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        January 18, 2001

Mr. President:

    The Human Services Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 97, SPECIAL NEEDS ADOPTION SERVICES, by Senator L. Hillyard, with the following amendments:


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1.    Page 1, Line 9:    After "compacts." insert "This act includes a coordination clause."

2.    Page 4, Line 109:    After "disability;" insert "or"

3.    Page 4, Lines 110 - 111:    Delete lines 110 through 111

4.    Page 4, Line 112:    Delete "(d)" , insert "(c)"

5.     Page 5, Line 121:    Before "infrequent" insert "time limited,"

6.    Page 5, Lines 149 - 150:            After "may not exceed the" delete the remainder of line 149 and line 150 and insert "maximum foster care payment or residential room and board payment that would be paid at the time the subsidy amount is initiated or revised."

7.    Page 6, Line 156:     After "determined" insert "by the division"

8.    Page 6, Line 169:    After "ceases;" delete "or"

9.    Page 6, Line 171:    After "parents" insert ";
        (g) the child marries; or
         (h) the child enters military service

10. Page 8, Line 225:    After line 225 insert
        "Section 9. Coordination Clause.
        If this bill and H.B. 79, Persons With a Disability Technical Revisions, both pass, it is the intent of the Legislature that the amendments in Subsection 62A-4a-105(8) in this bill supercede the amendments to Subsection 62A-4a-105(8) in H.B. 79.


        John W. "Bill" Hickman
        Committee Chair

Voting: 4-0-2
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