total Metals In Water (12 Metals - Digested)    195.00
6600          Nutrient Tests: - Type 9 - 4 parameters    62.00
6601          Organics Tests - BTEXN (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene, Napthalene)    75.00
6602          Organics Tests - EPA 8020 (BETXN soil)    75.00
6603          Organics Tests - Chlorinated Pesticides (Soil) 8082    175.00
6604          Organics Tests - Chlorinated Acid Herbicides (Soil) 8150    250.00
6605          Organics Tests - EPA 8270 Semi Volatiles    400.00
6606          Organics Tests - EPA 8260 (VOCs)    200.00
6607          Organics Tests - Ethylene Glycol in water    75.00
6608          Organics Tests - Aldehydes (Air) TO-11    85.00
6609          Organics Tests - Oil and Grease    100.00
6610          Organics Tests - EPA 508A Total PCBs    200.00
6611          Organics Tests - EPA 8082 PCBs    175.00
6612          Organics Tests - PCBs in oil    75.00
6613          Organics Tests - PCE    75.00
6614          Organics Tests - EPA Method 625 Base/Neutral Acids by GC/MS    400.00
6615          Organics Tests - Total Organic Carbon (TOC)    20.00
6616          Organics Tests - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (non-BTEX)    75.00
6617          Organics Tests - Volatiles (Purgeables - EPA Method 624)    200.00
6618          Organics Tests - EPA Method 504 EDB    90.00

6619          Organics Tests - EPA Method 508.1 Chlorinated Pesticides    175.00
6620          Organics Tests - EPA Method 531.1 N-Methy Carbamates and Carbamoyloximes    200.00
6621          Organics Tests - EPA Method 515.1 Chlorinated Acids and Herbicides    200.00
6622          Organics Tests - EPA Method 525.2 Semivolatiles (A/B/Na) by GC/MS    350.00
6623          Organics Tests - EPA Method 524.2 VOCs (Volatiles Purge and Trap) by GC/MS    190.00
6624          Organics Tests - Miscellaneous Organic Chemistry - TCLP - Extraction procedure    100.00
6625          Organics Tests - Miscellaneous Organic Chemistry - TCLP Zero Headspace Extraction (ZHE)    160.00
6626          Organics Tests - Corrosivity (HW)    15.00
6627          Organics Tests - Ignitability    60.00
6628          Organics Tests - Reactive Sulfide    60.00
6629          Organics Tests - Reactive Cyanide    60.00
6630          Radiochemistry - Gross alpha or beta    60.00
6631          Radiochemistry - Gross alpha and beta    60.00
6632          Radiochemistry - Radium226, (Deemanation)    125.00
6633          Radiochemistry - Radium228, (ppt/separation)    155.00
6634          Radiochemistry - Uranium (Total Activity)    100.00
6635          Radiochemistry - Uranium (ICP/MS)    50.00
6636          Radiochemistry - Radon by Liquid Scintillation    65.00
6637          Radiochemistry - Tritium    80.00
6638          Radiochemistry - Gamma Spectroscopy By HPGe (water and solid samples.) Analysis includes     150.00
6639          nuclide identification and quantitation, per nuclide
6640          Toxicology - Alcohol in Urine    25.00
6641          Toxicology - Alcohol in Beverage    35.00
6642          Toxicology - Blood alcohol    50.00
6643          Toxicology - Blood or Tissue Drug Analysis    200.00
6644          Toxicology - Confirmation of positive blood cannabinoid screen    150.00
6645          Toxicology - Cannabinoid Screen (Urine)    25.00
6646          Toxicology - Cannabinoids Screen (Blood)    40.00
6647          Toxicology - EPIA (urine)    40.00
6648          Toxicology - EPIA (blood)    40.00
6649          Toxicology - Confirmation of positive drug screens by GC/MS    75.00
6650          Toxicology - Confirmation of positive urine cannabinoid screen    60.00
6651          Toxicology - Drug preparations (identification)    50.00
6652          Toxicology - Drug preparations (quantitation)    50.00
6653          Toxicology - Expert testimony (portal to portal), per hour    50.00
6654          Toxicology - Date rape panel    220.00
6655          Toxicology - GHB in urine    70.00

6656          Toxicology - Copy fee (1 - 15) case file data    15.00
6657          Toxicology - each additional copy    1.00
6658           Laboratory Improvement
6659          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Annual certification fee (chemistry and/or microbiology) -    500.00
6660           Utah laboratories
6661          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Annual certification fee (chemistry and/or microbiology) -    5,000.00
6662           Out of state laboratories (plus travel expenses)
6663          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Annual certification fee (chemistry and/or microbiology) -    400.00
6664           Reciprocal certification fee
6665          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Annual certification fee (chemistry and/or microbiology) -    50.00
6666           Certification change fee
6667          (Laboratories applying for certification are subject to the annual certification fee, plus the fee
6668          listed for each category in each they are to be certified.)
6669          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method -     40.00
6670          Microbiological - Each Method
6671          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method - Inorganic     25.00
6672          test procedure each method - Group I
6673          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method - Inorganic     30.00
6674          test procedure each method - Group II
6675          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method -     25.00
6676          Miscellaneous each method - Group I
6677          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method -     30.00
6678          Miscellaneous each method - Group II
6679          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method -     25.00
6680          Miscellaneous each method - Group III
6681          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method - Organic     50.00
6682          Compounds each method - Group I
6683          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method - Organic     70.00
6684          Compounds each method - Group II
6685          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method - Organic     80.00
6686          Compounds each method - Group III
6687          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method - Organic     160.00
6688          Compounds each method - Group IV
6689          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Safe Drinking Water by Analyte and Method -     30.00
6690          Radiological each method
6691          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Clean Water by Analyte and Method - Microbiological     40.00
6692          each method

6693          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Clean Water by Analyte and Method - Toxicity Testing    150.00
6694          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Clean Water by Analyte and Method - Inorganic test     25.00
6695          procedure each method - Group I
6696          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Clean Water by Analyte and Method - Inorganic test     30.00
6697          procedure each method - Group II
6698          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Clean Water by Analyte and Method - Inorganic test     35.00
6699          procedure each method - Group III
6700          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Clean Water by Analyte and Method - Organic     70.00
6701          Compounds each method - Group I
6702          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Clean Water by Analyte and Method - Organic     130.00
6703          Compounds each method - Group II
6704          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Clean Water by Analyte and Method - Organic     160.00
6705          Compounds each method - Group III
6706          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Clean Water by Analyte and Method - Radiological each     30.00
6707          method
6708          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Microbiological each     40.00
6709          method
6710          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Inorganic test procedure    25.00
6711           each method - Group I
6712          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Inorganic test procedure    30.00
6713           each method - Group II
6714          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Miscellaneous Groups     25.00
6715          each method - Group I
6716          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Miscellaneous Groups     30.00
6717          each method - Group II
6718          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Miscellaneous Groups     35.00
6719          each method - Group III
6720          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Miscellaneous Groups     40.00
6721          each method - Group IV
6722          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Radiological each     30.00
6723          method
6724          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Hazardous Waste     35.00
6725          Characteristics each method
6726          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Sample Extraction     30.00
6727          Procedures each method - Group I
6728          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Sample Extraction     25.00
6729          Procedures each method - Group II

6730          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Sample Extraction     70.00
6731          Procedures each method - Group III
6732          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Organic Compounds     70.00
6733          each method - Group I
6734          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Organic Compounds     80.00
6735          each method - Group II
6736          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Organic Compounds     130.00
6737          each method - Group III
6738          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Other Programs
6739          Analytes by Method - Travel expenses reimbursement for out of state environmental laboratory
6740          certifications (cost recovery)
6741          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Other Programs     300.00
6742          Analytes by Method - Each individual analyte by each specific method
6743          Environmental Laboratory Certification - RCRA by Analyte and Method - Permits for authorized     20.00
6744          individuals to withdraw blood for the purpose of determining alcohol or drug content - Triennial
6745          fee
6746          Environmental Laboratory Certification - Impounded Animals Use Certification - Annual fee    300.00
6747           Microbiology
6748          Immunology - Hepatitis B Surface Antigen(HBsAg)    10.00
6749          Immunology - Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb)    15.00
6750          Immunology - Hepatitis C    30.00
6751          Immunology - HIV-1 - Antibody (Note: this test includes a confirmatory Western Blot if needed)    10.00
6752          Immunology - HIV-1 - Confirmation (Note: this is for a Western Blot only, a reactive EIA is not     30.00
6753          required)
6754          Immunology - HIV-1 - Orasure (includes confirmatory Western Blot)    20.00
6755          Immunology - Hantavirus    40.00
6756          Immunology - Syphilis RPR    5.00
6757          Immunology - Syphilis FTA    7.00
6758          Immunology - Rubella immune status    10.00
6759          Immunology - HIV prostitute law - research and testimony, per hour    100.00
6760          Immunology - Chain of Custody sample surcharge    10.00
6761          Immunology - Samples for research    5.00
6762          Virology - Herpes culture    10.00
6763          Virology - Viral typing    135.00
6764          Virology - Verotoxin bioassay    25.00
6765          Virology - Gonorrhea (GenProbe collection kit req.)    4.50
6766          Virology - Chlamydia (GenProbe collection kit req.) - Genprobe    6.00

6767          Virology - GenProbe collection kit    2.50
6768          Virology - Rabies    75.00
6769          Virology - CMV culture    10.00
6770          Virology - Chlamydia unpooled amplified test    15.00
6771          Virology - Chlamydia pooled amplified test    8.50
6772          Virology - Gonorrhea unpooled amplified test    15.00
6773          Virology - Gonorrhea pooled amplified test    8.50
6774          Virology - GC and CT unpooled amplified test    22.50
6775          Bacteriology - Clinical - TB (bone marrow and blood samples only)    10.00
6776          Bacteriology - Clinical - Direct TB test    300.00
6777          Environmental - Drinking water bacteriology    12.00
6778          Environmental - Swimming pool bacteriology (MF and HPC)    25.00
6779          Environmental - Polluted water bacteriology per parameter    12.00
6780          Environmental - Environmental legionella (swab)    7.00
6781          Environmental - Environmental legionella (water)    30.00
6782          Environmental - Water Microbiology - Drinking water parasitology (Cryptosporidium and Giardia) -    300.00
6783           Method 1623 analysis
6784          Environmental - Water Microbiology - Drinking water parasitology (Cryptosporidium and Giardia) -    100.00
6785           Filter
6786          Environmental - Water Microbiology - Drinking water parasitology (Cryptosporidium and Giardia) -    225.00
6787           MPA
6788          Environmental - Water Microbiology - Drinking water parasitology (Cryptosporidium and Giardia) -    25.00
6789           Bacillus subtilis
6790          Environmental - Water Microbiology - Drinking water parasitology (Cryptosporidium and Giardia) -    30.00
6791           PFGE
6792          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Total and fecal coliform    20.00
6793          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Plate count, per dilution    15.00
6794          Environmental - Food Microbiology - pH and water activity    15.00
6795          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, and     75.00
6796          Bacillus cereus culture
6797          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, and     270.00
6798          Bacillus cereus toxin assay
6799          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Salmonella isolation and speciation    205.00
6800          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Shigella isolation and speciation    50.00
6801          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Campylobacter isolation and speciation    65.00
6802          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Listeria isolation and speciation    140.00
6803          Environmental - Food Microbiology - E. coli O157:H7    90.00

6804          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Botulism toxin assay    125.00
6805          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Environmental swab    12.00
6806          Environmental - Food Microbiology - Coliform count    20.00
6807          Environmental - Newborn Screening: - Routine first and follow-up screening    35.00
6808          Environmental - Newborn Screening: - Diet Monitoring    7.00
6810           Director's Office
6811          NOTE: This CFHS fee schedule is based on Federal Poverty Guidelines published in the
6812          Federal Register February 15, 2000, Vol. 65 No. 31, pgs. 7,555 - 7,557. When new poverty
6813          guidelines are published, the fee scale will be changed as required by federal law, Title V of the
6814           Social Security Act, and in accordance with guidelines published by the Department of Health
6815           and Human Services, Office of the Secretary.
6817           SLIDING FEE SCHEDULE - FY 2002
6818          Patient's Financial     0%     0%     20%     40%     60%     100%
6819          Responsibility (PFR)
6820          % Of Federal          0% to     133% to     150% to     185% to     
6821          Poverty Guideline     100%     133%     150%     185%     225%     >225%
6823          1     $695.83     $0.00 -     $925.47 -     $1,043.76 -     $1,287.30 -     $1,565.64
6824          925.46     1,043.75     1,287.29     1,565.63     and up
6825          2     937.50     0.00 -     1,246.89 -     1,406.26 -     1,734.39 -     2,109.39
6826          1,246.88     1,406.25     1,734.38     2,109.38     and up
6827          3     1,179.17     0.00 -     1,568.30 -     1,768.76 -     2,181.47 -     2,653.14
6828          1,568.29     1,768.75     2,181.46     2,653.13     and up
6829          4     1,420.83     0.00 -     1,889.72 -     2,131.26 -     2,628.55 -     3,196.89
6830          1,889.71     2,131.25     2,628.54     3,196.88     and up
6831          5     1,662.50     0.00 -     2,211.14 -     2,493.76 -     3,075.64 -     3,740.64
6832          2,211.13     2,493.75     3,075.63     3,740.63     and up
6833          6     1,904.17     0.00 -     2,532.22 -     2,856.26 -     3,522.72 -     4,284.39
6834          2,532.55     2,856.25     3,522.71     4,284.38     and up
6835          7     2,145.83     0.00 -     2,853.97 -     3,218.76 -     3,969.80 -     4,828.14
6836          2,853.96     3,218.75     3,969.79     4,828.13     and up
6837          8     2,387.50     0.00 -     3,175.93 -     3,581.26 -     4,416.89 -     5,731.89
6838          3,175.38     3,581.25     4,416.88     5,371.88     and up
6839          Each Additional                              
6840          Family Member     241.67     321.42     362.50     447.08     543.75     543.75

6841           Chronic Disease
6842          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - Blood Pressure     5.00
6843          Standardization protocol
6844          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - Cholesterol Procedure     5.00
6845          Manual
6846          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - Relaxation Tape    5.00
6847          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - Booklets - "So You Have     1.50
6848          High Blood Cholesterol"
6849          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - Booklets - "Eating to Lower     1.50
6850          Your High Blood Cholesterol"
6851          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - Total Cholesteral/HDL     10.00
6852          Testing
6853          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - Total Lipid Profile (special     15.00
6854          audience only)
6855          (No fees are charges to local health departments. However, private agencies are charged for
6856          class materials and instructor services.)
6857          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - 5-A-Day - Adult White     10.00
6858          T-shirt
6859          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - 5-A-Day - Children's T-shirt    8.00
6860          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - 5-A-Day - Aprons    5.00
6861          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - 5-A-Day - Food Pyramid     1.50
6862          Poster
6863          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - 5-A-Day - Puppet Show     5.00
6864          (rental/cleaning fee)
6865          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - 5-A-Day - Refrigerator     .15
6866          Magnets (food pyramid)
6867          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - 5-A-Day - Tool Kit    10.00
6868          Cardiovascular Disease Program - Cholesterol/Hypertension Control - 5-A-Day - Costumes     5.00
6869          (rental/cleaning fee)
6870           Children with Special Health Care Needs
6871          Note: The schedule of charges for Children with Special Health Care Needs services provided
6872          by the Division of Community and Family Health Services represents commonly performed
6873          procedures by CPT code and is consistent with charges by the private sector. The list is not
6874          intended to be comprehensive as the Division is mandated to assign a charge for all services
6875          performed and there is potentially an unlimited number of procedures that could be provided.
6876          If unlisted services are performed, charges consistent with the private sector will be assigned.
6877           For FY 2001, the Utah Department of Health, Division of Health Care Financing (Medicaid) is

6878          not increasing rates based on the projected Medical inflation rate for physician services.
6879          Accordingly, CFHS proposed rates are increased by 0%.
6880          Patient Care - Office Visit, New Patient - 99201 Problem focused, straightforward    41.00
6881          Patient Care - Office Visit, New Patient - 99202 Expanded problem, straightforward    52.00
6882          Patient Care - Office Visit, New Patient - 99203 Detailed, low complexity    77.00
6883          Patient Care - Office Visit, New Patient - 99204 Comprehensive, Moderate complexity    103.00
6884          Patient Care - Office Visit, New Patient - 99205 Comprehensive, high complexity    120.00
6885          Patient Care - Office Visit, Established Patient - 99211 Minimal Service or non-MD    14.00
6886          Patient Care - Office Visit, Established Patient - 99212 Problem focused, straightforward    37.00
6887          Patient Care - Office Visit, Established Patient - 99213 Expanded problem, low complexity    51.00
6888          Patient Care - Office Visit, Established Patient - 99214 Detailed, moderate complexity    62.00
6889          Patient Care - Office Visit, Established Patient - 99215 Comprehensive, high complexity    94.00
6890          Patient Care - Office Visit, Established Patient - 99241 Consult    63.00
6891          Patient Care - Office Visit, Established Patient - 99242 Consult Exp.    77.00
6892          Patient Care - Office Visit, Established Patient - 99244 Consult Comprehensive    124.00
6893          Patient Care - Office Visit, Established Patient - 99361 Med Conference by Phys/Int Dis Team    63.00
6894          Patient Care - Psychological - 96100 Psychological Testing    130.00
6895          Patient Care - Psychological - 96110 Developmental Test    64.00
6896          Patient Care - Psychological - 90801 Diagnostic Exam, per hour    130.00
6897          Patient Care - Psychological - 90801-52 Diagnostic Exam, per hour, Reduced Procedures    63.00
6898          Patient Care - Psychological - 90841 Individual Psychotherapy    66.00
6899          Patient Care - Psychological - 90846 Family Med Psychotherapy, w/o 30 minutes    60.00
6900          Patient Care - Psychological - 90847 Family Med Psychotherapy, conjoint 30 minutes    130.00
6901          Patient Care - Psychological - 90882 Environmental Intervention w/Agencies Employers, etc.    39.00
6902          Patient Care - Psychological - 90882-52 Environmental Intervention, Reduced Procedures    19.00
6903          Patient Care - Physical and Occupational Therapy - 97110 Therapeutic Procedure, 15 minutes    24.00
6904          Patient Care - Physical and Occupational Therapy - 97116 Gait training    24.00
6905          Patient Care - Physical and Occupational Therapy - 97530 Therapuetic activities to improve     41.00
6906          functional performance
6907          Patient Care - Physical and Occupational Therapy - 97703 Check Out, Orthotic/Prosthetic Use    24.00
6908          Patient Care - Physical and Occupational Therapy - 97001 Physical Therapy Evaluation    36.00
6909          Patient Care - Physical and Occupational Therapy - 97002 Physical Therapy Re-evaluation    36.00
6910          Patient Care - Physical and Occupational Therapy - 97003 Occupational Therapy Evaluation    37.00
6911          Patient Care - Physical and Occupational Therapy - 97004 Occupational Therapy Re-evaluation    37.00
6912          Patient Care - Speech - 92506 Speech Basic Assessment    75.00
6913          Patient Care - Speech - 92506-22 Speech Assessment, unusual procedures    108.00
6914          Patient Care - Speech - 92506-52 Speech Assessment, reduced procedures    39.00

6915          Patient Care - Ophthalmologic, New Patient - 92002 Ophthalmologic, Intermediate    55.00
6916          Patient Care - Ophthalmologic, New Patient - 92004 Ophthalmologic, Comprehensive    74.00
6917          Patient Care - Ophthalmologic, Established Patient - 92012 Ophthalmologic, Intermediate    50.00
6918          Patient Care - Audiology - 92551 Audiometry, Pure Tone Screen    30.00
6919          Patient Care - Audiology - 92552 Audiometry, Pure Tone Threshold    32.00
6920          Patient Care - Audiology - 92553 Audiometry, Air and Bone    40.00
6921          Patient Care - Audiology - 92557 Basic Comprehension, Audiometry    72.00
6922          Patient Care - Audiology - 92567 Tympanometry    16.00
6923          Patient Care - Audiology - 92582 Conditioning Play Audiometry    72.00
6924          Patient Care - Audiology - 92589 Central Auditory Function    78.00
6925          Patient Care - Audiology - 92591 Hearing Aid Exam Binaural    98.00
6926          Patient Care - Audiology - 92587 Evaluation of Alternate Communication Device    38.00
6927          Patient Care - Audiology - 92596 Ear Mold    76.00
6928          Patient Care - Audiology - 92579 Visual Reinforcement Audio    31.00
6929          Patient Care - Audiology - 92593 Hearing Aid Check, Binaural    88.00
6930          The Division assigns a charge to all services performed regardless of the client's or third party
6931          insurer's financial responsibility or the likelihood of receiving payment for the services.
6932          Projected numbers of units of services are based on past experiences but are subject to
6933          significant variation determined by the actual needs of patients and changes in medical
6934          practices. Hence, it is not possible to calculate the change in revenue resulting from a change
6935          in the charge for a given service.
6938           In accordance with Section 63-34-5, the following fees are approved for the services of the Division of Oil, Gas and
6939          Mining for FY 2002.
6940          Copy Fees:
6941          Mine Permit application    5.00
6942          Bid Specifications    20.00
6943          Telefax of material (per page)    .25
6944          Photocopy - Staff Copy (per page)    .25
6945          Photocopy - Self Copy (per page)    .10
6946          Prints from microfilm - Staff Copy (per paper-foot)    .55
6947          Prints from microfilm - Self Copy (per paper-foot)    .40
6948          Print of microfiche - Staff Copy (per page)    .25
6949          Print of microfiche - Self Copy (per page)    .10
6950          Well logs (from originals) - Staff Copy (per paper-foot)    .75
6951          Well logs (from originals) - Self Copy (per paper-foot)    .50

6952          Print of computer screen (per screen)    .50
6953          Fees for Compiling or Photocopying Records:
6954          Actual time spent compiling or copying: Current personnel rate
6955          Data entry or records segregation: Current personnel rate
6956          Fees for Third Party Services:
6957          Copying maps or charts: Actual Cost
6958          Copying odd sized documents: Actual Cost
6959          Fees for Specific Reports:
6960          Monthly Production Report
6961          Picked up    17.50
6962          Mailed    20.00
6963          Annual Subscription    210.00
6964          Monthly Notice of Intent to Drill/ Well Completion Report
6965          Picked up    .50
6966          Mailed    1.00
6967          Annual Subscription    6.00
6968          Mailed Notice of Board Hearings List (Annual)    20.00
6969          Current Administrative Rules, - Oil and Gas, Coal, Non-Coal, Abandon Mine Lease (first copy is
6970          free)
6971          Picked up    10.00
6972          Mailed    13.00
6973          Custom-tailored data reports
6974          Diskettes/tapes: Computer time and current personnel rate
6975          Custom Maps: Current personnel rate and cost per linear foot
6976          Minimum Charges
6977          Color Plot    25.00
6978          Laser Print    5.00
6979          Notice of Intention to Conduct:
6980          Exploration Activities    100.00
6981          Small Mining Operation (less than 5 acres)    100.00
6982          Mining Operations (5 to 50 acres)    350.00
6983          Large Mining Operations (over 50 acres)    750.00
6985           In accordance with Section 63-34-5, the following fees are approved for the services of the Division of Wildlife
6986          Resources for FY 2002.
6987          Fishing Licenses:
6988          Resident Fishing (Disabled)    0.00

6989          Resident Fishing (Mentally Retarded)    0.00
6990          Two-Pole Fishing License    14.00
6991          Set Line    14.00
6992          Game Licenses:
6993          Resident Dedicated Hunter, 2 Yr. (14-17)    70.00
6994          Resident Dedicated Hunter, 3 Yr. (14-17)    105.00
6995          Resident Dedicated Hunter, 2 Yr. (18+)    120.00
6996          Resident Dedicated Hunter, 3 Yr. (18+)    180.00
6997          Lifetime License Dedicated Hunter 2 Yr. (14-17)    25.00
6998          Lifetime License Dedicated Hunter 3 Yr. (14-17)    37.50
6999          Lifetime License Dedicated Hunter 2 Yr. (18+)    50.00
7000          Lifetime License Dedicated Hunter 3 Yr. (18+)    75.00
7001          Nonresident Dedicated Hunter, 2 Yr. (14-17)    416.00
7002          Nonresident Dedicated Hunter, 3 Yr. (14-17)    634.00
7003          Nonresident Dedicated Hunter, 2 Yr. (18+)    566.00
7004          Nonresident Dedicated Hunter, 3 Yr. (18+)    867.00
7005          Heritage Certificate:
7006          Juvenile (Under 12)    10.00
7007          Adult (12+)    20.00
7008          General Season Permits:
7009          Resident General Season Deer    35.00
7010          Resident Anterless Deer    20.00
7011          Resident Two Doe Antlerless    35.00
7012          Resident Depredation    20.00
7013          Nonresident General Season Deer    208.00
7014          Nonresident Antlerless Deer    83.00
7015          Nonresident Two Doe Antlerless    161.00
7016          Landowners Depredation / Mitigation:
7017          Deer    25.00
7018          Elk    60.00
7019          Pronghorn    25.00
7020          Stamps:
7021          Wyoming Flaming Gorge    10.00
7022          Arizona Lake Powell    8.00
7023          Nonresident 1-Day Fishing    6.00
7024          Limited Entry Game Permits:
7025          Deer:

7026          Resident Limited Entry    48.00
7027          Resident High Country Buck    43.00
7028          Resident Premium Limited Entry    133.00
7029          Resident CWMU Buck    35.00
7030          Resident CWMU Limited Entry    48.00
7031          Resident CWMU Premium Limited Entry    133.00
7032          Resident CWMU Anterless    20.00
7033          Resident CWMU Two Doe Antlerless    35.00
7034          Nonresident Limited Entry    408.00
7035          Nonresident High Country Buck    258.00
7036          Nonresident Premium Limited Entry    508.00
7037          Nonresident CWMU Buck    208.00
7038          Nonresident CWMU Limited Entry    408.00
7039          Nonresident CWMU Premium Limited Entry    508.00
7040          Nonresident CWMU Anterless    83.00
7041          Nonresident CWMU Two Doe Antlerless    161.00
7042          Elk:
7043          Resident Archery    60.00
7044          Resident General Bull    60.00
7045          Resident Limited Entry Bull    180.00
7046          Resident Antlerless    60.00
7047          Resident Control    20.00
7048          Resident Depredation    60.00
7049          Resident Muzzleloader Hunter Choice    60.00
7050          Resident Limited Entry Archery/Muzzleloader Bull Auxiliary Permit    20.00
7051          Resident CWMU Any Bull    180.00
7052          Resident CWMU Spike Bull    60.00
7053          Resident CWMU Anterless    60.00
7054          Nonresident Archery    333.00
7055          Nonresident General Bull    333.00
7056          Nonresident Limited Entry Bull    483.00
7057          Nonresident Antlerless    208.00
7058          Nonresident Control    83.00
7059          Nonresident Muzzleloader Hunter Choice    333.00
7060          Nonresident Archery/Muzzleloader Bull Auxiliary Permit    20.00
7061          Nonresident CWMU Any Bull    483.00
7062          Nonresident CWMU Spike Bull    333.00

7063          Nonresident CWMU Anterless    208.00
7064          Pronghorn:
7065          Resident Limited Buck    50.00
7066          Resident Limited Doe    20.00
7067          Resident CWMU Buck    50.00
7068          Resident CWMU Doe    20.00
7069          Resident Depredation    15.00
7070          Resident Archery Buck    50.00
7071          Nonresident Limited Buck    233.00
7072          Nonresident Limited Doe    135.00
7073          Nonresident Archery Buck    233.00
7074          Nonresident CWMU Buck    233.00
7075          Nonresident CWMU Doe    135.00
7076          Moose:
7077          Resident Bull    308.00
7078          Resident Anterless    208.00
7079          Resident CWMU Bull    308.00
7080          Resident CWMU Anterless    208.00
7081          Nonresident Bull    1,008.00
7082          Nonresident Anterless    708.00
7083          Nonresident CWMU Bull    1,008.00
7084          Nonresident CWMU Anterless    708.00
7085          Bison:
7086          Resident    408.00
7087          Resident Antelope Island    1,105.00
7088          Nonresident    1,008.00
7089          Nonresident Antelope Island    2,605.00
7090          Bighorn Sheep:
7091          Resident Desert    508.00
7092          Resident Rocky Mountain    508.00
7093          Nonresident Desert    1,008.00
7094          Nonresident Rocky Mountain    1,008.00
7095          Goats:
7096          Resident Rocky Mountain    408.00
7097          Nonresident Rocky Mountain    1,008.00
7098          Cougar / Bear:
7099          Resident Cougar    58.00

7100          Resident Bear    83.00
7101          Resident Bear Archery    83.00
7102          Resident Cougar Pursuit    30.00
7103          Resident Bear Pursuit    30.00
7104          Nonresident Cougar Pursuit    30.00
7105          Nonresident Bear Pursuit    30.00
7106          Cougar or Bear Damage    30.00
7107          Nonresident Cougar    258.00
7108          Nonresident Bear    308.00
7109          Nonresident Bear Archery    308.00
7110          Muskrats:
7111          Over 1000 anticipated    155.00
7112          500-1000 anticipated    105.00
7113          100-500 anticipated    55.00
7114          Less than 100 anticipated    30.00
7115          Wild Turkey:
7116          Resident Limited Entry    30.00
7117          Nonresident Limited Entry    55.00
7118          Sportsman Permits:
7119          Resident Bull Moose    308.00
7120          Resident Hunter's Choice Bison    408.00
7121          Resident Desert Bighorn Ram    508.00
7122          Resident Bull Elk    180.00
7123          Resident Buck Deer    133.00
7124          Resident Buck Pronghorn    50.00
7125          Other Fees:
7126          Falconry Permits:
7127          Resident Capture - Apprentice Class    30.00
7128          Resident Capture - General Class    50.00
7129          Resident Capture - Master Class    50.00
7130          Nonresident Capture - General Class    115.00
7131          Nonresident Capture - Master Class    115.00
7132          Handling Fees, includes licenses and CORs (handling fees may be assessed exchanges)    5.00
7133          Bird Bands    .25
7134          Furbearer/ Trap Registration:
7135          Resident Bobcat Temporary Possession    5.00
7136          Nonresident Bobcat Temporary Possession    5.00

7137          Resident Trap Registration    5.00
7138          Nonresident Trap Registration    5.00
7139          Duplicate Licenses, Permits and Tags:
7140          Duplicates are one-half the original price of the license or 5.00 whichever is less. No duplicate
7141          bobcat temporary possession tags are issued.
7142          Hunter education cards    10.00
7143          Furharvester Education cards    10.00
7144          Wood Products on Division of Wildlife Resources Lands:
7145          Firewood (2 Cords)    10.00
7146          Christmas Tree    5.00
7147          Ornamental (Maximum 60.00 per permit)
7148          Conifers (per tree)    5.00
7149          Deciduous (per tree)    3.00
7150          Posts (Maximum 50 per permit) - each    .40
7151          Hunter Education Fees:
7152          Hunter Education Training    6.00
7153          Hunter Education Home Study    6.00
7154          Furharvester Education Training    6.00
7155          Long Distance Verification    2.00
7156          Becoming an Outdoors Woman (Special Needs Rates Available)    150.00
7157          Hunter Education Range Fees:
7158          Adult    2.00
7159          Youth (15 and Under)    1.00
7160          Spotting Scope Rental    1.00
7161          Sandbag Rental    1.00
7162          Sportsmen Club Meetings    20.00
7163          Reproduction of Records:
7164          Self Service (per copy)    .10
7165          Staff Service (per copy)    .25
7166          Geographic Information System:
7167          Personnel Time (per hour)    35.00
7168          Processing (per hour)    40.00
7169          Data Processing Time:
7170          Programming (per hour)    40.00
7171          Production (per hour)    20.00
7172          Application Fee for License Agency:    20.00
7173          Other Services to be reimbursed at actual time and materials

7174          Postage: Current Rate
7175          Return check charge    20.00
7176          Easement and Lease Schedule:
7177          Application fees for leases (nonrefundable)    50.00
7178          Application fees for easements (nonrefundable):
7179          Rights-of-way    50.00
7180          Rights-of-entry    50.00
7181          Amendment to lease, easement, right-of-way, right-of-entry    25.00
7182          Certified document    5.00
7183          Research on leases or title records (per hour)    50.00
7184          Rights-of-way fees:
7185          Width of Easement:
7186          0' - 30' Initial    12.00
7187          0' - 30' Renewal    8.00
7188          31' - 60' Initial    18.00
7189          31' - 60' Renewal    12.00
7190          61' - 100' Initial    24.00
7191          61' - 100' Renewal    16.00
7192          101' - 200' Initial    30.00
7193          101' - 200' Renewal    20.00
7194          201' - 300' Initial    40.00
7195          201' - 300' Renewal    28.00
7196          > 300' Initial    50.00
7197          > 300' Renewal    34.00
7198          Outside Diameter of Pipe:
7199          < 2.0" Initial    6.00
7200          < 2.0" Renewal    4.00
7201          2.0" - 13" Initial    12.00
7202          2.0" - 13" Renewal    8.00
7203          13.1" - 25" Initial    18.00
7204          13.1" - 25" Renewal    12.00
7205          25.1" - 37" Initial    24.00
7206          25.1" - 37" Renewal    16.00
7207          > 37" Initial    48.00
7208          > 37" Renewal    32.00
7209          Roads, canals (permanent loss of habitat plus high maintenance disturbance):
7210          Width of Easement:

7211          1' - 33' New Construction    18.00
7212          1' - 33' Existing    12.00
7213          33.1' - 66' New Construction    24.00
7214          33.1' - 66' Existing    18.00
7215          Leases
7216          (Resulting in a permanent loss of a block of habitat, e.g. water tanks, communication towers,
7217          reservoirs): Fee will be developed through customary practices on a case-by-case basis plus
7218          three-to-one mitigation for loss of habitat plus assessment and value of lost land.
7219          Rights-of-Entry
7220          Fee will be developed through customary practices on a case-by-case basis with a minimum of
7221           500.00 plus on-site mitigation for habitat disturbance. Customary practices will follow
7222          formulas developed by School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration.
7223          Certificates of Registration:
7224          Initial Fee - Personal Use    50.00
7225          Initial Fee - Commercial    100.00
7226          Amendment    10.00
7227          Certificates of Registration Renewal    20.00
7228          Late fee for failure to renew Certificates of Registration when due    10.00
7229          Required Inspections    25.00
7230          Failure to submit required Annual Activity Report when due    10.00
7231          Request for species reclassification    200.00
7232          Request for variance    200.00
7233          Commercial Fishing and Dealing Commercially in Aquatic Wildlife:
7234          Dealer in Live / Dead Bait    75.00
7235          Helper Cards - Live/Dead Bait    15.00
7236          Commercial Seiner    1,000.00
7237          Helper Cards - Commercial Seiner    100.00
7238          Commercial Brine Shrimper    10,000.00
7239          Helper Cards Commercial Brine Shrimper    1,500.00
7240          Upland Game Cooperative Wildlife Management Units:
7241          New Application    5.00
7242          Renewal Application    5.00
7243          Big Game Cooperative Wildlife Management Units:
7244          New Application    150.00
7245          Renewal Application    150.00
7246          Falconry Certificates of Registration:
7247          One year    15.00

7248          Two year    30.00
7249          Three year    45.00
7250          Commercial Hunting Areas:
7251          New Application    150.00
7252          Renewal Application    150.00
7254           In accordance with UCA 63-34-5, the following fees are approved for the services of the Utah Geological
7255           Survey for FY 2002.
7256          Editorial:
7257          Color Plots, Set-Up Fee    3.00
7258          Per Square Foot    3.00
7259          Color Plots - Special Paper Per Square Foot    4.50
7260          Color Scanning, Per Scan    9.00
7261          Bluelines, Per Square Foot    .25
7262          File Conversion, Per Hour    36.00
7263          Minimum Fee    5.00
7264          Clear/Matte Mylars from Negatives
7265          Set-Up Fee    20.00
7266          Per Square Foot    6.00
7267          Clear/Matte Mylars (Division Negatives)
7268          Set-Up Fee    20.00
7269          Per Square Foot    11.00
7270          Negatives
7271          Set-Up Fee    20.00
7272          Per Square Foot    9.00
7273          Professional Services, Per Hour    36.00
7274          Sample Library:
7275          On-Site Examination
7276          Cuttings, Per Box    2.00
7277          Core, Per Box    3.00
7278          Coal, Per Box    4.00
7279          Oil/Water (Brine), Per Bottle    3.00
7280          Core Layout Table, Per Table    15.00
7281          Binocular/Petrographic Microscopes per day    15.00
7282          Sat/Sun/Holiday Surcharge: 60 percent
7283          Off-Site Examination
7284          Cuttings, Per Box (Plus Shipping)    4.00

7285          Core, Per Box (Plus Shipping)    6.00
7286          Coal, Per Box (Plus Shipping)    6.00
7287          Oil, Per Bottle (Plus Shipping & Packaging)    7.00
7288          Oil, Hazardous Material Packing    12.00
7289          Oil, Hazardous Material Shipping    4.00
7290          Core Plug, Per Plug    2.00
7291          Core Slabbing
7292          1.8" Diameter or Smaller, Per Foot    8.00
7293          1.8"-3.5" Diameter, Per Foot    10.00
7294          Larger Diameter: Negotiated
7295          Core Photographing:
7296          Box/Closeup, Per Print (8x10 color)    20.00
7297          Slides, Per Slide    10.00
7298          Coal Petrography, Per Hour    36.00
7299          Copying of Data, Per Page    .10
7300          Searches and Research, Per Hour    25.00
7301          General Building and Lab Use
7302          Per Day    35.00
7303          Per Week    225.00
7304          Per Month    900.00
7305          Applied:
7306          School Site Reviews
7307          Review Geologic Hazards Report for New School Sites (plus travel and $36 per hour)    450.00
7308          Preliminary Screening of a Proposed School Site
7309          One School    500.00
7310          Multiple in same city (plus travel and $36 per hour)    700.00
7311          Paleontology:
7312          File Search Requests
7313          Minimum Charge (up to 15 minutes)    30.00
7314          Hourly Rate (>15 minutes)    60.00
7315          Miscellaneous:
7316          Copies, Self-Serve, Per Copy    .10
7317          Copies, Staff, Per Copy    .25
7318          Large Format Copies, Per Copy    4.00
7319          Research Fee, Per Hour    36.00
7320          UGS Database Searches, Per Hour    36.00
7321          Minimum Fee    5.00

7322          Media Charges
7323          Compact Disk (650 MB), Per CD    3.00
7324          Zip Disk
7325          100 MB, Per Disk    15.00
7326          250 MB, Per Disk    25.00
7327          Floppy Disk (1.44 MB), Per Disk    2.00
7328          Paper Printout, Per Page    .10
7329          Custom Map Plots, Minimum Fee    15.00
7330          Bookstore, Per Plot    5.00
7331      WATER RIGHTS
7332           In accordance with Section 63-34-5, the following fees are approved for the services of the Division of Water Rights
7333          for FY 2002.
7334          1. Applications
7335          For examining and filing applications and temporary applications to appropriate water,
7336          applications for temporary and permanent change, applications for exchange, applications for
7337          an extension of time in which to resume use of water, applications to appropriate or make
7338          permanent or temporary change for use outside the state, claims to water based on diligence, a
7339           groundwater recovery permit, and for re-publication of notice to water users after amendment
7340          of application, the State Engineer shall collect fees based upon the following schedule:
7341          a. For a quantity of water of 0.1 second-foot or less    75.00
7342          b. For a quantity of water over 0.1 second-foot but not exceeding 0.5 second-foot    100.00
7343          c. For a quantity of water over 0.5 second-foot but not exceeding 1.0 second-foot    125.00
7344          d. For a quantity of water over 1.0 second-foot but not exceeding 2.0 second-foot    150.00
7345          e. For a quantity of water over 2.0 second-foot but not exceeding 3.0 second-foot    175.00
7346          f. For a quantity of water over 3.0 second-foot but not exceeding 4.0 second-foot    200.00
7347          g. For each additional second-foot, or fraction thereof, up to but not exceeding 23.0 second-feet    15.00
7348          h. For applications in excess of 23.0 second-foot    500.00
7349          i. For a volume of water of 20 acre-feet or less    75.00
7350          j. For a volume of water over 20 acre-feet, but not exceeding 100 acre-feet    100.00
7351          k. For a volume of water over 100 acre-feet, but not exceeding 500 acre-feet    125.00
7352          l. For a volume of water over 500 acre-feet, but not exceeding 1,000 acre-feet    150.00
7353          m. For a volume of water over 1,000 acre-feet, but not exceeding 1,500 acre-feet    175.00
7354          n. For a volume of water over 1,500 acre-feet, but not exceeding 2,000 acre-feet    200.00
7355          o. For each additional 500 acre-feet, or part thereof, but not exceeding 11,500 acre-feet    15.00
7356          p. For applications in excess of 11,500 acre-feet    500.00
7357          q. For any application that proposes to appropriate by both direct flow and storage, there shall be
7358          charged the fee for quantity or volume, whichever is greater, but not both.

7359          2. For a well driller permit
7360          Initial    50.00
7361          Renewal (annual)    25.00
7362          Late renewal (annual)    50.00
7363          3. For filing a request for an extension of time in which to submit proof of appropriation 14 years or     75.00
7364          more after the date of approval of the application.
7365          4. For filing a request for an extension of time in which to submit proof of appropriation less than     25.00
7366          14 years after the date of approval of the application.
7367          5. For each certification of copies    4.00
7368          6. A reasonable charge for preparing copies of any and all documents
7369          7. Application to segregate a water right    25.00
7370          8. Application to inject water    2,500.00
7371          9. Report of Water Right Conveyance    25.00
7372          10. Diligence claim investigation fee    200.00
7373          11. Drill Rig Operator Registration
7374          Initial    50.00
7375          Renewal (annual)    25.00
7376          Late Renewal (annual)    50.00
7379           In accordance with Section 63-38-3.5, the following fees are approved for the services of the Department of Natural
7380          Resources - Internal Service Fund for FY 2002.
7381           ISF - DNR Warehouse
7382          Mark-up of goods: 19%
7383          Warehouse space, per square foot, per year    4.38
7384          Core Sample Warehouse, per year    40,123.00
7385           ISF - DNR Motorpool
7386          Motor Pool Rates - Monthly rates at 100.00 plus mileage as follows:
7387          Sedan    .19
7388          Station Wagon    .19
7389          Minivan    .19
7390          1/2 Ton, 2 wheel drive PU    .19
7391          1/2 Ton, 4 wheel drive PU    .26
7392          1/2 Ton, 4 wheel drive extended cab PU    .30
7393          3/4 Ton, 2 wheel drive PU    .21
7394          3/4 Ton, 4 wheel drive PU    .28
7395          3/4 Ton, 4 wheel drive extended cab PU    .33

7396          1 Ton, 2 wheel drive PU    .32
7397          1 Ton, 4 wheel drive PU    .32
7398          1 Ton, 4 wheel drive extended cab PU    .36
7399          Sport Utility    .26
7400          Large Utility    .28
7401          Large Van    .26
7402          Fire Truck    .42
7403          1 1/2 Ton, 2 Ton, 2 1/2 Ton, 1 Axle, Duals, etc.    .43
7404          5 Ton, 10 Ton Tractor, etc.    .46
7405           ISF - DNR Data Processing
7406          Hourly Rate    25.00
7409           In accordance with Section 4-2-2(2) the following fees are approved for the services of the Department of Agriculture
7410          and Food for FY 2002.
7411           General Administration
7412          Produce Dealers:
7413          Produce Dealer    25.00
7414          Dealer's Agent    10.00
7415          Broker/Agent    25.00
7416          Produce Broker    25.00
7417          Livestock Dealer    25.00
7418          Livestock Dealer/Agent    10.00
7419          Livestock Auctions:
7420          Livestock Auction Market    50.00
7421          Auction Weigh Person    10.00
7422          Registered Farms Recording fee    10.00
7423          Citations, Maximum per violation    500.00
7424          All Agricultural Divisions:
7425          Administrative costs for making copies of files, per hour    10.00
7426          Administrative costs for making copies of files, per copy    .07
7427          Late Fee    25.00
7428          Returned check fee    15.00
7429          Mileage: State Rate
7430           Meat Inspection
7431          Inspection Service Fee    39.00
7432          Meat Packing Plant    50.00

7433          Custom Exempt    50.00
7434           Chemistry Laboratory
7435          Feed and Meat:
7436          Moisture, 1 sample    15.00
7437          Moisture, 2-5 samples per sample    10.00
7438          Moisture, over 6 samples per sample    5.00
7439          Fat, 1 sample    30.00
7440          Fat, 2-5 samples, per sample    25.00
7441          Fat, over 6 samples, per sample    20.00
7442          Fiber, 1 sample    45.00
7443          Fiber, 2-5 samples, per sample    40.00
7444          Fiber, over 6 samples, per sample    35.00
7445          Protein, 1 sample    25.00
7446          Protein 2-5 samples per sample    20.00
7447          Protein, over 6 samples, per sample    15.00
7448          NPN, 1 sample    20.00
7449          NPN, 2-5 samples, per sample    15.00
7450          NPN, over 6 samples, per sample    10.00
7451          Ash, 1 sample    15.00
7452          Ash, 2-5 samples, per sample    10.00
7453          Ash, over 6 samples, per sample    5.00
7454          Fertilizer:
7455          Nitrogen, 1 sample    25.00
7456          Nitrogen, 2-5 samples, per sample    20.00
7457          Nitrogen, over 6 samples, per sample    15.00
7458          P2O5, 1 sample    30.00
7459          P2O5, 2-5 samples, per sample    25.00
7460          P2O5, over 6 samples, per sample    20.00
7461          K2O, 1 sample    25.00
7462          K2O, 2-5 samples, per sample    20.00
7463          K2O, over 6 samples, per sample    15.00
7464          Trace Elements (Atomic Absorption):
7465          Iron    20.00
7466          Copper    20.00
7467          Zinc    20.00
7468          Manganese    20.00
7469          Molybdenum    40.00

7470          Trace Elements (In Water):
7471          Iron    10.00
7472          Copper    10.00
7473          Zinc    10.00
7474          Manganese    10.00
7475          Molybdenum    10.00
7476          Vitamins:
7477          Vitamin A, 1 sample    60.00
7478          Vitamin A, 2-5 samples, per sample    55.00
7479          Vitamin A, over 6 samples, per sample    50.00
7480          Vitamin B, 1 sample    60.00
7481          Vitamin B, 2-5 samples, per sample    55.00
7482          Vitamin B, over 6 samples, per sample    50.00
7483          Vitamin B2, 1 sample    60.00
7484          Vitamin B2, 2-5 samples, per sample    55.00
7485          Vitamin B2, over 6 samples per sample    50.00
7486          Vitamin C, 1 sample    60.00
7487          Vitamin C, 2-5 samples, per sample    55.00
7488          Vitamin C, over 6 samples, per sample    50.00
7489          Minerals:
7490          Calcium, 1 sample    25.00
7491          Calcium, 2-5 samples, per sample    20.00
7492          Calcium, over 6 samples, per sample    15.00
7493          Sodium Cloride, 1 sample    25.00
7494          Sodium Cloride, 2-5 samples, per sample    20.00
7495          Sodium Cloride, over 6 samples, per sample    15.00
7496          Iodine, 1 sample    25.00
7497          Iodine, 2-5 samples, per sample    20.00
7498          Iodine, over 6 samples, per sample    15.00
7499          Drugs and Antibiotics:
7500          Sulfamethazine Screen, 1 sample    25.00
7501          Sulfamethazine Screen, 2-5 samples, per sample    20.00
7502          Sulfamethazine Screen, over 6 samples, per sample    15.00
7503          Aflatoxin-Elisamethod, 1 sample    25.00
7504          Aflatoxin-Elisamethod, 2-5 samples, per sample    20.00
7505          Aflatoxin-Elisamethod, over 6 samples, per sample    15.00
7506          Pesticides/Herbicides:

7507          Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Screen, 1 sample    70.00
7508          Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Screen, 2-5 samples, per sample    65.00
7509          Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Screen, over 6 samples, per sample    60.00
7510          Organo Phosphate Screen, 1 sample    70.00
7511          Organo Phosphate Screen, 2-5 samples, per sample    65.00
7512          Organo Phosphate Screen, over 6 samples, per sample    60.00
7513          Chlorophenoxy Herbicide Screen - Reports for the following components:
7514          2-4D, 1 sample    150.00
7515          2-4D, 2-5 samples, per sample    140.00
7516          2-4D, over 6 samples, per sample    130.00
7517           2,4,5-T Screen, 1 sample    150.00
7518          2,4,5-T, 2-5 samples, per sample    140.00
7519          2,4,5-T, over 6 samples, per sample    130.00
7520          Silvex, 1 sample    150.00
7521          Silvex, 2-5 samples, per sample    140.00
7522          Silvex, over 6 samples, per sample    130.00
7523          Individual components from screens:
7524          1 sample    75.00
7525          2-5 samples, per sample    70.00
7526          Over 6 samples per sample    65.00
7527          Certification Fee - Milk Laboratory Evaluation Program
7528          Basic Lab Fee    50.00
7529          Number of Certified Analyst (3 x $10.00)    30.00
7530          Number of Approved Test (3 x $10.00)    30.00
7531          Total Yearly Assessed Fee    90.00
7532          Standard Plate count    5.00
7533          Coliform Count    5.00
7534          Test for Inhibitory Substances (antibiotics)    5.00
7535          Phosphatase Test    15.00
7536          WMT Screening Test    5.00
7537          DMSCC (Confirmation)    10.00
7538          DSCC (Foss Instrumentation)    5.00
7539          Coliform Confirmation    5.00
7540          Container Rinse Test    10.00
7541          H2O Coli Total Count (MF Filtration)    5.00
7542          H2O Coli Confirmation Test    5.00
7543          Butterfat % (Babcock Method)    10.00

7544          Added H2O in Raw Milk (Cryoscope Instr)    5.00
7545          Reactivated Phosphatase Confirmation    15.00
7546          Antibiotic Confirmation Tests    10.00
7547          All Other Services, per hour    30.00
7548           Animal Health
7549          Inspection Service Fee    39.00
7550          Commercial Aquaculture Facility    150.00
7551          Commercial Fee Fishing Facility    30.00
7552          Citation, per violation    100.00
7553          Citation, per head    2.00
7554          If not paid within 15 days 2 times citation fee
7555          If not paid within 30 days 4 times citation fee
7556          Feed Garbage to Swine    25.00
7557          Hatchery
7558          Hatchery Operation (Poultry)    25.00
7559          Health Certificate Book    8.00
7560          Coggins testing    5.00
7561          Service fee for Veterinarians (dog food and brine shrimp, misc.), per day    250.00
7562          Service fee for Veterinarians (dog food and brine shrimp, misc.), per mile: State Rate
7563          Write International CVI    5.00
7564           Agriculture Inspection
7565          Shipping Point - Fruit
7566          Packages, or less, per package    .02
7567          20 to 29 lb. package, per package    .025
7568          over 29 lb. package, per package    .03
7569          Bulk load, per cwt.    .045
7570          Shipping Point - Vegetables
7571          Potatoes, per cwt.    .055
7572          Onions, per cwt.    .06
7573          Cucurbita family includes: watermelon, muskmelon, squash (summer, fall, and winter), pumpkin,     .045
7574          gourd and others per cwt
7575          Shipping Point - Other vegetables
7576          Less than 60 lb. package, per package    .035
7577          Over 60 lb. package, per package    .045
7578          Phytosanitary Inspection, per inspection    25.00
7579          With grade certification    15.00
7580          Minimum charge per certificate for one commodity (except regular rate at continuous grading     23.00

7581          facilities)
7582          Minimum charge per commodity for mixed loads (not to exceed $45.00 per mixed load)    23.00
7583          Hourly charge for inspection of raw products at processing plants    23.00
7584          Hourly charge for inspectors' time more than 40 hours per week (overtime), plus regular fees    34.50
7585          Hourly charge for major holidays and Sundays (four-hour minimum), plus regular fees    34.50
7586          Holidays include: New Year's Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day;
7587          Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day
7588          All inspections shall include mileage which will be charged according to the current mileage rate of
7589           the State of Utah
7590          Export Compliance Agreements    50.00
7591          Nursery    50.00
7592          Nursery Agent    25.00
7593          Nursery Outlet    50.00
7594          Feed
7595          Commercial Feed    25.00
7596          Custom Formula Permit    50.00
7597          Pesticide
7598          Commercial Applicator Certification
7599          Triennial (3 year) Certification and License    45.00
7600          Annual License    15.00
7601          Replacement of lost or stolen certificate/license    15.00
7602          Failed examinations may be retaken two more times at no charge
7603          Additional re-testing (two more times).    15.00
7604          Triennial (3 year) examination and educational materials fee    20.00
7605          Product Registration    60.00
7606          Dealer license
7607          Annual    15.00
7608          Triennial    45.00
7609          Fertilizer
7610          Blenders License    50.00
7611          Annual Assessment, per ton    .15
7612          Minimum annual assessment    20.00
7613          Fertilizer Registration    25.00
7614          Beekeepers
7615          Insect Identification Fee    10.00
7616          License    10.00
7617          Inspection fee, per hour    30.00

7618          Salvage Wax Registration fee    10.00
7619          Control Atmosphere    10.00
7620          Seed Purity
7621          Flowers    10.00
7622          Grains    6.00
7623          Grasses    15.00
7624          Legumes    6.00
7625          Trees and Shrubs    10.00
7626          Vegetables    6.00
7627          Seed Germination
7628          Flowers    10.00
7629          Grains    6.00
7630          Grasses    10.00
7631          Legumes    6.00
7632          Trees and Shrubs    10.00
7633          Vegetables    6.00
7634          Seed Tetrazolium Test
7635          Flowers    20.00
7636          Grains    12.00
7637          Grasses    20.00
7638          Legumes    15.00
7639          Trees and Shrubs    20.00
7640          Vegetables    12.00
7641          Embryo Analysis (Loose Smut Test)    11.00
7642          Cutting Test    8.00
7643          Mill Check: Hourly Charge
7644          Examination of extra quantity for other crop or weed seed: Hourly Charge
7645          Examination for noxious weeds only: Hourly Charge
7646          Identification: No Charge
7647          Hourly Charges    23.00
7648          Additional Copies of Analysis Reports    1.00
7649          Hourly charge for any other inspection service performed on an hourly basis (one hour minimum)    23.00
7650          Mixtures will be charged based on the sum for each individual kind in excess of 5 percent.
7651          Samples which require excessive time, screenings, low grade, dirty, or unusually difficult
7652          sample will be charged at the hourly rate.
7653          Charges for tests or kinds of seeds not listed will be determined by the Seed Laboratory.
7654          Hourly charges may be made on seed treated with "Highly Toxic Substances" if special

7655          handling is necessary for the Analyst's safety.
7656          Discount germination is a non-priority service intended for carry-over seed which is ideal for
7657          checking inventories from May through August. The discount service is available during the
7658          rest of the year, but delays in testing may result due to high test volume of priority samples.
7659          Ten or more samples receive a 50 percent discount off normal germination fees.
7660          Emergency service, per sample, single component only    42.00
7661          Hay and Straw Weed Free Certification
7662          Bulk loads of hay up to 10 loads    25.00
7663          Hourly rate    23.00
7664          If time involved is 1 hr or less    23.00
7665          Charge for each hay tag    .10
7666          Citations, maximum per violation    500.00
7667          Organic Certification
7668          Annual registration of producers, handlers, processors or combination    100.00
7669          Hourly fee for inspection    23.00
7670          Hourly charge for inspectors' time more than 40 hours per week (overtime) plus regular fees    34.50
7671          Hourly charge for major holidays and Sundays (four hour minimum) plus regular fees    34.50
7672          Gross Sales Fees (10.00 minimum) based on previous calendar year according to the following
7673          schedule:
7674          $0 to $5,000: Exempt
7675          $5,001 to $10,000    50.00
7676          $10,001 to $15,000    75.00
7677          $15,001 to $20,000    100.00
7678          $20,001 to $25,000    125.00
7679          $25,001 to $30,000    150.00
7680          $30,001 to $35,000    175.00
7681          $35,001 to $50,000    250.00
7682          $50,001 to $75,000    375.00
7683          $75,001 to $100,000    500.00
7684          $100,001 to $150,000    690.00
7685          $150,001 to $280,000    1,050.00
7686          $280,001 to $375,000    1,250.00
7687          $375,001 to $500,000    1,460.00
7688          $500,001 and up    2,000.00
7689           Regulatory Services
7690          Bedding/Upholstered Furniture
7691          Manufacturers of bedding and/or upholstered furniture    55.00

7692          Wholesale Dealer    55.00
7693          Supply Dealer    55.00
7694          Manufacturers of Quilted Clothing    55.00
7695          Upholsterer with employees    40.00
7696          Upholsterer without employees    25.00
7697          Dairy
7698          Test milk for payment    25.00
7699          Operate milk manufacturing plant    50.00
7700          Make butter    25.00
7701          Haul farm bulk milk    25.00
7702          Make cheese    25.00
7703          Operate a pasteurizer    25.00
7704          Operate a milk processing plant    50.00
7705          Special Inspection Fees
7706          Food and Dairy Inspection fee, per hour    26.50
7707          Food and Dairy Inspection fee, overtime rate    34.40
7708          Certificate of Inspection    10.00
7709          Citations, maximum per violation    500.00
7710          Weights and Measures:
7711          Weighing and measuring devices/individual servicemen    10.00
7712          Weighing and measuring devices/agency    50.00
7713          Special Scale Inspections
7714          Large Capacity Truck
7715          Per man-hour    20.00
7716          Per mile    1.50
7717          Per hour equipment use    25.00
7718          Pickup Truck
7719          Per man-hour    20.00
7720          Per mile    .75
7721          Per hour equipment use    15.00
7722          Overnight Trip: Per Diem and cost of motel
7723          Petroleum Refinery Fee
7724          Gasoline - Octane Rating    120.00
7725          Gasoline - Benzene Level    80.00
7726          Gasoline - Pensky-Martens Flash Point    20.00
7727          Overtime charges, per hour    30.00
7728          Metrology services, per hour    32.00

7729          Gasoline - Gravity    10.00
7730          Gasoline - Distillation    25.00
7731          Gasoline - Sulfer, X-ray    35.00
7732          Gasoline - Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP)    25.00
7733          Gasoline - Aromatics    50.00
7734          Gasoline - Leads    20.00
7735          Diesel - Gravity    25.00
7736          Diesel - Distillation    25.00
7737          Diesel - Sulfur, X-ray    20.00
7738          Diesel - Cloud Point    20.00
7739          Diesel - Conductivity    25.00
7740          Diesel - Cetane    20.00
7741          Citations, maximum per violation    500.00
7742           Utah Horse Commission
7743          Owner/Trainer, not to exceed    100.00
7744          Owner, not to exceed    75.00
7745          Organization, not to exceed    75.00
7746          Trainer, not to exceed    75.00
7747          Assistant trainer, not to exceed    75.00
7748          Jockey, not to exceed    75.00
7749          Jockey Agent, not to exceed    75.00
7750          Veterinarian, not to exceed    75.00
7751          Racing Official, not to exceed    75.00
7752          Racing Organization Manager or Official, not to exceed    75.00
7753          Authorized Agent, not to exceed    75.00
7754          Farrier, not to exceed    75.00
7755          Assistant to the Racing Manager or Official, not to exceed    75.00
7756          Video Operator, not to exceed    75.00
7757          Photo Finish Operator, not to exceed    75.00
7758          Valet, not to exceed    50.00
7759          Jockey Room Attendant or Custodian, not to exceed    50.00
7760          Colors Attendant, not to exceed    50.00
7761          Paddock Attendant, not to exceed    50.00
7762          Pony Rider, not to exceed    50.00
7763          Groom, not to exceed    50.00
7764          Security Guard, not to exceed    50.00
7765          Stable Gate Man, not to exceed    50.00

7766          Security Investigator, not to exceed    50.00
7767          Concessionaire, not to exceed    50.00
7768          Application Processing Fee    25.00
7769           Brand Inspection
7770          Farm Custom Slaughter    50.00
7771          Estray Animals: Varies
7772          Beef Promotion (cattle only), per head    1.00
7773          Citation, per violation    100.00
7774          Citation, per head    2.00
7775          If not paid within 15 days 2 times citation fee
7776          If not paid within 30 days 4 times citation fee
7777          Brand Inspection fee special sales    100.00
7778          Brand Inspection (cattle), per head, maximum    .50
7779          Brand Inspection (horse), per head    .65
7780          Brand Inspection (sheep), per head    .05
7781          Brand Book    25.00
7782          Show and Seasonal Permits
7783          Horse    10.00
7784          Cattle    10.00
7785          Lifetime Horse Permit    20.00
7786          Duplicate Lifetime Horse Permit    10.00
7787          Lifetime Transfer Horse Permit    10.00
7788          Brand Recording    50.00
7789          Certified copy of Recording (new Brand Card)    5.00
7790          Minimum charge per certificate (Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, and Horses)    5.00
7791          Brand Transfer    30.00
7792          Brand Renewal (five-year cycle)    30.00
7793          Elk Farming
7794          Elk Inspection New License    300.00
7795          Brand Inspection per elk    5.00
7796          Service Charge (per stop per owner)    15.00
7797          Horn Inspection per set    1.00
7798          Elk License Renewal    300.00
7799          Elk License Late Fee    50.00
7800           Grain Inspection
7801          Regular hourly rate    23.00
7802          Overtime hourly rate    34.50

7803          Official Inspection Services (includes sampling except where indicated):
7804          Railcar, per car or part car    18.75
7805          Truck or trailer, per carrier or part carrier    9.75
7806          Submitted sample, per sample    6.50
7807          Reinspection, basis file sample    6.50
7808          Protein test, original or file sample retest    4.50
7809          Protein test, basis new sample, plus sample hourly fee    4.25
7810          Factor only determination, per factor, plus sampler's hourly rate, if applicable    3.00
7811          Stowage examination services, per certificate    10.00
7812          A fee for applicant requested certification of specific factors (malting barley analysis of     2.00
7813          non-malting class barley, HVAC or DHV percentage determination in durum or hard spring wheats,
7814           etc., per request)
7815          Extra copies of certificates, per copy    1.00
7816          Insect damaged kernel, determination (weevil, bore)    2.50
7817          Sampling only, same as original carrier fee, except hopper cars, 4 or more    10.00
7818          Mailing sample handling charge (plus Actual Charge)    2.00
7819          Request for services not covered by the above fees will be performed at the applicable hourly rate
7820          stated herein, plus mileage and travel time, if applicable. Actual travel time will be assessed outside
7821           of a 50 mile radius of Ogden.
7822          Non-official Services
7823          Safflower Grading    10.00
7824          Class II weighing, per carrier    4.50
7825          Determination of DHV percentage in Hard Red Wheat    3.50
7826          Determination of hard kernel percentage in soft white wheat    3.50
7827          Other requests: Hourly Rate
7830           In accordance with Section 63-38-3.5, the following fees are approved for the services of the Department of
7831          Agriculture and Food - Internal Service Fund for FY 2002.
7832           ISF - Agri Data Processing
7833          Programmer, per hour    50.00
7834          Programmer, per hour overtime    75.00
7835          LAN, monthly charge, per year/per port (connection)    2,900.00
7836          Port Charges per year/per PC    500.00
7837          Technical assistance/consultation, per hour    50.00
7838          Installation: Negotiable
7839          GIS Rate per hour    50.00

7840          GIS Rate per hour, overtime    75.00
7841          Portable PC daily rental    15.00
7844           In accordance with Section 63-38-3.2, the following fees are approved for the services of the Department of
7845          Environmental Quality for FY 2002.
7846           All Divisions
7847          Request for copies over 10 pages, per page    .25
7848          Copies made by the requestor, per page    .05
7849          Compiling, tailoring, searching, etc., a record in another format (at rate of lowest paid staff
7850          employee who has the necessary skill and training to perform the request, after the first quarter
7851          hour.) - Actual Cost
7852           Air Quality
7853          Utah Air Conservation Rules
7854          Printed    8.50
7855          Computer disk    7.50
7856          Utah State Implementation Plan
7857          Printed    87.00
7858          Computer disk    15.00
7859          Without Basic I/M Appendices
7860          Printed    35.00
7861          Computer disk    20.00
7862          Basic I/M Appendices
7863          Printed    47.00
7864          Computer disk    10.00
7865          Emission Limits for Salt Lake/Davis County
7866          Printed    13.00
7867          Computer disk    7.50
7868          Emission Limits for Utah County
7869          Printed    4.00
7870          Computer disk    7.50
7871          Utah Air Conservation Act
7872          Printed    5.00
7873          Computer disk    3.00
7874          Notice of Intent Instructions-A Methodology
7875          Printed    5.00
7876          Computer disk    3.00

7877          Modeling Guidelines
7878          Printed    8.00
7879          Computer disk    5.00
7880          Emission Inventory Report
7881          Printed    10.00
7882          Computer disk    7.50
7883          Emission Inventory Workshop (attendance)    15.00
7884          Air Emissions Fees, per ton    31.22
7885          Major and Minor Source Compliance
7886          Inspection - Actual Cost
7887          Visible Emissions Evaluation Course
7888          Full Course    175.00
7889          Recertification    150.00
7890          Certification for Vapor Tightness Tester    300.00
7891          Asbestos Regulations Packet
7892          Printed    5.00
7893          Computer disk    3.00
7894          Specialized Computer-Generated Information, per hour    50.00
7895          Asbestos Certification and Asbestos Reviews
7896          Employee Testing and Certification
7897          Initial Year    75.00
7898          Following Years    75.00
7899          Card Replacement, Individual Person    10.00
7900          Asbestos Company Certification per/year    150.00
7901          Course Provider Certifications - Actual Cost
7902          Demolition/Renovation fees
7903          Notification Review, NESHAP projects    200.00
7904          Notification Review, NESHAP projects over 5,000 sq. ft. or 5,000 linear ft.    500.00
7905          Notification Review for residential units not subject to NESHAP    50.00
7906          Annual Notifications    300.00
7907          Alternative Work Practice Review    100.00
7908          Lead-based paint regulations packet (printed copy)    5.00
7909          Lead-based paint regulations packet (computer disk)    3.00
7910          Specialized computer-generated information (per hour)    50.00
7911          Certification of lead-based paint firm (initial year)    200.00
7912          Certification of lead-based paint firm (subsequent years)    150.00
7913          Certification of lead-based paint inspector, abatement worker (initial year)    100.00

7914          Certification of lead-based paint risk assessor, supervisor, project designer, (initial year)    175.00
7915          Certification of lead-based paint inspector, abatement worker (subsequent years)    75.00
7916          Certification of lead-based paint risk assessor, supervisor, project designer (subsequent years)    100.00
7917          Lead-Based Paint Certification Course Accreditation - Actual Cost
7918          Lead-based paint certification examination    50.00
7919          Lead-based paint lost identification card/certification replacement    10.00
7920          Lead-based paint project notification    100.00
7921          Permit Category
7922          New major source or major modification to major source in non-attainment area    27,000.00
7923          Added cost above 450 hours, per hour    60.00
7924          New major source or major modification to major source in attainment area    18,000.00
7925          Added cost above 300 hours, per hour    60.00
7926          New minor source or minor modification to minor source    1,200.00
7927          Added cost above 20 hours, per hour    60.00
7928          Generic permit for minor source or minor modification of minor source (Sources for which     480.00
7929          engineering review/BACT standardized)
7930          Added cost above 8 hours, per hour    60.00
7931          Minor sources (new or modified) with less than 3 tons per year uncontrolled emissions    300.00
7932          Added cost above 5 hours, per hour    60.00
7933          Technical review of and assistance given for sales/use tax exemptions, soils remediations,
7934          experimental approvals, impact analyses, etc., per hour    60.00
7935          Air Quality Training - Actual Cost
7936           Environmental Response/Remediation
7937          CERCLA Program Lists
7938          CERCLIS Facility List (paper only)    7.00
7939          NFRAP Facility List (paper only)    5.00
7940          Postage for one or both    3.00
7941          UST Program List
7942          UST Facility List (paper only)    30.00
7943          UST Facility List (computer disk)    25.00
7944          LUST Facility List (paper only)    18.00
7945          LUST Facility List (computer disk)    15.00
7946          Postage for one or both    3.00
7947          SARA Title III Program (EPCRA)
7948          Toxic Release Inventory
7949          Annual Report (paper only)    5.00
7950          Facility List (paper only)    10.00

7951          Facility List (computer disk)    8.00
7952          Data Reports (per hour)    50.00
7953          Chemical Inventory Data Reports (per hour)    50.00
7954          Postage for one or both    3.00
7955          Community Right to Know Data Reports, per hour    50.00
7956          Technical Review of Site Assessment or Related Studies, per hour    60.00
7957          Review/Oversite of Remedial Action
7958          Investigations, per hour    60.00
7959          Review/Oversite of Feasibility Studies of Remedial Action, per hour    60.00
7960          Review of Remedial Activities Submitted for approval, per hour    60.00
7961          Voluntary Environmental Cleanup Program Application Fee    2,000.00
7962          Review/Oversight/Participation in Voluntary Agreements - Actual Cost
7963          Annual Underground Storage Tank (UST) Fee
7964          Tanks with Certificate of Compliance    75.00
7965          Tanks without Certificate of Compliance    150.00
7966          Tanks Significantly out of Compliance with Leak Detection Requirements    150.00
7967          Oversight for tanks failing to pay UST fee, per hour    60.00
7968          UST Compliance Follow-up Inspection, per hour    60.00
7969          PST Reapplication Fee for lapsed or revoked Certificates of Compliance    150.00
7970          Initial Approval of Alternate UST Financial Assurance Mechanisms (Non-PST Participants)    420.00
7971          Approval of Alternate UST Financial Assurance Mechanisms after Initial Year ( with No     240.00
7972          Mechanism Changes)
7973          Cost for Certificate of Compliance other than PST Trust Fund, per Tank    75.00
7974          Apportionment of Liability requested by responsible parties.Preparing,administering, and
7975          conducting the Administrative
7976          process, per hour    60.00
7977          Certification or Certification Renewal for UST Consultants
7978          UST Installers, Removers and Groundwater and Soil Samplers and non-government UST     150.00
7979          Inspectors and Testers
7980          Environmental Response and Remediation Program Training - Actual Cost
7981          Specialized Computer-Generated Information, per hour    50.00
7982          Log in and processing time to access UST database, per minute    5.00
7983          Computer disks of location and attribute information for Utah CERCLIS sites    50.00
7984          Plotter printing of existing computer programs, per foot    12.00
7985          Plotter printing of specialized computer programs, per hour    50.00
7986           Radiation Control
7987          Utah Radiation Control Rules, complete set    12.00

7988          Utah Radiation Control Rules, partial set, Machine-Generated Radiation    8.00
7989          Utah Radiation Control Rules, partial set, Radioactive Materials    8.00
7990          List of all radioactive material licensees    10.00
7991          List of all x-ray machine registrants    10.00
7992          Machine-Generated Radiation
7993          Hospital/Therapy
7994          Annual Registration Fee, per control unit and first tube, plus annual fee for each additional tube     10.00
7995          connected to the control unit
7996          Division Conducted Inspection, per tube    105.00
7997          Medical
7998          Annual Registration Fee, per control unit and first tube, plus annual fee for each additional tube     10.00
7999          connected to the control unit
8000          Division Conducted Inspection, per tube    105.00
8001          Chiropractic
8002          Annual Registration Fee, per control unit and first tube, plus annual fee for each additional tube     10.00
8003          connected to the control unit
8004          Division Conducted Inspection, per tube    105.00
8005          Podiatry/Veterinary
8006          Annual Registration Fee, per control unit and first tube, plus annual fee for each additional tube     10.00
8007          connected to the control unit
8008          Division Conducted Inspection, per tube    75.00
8009          Dental
8010          Annual Registration Fee, per control unit and first tube, plus annual fee for each additional tube     10.00
8011          connected to the control unit
8012          Division Conducted Inspection, per tube
8013          First tube on a single control unit    45.00
8014          Additional tubes on a control unit, per tube    12.50
8015          Industrial Facility with High and/or Very High Radiation Areas Accessible to Individuals
8016          Annual Registration Fee, per control unit and first tube, plus annual fee for each additional tube     10.00
8017          connected to the control unit
8018          Division Conducted Inspection, per tube    105.00
8019          Industrial Facility with Cabinet X-Ray Units or Units Designed for other Purposes
8020          Annual Registration Fee, per control unit and first tube, plus annual fee for each additional tube     10.00
8021          connected to the control unit
8022          Division Conducted Inspection per tube    75.00
8023          Other
8024          Annual Registration Fee, per control unit and first tube, plus annual fee for each additional tube     10.00

8025          connected to the control unit
8026          Division Conducted Annual or Biannual Inspection, per tube    105.00
8027          Division Conducted Inspection, once every five years, per tube    75.00
8028          Acceptance of work for types of facilities listed above, performed by a person meeting the     15.00
8029          qualifications in R313-16-400, that demonstrates compliance with R313 per tube
8030          Radioactive Material
8031          Special Nuclear Material
8032          Possession and use of special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in devices used in
8033          industrial measuring systems, including x-ray fluorescence analyzers and neutron generators
8034          New License/Renewal    440.00
8035          Annual Fee    370.00
8036          Possession and use of less than 15 grams special nuclear material in unsealed form for research
8037          and development
8038          New License/Renewal    730.00
8039          Annual Fee    370.00
8040          Special nuclear material to be used as calibration and reference sources
8041          New License/Renewal    180.00
8042          Annual Fee    120.00
8043          All other special nuclear material licenses
8044          New License/Renewal    1,150.00
8045          Annual Fee    800.00
8046          Source Material
8047          Licenses for concentrations of uranium from other areas (i.e. copper, phosphates, etc.) for the
8048          production of uranium yellow cake (moist, solid)
8049          New License/Renewal    5,510.00
8050          Annual Fee    2,110.00
8051          Licenses for possession and use of source material for shielding
8052          New License/Renewal    230.00
8053          Annual Fee    160.00
8054          All other source material licenses
8055          New License/Renewal    1,000.00
8056          Annual Fee    560.00
8057          Radioactive Material other than Source Material and Special Nuclear Material Licenses of broad
8058          scope for possession and use of radioactive material for processing or manufacturing of items
8059          containing radioactive material for commercial distribution
8060          New License/Renewal    2,320.00
8061          Annual Fee    1,480.00

8062          Other licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for processing or manufacturing of
8063          items containing radioactive material for commercial distribution
8064          New License/Renewal    1,670.00
8065          Annual Fee    1,020.00
8066          Licenses authorizing the processing or manufacturing and distribution or redistribution of
8067          radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, or sources or devices containing radioactive
8068          material
8069          New License/Renewal    2,320.00
8070          Annual Fee    1,480.00
8071          Licenses authorizing distribution or redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent
8072          kits, or sources or devices not involving processing of radioactive material
8073          New License/Renewal    860.00
8074          Annual Fee    500.00
8075          Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for industrial radiography operations.
8076          New License/Renewal    1,670.00
8077          Annual Fee    1,280.00
8078          Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material in sealed sources for irradiation of
8079          materials in which the source is not removed from its shield (self-shielded units)
8080          New License/Renewal    700.00
8081          Annual Fee    470.00
8082          Licenses for possession and use of less than 10,000 curies of radioactive material in sealed sources
8083           for irradiation of materials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes
8084          New License/Renewal    1,670.00
8085          Annual Fee    870.00
8086          Licenses for possession and use of 10,000 curies or more of radioactive material in sealed sources
8087          for irradiation of materials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes
8088          New License/Renewal    3,340.00
8089          Annual Fee    1,740.00
8090          Licenses to distribute items containing radioactive material
8091          that require device review to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of R313-19,
8092          except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for
8093          distribution to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of R313-19
8094          New License/Renewal    700.00
8095          Annual Fee    290.00
8096          Licenses to distribute items containing radioactive material or quantities of radioactive material
8097          that do not require device evaluation to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of
8098          R313-19, except for specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been

8099          authorized for distribution to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of R313-19
8100          New License/Renewal    700.00
8101          Annual Fee    290.00
8102          Licenses to distribute items containing radioactive material
8103          that require sealed source and/or device review to persons generally licensed under R313-21,
8104          except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for
8105          distribution to persons generally licensed under R313-21
8106          New License/Renewal    700.00
8107          Annual Fee    290.00
8108          Licenses to distribute items containing radioactive material or quantities of radioactive material
8109          that do not require sealed source and/or device review to persons generally licensed under
8110          R313-21, except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized
8111          for distribution to persons generally licensed under R313-21
8112          New License/Renewal    700.00
8113          Annual Fee    290.00
8114          Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of radioactive material for research and
8115          development which do not authorize commercial distribution
8116          New License/Renewal    2,320.00
8117          Annual Fee    1,480.00
8118          Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for research and development, which do
8119          not authorize commercial distribution
8120          New License/Renewal    700.00
8121          Annual Fee    470.00
8122          All other specific radioactive material licenses
8123          New License/Renewal    440.00
8124          Annual Fee    260.00
8125          Licenses that authorize services for other licensees, except licenses that authorize leak testing or
8126          waste disposal services which are subject to the fees specified for the listed services
8127          New License/Renewal    320.00
8128          Annual Fee    210.00
8129          Licenses that authorize services for leak testing only
8130          New License/Renewal    150.00
8131          Annual Fee    80.00
8132          Radioactive Waste Disposal
8133          Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste radioactive material from other persons for
8134          the purpose of commercial disposal by land by the licensee
8135          New Application

8136          (a) Siting application - Actual costs up to    100,000.00
8137          (b) License application - Actual costs up to    500,000.00
8138          Renewal - Actual cost up to    500,000.00
8139          Pre-licensing and operations review and consultation on commercial low-level radioactive waste     60.00
8140          facilities, per hour
8141          Review of commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal special projects. Applicable when the
8142          licensee and the Division agree that a review be conducted by a contractor in support of the
8143          efforts of Division staff - Actual cost
8144          Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste radioactive material
8145          from other persons for the purpose of packaging or repackaging the material. The licensee will
8146           dispose of the material by transfer to another person authorized to receive or dispose of the
8147          material.
8148          New License/Renewal    3,190.00
8149          Annual Fee    1,380.00
8150          Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of prepackaged waste radioactivematerial from other
8151          persons. The licensee will dispose of the material by transfer to another person authorized to
8152          receive or dispose of the material
8153          New License/Renewal    700.00
8154          Annual Fee    550.00
8155          Licenses authorizing packing of radioactive waste for shipment to waste disposal site where
8156          licensee does not take possession of waste material
8157          New License/Renewal    440.00
8158          Annual Fee    260.00
8159          Well Logging, Well Surveys, and Tracer Studies
8160          Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for well logging, well surveys, and tracer
8161          studies other than field flooding tracer studies
8162          New License/Renewal    1,670.00
8163          Annual Fee    1,050.00
8164          Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for field flooding tracer studies
8165          New License/Renewal - Actual Cost
8166          Annual Fee    2,000.00
8167          Nuclear Laundries
8168          Licenses for commercial collection and laundry of items contaminated with radioactive material
8169          New License/Renewal    1,670.00
8170          Annual Fee    1,190.00
8171          Human Use of Radioactive Material Licenses for human use of radioactive material in sealed
8172          sources contained in teletherapy devices

8173          New License/Renewal    1,090.00
8174          Annual Fee    640.00
8175          Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or more physicians authorizing
8176          research and development, including human use of radioactive material, except licenses for
8177          radioactive material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices
8178          New License/Renewal    2,320.00
8179          Annual Fee    1,480.00
8180          Other licenses issued for human use of radioactive material, except licenses for use of radioactive
8181          material contained in teletherapy devices
8182          New License/Renewal    700.00
8183          Annual Fee    550.00
8184          Civil Defense
8185          Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for civil defense activities
8186          New License/Renewal    700.00
8187          Annual Fee    190.00
8188          Power Source
8189          Licenses for the manufacture and distribution of encapsulated radioactive material wherein the
8190          decay energy of the material is used as a source for power
8191          New License/Renewal    5,510.00
8192          Annual Fee    1,260.00
8193          Plan Reviews
8194          Review of plans for decommissioning, decontamination, reclamation, waste disposal pursuant to
8195          R313-15-1002, or site restoration activities    400.00+
8196          Plus added cost above 8 hours, per hour    60.00
8197          Investigation of a misadministration by a third party as defined in R313-30-5 or in R313-32-2, as
8198          applicable - Actual Cost
8199          General License
8200          Measuring, gauging and control devices
8201          Initial registration/renewal for first year    20.00
8202          Annual fee after initial registration/renewal    20.00
8203          In Vitro Testing
8204          Initial registration/renewal for first year    20.00
8205          Annual fee after initial registration/renewal    20.00
8206          Depleted Uranium
8207          Initial registration/renewal for first year    20.00
8208          Annual fee after initial registration/renewal    20.00
8209          Charge for Late Payment of Fees, for all fees, per 30 days late    25.00

8210          Specialized Computer-Generated Information, per hour    50.00
8211          Publication costs for making public notice of required actions - Actual Cost
8212          Reciprocity Fees
8213          Licensees who conduct the activities under the reciprocity provisions of R313-19-30
8214          Initial Filing of Application - Full Annual for Specific Category of User Listed Above
8215          Each Revision    200.00
8216          Expedited application review Applicable when, by mutual consent of the applicant and affected     75.00
8217          staff, an application request is taken out of date order and processed by staff per hour
8218          Management and oversight of impounded radioactive material - Actual Cost
8219          License amendment, for greater than three applications in a calendar year    200.00
8220          Annual Generator Site Access License
8221          1 - 100 cubic feet    500.00
8222          > 100 cubic feet    1,300.00
8223          Broker/collector    5,000.00
8224           Water Quality
8225          Water Quality Regulations, Complete set    30.00
8226          Water Quality Regulations, R317-1, 2, 5, 6, 7; R317-4, 10 and 100    2.00
8227          Water Quality Regulations, R317-3    10.00
8228          Water Quality Regulations, R317-8    10.00
8229          305(b) Water Quality Report    10.00
8230          Report Entitled: Utah's Lakes and Reservoirs-Inventory and Classification of Utah's Priority Lakes     50.00
8231          and Reservoirs
8232          Operator Certification
8233          Certification Examination    35.00
8234          Renewal of Certificate    10.00
8235          Renewal of Lapsed Certificate -late fee (per month, 30.00 maximum)    10.00
8236          Duplicate Certificate    20.00
8237          New Certificate - change in status    20.00
8238          Certification by reciprocity with another state    20.00
8239          Grandfather Certificate    20.00
8240          Water Quality Data Requests
8241          Computer Access Fee    25.00
8242          Computer Operator Fee, per hour (minimum charge 25.00)    60.00
8243          Individual Site/Each Year    1.00
8244          UPDES Permits
8245          Cement Manufacturing
8246          Major    3,600.00

8247          Minor    900.00
8248          Coal Mining and Preparation
8249          General Permit    1,800.00
8250          Fees for general permits issued for less than 5 years will be prorated based on a 5-year permit
8251          Individual Major    5,400.00
8252          Individual Minor    3,600.00
8253          Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO)
8254          General Permit*    500.00
8255          Fees for general permit issued for less than 5 years will be pro-rated based on a 5 year permit.
8257          Individual permit, per hour    60.00
8258          Construction Dewatering/Hydrostatic Testing General Permit - $100 minimum or    500.00
8259          Fees for general permits issued for less than 5 years will be prorated based on a 5-year permit
8260          Individual permit, per hour    60.00
8261          Dairy Products
8262          Major    3,600.00
8263          Minor    1,800.00
8264          Electric
8265          Major    4,500.00
8266          Minor    1,800.00
8267          Fish Hatcheries
8268          General Permit    500.00
8269          Fees for general permits issued for less than 5 years will be prorated based on a 5-year permit
8270          Individual Permit    1,800.00
8271          Food and Kindred Products
8272          Major    4,500.00
8273          Minor    1,800.00
8274          Hazardous Waste Clean-up Sites    10,800.00
8275          Geothermal
8276          Major    3,600.00
8277          Minor    1,800.00
8278          Inorganic Chemicals
8279          Major    5,400.00
8280          Minor    2,700.00
8281          Iron and Steel Manufacturing
8282          Major    10,800.00
8283          Minor    2,700.00

8284          LUST Cleanup
8285          General Permit    1,800.00
8286          Fees for general permits issued for less than 5 years will be prorated based on a 5-year permit
8287          Individual Permit    3,600.00
8288          Meat Products
8289          Major    5,400.00
8290          Minor    1,800.00
8291          Metal Finishing and Products
8292          Major    5,400.00
8293          Minor    2,700.00
8294          Mineral Mining and Processing
8295          Sand and Gravel    1,000.00
8296          Salt Extraction    1,000.00
8297          Other Majors    3,600.00
8298          Other Minors    1,800.00
8299          Manufacturing
8300          Major    7,200.00
8301          Minor    2,700.00
8302          Oil and Gas Extraction
8303          flow rate <= 0.5 MGD    1,800.00
8304          flow rate > 0.5 MGD    2,700.00
8305          Ore Mining
8306          Major    5,400.00
8307          Minor    2,700.00
8308          Major w/Conc. Process    10,800.00
8309          Organic Chemicals Manufacturing
8310          Major    9,000.00
8311          Minor    2,700.00
8312          Petroleum Refining
8313          Major    7,200.00
8314          Minor    2,700.00
8315          Pharmaceutical Preparations
8316          Major    7,200.00
8317          Minor    2,700.00
8318          Rubber and Plastic Products
8319          Major    4,500.00
8320          Minor    2,700.00

8321          Space Propulsion
8322          Major    10,000.00
8323          Minor    2,700.00
8324          Steam and/or Power Electric Plants
8325          Major    3,600.00
8326          Minor    1,800.00
8327          Water Treatment Plants (Except Political Subdivisions)
8328          General Permit    500.00
8329          Fees for general permits issued for less than 5 years will be prorated based on a 5-year permit
8330          Individual Permit    900.00
8331          Non-contact Cooling Water
8332          Flow rate <= 10,000 gpd    500.00
8333          10,000 gpd < Flow rate <=100,000 gpd    500.00 - 1,000.00
8334          100,000 gpd < Flow rate <=1.0 MGD    1,000.00 - 2,000.00
8335          Flow Rate > 1.0 MGD    3,000.00
8336          Note: Fee amt. will be prorated based on flow rate.
8337          Stormwater (Except Political Subdivisions)    3,600.00
8338          General Permit    500.00
8339          Fees for general permits issued for less than 5 years will be prorated based on a 5-year permit
8340          Individual, per hour    60.00
8341          Industrial Users    2,700.00
8342          Total Containment (Except Political Subdivisions)    500.00
8343          Permit Modification (Except Political Subdivisions), per hour    60.00
8344          Complex Facilities where the anticipated permit issuance costs will exceed the above categorical     60.00
8345          fees by 25 percent, per hour. (Permittee to be notified upon receipt of application.)
8346          Annual Ground Water Permit Administration Fee
8347          Tailings/Evap/Process Ponds; Heaps (per each)
8348          0-1 Acre    350.00
8349          1-15 Acres    700.00
8350          15-50 Acres    1,400.00
8351          50-300 Acres    2,100.00
8352          Over 300 Acres    2,800.00
8353          All Others
8354          Base (one regulated facility)    700.00
8355          Per each* additional regulated facility    700.00
8356          *(Multi-celled pond system or grouping of facilities with common compliance point is
8357          considered one facility.)

8358          Groundwater Discharge Permits, per hour (Except Political Subdivisions)    60.00
8359          Permit Modifications, per hour (Except Political Subdivisions)    60.00
8360          Underground Injection Wells Permits, per hour (Except Political Subdivisions)    60.00
8361          Permit Modifications, per hour (Except Political Subdivisions)    60.00
8362          Construction Permits
8363          Review and Processing Fee, per hour (Except Political Subdivisions)    60.00
8364          Oversight of Construction Activities, per hour    60.00
8365          Water Quality Cleanup Activities
8366          Corrective Action, Site
8367          Investigation/Remediation, per hour    60.00
8368          Analytical oversight - Actual Cost
8369          Administration of Consent Orders and Agreements, per hour    60.00
8370          Loan Administration Fees, per hour    60.00
8371          In lieu of fees for UPDES through Loan Administration (see preceding pages), the applicant or
8372           responsible party may voluntarily make advance payment for more than the established fee to
8373           facilitate oversight activities or permit issuance.
8374          Technical review of and assistance given for sales/use tax exemptions    60.00
8375          Domestic Sewage Sludge Permits (number of resident connections); annual fee
8376          0 - 4,000    518.00
8377          4,001 - 15,000    1,037.00
8378          More than 15,000    1,556.00
8379           Drinking Water
8380          Safe Drinking Water Regulations Rules
8381          Bound    10.00
8382          Loose Leaf    20.00
8383          Part I    5.00
8384          Part II    5.00
8385          Computer Disk    10.00
8386          Cross Connection Surveys - Actual Cost
8387          Special Surveys - Actual Cost
8388          File Searches - Actual Cost
8389          Particle Counter Rental, including set up and instruction - Actual Cost
8390          Fluorometer Dye Studies -Actual Cost
8391          Specialized Computer Runs, per hour    50.00
8392          Plan Review Filing Charge (for new systems, subdivisions, and public utilities)    200.00
8393          Well Sealing Inspection (per hour + mileage + per diem)    50.00
8394          Special Consulting/Technical Assistance, per hour    50.00

8395          Operator Certification Program Fees
8396          Record application fee (one time only)    20.00
8397          Examination fee (any level)    50.00
8398          Renewal of certification (every 3 years if applied for during designated period)    50.00
8399          Reinstatement of lapsed certificate    75.00
8400          Certificate of reciprocity with another state    50.00
8401          Conversion Fee (Specialist to Operator-Operator to Specialist)    20.00
8402          Cross Connection Control Program
8403          Record application fee (one time only)    10.00
8404          Examination fee    25.00
8405          Certification fee    75.00
8406          Renewal fee
8407          Class I    75.00
8408          Class II    100.00
8409          Class III    100.00
8410          All fees will be deposited in a special account to defray the costs of administering the Cross
8411          Connection Control and Certification programs.
8412          Financial Assistance Program Fees
8413          Application processing - Actual Cost
8414          Construction Inspection - Actual Cost
8415           Solid and Hazardous Waste
8416          Utah Hazardous Waste Rules    15.00
8417          Utah Solid Waste Rules    10.00
8418          Solid Waste Management Plan    10.00
8419          Utah Used Oil Rules    7.50
8420          RCRA Facility List    7.50
8421          Specialized Computer Runs, per hour    50.00
8422          Computer Disks, each    5.00
8423          Solid and Hazardous Waste Program Administration: (including Used Oil and Waste Tire
8424          Recycling Programs)
8425          The following review fees do not apply to municipalities, counties, or special service districts
8426          seeking Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste reviews.
8427          Professional, per hour    60.00
8428          Technical, per hour    25.00
8429          (This fee covers: Site Investigation and Site Remediation, Review of Plans and Plan
8430          Modifications, Review and Oversight of Consent Orders and Agreements and their related
8431          compliance activities and Review and Oversight of Construction Activities)

8432          Solid Waste Permit Filing Fees:
8433          The following fees apply to all solid waste facilities except municipalities, counties, or special
8434          service districts seeking Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste reviews.
8435          New Comm. Facility - Class V Landfills    1,000.00
8436          New Non-Commercial Facility    750.00
8437          New Incinerator:
8438          Commercial    5,000.00
8439          Industrial or Private    1,000.00
8440          Plan Renewals and Plan Modifications    100.00
8441          Variance Requests    500.00
8442          Waste Tire Recycling Fees:
8443          Waste Tire Recycler Registration Fee, annual    100.00
8444          Waste Tire Transporter Registration Fee, annual    100.00
8445          Used Oil Fees:
8446          Used Oil Collection Center Registration Fee - No Charge
8447          Used Oil DIYer Collection Centers Registration - No Charge
8448          Used Oil Transporter Permit Filing Fee    25.00
8449          Used Oil Transfer Facility Permit Filing Fee    25.00
8450          Used Oil Processor, Rerefiner Permit Filing Fee    25.00
8451          Used Oil Fuel Marketer Registration Fee, annual    25.00
8452          Used Oil Burner Off Spec Permit Filing Fee    25.00
8453          Used Oil Land Application Permit Filing Fee    25.00
8454      Section 3. This act takes effect July 1, 2001.

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