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February 28, 2001

Mr. President and Mr. Speaker:

    The Joint Conference Committee comprised of Sens. Beverly Evans, David L. Gladwell, and Mike Dmitrich, and Reps. Gerry A. Adair, David L. Hogue, and Gary F. Cox, recommends S.B. 2, 2001 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND AND CAPITAL FACILITIES AUTHORIZATIONS, by Senator B. Evans, with the following amendments:

1.    Adopt the lilac amendments dated 2-23-2001 on pages 1, 4, 4a, and 4b.

2.    Page 4a, Line 114s    After "Prison to" bracket "a private" and insert "an"
    Lilac copy dated 2-23-2001     and after "constructing" bracket "a"

3.    Page 4a, Line 114t    Bracket "waste" and after "[sorting" insert a close
    Lilac copy dated 2-23-2001    bracket and insert         "recycling" and reinsert "and transfer" delete "recycling"and bracket "facility" and insert "facilities"

4.    Page 4a, Line 114v    After "(i) the" bracket "private"
    Lilac copy dated 2-23-2001

5.    Page 4a, Line 114w    After "lease with the" bracket "private"
    Lilac copy dated 2-23-2001

6.    Page 4a, Line 114z    After "(v) the" bracket "private"
    Lilac copy dated 2-23-2001

7.    Page 4a, Line 114af    After "(viii) the" bracket "private"
    Lilac copy dated 2-23-2001

8.    Page 4a, Line 114ah    After "(ix) the" bracket "private"
    Lilac copy dated 2-23-2001


        Sen. Beverly Evans
        Senate Chair, Conference Committee

        Rep. Gerry A. Adair
        House Chair, Conference Committee

Voting: 6-0-0
17 SB0002.CC1.wpd 2/27/01 11:29 am jfellows/ JLF/JQC

Bill Number
Action Class

