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January 18, 2001
Mr. Speaker:
The Judiciary Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 6, STANDARDS FOR ILLEGAL DRUG LAB DECONTAMINATION, by Representative A.L. Tyler, with the following amendments:
1. Page 2, Line 57: After "posting of notices," insert "securing structures,"
2. Page 3, Line 62: After line 62, insert:
"(3) Local health department regulations pertaining to owners who decontaminate their own property shall require that the owner comply with local health department regulations governing safety, decontamination standards, and disposal of contaminated debris."
3. Page 3, Line 71: After "posting of notices," insert "securing structures,"
Glenn L. Way
Committee Chair
Voting: 10-1-2
3 HB0006.HC1.wpd 1/18/01 10:12 am cwhite/JDH ECM/JDH
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