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        February 22, 2001

Mr. President:

    The Judiciary Committee reports a favorable recommendation on 1st Sub. H.B. 247, FILING WRONGFUL LIENS OR JUDGEMENTS, by Representative M. Dayton, with the following amendments:

1.     Page 1, Line 5:    
    House Floor Amendments
    2-16-2001:    After " act" delete " raises the penalty for refusing to correct a wrongful lien and"

2.    Page 1, Line 10
    House Floor Amendments
    2-16-2001:    Delete line 10

3.    Page 1, Lines 13 - 25
    House Floor Amendments
    2-16-2001:    Delete lines 13 through 25

4.    Page 2, Lines 26 - 31    Delete lines 26 through 31

5.    Page 3, Line 68:    After "judgment" insert "or notice of judgment"; after "wrongfully" bracket "entered under this section" and insert "filed against real property"


        David L. Gladwell
        Committee Chair

Voting: 5-0-1
3 HB0247.SC1.wpd dpryor/JDH ECM/JDH 2/22/01 8:44 am

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