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First Substitute H.R. 5

Representative Loraine T. Pace proposes to substitute the following bill:




Sponsor: Loraine T. Pace

             5      This resolution of the House of Representatives urges places of public accommodation to
             6      more fully comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure that persons who are
             7      hard of hearing receive the assistance required by the act.
             8      Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
             9          WHEREAS, the Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal law aimed at stopping
             10      discrimination against people with disabilities;
             11          WHEREAS, the Americans with Disabilities Act governs a wide variety of public
             12      accommodations including hotels, restaurants, movie and other theaters, auditoriums, offices of
             13      doctors, lawyers, and other professionals, hospitals, nursing homes, drug stores, insurance
             14      agencies, retail stores, museums, mortuaries, banks, libraries, parks, private schools and colleges,
             15      amusement and recreation facilities, and day care centers;
             16          WHEREAS, many places of public accommodation throughout the state of Utah do not
             17      have services and equipment that are adequate to meet the communication access needs of persons
             18      who are hard of hearing;
             19          WHEREAS, those who are hard of hearing often retreat from society rather than struggle
             20      to have their unique needs heard and understood;
             21          WHEREAS, places of public accommodation should work quickly and decisively to meet
             22      the communication access needs of persons who are hard of hearing and comply with federal laws
             23      and regulations; and
             24          WHEREAS, places of public accommodation may choose among various alternatives,
             25      including assistive listening systems, captioning, and interpreting, to meet the communication

             26      access needs of persons who are hard of hearing so long as the result is effective communication
             27      for the individual with hearing loss:
             28          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives of the state
             29      of Utah urges places of public accommodation to more fully comply with the provisions of the
             30      Americans with Disabilities Act governing services for those who are hard of hearing.
             31          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives urges places of public
             32      accommodation to more fully comply with federal law to ensure that Utahns who are hard of
             33      hearing are more firmly connected to society.
             34          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Utah State
             35      Division of Services to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

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