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        January 25, 2001

Mr. Speaker:

    The Revenue and Taxation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 86, GOVERNMENT REVENUE AND TAX SYSTEM TASK FORCE, by Representative C. Bennion, et al, with the following amendments:
1.    Page 1, Line 13:    Delete "$114,000" and insert "$120,000"

2.    Page 2, Line 31:    After "(3)" insert "(a)" and delete "If the Legislative Management Committee authorizes the" and insert "The"

3.    Page 2, Line 32:    After "Force" delete "to" and insert "may" and after "establish" delete "a subcommittee" and insert "one or more subcommittees.
        (b) If the Government Revenue and Tax System Task Force establishes a subcommittee"

4.    Page 4, Line 94:    Delete "$18,000" and insert "$20,000"

5.    Page 4, Line 96:    Delete "$36,000" and insert "$40,000"


    Wayne A. Harper
    Committee Chair

Voting: 10-2-1
3 HB0086.HC1.wpd 1/25/01 9:22 am bhowe/BRH RLR/BRH

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