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H.B. 313





Sponsor: A. Lamont Tyler

             5      This act modifies the Property Tax Act to address property tax exemptions, abatements, and
             6      other tax relief. This act gives to the county legislative body the authority to determine who
             7      performs functions given to the county. This act addresses extensions of filing deadlines.
             8      This act addresses tax relief claimed for disabled veterans or related persons, tax relief
             9      claimed by blind persons or related persons, and tax relief for indigent persons. This act
             10      clarifies the relationship between different property tax relief. This act addresses the process
             11      of applying for the homeowner's credit.
             12      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             13      AMENDS:
             14          59-2-1101, as last amended by Chapter 86, Laws of Utah 2000
             15          59-2-1104, as last amended by Chapter 354, Laws of Utah 1999
             16          59-2-1105, as last amended by Chapter 354, Laws of Utah 1999
             17          59-2-1106, as last amended by Chapter 87, Laws of Utah 1996
             18          59-2-1107, as last amended by Chapter 195, Laws of Utah 1998
             19          59-2-1108, as last amended by Chapter 227, Laws of Utah 1993
             20          59-2-1109, as last amended by Chapter 86, Laws of Utah 2000
             21          59-2-1202, as last amended by Chapter 309, Laws of Utah 1998
             22          59-2-1203, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 1987
             23          59-2-1206, as last amended by Chapters 20 and 309, Laws of Utah 1998
             24          59-2-1207, as last amended by Chapter 20, Laws of Utah 1998
             25          59-2-1211, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 1987
             26          59-2-1214, as last amended by Chapter 227, Laws of Utah 1993
             27          59-2-1215, as last amended by Chapter 227, Laws of Utah 1993

             28          59-2-1219, as last amended by Chapter 227, Laws of Utah 1993
             29          59-2-1220, as last amended by Chapter 20, Laws of Utah 1998
             30      REPEALS:
             31          59-2-1210, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 1987
             32      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             33          Section 1. Section 59-2-1101 is amended to read:
             34           59-2-1101. Exemption of property devoted to public, religious, or charitable uses --
             35      Proportional payments for government-owned property -- Intangibles exempt -- Signed
             36      statement required.
             37          (1) The exemptions, deferrals, and abatements authorized by this part may be allowed only
             38      if the claimant is the owner of the property as of January 1 of the year the exemption is claimed,
             39      unless the claimant is a federal, state, or political subdivision entity under Subsection (2)(a), (b),
             40      or (c), in which case the entity shall collect and pay a proportional tax based upon the length of
             41      time that the property was not owned by the entity.
             42          (2) The following property is exempt from taxation:
             43          (a) property exempt under the laws of the United States;
             44          (b) property of the state, school districts, and public libraries;
             45          (c) property of counties, cities, towns, special districts, and all other political subdivisions
             46      of the state, except as provided in Title 11, Chapter 13, [the] Interlocal Cooperation Act;
             47          (d) property owned by a nonprofit entity which is used exclusively for religious, charitable,
             48      or educational purposes;
             49          (e) places of burial not held or used for private or corporate benefit;
             50          (f) farm equipment and machinery; and
             51          (g) intangible property.
             52          (3) (a) The owner who receives exempt status for property, if required by the commission,
             53      shall file a signed statement, on or before March 1 each year, certifying the use to which the
             54      property has been placed during the past year. The signed statement shall contain the following
             55      information in summary form:
             56          (i) identity of the individual who signed the statement;
             57          (ii) the basis of the signer's knowledge of the use of the property;
             58          (iii) authority to make the signed statement on behalf of the owner;

             59          (iv) county where property is located; and
             60          (v) nature of use of the property.
             61          (b) If the signed statement is not filed within the time limits prescribed by the county
             62      [board of equalization], the exempt status may, after notice and hearing, be revoked and the
             63      property then placed on the tax rolls.
             64          (4) The county legislative body may adopt rules or ordinances to:
             65          (a) effectuate the exemptions, deferrals, abatements, or other relief from taxation provided
             66      in this part[.]; and
             67          (b) designate one or more persons to perform the functions given the county under this
             68      part.
             69          Section 2. Section 59-2-1104 is amended to read:
             70           59-2-1104. Exemption of property owned by disabled veterans or their unmarried
             71      surviving spouses and minor orphans -- Amount of exemption.
             72          (1) As used in this section, "residence" is as defined in Section 59-2-1202 , except that a
             73      rented dwelling is not considered to be a residence.
             74          (2) (a) Subject to Section 59-2-1105 , including the reduction provided for in Subsection
             75      59-2-1105 (5)(b), the first $82,500 of taxable value of the property described in Subsection (2)(b)
             76      is exempt from taxation if the residence is owned by:
             77          (i) a person who:
             78          (A) is less than 100% disabled; and
             79          (B) was disabled in the line of duty during any war, international conflict, or military
             80      training in the military service of the United States or of this state; or
             81          (ii) the [unremarried] unmarried surviving spouse and minor orphans of any person
             82      described in Subsection (2)(a)(i), or of a person who, during any war, international conflict, or
             83      military training in the military service of the United States or of this state, was killed in action or
             84      died in the line of duty as a result of the military service.
             85          (b) Subsection (2)(a) applies to the following property:
             86          (i) a residence;
             87          (ii) tangible personal property; or
             88          (iii) a combination of Subsections (2)(b)(i) and (ii).
             89          (3) (a) Subject to Section 59-2-1105 , the first $82,500 of the total taxable value of property

             90      described in Subsection (3)(b) is exempt from taxation if the property is owned by:
             91          (i) a person who:
             92          (A) is 100% disabled; and
             93          (B) was disabled in the line of duty during any war, international conflict, or military
             94      training in the military service of the United States or of this state; or
             95          (ii) the [unremarried] unmarried surviving spouse and minor orphans of any person
             96      described in Subsection (3)(a)(i), or of a person who, during any war, international conflict, or
             97      military training in the military service of the United States or of this state, was killed in action or
             98      died in the line of duty as a result of the military service.
             99          (b) Subsection (3)(a) applies to the following property:
             100          (i) real property, including a residence;
             101          (ii) tangible personal property; or
             102          (iii) a combination of Subsections (3)(b)(i) and (ii).
             103          Section 3. Section 59-2-1105 is amended to read:
             104           59-2-1105. Application for disabled veteran's exemption -- Proof requirements --
             105      Limitations on exemption.
             106          (1) (a) The exemptions authorized by Section 59-2-1104 may be allowed only if the
             107      interest of the claimant is on record on January 1 of the year the exemption is claimed.
             108          (b) If the claimant has an interest in real property under a contract, the exemption under
             109      Section 59-2-1104 may be allowed if it is proved to the satisfaction of the county [legislative body]
             110      that the claimant is:
             111          (i) the purchaser under the contract; and [is]
             112          (ii) obligated to pay the taxes on the property beginning January 1 of [that] the year the
             113      exemption is claimed.
             114          (c) If the claimant is the grantor of a trust holding title to real or tangible personal property
             115      on which an exemption is claimed, the claimant may claim the portion of the exemption under
             116      Section 59-2-1104 and be treated as the owner of that portion of the property held in trust for
             117      which the claimant proves to the satisfaction of the county that:
             118          (i) title to the portion of the trust will revest in the claimant upon the exercise of a power:
             119          (A) by:
             120          (I) the claimant as grantor of the trust;

             121          (II) a nonadverse party; or
             122          (III) both the claimant and a nonadverse party; and
             123          (B) regardless of whether the power is a power:
             124          (I) to revoke;
             125          (II) to terminate;
             126          (III) to alter;
             127          (IV) to amend; or
             128          (V) to appoint;
             129          (ii) the claimant is obligated to pay the taxes on that portion of the trust property beginning
             130      January 1 of the year the claimant claims the exemption; and
             131          (iii) the claimant meets the requirements under this part for the exemption.
             132          (2) (a) On or before September 1 each year, any person applying for a veteran's exemption
             133      shall file an application with the county [legislative body of the county] in which that person
             134      resides.
             135          (b) A county may extend the deadline for filing under Subsection (2)(a) until December
             136      31 if the county finds that good cause exists to extend the deadline.
             137          [(b) A] (c) The following shall accompany the initial application for exemption:
             138          (i) a copy of the veteran's certificate of discharge from the military service of:
             139          (A) the United States: or [of]
             140          (B) this state[,]; or
             141          (ii) other satisfactory evidence of eligible military service[, shall accompany the initial
             142      application for exemption].
             143          (3) If the application is made by a veteran who served in the military of the United States
             144      or of this state prior to January 1, 1921, or by the [unremarried] unmarried surviving spouse or
             145      minor orphan of that veteran, a certificate from the Department of Veterans Affairs, or from any
             146      other source required by the county [legislative body], showing the percentage of disability of the
             147      veteran shall accompany the application.
             148          (4) Any application made by a veteran who served in the military service of the United
             149      States or of this state on or after January 1, 1921, or by the [unremarried] unmarried surviving
             150      spouse or minor orphan of that veteran, shall be accompanied by a certificate from the Department
             151      of Veterans Affairs, or from any other source required by the county [legislative body], showing

             152      the percentage of disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty during any war, international
             153      conflict, or military training in the military service of the United States or of this state.
             154          (5) (a) If the veteran is 100% disabled, the veteran's property tax exemption is as provided
             155      in Subsection 59-2-1104 (3).
             156          (b) If the certificate under this section shows a lesser percentage of disability, the
             157      exemption allowed under Subsection 59-2-1104 (2) is that percentage of $82,500, except that [no]
             158      an exemption [is] may not be allowed for any disability below 10%.
             159          (6) The [unremarried] unmarried surviving spouse and minor orphans of a deceased
             160      veteran are entitled to the greater of:
             161          (a) the full exemption if the veteran's disability was 10% or more and the veteran served
             162      prior to January 1, 1921; or
             163          (b) the same exemption to which the disabled veteran would have been entitled, if the
             164      veteran served on or after January 1, 1921.
             165          [(7) The county legislative body may adopt rules to effectuate the exemptions from
             166      taxation under Section 59-2-1104 .]
             167          Section 4. Section 59-2-1106 is amended to read:
             168           59-2-1106. Exemption of property owned by blind persons or their unmarried
             169      surviving spouses or minor orphans -- Amount -- Application.
             170          (1) [The] (a) Subject to Subsections (2) and (3), the first $11,500 of taxable value of real
             171      and tangible personal property in this state owned by the following is exempt from taxation:
             172          (i) a blind [persons, their unremarried] person;
             173          (ii) the unmarried surviving [spouses,] spouse of a blind person; or [their]
             174          (iii) a minor [orphans is exempt from taxation, subject to Subsections (2) and (3)] orphan
             175      of a blind person.
             176          (b) If the claimant is the grantor of a trust holding title to real or tangible personal property
             177      on which an exemption is claimed, the claimant may claim the portion of the exemption under this
             178      section and be treated as the owner of that portion of the property held in trust for which the
             179      claimant proves to the satisfaction of the county that:
             180          (i) title to the portion of the trust will revest in the claimant upon the exercise of a power:
             181          (A) by:
             182          (I) the claimant as grantor of the trust;

             183          (II) a nonadverse party; or
             184          (III) both the claimant and a nonadverse party; and
             185          (B) regardless of whether the power is a power:
             186          (I) to revoke;
             187          (II) to terminate;
             188          (III) to alter;
             189          (IV) to amend; or
             190          (V) to appoint;
             191          (ii) the claimant is obligated to pay the taxes on that portion of the trust property beginning
             192      January 1 of the year the claimant claims the exemption; and
             193          (iii) the claimant meets the requirements under this part for the exemption.
             194          (2) (a) Every person [applying for] claiming the exemption [for the blind] under
             195      Subsection (1) shall[, on or before September 1 in each year,] file an application:
             196          (i) on or before September 1 in each year; and
             197          (ii) with the county [executive of the county] in which the person resides.
             198          (b) A county may extend the deadline for filing under Subsection (2)(a) until December
             199      31 if the county finds that good cause exists to extend the deadline.
             200          (3) The first year's application shall be accompanied by a statement signed by a licensed
             201      ophthalmologist verifying that the person:
             202          (a) has no more than 20/200 visual acuity in the better eye when corrected; or
             203          (b) has, in the case of better than 20/200 central vision, a restriction of the field of vision
             204      in the better eye which subtends an angle of vision no greater than 20 degrees.
             205          Section 5. Section 59-2-1107 is amended to read:
             206           59-2-1107. Indigent persons -- Amount of abatement.
             207          The county [executive] may remit or abate the taxes of any poor person meeting the
             208      requirements of Section 59-2-1109 in an amount not exceeding the lesser of:
             209          (1) the amount provided as a homeowner's credit for the lowest household income bracket
             210      under Section 59-2-1208 ; or
             211          (2) 50% of the total tax [assessed] levied for the current year.
             212          Section 6. Section 59-2-1108 is amended to read:
             213           59-2-1108. Indigent persons -- Deferral of taxes -- Treatment of deferred taxes.

             214          (1) (a) The county [board of equalization] may, after giving notice, defer any tax levied
             215      on residential property, subject to the conditions of Section 59-2-1109 .
             216          (b) If the owner of [that] the property described in Subsection (1)(a) is poor, the property
             217      may not be subjected to a tax sale during the period of deferment.
             218          (2) (a) Taxes deferred by the [board of equalization] county accumulate with interest as
             219      a lien against the property until the property is sold or otherwise disposed of.
             220          (b) Deferred taxes bear interest at the rate of 6% per year and have the same status as a lien
             221      under Sections 59-2-1301 and 59-2-1325 .
             222          (3) Deferral may be granted by the county [legislative body] at any time if:
             223          (a) the holder of any mortgage or trust deed outstanding on the property gives written
             224      approval of the application; and
             225          (b) the applicant is not the owner of income producing assets [which] that could be
             226      liquidated to pay the tax.
             227          (4) Any assets transferred to relatives in the prior three-year period shall be considered by
             228      the county [legislative body] in making [its] the county's determination.
             229          Section 7. Section 59-2-1109 is amended to read:
             230           59-2-1109. Indigent persons -- Deferral or abatement -- Application.
             231          (1) [No] A person under the age of 65 years is not eligible for [tax relief,] a deferral[,] or
             232      abatement provided for poor people under Sections 59-2-1107 and 59-2-1108 unless:
             233          (a) the county [legislative body] finds that extreme hardship would prevail if the grants
             234      were not made; or
             235          (b) the person is disabled.
             236          (2) (a) An application for the [exemption] deferral or abatement shall be filed on or before
             237      September 1 with the county [legislative body of the county] in which the property is located. [The
             238      application shall set forth adequate facts to support the person's eligibility to receive the
             239      exemption.]
             240          [(a)] (b) The application shall include a signed statement setting forth the eligibility of the
             241      applicant for the [exemption] deferral or abatement.
             242          [(b)] (c) Both husband and wife shall sign the application if [they] the husband and wife
             243      seek [an exemption] a deferral or abatement on a residence:
             244          (i) in which they both reside; and

             245          (ii) which they own as joint tenants.
             246          (d) A county may extend the deadline for filing under Subsection (2)(a) until December
             247      31 if the county finds that good cause exists to extend the deadline.
             248          (3) For purposes of this section:
             249          (a) [A] a poor person is any person:
             250          (i) whose total household income as defined in Section 59-2-1202 is less than the
             251      maximum household income certified to a homeowner's credit under Subsection 59-2-1208 (1);
             252          (ii) who resides for not less than ten months of each year in the residence for which the tax
             253      relief, deferral, or abatement is requested; and
             254          (iii) who is unable to meet the tax assessed on the person's residential property as the tax
             255      becomes due[.]; and
             256          (b) ["Residence"] "residence" includes a mobile home as defined under Section 59-2-601 .
             257          (4) If the claimant is the grantor of a trust holding title to real or tangible personal property
             258      on which an abatement or deferral is claimed, the claimant may claim the portion of the abatement
             259      or deferral under Section 59-2-1107 or 59-2-1108 and be treated as the owner of that portion of
             260      the property held in trust for which the claimant proves to the satisfaction of the county that:
             261          (a) title to the portion of the trust will revest in the claimant upon the exercise of a power:
             262          (i) by:
             263          (A) the claimant as grantor of the trust;
             264          (B) a nonadverse party; or
             265          (C) both the claimant and a nonadverse party; and
             266          (ii) regardless of whether the power is a power:
             267          (A) to revoke;
             268          (B) to terminate;
             269          (C) to alter;
             270          (D) to amend; or
             271          (E) to appoint;
             272          (b) the claimant is obligated to pay the taxes on that portion of the trust property beginning
             273      January 1 of the year the claimant claims the abatement or deferral; and
             274          (c) the claimant meets the requirements under this part for the abatement or deferral.
             275          [(4)] (5) The commission shall adopt rules to implement this section.

             276          [(5)] (6) Any poor person may qualify for:
             277          (a) the deferral of taxes under Section 59-2-1108 [, or];
             278          (b) if the person meets the requisites of this section, for the abatement of taxes under
             279      Section 59-2-1107 [,]; or
             280          (c) both[.]:
             281          (i) the deferral described in Subsection (6)(a); and
             282          (ii) the abatement described in Subsection (6)(b).
             283          Section 8. Section 59-2-1202 is amended to read:
             284           59-2-1202. Definitions.
             285          As used in this part:
             286          (1) (a) "Claimant" means a homeowner or renter who:
             287          (i) has filed a claim under this part;
             288          (ii) is domiciled in this state for the entire calendar year for which a claim for relief is filed
             289      under this part; and
             290          (iii) has reached the age of 65 prior to the close of that calendar year.
             291          (b) A surviving spouse, who otherwise qualifies under this section, is an eligible claimant
             292      regardless of age.
             293          (c) If two or more individuals of a household are able to meet the qualifications for a
             294      claimant, they may determine among them as to who the claimant shall be, but if they are unable
             295      to agree, the matter shall be referred to the county legislative body for a determination of the
             296      claimant of an owned residence and to the commission for a determination of the claimant of a
             297      rented residence.
             298          (2) (a) "Gross rent" means rental actually paid in cash or its equivalent solely for the right
             299      of occupancy, at arm's-length, of a residence, exclusive of charges for any utilities, services,
             300      furniture, furnishings, or personal appliances furnished by the landlord as a part of the rental
             301      agreement.
             302          (b) If a claimant occupies two or more residences in the year and does not own the
             303      residence as of the lien date, "gross rent" means the total rent paid for the residences during the
             304      one-year period for which the renter files a claim under this part.
             305          (3) "Homeowner's credit" means a credit against a claimant's property tax liability.
             306          (4) "Household" means the association of persons who live in the same dwelling, sharing

             307      its furnishings, facilities, accommodations, and expenses.
             308          (5) "Household income" means all income received by all persons of a household in:
             309          (a) the calendar year next preceding the year in which property taxes are due; or[,]
             310          (b) in the case of renters, the year in which a claim is filed.
             311          (6) (a) (i) "Income" means the sum of:
             312          (A) federal adjusted gross income as defined in Section 62, Internal Revenue Code[, plus];
             313      and
             314          (B) all nontaxable income as defined in Subsection (6)(b).
             315          (ii) "Income" does not include:
             316          (A) aid, assistance, or contributions from a tax-exempt nongovernmental source;
             317          (B) surplus foods;
             318          (C) relief in kind supplied by a public or private agency; or
             319          (D) relief provided under this part, Section 59-2-1108 , or Section 59-2-1109 .
             320          (b) For purposes of Subsection (6)(a)(i), "nontaxable income" means amounts excluded
             321      from adjusted gross income under the Internal Revenue Code, including:
             322          (i) capital gains;
             323          (ii) loss carry forwards claimed during the taxable year in which a claimant files for relief
             324      under this part, Section 59-2-1108 , or Section 59-2-1109 ;
             325          (iii) depreciation claimed pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code by a claimant on the
             326      residence for which the claimant files for relief under this part, Section 59-2-1108 , or Section
             327      59-2-1109 ;
             328          (iv) support money received;
             329          (v) nontaxable strike benefits;
             330          (vi) cash public assistance or relief;
             331          (vii) the gross amount of a pension or annuity, including benefits under the Railroad
             332      Retirement Act of 1974, 45 U.S.C. Sec. 231, and veterans disability pensions;
             333          (viii) payments received under the Social Security Act;
             334          (ix) state unemployment insurance amounts;
             335          (x) nontaxable interest received from any source;
             336          (xi) workers' compensation;
             337          (xii) the gross amount of "loss of time" insurance; and

             338          (xiii) voluntary contributions to a tax-deferred retirement plan.
             339          (7) (a) "Property taxes accrued" means property taxes, exclusive of special assessments,
             340      delinquent interest, and charges for service, levied on a claimant's residence in this state[, and in
             341      the case of].
             342          (b) For a mobile home, "property taxes accrued" includes taxes imposed on both the land
             343      upon which the home is situated and [also] on the structure of the home itself, whether classified
             344      as real property or personal property taxes.
             345          [(b)] (c) (i) Beginning on January 1, 1999, for a claimant who owns a residence, "property
             346      taxes accrued" are the property taxes described in Subsection (7)(a) levied for the calendar year
             347      on 35% of the fair market value of the residence as reflected on the assessment roll.
             348          (ii) The [reduction in fair market value under] amount described in Subsection
             349      (7)[(b)](c)(i) constitutes:
             350          (A) a tax abatement for the poor in accordance with Utah Constitution Article XIII, Section
             351      2; and
             352          (B) the residential exemption provided for in Section 59-2-103 .
             353          [(c)] (d) (i) For purposes of this Subsection (7) property taxes accrued are levied on the
             354      lien date.
             355          (ii) If a claimant owns a residence on the lien date, property taxes accrued mean taxes
             356      levied on the lien date, even if that claimant does not own a residence for the entire year.
             357          [(d)] (e) When a household owns and occupies two or more different residences in this
             358      state in the same calendar year, property taxes accrued shall relate only to the residence occupied
             359      on the lien date by the household as its principal place of residence.
             360          [(e)] (f) (i) If a residence is an integral part of a large unit such as a farm or a multipurpose
             361      or multidwelling building, property taxes accrued shall be the same percentage of the total property
             362      taxes accrued as the value of the residence is of the total value.
             363          (ii) For purposes of this Subsection (7)(f), "unit" refers to the parcel of property covered
             364      by a single tax statement of which the residence is a part.
             365          (8) (a) "Residence" means the dwelling, whether owned or rented, and so much of the land
             366      surrounding it, not exceeding one acre, as is reasonably necessary for use of the dwelling as a
             367      home, and may consist of a part of a multidwelling or multipurpose building and a part of the land
             368      upon which it is built and includes a mobile home or houseboat.

             369          (b) "Residence" does not include personal property such as furniture, furnishings, or
             370      appliances.
             371          (c) For purposes of this Subsection (8), "owned" includes a vendee in possession under
             372      a land contract or one or more joint tenants or tenants in common.
             373          Section 9. Section 59-2-1203 is amended to read:
             374           59-2-1203. Right to file claim -- Death of claimant.
             375          (1) (a) The right to file a claim under this part is personal to the claimant [and].
             376          (b) The right to file a claim does not survive the claimant's death[, but this].
             377          (c) The right to file a claim may be exercised on behalf of a claimant by:
             378          (i) a legal guardian of the claimant; or
             379          (ii) an attorney-in-fact of the claimant.
             380          (2) (a) If a claimant dies after having filed a timely claim, the amount of the claim shall
             381      be disbursed to another member of the household as determined by the commission.
             382          (b) If the claimant described in Subsection (2)(a) was the only member of the household,
             383      the claim may be paid to the executor or administrator, [but] except that if neither an executor or
             384      administrator is appointed and qualified within two years of the filing of the claim, the amount of
             385      the claim shall escheat to the state.
             386          (3) If the claimant is the grantor of a trust holding title to real or tangible personal property
             387      on which a credit is claimed, the claimant may claim the portion of the credit and be treated as the
             388      owner of that portion of the property held in trust for which the claimant proves to the satisfaction
             389      of the county that:
             390          (a) title to the portion of the trust will revest in the claimant upon the exercise of a power:
             391          (i) by:
             392          (A) the claimant as grantor of the trust;
             393          (B) a nonadverse party; or
             394          (C) both the claimant and a nonadverse party; and
             395          (ii) regardless of whether the power is a power:
             396          (A) to revoke;
             397          (B) to terminate;
             398          (C) to alter;
             399          (D) to amend; or

             400          (E) to appoint;
             401          (b) the claimant is obligated to pay the taxes on that portion of the trust property beginning
             402      January 1 of the year the claimant claims the credit; and
             403          (c) the claimant meets the requirements under this part for the credit.
             404          (4) The amount described in Subsection 59-2-1202 (7)(c)(i) is in addition to any other
             405      exemption or reduction for which a homeowner may be eligible, including the homeowner's credit
             406      provided for in Section 59-2-1206 .
             407          Section 10. Section 59-2-1206 is amended to read:
             408           59-2-1206. Application for homeowner's credit -- Time for filing -- Payment from
             409      General Fund.
             410          (1) (a) [Except as provided in Subsection (1)(d), a] A claimant applying for a homeowner's
             411      credit shall annually file an application for the credit with the county [legislative body] before
             412      September 1.
             413          (b) The application under this section shall:
             414          (i) be on forms provided by:
             415          (A) the commission; or
             416          (B) the county in which the applicant resides; and
             417          (ii) include a household income statement signed by the claimant stating that:
             418          (A) the income statement is correct; and
             419          (B) the claimant qualifies for the credit.
             420          (c) (i) Subject to [the provisions of Subsections] Subsection (1)(c)(ii) [and (1)(c)(iii)], a
             421      county [or the commission] shall reduce a claimant's property tax liability for the year in which the
             422      claimant applies for a homeowner's credit if the claimant meets the criteria for obtaining a
             423      homeowner's credit as provided in this part.
             424          (ii) A homeowner's credit under this part may not exceed the claimant's property tax
             425      liability for the year in which the claimant applies for a homeowner's credit under this part.
             426          [(iii) Except as provided in Section 59-2-1220 , a county or the commission may not apply
             427      a homeowner's credit under this part against a property tax liability that is more than 90 days
             428      delinquent.]
             429          [(d) An eligible claimant who fails to submit an application before the September 1
             430      deadline may request reimbursement for allowable credit by filing the application form directly

             431      with the commission on or before December 31.]
             432          [(e)] (d) A claimant may qualify for a homeowner's credit under this part regardless of
             433      whether the claimant owes delinquent property taxes.
             434          (2) (a) (i) The county [legislative body] shall compile a list of claimants and the
             435      homeowner's credits granted to the claimants for purposes of obtaining payment from the General
             436      Fund for the amount of credits granted.
             437          (ii) A county [legislative body] may not obtain payment from the General Fund for the
             438      [reduction in fair market value provided for] amount described in Subsection 59-2-1202 (7).
             439          (b) Upon certification by the commission the payment for the credits under this Subsection
             440      (2) shall be made to the county on or before January 1 if the list of claimants and the credits
             441      granted are received by the commission on or before November 30 of the year in which the credits
             442      under this part are granted.
             443          (c) If the commission does not receive the list under this Subsection (2) on or before
             444      November 30, payment shall be made within 30 days of receipt of the list of claimants and credits
             445      from the county.
             446          Section 11. Section 59-2-1207 is amended to read:
             447           59-2-1207. Claim applied against tax liability -- One claimant per household per
             448      year.
             449          (1) [The commission or a] A county may apply as provided in Subsection 59-2-1206 (1)(c)
             450      the amount of a credit under this part against:
             451          (a) a claimant's property tax liability; or
             452          (b) [against] the property tax liability of a spouse who was a member of the claimant's
             453      household in the year in which the claimant applies for a homeowner's credit under this part.
             454          (2) Only one claimant per household per year is entitled to payment under this part.
             455          Section 12. Section 59-2-1211 is amended to read:
             456           59-2-1211. Commission to provide forms and instructions -- County may prepare
             457      forms and instructions -- County legislative body to make rules.
             458          (1) The commission shall prescribe and make available suitable forms and instructions for:
             459          (a) claimants; and [county governing bodies.]
             460          (b) counties.
             461          (2) A county is not required to use the forms and instructions prescribed by the

             462      commission under Subsection (1) if the county prepares suitable forms and instructions for a
             463      claimant consistent with:
             464          (a) this chapter; and
             465          (b) rules adopted by the commission.
             466          (3) The county legislative body may adopt rules or ordinances to:
             467          (a) effectuate the property tax relief under this part; and
             468          (b) designate one or more persons to perform the functions given the county under this
             469      part.
             470          Section 13. Section 59-2-1214 is amended to read:
             471           59-2-1214. Redetermination of claim by commission or county.
             472          (1) If, on the audit of any claim filed under this part, the commission or the county
             473      [legislative body] determines the amount has been incorrectly determined, the commission or the
             474      county [legislative body] shall:
             475          (a) redetermine the claim; and
             476          (b) notify the claimant of the redetermination and its reason for the redetermination.
             477          (2) The redetermination provided in Subsection (1)(a) shall be final unless appealed within
             478      30 days after [this] the notice required by Subsection (1)(b).
             479          Section 14. Section 59-2-1215 is amended to read:
             480           59-2-1215. Fraudulent or negligently prepared claim -- Penalties and interest --
             481      Procedure.
             482          (1) (a) If the commission or the county [legislative body] determines that a claim is
             483      excessive and was filed with fraudulent intent[,]:
             484          (i) the claim shall be disallowed in full[,];
             485          (ii) the credit shall be cancelled[, and];
             486          (iii) the amount paid or claimed [may] shall be recovered by assessment[,]; and
             487          (iv) the assessment provided for in Subsection (1)(a)(iii) shall bear interest:
             488          (A) from the date of the claim[,];
             489          (B) until refunded or paid[,]; and
             490          (C) at the rate of 1% per month.
             491          (b) The claimant, and any person who assists in the preparation or filing of an excessive
             492      claim or supplies information upon which an excessive claim was prepared, with fraudulent intent,

             493      is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             494          (2) If the commission or the county [legislative body] determines that a claim is excessive
             495      and negligently prepared[,]:
             496          (a) 10% of the corrected claim shall be disallowed[,];
             497          (b) the proper portion of any amount paid shall be similarly recovered by assessment[,];
             498      and
             499          (c) the assessment provided for in Subsection (2)(b) shall bear interest at 1% per month
             500      from the date of payment until refunded or paid.
             501          Section 15. Section 59-2-1219 is amended to read:
             502           59-2-1219. Claim disallowed if residence obtained for purpose of receiving benefits.
             503          A claim shall be disallowed if the commission or county [legislative body] finds that the
             504      claimant received title to a residence primarily for the purpose of receiving benefits under this part.
             505          Section 16. Section 59-2-1220 is amended to read:
             506           59-2-1220. Extension of time for filing claim.
             507          [(1) In case of sickness, absence, or other disability, or if, in its judgment, good cause
             508      exists, the] The commission or a county [legislative body] may extend the time for filing a claim
             509      [for a period not to exceed six months] until December 31 of the year the claim is required to be
             510      filed, if the commission or county finds that good cause exists to extend the deadline.
             511          [(2) Notwithstanding Subsection 59-2-1206 (1)(c)(iii), if the commission or a county
             512      legislative body extends the time for filing a claim under Subsection (1), the commission or the
             513      county legislative body may apply a homeowner's credit under this part against a property tax
             514      liability that is more than 90 days delinquent.]
             515          Section 17. Repealer.
             516          This act repeals:
             517          Section 59-2-1210, Effective date for homeowner's and renter's credits.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-7-01 5:05 PM

This legislation amends the property tax exemption currently available to a blind person under
Utah statutes. All allowable property tax exemptions must be expressly provided for in the Utah
Constitution. Because the Utah Constitution does not provide for an exemption for property
owned by a blind person, the exemption could be subject to challenge.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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