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February 14, 2001
Mr. Speaker:
The Judiciary Committee reports a favorable recommendation on 1st Sub. S.B. 64, ADOPTION LAW AMENDMENTS, by Senator T. Spencer, with the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 16: After " changes." insert " This act contains a coordination clause."
2. Page 5, Line 121: After "Safety" insert "in accordance with the provisions of Section 62A-2-120"
3. Page 8, Line 216: After line 216 insert:
"Section 6. Coordination Clause.
If this bill and House Bill 269 both pass, it is the intent of the
Legislature that in preparing the Utah Code database for publication, the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall revise Section 78-30-7 to read:
"(1)Adoption proceedings shall be commenced by filing a petition with the clerk of the district court either:
(a)in the district where the person adopting resides[
(b)with the juvenile court as provided in [
(2)If a child is conceived in Utah, adoption proceedings may be commenced by filing a petition with the clerk of a court in the district court where the child was born.
(3)All orders, decrees, agreements, and notices in the proceedings shall be filed with the clerk of [
Glenn L. Way
Committee Chair
Voting: 10-0-3
3 SB0064.HC1.wpd 2/14/01 9:48 am cwhite/JDH CMN/JBA
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Action Code