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        February 21, 2001

Mr. Speaker:

    The Revenue and Taxation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 370, HAZARDOUS WASTE AMENDMENT, by Representative J. Alexander, with the following amendments:
1.    Page 6, Line 168:    After "July 1," delete "2001" and insert "2002"
2.    Page 6, Line 168:    After "operator of" delete "a" and insert "an active"
3.    Page 6, Line 169:            After "fee of" delete "$2,000,000" and insert "$200,000"
4.    Page 14, Line 409:    After "(A)" delete "$1.00" and insert "25 cents"
5.    Page 14, Line 410:    After "(B)" delete "$1.00" and insert "25 cents"
6.    Page 14, Line 412:    After "(C)" delete "$1.00" and insert "25 cents"
7.    Page 14, Line 415:    After "(D)" delete "$3.00" and insert "$2.00"
8.    Page 14, Line 417:    After "(E)" delete "$4.00" and insert "$3.00"
9.    Page 14, Line 419:    After "(F)" delete "$4.00" and insert "$3.00"
10.    Page 14, Line 421:    After "(ii)" delete "$400" and insert "$300"

    Wayne A. Harper
    Committee Chair

Voting: 9-3-1
3 HB0370.HC1.wpd 2/21/01 7:49 pm bhowe/BRH SCA/CA

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