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H.B. 35
6 This act modifies the Information Technology Act by amending the Utah Technology
7 Infrastructure Innovation Program. The act expands the program to allow grants for
8 cross-agency technology innovation projects.
9 This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
11 63D-1-304, as enacted by Chapter 35, Laws of Utah 2000
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
13 Section 1. Section 63D-1-304 is amended to read:
14 63D-1-304. Utah Technology Infrastructure Innovation Program.
15 (1) There is created within the office of the chief information officer a program known as
16 the "Utah Technology Infrastructure Innovation Program."
17 (2) The Legislature recognizes the need for innovation in streamlining government
18 processes and decreasing costs of government through technology which will provide greater
19 efficiencies and better responsiveness by government to the citizens of the state.
20 (3) The program shall be funded from legislative appropriations made to the program.
21 (4) Money in the program shall be nonlapsing except that any monies in excess of
22 $5,000,000 unexpended at the close of each fiscal year shall lapse into the General Fund.
23 (5) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 63-38-3 , the chief information officer:
24 (a) may provide grants to individual agencies for single-agency or cross-agency technology
25 innovation projects as prescribed by Subsection (6); and
26 (b) shall favor granting monies to agency technology innovation projects that can show
27 clear cost savings to the state.
28 (6) In order to receive funds for proposed technology innovation projects, the agency shall
29 provide information to the chief information officer clearly identifying the return on investment
30 and cost savings to the program or agency from implementation of the project.
Legislative Review Note
as of 11-28-00 9:03 AM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
Committee Note
The Public Utilities and Technology Interim Committee recommended this bill.
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