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January 23, 2001
Mr. Speaker:
The Health and Human Services Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 83, CHILD WELFARE AMENDMENTS, by Representative W. Harper, with the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 7: Delete " separate database system for" and insert " separation of"
2. Page 2, Lines 52- 53: After "(e)" delete lines 52 through 53, and insert "maintain a separation of reports that are without merit in the system to identify the cases apart from substantiated cases and, where necessary, provide restricted access to the without merit cases."
3. Page 4, Line 120: After line 120 insert
"(c) For purposes of this Subsection (5)(a) and Subsections 62A-4a-116.5(3) and 62A-4a-116.5(4) "court of competent jurisdiction" means a court of record."
4. Page 5, Line 121: Bracket "(c)" and insert "(d)"
5. Page 5, Line 141: Bracket "(d)" and insert "(e)"
6. Page 7, Line 209: After "force" reinstate ",if necessary," and after "child" reinstate "." and delete the remainder of line 209
7. Page 7, Lines 210 and 211: Delete lines 210 and 211
Carl R. Saunders
Committee Chair
Voting: 8-4-0
3 HB0083.HC1.wpd 1/24/01 7:46 am bbushman/MDA CJD/MDA
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