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First Substitute S.B. 146

Senator Ron Allen proposes to substitute the following bill:




Sponsor: Ron Allen

             5      This act modifies provisions pertaining to marriage. The act provides specific penalties for
             6      performing marriages without authority or a valid license. It also provides a penalty for a
             7      parent or guardian who allows a minor child to be married in violation of the law.
             8      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             9      AMENDS:
             10          30-1-5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             11          30-1-13, as last amended by Chapter 144, Laws of Utah 1992
             12          30-1-14, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             13          30-1-15, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             14      ENACTS:
             15          30-1-9.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             16      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             17          Section 1. Section 30-1-5 is amended to read:
             18           30-1-5. Marriage solemnization -- Before unauthorized person -- Validity.
             19          [No] (1) A marriage solemnized before [any] a person professing to have authority
             20      [therefor] to perform marriages shall not be [invalid] invalidated for [want] lack of [such]
             21      authority, if consummated in the belief of the parties or either of them that he had [such] authority
             22      and that they have been lawfully married.
             23          (2) This section may not be construed to validate a marriage that is prohibited or void
             24      under Section 30-1-2 .
             25          Section 2. Section 30-1-9.1 is enacted to read:

             26          30-1-9.1. Parental consent to prohibited marriage of minor -- Penalty.
             27          A parent or guardian who knowingly consents, encourages, promotes, or allows a minor
             28      child to enter into a marriage prohibited by S [ this chapter ] LAW s is guilty of a S [ class A misdemeanor ] THIRD DEGREE FELONY s .
             29          Section 3. Section 30-1-13 is amended to read:
             30           30-1-13. Solemnization without license -- Penalty.
             31          If any person S KNOWINGLY s solemnizes a marriage without a license, and if either party is
             31a      under 16 years
             32      of age, without a written authorization from a juvenile court, he is guilty of a S THIRD DEGREE
             32a      FELONY [ class [B] A
             33      misdemeanor, and a penalty of imprisonment shall be not less than [one month] six months
] s
             34          Section 4. Section 30-1-14 is amended to read:
             35           30-1-14. Acting without authority -- Impersonation -- Forgery -- Penalty.
             36          [If any person not authorized solemnizes a marriage under pretense of having authority, or
             37      falsely personates the father, mother or guardian in obtaining a license, or forges the name of the
             38      father, mother or guardian to] A person is guilty of a third degree felony if he:
             39          (1) S KNOWINGLY s solemnizes a marriage in violation of either Section 30-1-6 or 30-1-7 S
             39a      , OR 30-1-9.1 s ; S OR s
             40          (2) impersonates a parent or guardian of a minor to obtain a license for the minor to marry;
             41      or
             42          (3) forges the name of a parent or guardian of a minor on any writing purporting to give
             43      consent to [such marriage, he shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding
             44      three years] a marriage of a minor.
             45          Section 5. Section 30-1-15 is amended to read:
             46           30-1-15. Solemnization of prohibited marriage -- Penalty.
             47          [If any authorized person] Any person S [ authorized under Section 30-1-6 to solemnize a
             48      marriage
] s
who knowingly, with or without a license, solemnizes a marriage [such as is herein
             49      prohibited, he shall be imprisoned in the state prison not exceeding three years, or fined not
             50      exceeding $1,000, or be both so fined and imprisoned] prohibited by S [ this chapter ] LAW s is guilty of a third
             51      degree felony.

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