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        January 23, 2001

Mr. Speaker:

    The Workforce Services Committee recommends H.B. 79, PERSONS WITH A DISABILITY - TECHNICAL REVISIONS, by Representative T. McCartney, be replaced and reports a favorable recommendation on 1st Sub. H.B. 79, PERSONS WITH A DISABILITY - TECHNICAL REVISIONS with the following amendments:

1.    Page 24, Line 708:    After "property to a" insert "person who is"

2.    Page 24, Line 709:    Bracket "otherwise physically disabled" and insert "a"         and after "person" insert "who is otherwise physically         disabled"

3.    Page 24, Line 711:    Bracket "dog" and insert "animal"

4.    Page 24, Line 738:    After "state that" bracket "the" and insert "a person who         is"


    Richard M. Siddoway
    Committee Chair

Voting: 8-0-3
7 HB0079.HC1.wpd 1/23/01 9:32 am lrussell/ALH CMN/JBA

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