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        February 13, 2001

Mr. President:

    The Education Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 80, TEACHER TRANSFERS, by Representative M. Thompson, with the following amendments:

1. Page 1, line 17: (lilac)     After "school board" reinstate "[shall]" and delete "MAY"
Page 1, line 19: (lilac)    After "Partial credit reinstate "[shall]" and delete "MAY"
3. Page 1, line 22: (lilac) After "school board" reinstate "[shall]" and delete "MAY"
4. Page 1, line 27: (lilac)    After line 27, insert the following: "There is appropriated $336,000 from the Uniform School Fund to the State Board of Education."


        Bill Wright
        Committee Chair

Voting: 5-2-3
3 HB0080.SC1.wpd kallred/JWL JLW/JWL 2/13/01 9:37 am

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